Recipe for Success

1 T. Hayashi, K. Murakami, “The Effects of Laughter on Post-Prandial Glucose Levels and Gene Expression in Type 2 Diabetic Patients,” Life Sciences Journal,85, 5-6 ( July 2009): 185-7.

2 Y. Ohtsuka, N. Yabunaka, S. Takayama, “Shinrin-Yoku (Forest-Air Bathing and Walking) Effectively Decreases Blood Glucose Levels in Diabetic Patients,” International Journal of Biometeorology,41,3 (February 1998): 125-7.

3 N. Jutapakdeegul, S.O. Casalotti, P. Govitrapong, N. Kotchabhakdi, “Postnatal Touch Stimulation Acutely Alters Corticosterone Levels and Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene Expression in the Neonatal Rat,” Developmental Neuroscience,25, 1 ( January-February 2003): 26-33.

4 K. Uvnas-Moberg, M. Petersson. “Oxytocin, A Mediator of Anti-Stress, Well-Being, Social Interaction, Growth, and Healing,” Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie,51, 1 (2005): 57-80.

5 G.S. Liu, H.E. Tsai, W.T. Weng, et al, “Systemic Pro-Opiomelanocortin Expression Induces Melanogenic Differentiation and Inhibits Tumor Angiogenesis in Established Mouse Melanoma,” Human Gene Therapy, 22, 3 (March 14, 2011): 325-35.

6 S.V. Ramagopalan, A. Heger, et al, “A ChIP-seq Defined Genome-Wide Map of Vitamin D Receptor Binding: Associations With Disease and Evolution,” Genome Research,20 (October 2010): 1352-1360.

7 K. Berridge, e-mail to author on October 15, 2012.

8 N. Wade, “Eden? Maybe. But Where’s the Apple Tree?” New York Times (April 30, 2009) Science Section.

The Inner Connection

1 A. Williams, “Friends of a Certain Age: Why Is It Hard to Make Friends Over 30?” The New York Times ( July 13, 2012) Fashion Section.

2 D.G. Myers, “The Powers and Perils of Intuition,” Psychology Today(November 1, 2002).

3 R. Wolff, Original Wisdom: Stories of an Ancient Way of Knowing (Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International, 2001).

4 B. Dehghan, E. Enjedani, F.A. Meybodi, S. Sadeghi, “The Study of Immediate, Unconscious, and Conscious Thought Condition in the Post Choice Satisfaction: A Replicated Study,” Procedia—Social and Behavioral Sciences,30 (2011): 1201-1204.

5 A. Dijksterhuis, T. Meurs, “Where Creativity Resides: The Generative Power of Unconscious Thought,” Consciousness and Cognition15, 1 (March 2006): 135-146.

6 M.E. McCullough, “The Forgiveness Instinct,” Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life(Spring 2008)

7 N. Wolchover, “Why Humans Prevailed Over Neanderthals,” Discovery News (June 5, 2012) http://news.

The Body Connection

1 W.J. Cromie, “Of Hugs and Hormones: Lack of Touch Puts Kids Out of Touch,” The Harvard University Gazette ( June 11, 1998).

2 K.M. Grewen, S.S. Girdler, J. Amico, K.C. Light, “Effects of Partner Support on Resting Oxytocin, Cortisol, Norepinephrine, and Blood Pressure Before and After Warm Partner Contact,” Psychosomatic Medicine, 67, 4 ( July 1, 2005): 531-538.

3 N. Dworkin-McDaniel, “Touching Makes You Healthier,” ( January 5, 2011). http://www.cnn. com/2011/HEALTH/01/05/

4 T. Field, M. Hernandez-Reif, M. Diego, S. Schanberg, C. Kuhn, “Cortisol Decreases and Serotonin and Dopamine Increase Following Massage Therapy,” International Journal of Neuroscience,115, 10 (October 2005): 1397-1413.

5 T. Field, M. Hernandez-Reif, M.Diego, S. Schanberg, C. Kuhn, “Cortisol Decreases and Serotonin and Dopamine Increase Following Massage Therapy.”

6 N. Dworkin-McDaniel, “Touching Makes You Healthier,”

7 B. Leuner, E.R. Glasper, E. Gould, “Sexual Experience Promotes Adult Neurogenesis in the Hippocampus Despite an Initial Elevation in Stress Hormones,” Public Library of Science,5, 7 ( July 14, 2010): e11597.

8 M.H. Rapaport, P. Schettler, C. Bresee, “A Preliminary Study of the Effects of a Single Session of Swedish Massage on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal and Immune Function in Normal Individuals,” The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16, 10 (September 1, 2010): 1-10.

9 B. Holmes, “Achilles Tendon Is Key to Evolution of Human Running,” New Scientist (April 1, 2010)

10 F.M. Painter, “Forward Head Posture Page,” (blog). Updated April 2, 2012, LINKS/Forward_Head_Posture.shtml.

11 R. Sakakibara, K. Tsunoyama, et al, “Influence of Body Position on Defecation in Humans,” LUTS: Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms, 2, 1 ( Janurary 11, 2010): 16-21.

12 E. Barclay, “For Best Toilet Health: Squat or Sit?” NPR (September 28, 2012) health/2012/09/20/161501413/for-best-toilet-health-squat-or-sit; D. Sikirov, “Management of Hemorrhoids: A New Approach,” Israel Journal of Medical Sciences (1987): 23, 284-286.

13 D. Sikirov, “Comparison of Straining During Defecation in Three Positions,” Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 48, 7 ( July 2003): 1201-1205.

14 C. Cotman, N. Berchtold, “Exercise: A Behavioral Intervention to Enhance Brain Health and Plasticity,” Trends in Neurosciences, 25, 6 ( June 2002): 295–301

15 Ibid.

16 O. Judson, “Stand Up While You Read This!” The New York Times(February 23, 2010) http://opinionator.

17 T. Yates, et al, “Self-Reported Sitting Time and Markers of Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, and Adiposity,” American Journal of Preventative Medicine,42, 1 ( January 2012): 1-7.

18 A. Bankston, “Office-Dwellers Stand Up to ‘Sitting Disease,’” Star Tribune ( January 27, 2012). www.

19 S.J. Colcombe, et al, “Aerobic Fitness Reduces Brain Tissue Loss in Aging Humans,” The Journals of Gerontology, Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 58, 2 (February 2003): 176-180.

20 L.E. Hill, S.K. Droste, et al, “Voluntary Exercise Alters GABA(A) Receptor Subunit and Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase-67 Gene Expression in the Rat Forebrain,” Journal of Psychopharmacology, 24, 5 (May 2010): 745-756.

21 C.C. Streeter, et al, “Effects of Yoga Versus Walking on Mood, Anxiety, and Brain GABA Levels: A Randomized Controlled MRS Study,” The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,16, 11 (November 2010): 1145-1152.

The Nature Connection

1 A. Stevens, The Two Million-Year-Old Self (College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1993).

2 S. Kumar, K. Kriegstein, K. Friston, T. Griffeths, “Features Versus Feelings: Dissociable Representations of the Acoustic Features and Valence of Aversive Sounds,” The Journal of Neuroscience,32, 41 (October 10, 2012): 14184-14192.

3 D. March, “Nature’s Sights, Sounds Ease Pain During Bone Marrow Extraction,” The Johns Hopkins Gazette (Oct. 18, 2010)

4 B.J. Park, Y. Tsunetsugu, T. Kasetani, T. Kagawa, Y. Miyazaki, “The Physiological Effects of Shinrin-Yoku (Taking in the Forest Atmosphere or Forest Bathing): Evidence From Field Experiments in 24 Forests Across Japan ,” Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine,15, 1 ( January 2010): 18-26.

5 Q. Li, “Effect of Forest Bathing Trips on Human Immune Function,” Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine, 15, 1 ( January 2010): 9-17.

6 M. Roberts, “The Touchy-Feely (but Totally Scientific!) Methods of Wallace J. Nichols,” Outside Magazine (November 8, 2011)

7 Ibid.

8 F. Soyka, The Ion Effect (Toronto, Canada: Lester and Orpen Limited, 1977): 145-146.

9 D. Reid, The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity: A Modern Practical Guide to the Ancient Way (New York: Touchstone Publishing, 1989).

10 C. Ober, M. Zucker, Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?(Laguna Beach, CA: Basic Health Publications, Inc., 2010).

11 Ibid.

12 Ibid.

13 P.H. Kahn Jr., et al, “A Plasma Display Window?—The Shifting Baseline Problem in a Technologically Mediated Natural World,” Journal of Environmental Psychology, 28, 2 (May 8, 2008): 192-199.

14 “Dogs That Changed the World: What Caused the Domestication of Wolves?” wnet/nature/episodes/dogs-that-changed-the-world/what-caused-the-domestication-of-wolves/1276/.

15 N.A. Shevchuk, S. Radoja, “Possible Stimulation of Anti-Tumor Immunity Using Repeated Cold Stress: A Hypothesis,” Infectious Agents and Cancer 2, 20 (November 12, 2007); regarding muscle recovery: C. Bleakley, S. McDonough, E. Gardner, G.D. Baxter, J.T. Hopkins, G.W. Davison, “Cold-Water Immersion (Cryotherapy) for Preventing and Treating Muscle Soreness After Exercise,” The Cochrane Library, 2 (February 15, 2012).

16 W. Davis, The Wayfinders: Why Ancient Wisdom Matters in the Modern World (Toronto: House of Anansi Press, Inc., 2009).

17 R. Louv, The Nature Principle (Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin Books, 2011).

18 Hui-Mei Chen, Hung-Ming Tu, Chaang-Iuan Ho, “Exploring Dimensions of Attitudes Toward Horticultural Activities,” HortScience, 45(7), ( July 2010).

19 A.E. Van Den Berg, et all, “Allotment Gardening and Health: A Comparative Survey Among Allotment Gardeners and Their Neighbors Without an Allotment,” Environmental Health, 9, 74 (2010) http://www.ehjournal. net/content/9/1/74

20 A.J. Sommerfeld, T.M. Waliczek, J.M. Zajicek, “Growing Minds: Evaluating the Effect of Gardening on Quality of Life and Physical Activity Level of Older Adults.” Hort Technology, 20, (2010) content/20/4/705.abstract.

The Rhythm Connection

1T. Saitoa, R. Okamotoa, T. Harituniansa, J. O’Kellya, et al., “Novel Gemini Vitamin D3 Analogs Have Potent Antitumor Activity,” The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 112, 1-3 (November 2008): 151-56.

2 K. Than, “Americans Are Info-Junkies,” Tech News Daily, (December 14, 2009) http://www.technewsdaily. com/16-americans-are-info-junkies-.html.

3 M. Richtel, “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price,” The New York Times ( June 6, 2010). Technology section.

4 T.F. Juster, et al., “Changing Times of American Youth: 1981-2003,” Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan. Child Development Supplement (2004), report.pdf.

5 V. Rideout, et al, “Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-Olds,” The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (2005).

6 M. Richtel, “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price,” The New York Times( June 6, 2010) http://www.

7 “The Sourcebook for Teaching Science,” California State University, Northridge. health/docs/tv&health.html.

8 “Watching TV Linked to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,” University of Bolton. (April 1, 2009)

9 Jakob Nielsen’s Alert Box (blog).

10 T. Tamkins, “Drop That BlackBerry! Multitasking May Be Harmful,” (August 25, 2009)

11 J. Hamilton, “Think You’re Multitasking? Think Again,” 2, 2008). templates/story/story.php?storyId=95256794

12 Regarding metabolic syndrome: “Moderate Exercise Cuts Rate of Metabolic Syndrome,” Duke Health. org (Dec. 17, 2007).; regarding breast cancer: S.A. Adams, et al., “Association of Physical Activity with Hormone Receptor Status: The Shanghai Breast Cancer Study,” Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention,15 ( June 2006); regarding cardiovascular and mortality: J. Myers, et al., “Exercise Capacity and Mortality among Men Referred for Exercise Testing,” New England Journal of Medicine (March 14, 2002): 793-801

13 D. Avni-Babad, “Routine and Feelings of Safety, Confidence, and Well-Being,” British Journal of Psychology,102, 2 (March 11, 2011): 223-44.

14 M. Csikszentmihalyi, Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life, (New York: Basic Books, 1997). 

15 M. Csikszentmihalyi, “Finding Flow,” Psychology Today ( July 1, 1997). articles/199707/finding-flow.

16 M. Csikszentmihalyi, Finding Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience.

17 Sat Bir S. Khalsa, et al., “Yoga Ameliorates Performance Anxiety and Mood Disturbance in Young Professional Musicians,” Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback,34, 4 (December 2009): 278-89.

The social Connection

1 Early Human Kinship: From Sex to Social Reproduction, N. J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar, W. James, Eds. (West Sussex, U.K.: Blackwell-Wiley, 2011); S. Mithen, After the Ice: A Global Human History 20,000-5000 BC, (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003).

2 Early Human Kinship: From Sex to Social Reproduction, N.J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar, W. James, Eds.

3 T. Ingold, “On the Social Relations of the Hunter-gatherer Band,” The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers, Richard B. Lee, Richard Daly, Eds., (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999).

4 Regarding motor skill retention: A.S. Buchman, et al., “Association Between Late-Life Social Activity and Motor Decline in Older Adults,” Archives of Internal Medicine,169, 12 ( June 22, 2009): 1139-46; regarding cancer survival: C.H. Kroenke, “Social Networks, Social Support, and Survival After Breast Cancer Diagnosis,” Journal of Clinical Oncology24, 7 (March 1, 2006): 1105-11; regarding immune response: S.D. Pressman, et al., “Loneliness, Social Network Size, and Immune Response to Influenza Vaccination in College Freshmen,” Health Psychology,24, 3 ( July 2005): 348; regarding memory preservation: K.A. Ertel, et al., “Effects of Social Integration on Preserving Memory Function in a Nationally Representative U.S. Elderly Population,” American Journal of Public Health 98, 7 (May 29, 2008): 1215-20; regarding longevity: L.C. Giles, “Effect of Social Networks on 10 Year Survival in Very Old Australians: the Australian Longitudinal Study of Aging,” Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 59 (2005).

5 Regarding Alzheimer’s: R.S. Wilson, et al., “Loneliness and Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease,” Archives of General Psychiatry, 64, 2 (2007): 234-40; regarding heart disease: K. Orth-Gomer, et al., “Lack of Social Support and Incidence of Coronary Heart Disease in Middle-Aged Swedish Men,” Psychosomatic Medicine, 55, 1 ( Jan-Feb, 1993): 37-43.

6 J. Holt-Lunstad, T.B. Smith, J.B. Layton, “Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-analytic Review,” PLOS Medicine ( July 27, 2010).

7 L. F. Berkman, S. L. Syme, “Social Networks, Host Resistance, and Mortality: A Nine-Year Follow-Up Study of Alameda County Residents,” American Journal of Epidemiology,109, 2 ( July 25, 1978): 186-204.

8 E.M. Friedman, “Sleep Quality, Social Well-Being, Gender, and Inflammation: An Integrative Analysis in a National Sample,” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,1231 (August 2011): 23-34.

9 R. Dunbar, “Neocortex Size as a Constraint on Group Size in Primates,” Journal of Human Evolution,22 (December 1992): 20, 469-93; R. Dunbar, “Kinship in Biological Perspective,” Early Human Kinship: From Sex to Social Reproduction, N.J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar, W. James, Eds. (West Sussex, U.K.: Blackwell-Wiley, 2011): 131-50.

10 R. Dunbar, “Neocortex Size as a Constraint on Group Size in Primates,” Journal of Human Evolution, 22.

11 M. Connelly, “More Americans Sense a Downside to an Always Plugged-In Existence,” The New York Times ( June 6, 2010). Technology section.

12 L. Jaremka, et al., “What Makes Us Feel the Best Also Makes Us Feel the Worst: The Emotional Impact of Independent and Interdependent Experiences,” Self and Identity10 (March 23, 2010): 44-63.

13 G.J. Stephens, “Speaker-listener Neural Coupling Underlies Successful Communication,” PNAS107, 32 ( July 26, 2010).

14 D.J. Hruschka, et al., “Shared Norms and Their Explanation for the Social Clustering of Obesity,” American Journal of Public Health,101, Suppl.1 (May 9, 2011): S295-300.

15 J. Gokee LaRose, T.M. Leahey, B.M. Weinberg, R. Kumar, R.R. Wing, “Young Adults’ Performance in a Low Intensity Weight Loss Campaign,” Obesity20, 11 (November 2012): 2314-6.

16 D. Marron, “Memories Are a Durable Investment,” The Christian Science Monitor (blog: May 1, 2012).

17 Ibid.

18 C. Sedikides, et al.,”Nostalgia: Past, Present, and Future,” Current Directions in Psychological Science,17, 5 (Oct. 2008): 304-07.

19 P. Arnstein, et al., “From Chronic Pain Patient to Peer: Benefits and Risks of Volunteering,” Pain Management Nursing,3, 3 (September 2002): 94-103.

20 N. Krause, et al., “Providing Support to Others and Well-Being in Later Life,” Journal of Gerontology,47, 5 (September 1992): 301-11.

21 Handbook of Mind-Body Medicine for Primary Care, ed. D. Moss, et al., (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2003).

22 P. Arnstein, “From Chronic Pain Patient to Peer: Benefits and Risks of Volunteering,” Pain Management Nursing,3, 3 (Sept. 2002): 94-103.

23 Emory University. “Compassion Meditation May Improve Physical And Emotional Responses To Psychological Stress.” ScienceDaily, 7 Oct. 2008.

The Play Connection

1 P. Sims, “The Montessori Mafia,” The Wall Street Journal (April 5, 2011). Review section.

2 B. Elgin, “Managing Google’s Idea Factory,” (Oct. 2, 2005).

3”The Weight of the Nation,” HBO (website).

4 Ilanit Gordon, et. al., “Oxytocin and the Development of Parenting in Humans,” Biological Psychiatry, 68, 4 (Aug. 15, 2010): 377-82.

5 “Use It or Lose It: Mind Games Help Healthy Older People Too,” BioMed Central (March 27, 2012).

6 D. Jopp, C. Rott, “Adaptation in Very Old Age: Exploring the Role of Resources, Beliefs, and Attitudes for Centenarians’ Happiness,” Psychology and Aging, 21, 2 (2006): 266-280

7 Marian Vanhaeren, et al., “Middle Paleolithic Shell Beads in Israel and Algeria,” Science Magazine, 12, 5781 ( June 23, 2006): 1785-88.

8 Stuart Brown, Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul (New York: Penguin Group, 2009).

9 Clive Gamble, “Kinship and Material Culture: Archeological Implications of the Human Global Diaspora,” Early Human Kinship: From Sex to Social Reproduction, eds. N.J. Allen, H. Callan, R. Dunbar, W. James (West Sussex, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2011).

10 “Weaving Traditional Arts into the Fabric of Community Health,” Alliance for California Traditional Arts (Oct. 2011).

11. P. Ghosh, “Oldest Musical Instrument Found,” BBC News ( June 25, 2009).

12 G. Marcus, G. Miller, “Did Humans Invent Music?” The Atlantic (April 16, 2012).

13 N. Uedo, et al., “Reduction in Salivary Cortisol Level by Music Therapy During Colonoscopic Examination,” Hepato-gastroenterology, 51, 56 (Mar-Apr 2004): 451-3; T. Yamamoto, et al., “Effects of Pre-exercise Listening to Slow and Fast Rhythm Music on Supramaximal Cycle Performance and Selected Metabolic Variables,” Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry3, 3 ( July 2003): 211-14; C. Conrad, et al., “Overture for Growth Hormone: Requiem for Interleukin-6?” Critical Care Medicine 35, 12 (December 2007).

14 N.K. Dess, “Music On the Mind,” Psychology Today(September 1, 2000).; “Music Training Enhances Brainstem Sensitivity to Speech Sounds, Neuroscientist Says,” Science Daily (February 22, 2010).

15 D. Ackerman, A Natural History of the Senses (New York: Random House, 1990).