
Putting It
All Together

In this chapter, we will explore exactly how to combine all of the training and put it into practical and successful use. First of all, in order to use magic there would need to be a goal. Once we’ve determined our goal, the next step is to figure out what type of spell we need to use. Is it a positive and growth-related spell such as, “I need more money”? Or is it a negative or dissipating spell such as, “I need to decrease my debt”? Or is it a goal that requires as much energy as possible, such as extreme healing or protection? After we figure out the type of magic needed, we have to figure out when to cast the spell according to proper magical timing. After the timing is determined, we must gather together all the tools and materials needed for the spell. Finally, on the day of the spell, we need to take a cleansing bath, begin our meditation process, and then cast a circle. Once the circle is cast, we may then work the spell we have chosen, open the circle, ground our energies, and lastly, tell no one of our magic (at least until it has been successful).

Let’s examine the importance of using a circle in magical work, how to cast one, and how to open one.

The Circle

The circle is a spiritually cleansed and properly prepared area that is used for magical or religious rituals by most modern witches. The magic circle is constructed by first setting up a circular boundary on the floor using such things as cords, flowers, salt, or cornmeal and then projecting energy from your body into this area. The intention is to create a sphere of energy that extends both above and below ground, completely encapsulating the desired working area and those within. Creating a magic circle is a relatively simple process and should be performed prior to any magical ritual. The circle helps to contain and focus magical energy during spell work and blocks out any outside interference.

The method for constructing a circle is a very basic, reliable, modern means of creating sacred space. In my particular tradition, we have a specific means of preparing a ritual area that involves different tools and somewhat different methods. I am choosing to give you the basic method, as it is quite effective and should be easily compatible with most spiritual paths. You will need to gather together all your ritual items and any other participants within the ritual area, as you will be casting the circle around them. Once the circle is cast, everyone must remain within its boundaries. If someone walks through the circle, it will break and the energy will dissipate. The circle would then have to be recast from the beginning.

Circle Casting

Items needed:


The circular boundary should be large enough that all the participants can comfortably stand within without breaking the sphere of energy. A nine-foot diameter is traditional but not mandatory. After the boundary has been laid, mark the points of the cardinal directions (north, east, south, and west) in some special way. You may use candles if you wish (green, brown, or black for north; yellow or white for east; red for south; silver or blue for west), flat stones, or some other means to mark the directions.

Generally speaking, it is believed that each of the four directions is connected to one of the classical four elements of earth, air, fire, water, though there are exceptions to this belief. Many (if not most) practitioners of magic see earth connected to the north, air to the east, fire to the south, and water to the west. Specific candle colors are chosen to correspond with these elements. The reason to identify the directions and mark them according to their elemental associations is that we are going to acknowledge and “call” the elemental essences into our circle to lend their energies for both protection and as an aid to our magic.

The next step is to arrange the altar in the center facing north. Place the red candle in the southwest area of the altar. First, light the altar candles, then the red candle, then and any point (direction) candles if used. After everything is arranged and all are ready, it is time to actually cast the circle. This is done by holding the knife in your dominant hand (the one you write with) and while standing within the circle at the north point, going into a relaxed meditative state. When you are relaxed, summon energy and visualize that the energy streams forth, through your body and out of the knife blade as beautiful, electric bluish-white light. When you feel the energy begin to flow, slowly walk in a clockwise direction within the circle holding the knife out to project energy along the circular boundary. You should begin and end in the north. In your mind’s eye, see the energy stretch and grow into a sphere that encapsulates the entire circular area within a perfect orb of spiritual power. Walk the boundary while projecting energy three times; as you make the first pass say, “I cast this circle to protect from harm.” As you make the second pass say, “I cast this circle to focus our power.” As you make the final pass say, “I cast this circle to be sacred space.” Each line is an affirmation of your intent and only needs to be stated once, though could be repeated if desired.

When you have finished creating the energy circle, return to the altar and fill the cup with saltwater. Bless the saltwater to neutralize negative energy by holding the cup in your hands and sending your energy and intention into the water. When the saltwater is blessed to your satisfaction, return to the north and begin to sprinkle some of the water around the circle. Again, move around the circle in a clockwise motion, beginning and ending in the north. After sprinkling the water, light the incense and carry the censer clockwise around the circle; then carry the red candle clockwise around the circle as well.

It is now time to call upon the elemental energies to bless your circle. To do this, first stand facing north and call to the energies and essence of the earth element, “Power of earth, I ask you to attend this circle.” Try to feel and visualize the earth energy at the north point of the circle. Next, face east and call, “Power of air, I ask you to attend this circle.” Again, visualize the power of air draw in at the eastern point of the circle. Then, face south and call, “Power of fire, I ask you to attend this circle.” Visualize the power of fire manifesting in the southern point of the circle. Finally, turn to the west and say, “Power of water, I ask you to attend this circle.” Visualize the essence of water coming into the western point of the circle. As a visualization, it is good to see a colored mist form above the chosen directional marker (candle, stone, etc.) after calling that element. You are likely to see green, brown, or black for earth; yellow or white for air; red for fire; and silver or blue for water. Now, complete the circle casting by saying, “The circle is cast. So mote it be!”

Opening the Circle

After casting the circle, your spell can be performed (ideas and instructions for spellcasting later in this book). After the spell is complete, the circle must be undone. To properly open the circle and release its energy, the following rite should be performed.

Standing in the north, hold the knife up and say, “Thank you, powers of the north. I release you.” Now, visualize the earth energy dissolving into vapor. Repeat in the east for air, south for fire, and west for water. Return to the north and hold the knife out into the circle and visualize the energy of the circle being absorbed into the knife. Walk slowly around the circle, counterclockwise and say, “I open this circle. May it be open but ever unbroken!”

Cutting a Doorway in the Circle

Sometimes we forget things. Sometimes we forget to silence the phone. Sometimes we get a knock on the door. When these things happen during circle, rather than just walking through the circle and breaking it (thus having to start all over), you can simply cut a doorway in the circle so that you can exit without any problem. To cut a doorway, you just have to go to the edge of the circle’s boundary holding your athame. Bend down to the floor, piercing the circle at the point it reaches the ground. Next, visualize some of the energy of the circle being absorbed into the athame and cut an archway in the circle, moving counterclockwise and making sure that it is tall enough to walk through. You have now created a void in the circle that you can step through without breaking it. The rest of the circle’s energy will remain intact. When you return; step into the circle and hold the athame at the base of the circle and moving in a clockwise arch, send the energy back into the circle, filling in the void.

Once a circle has been cast, you are ready to cast any spell you choose. The circle can be an important component of spell work because the magic circle acts as a container of spiritual energy; helping to focus it and preventing some of it from dissipating before the spell has been cast. Remember, though, that it is not always necessary to create a magic circle to cast a spell. Successful spells can still be cast without an elaborate circle. In fact, you can create a simplified magic circle just by going into a meditative state and visualizing yourself (and your altar area) surrounded by a bluish-white bubble of energy. There are several spells (such as most of the verbal magic section) meant to be cast when needed, on the spur of the moment when there would be no time for a full-scale circle rite.

One last note on the circle: If your altar is against a wall, you can visualize the circle boundary either going into the wall or even extending through the wall to the outside (whether it be a full circle or the simplified magic circle). The important thing when using a circle is that you and your working space are contained within it. Of course, if it needs to go through a wall, just mark the boundary of the rest of the circle, finishing by having the markers run up to the wall, then cast the circle as usual.


Using symbols in magic is another way of utilizing the principle of correspondence. Symbols are a means of connecting to and channeling power from the force that the symbol represents. Symbols contain no inherent energy. They are merely representations of spiritual forces, templates to which we must add power and meaning in order for them to be useful. A symbol speaks to our artistic, right-brained side, the side that works magic. This part of our brain prefers to work with shape and color. This is why we use candles, symbols, and rituals to power magic. These tools speak to our magical side and help us access and channel the necessary power.

Magical symbols have been utilized for centuries. In choosing symbols, it is preferable to use symbols that have stood the test of time and have been found useful and efficient. It is necessary when choosing a symbol to make sure that the symbol has an easily identifiable resemblance to what it is supposed to represent. For example, it would be foolish and most likely ineffective to use a giant lightning bolt symbol when attempting to channel lunar energy as this would have no obvious connection to the moon. A crescent would be the appropriate and obvious choice because the moon more often appears crescent shaped to us.

The study of ancient and modern magical symbols is complex and involved. To begin, I will share a list of common symbols, many of which will be used later in spells in this book. Further research is always encouraged.



Seven-pointed “Faery Star”: The Faery Star is a symbol of faery power, the elements combined with the self, and the concept of “as above, so below.” It represents luck, the days of the week, and the seven planets of the ancients (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun, and Moon). These were the only “planets” other than Earth known at the time, so the bulk of magical planetary lore is attached to them.


Spiral: Spirals are the symbol of life, growth, and eternity. The very core of our being is expressed through spirals. The DNA molecule is an intertwined double spiral. The magnetic field of the earth itself is said to be in the form of a spiral. Various places of power such as standing stones and stone circles have magnetic fields in the form of spirals that reverse their polarity after a time. The so-called “cone of power,” the magical energy raised by a group in ritual, takes the form of a spiral as well.


Two spirals: These are sometimes drawn together, one spiraling one way, the other the opposite, to form spiral oculi (double spirals resembling eyes). As a symbol of the eyes, these are protective, increase clairvoyance, and promote good health and wisdom. As a symbol of life forces, one spiral represents winding into the still center of all things while the other spirals outward from the center back to the everyday world. These are excellent symbols of and for meditation. Used individually, the clockwise spiral represents the positive polarity of the life force, similar to the pentagram, while the counter-clockwise spiral represents the negative polarity of the life force, similar to the inverted pentagram.


Triangle: A triangle is a threefold symbol of manifestation. Pointed up, it symbolizes ascent, fire, electric manifestation (sending energy out to create change), and growth. Pointed down, it symbolizes water, descent, decline, and magnetic manifestation (drawing things to you). Pointed up with a horizontal line through the middle, it symbolizes the element of air; pointed down with a horizontal line through the middle, it symbolizes the element of earth. These symbols can help draw in the elemental energies if they are drawn or painted (using elemental colors) on flat stones or disks and placed at the appropriate directions in a magic circle.


Triquetra: The three points of the triquetra represent the three realms of land, sea, and sky in Irish myth and legend, as well as birth, life, and death; mother, father, and child; mental, physical, and spiritual; and thinking, willing, and feeling. All the sacred “threes” are illustrated by this sign. It is frequently used as a symbol of the Goddess, each point seen as one of the three aspects of maiden, mother, and crone.


Triskele: The triskele is related to the triquetra. This is a symbol of evolution and spirituality, the continual spiraling back and forth of all in existence. “Triquetra” is the Latin word for triskele. The triskele is a more basic form; most are drawn using three spirals or bent arms joined together in the middle, rather than the more complex interlaced patterns of many triquetras. Most of the symbolism regarding the triquetra applies to the triskele.

Zodiac Symbols: These are the symbols of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The dates given for each sign are approximate, as the true astrological dates can vary slightly from year to year.

Color Symbolism

Color is used to lend its vibration to spells and rituals. Each color has a specific wavelength and rate of vibration. Using the rainbow as an example, red has the largest wavelength and slowest vibration, which is why it is the outermost band in the rainbow. As you move through the rainbow, each succeeding color (orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet) has a shorter wavelength and faster vibration. Color has been shown to affect mood and even brainwave levels. People have used different colors and colored light as an aid to healing and relaxation.

Aside from any aesthetic or health-related uses, color has been used in various magical ways for centuries. Charm bags are made from fabric in specific colors, spells are written on paper in colored inks, even gemstones can be chosen according to their color as one means of determining their magical abilities. One of the most popular uses for color in magic is in the use of colored candles in spells and rituals. Certain colors connect with energies and intentions better than others. For example, indigo (midnight blue) is a very good color for connecting to psychic energy because its higher vibration promotes deeper levels of consciousness. Orange, on the other hand, would not promote a psychic state of mind; its larger wavelength is suited for communication and boosting energy levels rather than a relaxed psychic state.

When using different shades of a given color, the darker shades draw in power and the lighter shades project power. They should be placed on the altar accordingly: the left side (darker colors) and the right side (lighter colors). There are some intentions that have more than one color associated with them; for example, most colors have protective qualities (my favorites are red, white, and black). Below is a quick list of color correspondences to use in magic. See Appendix Two for further information.

Red: fire, strength, passion, courage, protection

Orange: communication, energy, change in accordance with will

Yellow: intellect, divination, learning, persuasion, air (note: clear bright yellow can substitute for gold)

Green: growth, fertility, abundance, love (color of Venus), plants, earth

Blue: water, healing, happiness, peace

Indigo: psychic ability

Violet: spirituality, meditation, higher power

Brown: earth, animals

Black: drawing in energy, dissolving illness or negativity, protection, multipurpose

White: sending out energy, purification, protection, air

Gray: neutrality, stalemate (clear light gray can substitute for silver)

Silver: Goddess energy, dreams, moon magic, intuition

Gold: God energy, strength, sun magic, success, prosperity

Copper: love (again, tied to Venus), beauty

Pink: love, friendship, emotional healing

If you are using colored candles for magic, please note that plain white or natural beeswax candles can be used in place of the colored ones if the colors are unavailable. The colors are an enhancement, and though much preferred, are not mandatory. If possible, you could place the candles in colored holders to still draw in that energy.

Sample Spell

The following example contains practical applications of each of the steps in the previous chapters and should provide you with a complete overview of the (general) magical process. In this example, assume that you want to cast a spell to find your lost cat. Because animals are independent beings with a mind, a will, and a destiny all their own, and because we don’t precisely know where the cat is or what happened, it is best to use a spell designed to draw and encourage the cat to come home rather than a manipulative one used to compel the cat back to you against the cat’s will. Keeping this in mind, let’s use a modified version of the spell “To Call an Animal Familiar” (“familiar” referring to an animal helper of a witch) on page 95.

This spell was originally designed to draw a new animal familiar to you but we will modify it so that it can be used to bring back an animal with which you already have an existing relationship. Since we become very close to our pets, slightly modifying this spell to help bring a dear friend back into our lives should be no problem. Let’s name it “To Call Our Cat Home.”

Before performing this rite, it is best to clearly remember whatever physical, mental, and personality qualities your lost cat possesses. Make a list of these attributes on a piece of paper and copy it down in your magical journal. Doing so will fine-tune your intent and ensure that your message is sent to the right cat. This spell is best performed on the full moon because this is a time of enhanced psychic ability and you are trying to psychically communicate with your cat.

Items needed:

After you have gathered the ingredients and arranged your altar, you must take a cleansing bath. Then, remember a time when you were with the cat, how much the cat means to you, and all the happiness you shared. This is not a time for sadness or the feeling of loss at their absence; that would defeat the purpose. You must remember the loving familial relationship you had with the cat. Try to feel “warm and fuzzy.” The final step of preparation is to use one of the beginning meditations, such as the rainbow meditation, to bring you into a relaxed meditative state. It is now time to begin the spell.


It is necessary to first summon energy; then light your altar candles. The next step is to dress each brown candle with the oil (rub the oil from the middle of the candle up to the wick, then from the middle down to the base) as you pour energy and the loving desire to be reunited with the cat into the candles. Brown candles are used for this spell because this color is associated with earth, grounding, and animal magic. It is a color that a cat would naturally respond better to than say magenta or orange. Now, sit before the altar and light the charcoal in the cauldron. Sprinkle some of the burning mixture into the cauldron as well. As the scented smoke swirls, rises, and drifts through the air, study your list of personality traits and visualize your lost cat; feel a deep emotional bond to them. Whisper your cat’s name to yourself. See yourself reunited with the cat as though it has already taken place!

When your energy, connection, and visualization are strong, light the brown candles (first the left dark-brown candle, then right light-brown candle) and chant the following spell:

Loving kinship forged in time,
Ally, helper, guardian, friend,
(Cat’s name), if you desire to renew our bond,
Follow the beacon that to you, I send.
Only for good and with harm to none,
So I say, this spell is done!

Stare into the dark-brown candles flame as you focus on a “pulling” sense, creating a sort of energy current, a pathway for your cat to reach you. As you do this, look once more on the list of personality traits. Then, light this list in the dark-brown candle’s flame and drop it into the cauldron. Say aloud, “It is done.” Leave the candles burning for at least one hour (if it is safe to do so).

It is now necessary to ground your energy as you have been taught. Then, after the candle is extinguished and has cooled, gather all the leftover bits from your spell and bury them in the earth. Then, of course, clean and put away your ritual tools.

Don’t forget to keep silent about your magical work so as to avoid diminishing your spell’s power. You should also go out and look for the cat. All magic must be followed up with mundane actions in order to create the harmony needed for your goal to manifest. If I cast a spell for a new job but then stay in my house for a month, never talking to people or even looking at the classifieds, I cheat myself of the opportunity for my magic to work.

I hope this spell has explained all the steps necessary to work magic and has shown that spells can easily be tailored to your personal needs as long as you are careful in your modifications. Magic is an art, a science, and a way of life. It will take time, practice, and trial and error in order to build these skills. Once these skills are acquired, the ability to work magic is a wonderful and life-changing gift. It is also something that carries a great deal of responsibility. Having the ability to affect situations, animals, and people can become a dangerous pursuit if selfishness or carelessness creeps in. Magic should truly be worked for the good of all.

Even negative magic should still contain blessing elements if at all possible. Likewise, blessings should carry a “for the good of all” caveat so that you don’t accidentally bless someone harmful. Yes, even blessings can be dangerous. If you bless someone and they commit some sort of crime, the blessing could act to impede their capture, or worse. To add “for the good of all” or “harming none” or “for only the highest good” into the blessing eliminates any negative unforeseen consequences.

It is a good idea to do this when working magic for others. It is sometimes difficult to judge the true motivations of others. It should be understood that personal gain can be achieved without loss or denial to another and that personal gain is only taboo when one gains from another’s suffering. Intentionally causing denial or loss to another is a negative act and should be avoided at all cost. If you work magic for everyone’s good as a matter of practice, you automatically eliminate any accidental cruelty on your part. Remember: What goes around really does come back around! It may even return with greater intensity, so it is always in your best interest to strive to work only positive magic, thus ensuring that only positive energy returns to you.

Don’t cast any spell simply for practice. If genuine need is not present, it would be much harder to generate the proper focus, emotional connection, and enough power to work the spell. Thoughts, feelings, and willpower must all combine to create the magical spark necessary to work true magic!
