List of Plates
- The British siege exercise at Chatham in July 1907.
- A French miner at the face of demi-galerie G5, Beta salient, Carency.
- German miners in chalk, Somme.
- German mine gallery, Hooge, Ypres Salient, late 1916 or early 1917.
- A French officer uses a geophone to detect the sounds of German mining.
- The opposing lines and mine-riven no man’s land of Éparges ridge.
- The aftermath of a German mine blow viewed from their side of the Éparges ridge.
- Vauquois, 16 June 1916.
- Sapper William Hackett of Mexborough, Rotherham.
- The explosion of 40,600lbs of ammonal by 252 Tunnelling Company beneath Hawthorn Ridge.
- General Plumer, Major General Harington and Lieutenant General Byng.
- Lieutenant Colonel Mike Watkins MBE lifts a bag of ammonal explosive from a 6,500lb mine charge.
- A German electrical boring machine used for dugout construction.
- Men of the German 148th Infantry Regiment in a tunnel 15m below ground in the Champagne area in 1917.
- ‘To the last penny.’ A well-stocked canteen store.
- The Grange Subway, one of twelve infantry communication tunnels prepared prior to the assault on Vimy Ridge in April 1917.
- A German dugout.
- A scene in a German dugout at 9m depth.
- Bunks in the main gallery of Martha House Dugout, 1996.
- The shaft to the Vampir dugout excavated by the Association for Battlefield Archaeology and Conservation in 2008.
- A stepped incline entrance to a British dugout system at Ravine Wood.