

Title Page



Allied Invasions of Iwo Jima and Okinawa

Okinawa, April 1–8, 1945

Okinawa, April 9–June 30, 1945

Authors’ Note

Prologue: Prelude to Battle

1: Okinawa

2: Surprises Ahead

3: Settling In

4: The Enemy Emerges

5: Coming Ashore

6: A Price to Be Paid

7: Sharpening the Focus

8: The Snakes Come Slithering In

9: Trudging On

10: The End of the Honeymoon

11: No Rest for the Weary

12: Dark Days

13: Tombstones Everywhere

14: Cactus Hill Coming Up

15: Cutting the Cactus

16: Time Out

17: Tragedy on the Ridge

18: Slaughter

19: The Struggle to Escape

20: Bravery Unequaled

21: Valor

22: No Letup in Sight

23: A Storm Unabated

24: Darkness Descends

25: In the Dead of Night

26: While No One Sleeps

27: What Next?

Starting Over: The Next Phase

28: The Next Step

29: Struggling On

30: Nonstop!

31: Clearing the Crags

32: Going On

33: The Escarpment

34: One More Hill to Climb

35: Onward and Upward

36: Deadly Deadeyes

37: Endless Struggle

38: Digging In

39: Making Do

40: Plowing Ahead

41: Disaster

42: Conical Hill

43: No Chivalry Left

44: Monsoon Season

45: The Lost Platoon

46: Air Strikes

47: Stalemate

48: Rolling On

49: The Big Apple

50: The Home Stretch

51: The Final Battle

52: The Bomb

53: The Road Home

54: Morning Comes Again



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