List of Plates

  1. The British siege exercise at Chatham in July 1907.
  2. A French miner at the face of demi-galerie G5, Beta salient, Carency.
  3. German miners in chalk, Somme.
  4. German mine gallery, Hooge, Ypres Salient, late 1916 or early 1917.
  5. A French officer uses a geophone to detect the sounds of German mining.
  6. The opposing lines and mine-riven no man’s land of Éparges ridge.
  7. The aftermath of a German mine blow viewed from their side of the Éparges ridge.
  8. Vauquois, 16 June 1916.
  9. Sapper William Hackett of Mexborough, Rotherham.
  10. The explosion of 40,600lbs of ammonal by 252 Tunnelling Company beneath Hawthorn Ridge.
  11. General Plumer, Major General Harington and Lieutenant General Byng.
  12. Lieutenant Colonel Mike Watkins MBE lifts a bag of ammonal explosive from a 6,500lb mine charge.
  13. A German electrical boring machine used for dugout construction.
  14. Men of the German 148th Infantry Regiment in a tunnel 15m below ground in the Champagne area in 1917.
  15. ‘To the last penny.’ A well-stocked canteen store.
  16. The Grange Subway, one of twelve infantry communication tunnels prepared prior to the assault on Vimy Ridge in April 1917.
  17. A German dugout.
  18. A scene in a German dugout at 9m depth.
  19. Bunks in the main gallery of Martha House Dugout, 1996.
  20. The shaft to the Vampir dugout excavated by the Association for Battlefield Archaeology and Conservation in 2008.
  21. A stepped incline entrance to a British dugout system at Ravine Wood.