*1 Traditionally the Chinese physician based his diagnosis in part on the timbre and tone of voice of the patient. The names of the tones are untranslatable—they correspond to our do, re, mi, fa, and so. La and si (ti) do not exist because the ancient Chinese system envisaged only five tones.
*2 It is the sodium that one needs to avoid in the case of arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure.
*3 Dried ginger as referred to in these recipes is still in root form; it is not powdered. Dried ginger is used a lot in Chinese medicine. It is available at Chinese pharmacies.
*4 First-degree burns are characterized by redness of the skin—sunburn is a typical example. Second-degree burns are characterized by redness and blistering. Third-degree burns destroy all the skin and some of the underlying muscle and appear dry, leathery, and charred.
*5 About 5 percent of all cases of obesity are due to hormonal imbalances or glandular defects.