

Series Editor’s Foreword by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.

Foreword by Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D.


Part I: Theory

Chapter 1: Hierarchical Information Processing: Cognitive, Emotional, and Sensorimotor Dimensions

Chapter 2: Window of Tolerance: The Capacity for Modulating Arousal

Chapter 3: Attachment: The Role of the Body in Dyadic Regulation

Chapter 4: The Orienting Response: Narrowing the Field of Consciousness

Chapter 5: Defensive Subsystems: Mobilizing and Immobilizing Responses

Chapter 6: Adaptation: The Role of Action Systems and Tendencies

Chapter 7: Psychological Trauma and the Brain: Toward a Neurobiological Treatment Model (by Ruth Lanius, Ulrich Lanius, Janina Fisher, and Pat Ogden)

Part II: Treatment

Chapter 8: Principles of Treatment: Putting Theory into Practice

Chapter 9: The Organization of Experience: Skills for Working with the Body in Present Time

Chapter 10: Phase 1 Treatment: Developing Somatic Resources for Stabilization

Chapter 11: Phase 2 Treatment: Processing Traumatic Memory and Restoring Acts of Triumph

Chapter 12: Phase 3 Treatment: Integration and Success in Normal Life
