The focus of this chapter and the next is on the basic rituals that make up the Golden Dawn practitioner’s magical tool kit, the building blocks of ritual magic in our tradition. These are the basic rites of invocation for every force that has been described in previous chapters: elemental, Qabalistic, planetary, and zodiacal. In short, they are the Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram, which play an integral role in practical workings and are among the key features of Golden Dawn magic.
Advanced students are given these rites for their own personal magical work. They should be memorized, which is actually easier than it may seem, because the individual rituals are not that long. Committing the Pentagrams and Hexagrams to memory is essential. These short, separate rituals are often used in more complex ceremonies, strung together back-to-back, or adapted for specific energy workings as we will later show.
Most of the rituals given in these chapters have the following characteristics in common. They can be used to:
• Set up the theurgist’s magic circle of protection
• Consecrate the Sacred Space with specific energies
• Balance and harmonize the energies invoked
• Align the magician with the guiding energy of Spirit
• Pinpoint a single energy force for extra emphasis in a working
• Center the magician at a balanced cross point of the invoked energies
• Imprint the magician’s psyche with the balanced energies invoked
• Increase spiritual attainment and awareness
• Create more complex rituals such as talisman consecrations, invocations, evocations, divination rituals, spiritual development, Spirit Vision Work, etc.
Using these standard rituals by themselves or as part of a longer magical working, Golden Dawn practitioners are able to invoke or banish virtually every spiritual force that we have covered in this book thus far. Table 30 lists the rituals found in this chapter along with their abbreviated titles.
Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram |
Supreme Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (a form of the SRP) |
Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (a form of the SRP) |
An Introduction to the Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram
The Supreme Ritual is a more advanced version of the Pentagram Ritual and was originally taught only to Second Order students. Whereas the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram is used for general invokings and banishings in the sub-elemental sphere of Malkuth in the material world of Assiah, the SRP is used to summon and dismiss the forces of the four elements in a direct, fine-tuned, and more potent way. Properly performed, the influence of this ritual can be felt in the Yetziratic realm—the World of Formation that exists immediately above our world.
This rite also invokes or banishes the fifth element of Spirit in combination with the four elements, each in its assigned direction. Spirit is an important addition to the elemental energies, because it rules over and controls the balance of energies in this rite. Spirit is the divine force that grants the magician authority in any magical working.
This versatile ritual can be fine-tuned for a single element. And it is also regularly adapted for invoking and banishing energies of the twelve zodiacal signs, which correlate to the Pentagram through their elemental triplicities.
Like the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, the elements of the Supreme Ritual are assigned to the directions in accordance with the “four winds” attributions of the ancients: Air-east, Fire-south, Water-west, and Earth-north.
There are two versions of this ritual: the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (SIRP) and the Supreme Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram (SBRP). Each version employs six forms of the Pentagram: one for the four elements, and two for Spirit, which is divided into Active Spirit and Passive Spirit.
Instead of using the four alchemical Triangles, this rite employs the emblems of the Kerubic Signs to represent the elemental points of the Pentagram. To the Air, Earth, Fire, and Water points are allotted the symbols of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and the eagle’s head, a symbol of Scorpio (Figure 66).
Figure 66: Pentagram with Kerubic Signs
Why the Eagle’s Head for Scorpio?
The sign of Scorpio has traditionally been assigned at least two different animal emblems: the scorpion and the eagle (and sometimes the phoenix). This alludes to the spiritually transformative nature of the sign—from a creature that crawls to one that soars.
Many astrologers refer to Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio as the fixed signs because they fall in the middle of their respective seasons, anchoring the four parts of the year. Golden Dawn magicians usually refer to them as the Kerubic Signs to signify that they represent the strongest, most stable essence of the four elements. For centuries, the fixed signs have been used as symbols of powerful angels known as the Kerubim who preside over the four elements and who were immortalized in the biblical prophet Ezekiel’s vision, which was believed to have been based on Babylonian astrology: “As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man [Aquarius], and the face of a lion [Leo], on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox [Taurus] on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle [Scorpio] (Ezekiel 1, verse 10). These mighty Kerubic figures are shown in their respective Pentagram positions in the four corners of the Universe card in many traditional tarot decks.
By tracing the Kerubic emblems in the center of a Pentagram, magicians call upon the great angelic forces who govern the elements under their control.
The Elemental Pentagrams
There are a total of eight Elemental Pentagrams: four of them invoke the elements and four of them banish the same. The difference between them is this:
• To invoke an element, trace a line toward its point.
• To banish an element, trace a line away from its point.
In both cases, the Kerubic symbol of the element is traced in the center of the completed Pentagram.
Figure 67: Invoking Elemental Pentagrams
Figure 67 shows the tracing for invoking the Elemental Pentagrams, and Figure 68 for banishing the Elemental Pentagrams. Notice that the Pentagrams for Invoking Air and Banishing Water are drawn in an identical way. The same is true for Banishing Air and Invoking Water. What distinguishes them in practice are the divine names that are vibrated in accompaniment, as well as the emblems traced in the center.
Figure 68: Banishing Elemental Pentagrams
Below are the words of power vibrated with the Elemental Pentagrams:
• For Water: EMP ARSEL GAIOL and AL
The first words vibrated while tracing the Pentagrams are Enochian: they are the “Three Great Secret Names of God” found on the Elemental Tablets described in chapter 6.
The second words vibrated are Hebrew godnames taken from four Sephiroth and their corresponding elements. These words are vibrated while tracing the central symbols:
• YHVH: from Tiphareth’s YHVH Eloah Ve-Daath, assigned to Air
• ELOHIM: from Geburah’s Elohim Gibor, assigned to Fire
• AL (or EL): from Chesed’s El, assigned to Water
• ADONAI: from Malkuth’s Adonai ha-Aretz, assigned to Earth
Israel Regardie suggested that students vibrate the letters of the divine name AL for Water, to make for a longer vibration: “Aleph Lamed, AL.”
The Spirit Pentagrams
There are a total of four Spirit Pentagrams: two control the active elements of Fire and Air, and two control the passive elements of Water and Earth (Figure 69).
Unlike the Elemental Pentagrams, Spirit Pentagrams don’t start or end at the Spirit point of the Pentagram. Instead, the Spirit Active Pentagrams link the elements of Fire and Air, while the Spirit Passive Pentagrams connect the Earth and Water points. The invoking lines that lead from Fire to Air and from Earth to Water are mediating currents that provide equilibrium and harmony between the masculine and feminine energies.
The words vibrated with the Spirit Pentagrams are given below. The first word comes from the Enochian Tablet of Union and is vibrated while tracing the Pentagram.
The second word is a Hebrew name of power vibrated while tracing the central Spirit Wheel:
• For Water: HCOMA, AGLA
• For Earth: NANTA, AGLA
Because they don’t touch the Spirit point directly, students often have a hard time memorizing the four Spirit Pentagrams. Here are a couple of ideas that can help:
• Picture the Pentagram as an “X” with a circle above it (Figure 70). The circle is the Spirit point. One line is masculine, connecting Air and Fire. The other line is feminine, linking Water and Earth.
• In the Invoking form for Spirit Actives, the starting point is Fire, the most active element.
• In the Invoking form for Spirit Passives, the starting point is Earth, the most passive element.
• The starting point for invoking either Actives or Passives is at the bottom point of their respective lines.
• The starting point for banishing either Actives or Passives is at the top point of their respective lines.
• Another aid to memory is to imagine the right and left sides of the Pentagram as the right and left pillars on the Tree of Life. To invoke the Actives, you start at the base of the White Pillar; to invoke the Passives, you start at the base of the Black Pillar. To banish the Actives, return to the base of the White Pillar; to banish the Passives, return to the base of the Black Pillar. Up to invoke, down to banish.
In the Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram, the Spirit Pentagrams always precede and close the other four Elemental Pentagrams: a Spirit Active Pentagram is always used in conjunction with a Pentagram of Air or of Fire, just as a Spirit Passive Pentagram is used in conjunction with a Pentagram of Water or of Earth.
After tracing any Spirit Pentagram, the sigil of the Spirit Wheel is drawn in the center of the figure. Like all sigils, the Spirit Wheel should be traced clockwise from left to right (Figure 71).
Figure 71: Tracing the Spirit Wheel
Ritual Note: If the Enochian Tablets are placed in the four quarters of your Temple, you should trace a large circle in front of each Tablet before tracing the Pentagram (a clockwise circle for invoking, an anticlockwise circle for banishing). This has the effect of focusing your efforts and drawing forth or closing down the elemental forces represented by the Tablets. When using the four Tablets, place the Tablet of Union on the central Altar.
There are four parts to the SRP:
1. Opening: The Qabalistic Cross
2. Tracing the Pentagrams, either invoking or Banishing forms (two in each quarter)
3. Conjuration of the Four Archangels
4. Closing: The Qabalistic Cross
The Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram
This ritual is a powerful rite for invoking the forces of the elements. For tracing the Pentagrams, you can use your index finger, the Outer Wand of Double Power, the Rainbow Wand, or the Lotus Wand, pointing with the white end throughout.
Ritual Note: If you use the Lotus Wand or the Rainbow Wand, grasp the white band for the Spirit Pentagrams, and the Kerubic bands for the Elemental Pentagrams: Air, the violet band of Aquarius; Fire, the yellow band of Leo; Water, the blue-green band of Scorpio; Earth, the red-orange band of Taurus.
Also, when vibrating a divine name in conjunction with tracing a Pentagram, you can either 1) begin the vibration simultaneously with the tracing of the first line and end with the last syllable as you thrust through the center of the figure, or 2) vibrate the names after tracing the figure, while you are thrusting through the center. We prefer the former.
Opening: The QC
1. Stand and face east. Perform the Qabalistic Cross. (You can start in the east or at the center of your Temple space just west of the Altar facing east. From there, walk to the east, south, west, and north to trace the Pentagrams.)
Tracing the Invoking Pentagrams
2. Trace a large white Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active. Thrust through the center of the Pentagram and vibrate “EXARP.” Trace the Spirit Wheel in the center and intone, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
3. Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Air and vibrate, “ORO IBAH AOZPI.” Draw the sigil of Aquarius in the center and intone, “YHVH.” Give the Sign of Air.
4. Turn to the south and trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active. Thrust through the center of the Pentagram and vibrate “BITOM.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
5. Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Fire and vibrate, “OIP TEAA PEDOCE.” Draw the sigil of Leo in the center and intone, “ELOHIM.” Give the Sign of Fire.
6. Turn to the west and trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive. Thrust through the center of the Pentagram and vibrate “HCOMA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
7. Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Water and vibrate “EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL.” Draw the sigil of the eagle in the center and intone, “Aleph Lamed, AL.” Give the Sign of Water.
8. Turn to the north and trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive. Thrust through the center of the Pentagram and vibrate “NANTA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
9. Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Earth and vibrate, “EMOR DIAL HECTEGA.” Draw the sigil of Taurus in the center and intone, “ADONAI.” Give the Sign of Earth.
Conjuration of the Four Archangels
10. Return to the east (or center of the Temple facing east). Keep the arm extended. Extend both arms out in the form of a cross and say, “Before me, RAPHAEL. Behind me, GABRIEL. On my right hand, MICHAEL. On my left hand, URIEL. For about me flames the Pentagram, and in the column shines the Six-Rayed Star.” Visualize the archangels as you did in the LRP.
Closing: The QC
11. Repeat the Qabalistic Cross as in the beginning.
Ritual Note: The Sign of the Opening of the Veil is attributed to Spirit, which is why we suggest giving it after opening the Spirit Pentagrams in this ritual. Traditionally, magicians gave only the LVX Signs at this point as a sign of their rank, since this ritual was traditionally taught in the Adeptus Minor grade. Students can use either the Opening of the Veil or the LVX Signs, or both, as we suggest here.
When giving the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, clearly visualize the opening of a curtain, allowing the white brilliance of Spirit to stream into the Temple.
Expanded Visualization of the Supreme Pentagram Ritual
Whether using either the Invoking form or the Banishing form of this ritual, imagine the Divine Light obtained during the preliminary Qabalistic Cross as completely filling your auric sphere for the duration of the rite.
In tracing the Pentagrams, picture the shaft of light at your Kether center receiving more energy from the Macrocosmic Kether above, and welling up from your grounded Malkuth to gather at your Tiphareth center, where the light is at its strongest. Will and visualize the light going down your arm and out your hand or implement to inscribe the Pentagrams.
You can either visualize the line of all the Pentagrams in brilliant white light or you can image them in lines of their elemental colors: Spirit-white, Air-yellow, Fire-red, Water-blue, and Earth-black. The same with the symbols traced in the center.
Will and imagine the energies of the four elements, balanced and governed by Spirit, entering the Temple through the Pentagram portals you have created.
The Supreme Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
The SBRP mirrors the SIRP in many ways. It is a robust and effective method for closing down the elemental forces invoked during a magical working. The more powerful the force invoked, the more powerful the force used to banish it. This rite is designed to restore balance and calm back to the place of working, especially if that space is used for another mundane purpose such as a family room, bedroom, etc.
For this ritual, you can use your index finger, the Outer Wand of Double Power, the Rainbow Wand, or the Lotus Wand, pointing with the white end for the QC and the black end for tracing the banishing Pentagrams.
Opening: The QC
1. Stand and face east. Perform the Qabalistic Cross. (If you began the SIRP at the center of your Temple, do the same for the SBRP.)
Tracing the Banishing Pentagrams
2. Facing east, trace a large Banishing Pentagram of Air and vibrate, “ORO IBAH AOZPI.” Draw the sigil of Aquarius in the center of the Pentagram and intone, “YHVH.” Give the Sign of Air.
3. Trace the Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Active. Thrust through the center of the Pentagram and vibrate, “EXARP.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Closing of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
4. Turn to the south and trace a large Banishing Pentagram of Fire while vibrating “OIP TEAA PEDOCE.” Draw the sigil of Leo in the center of the Pentagram and intone, “ELOHIM.” Give the Sign of Fire.
5. Trace the Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Active while vibrating “BITOM.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Closing of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
6. Turn to the west and trace the Banishing Pentagram of Water while vibrating “EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL.” Draw the sigil of the eagle in the center of the Pentagram and intone, “Aleph Lamed, AL.” Give the Sign of Water.
7. Trace the Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Passive while vibrating “HCOMA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Closing of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
8. Turn to the north and trace the Banishing Pentagram of Earth while vibrating “EMOR DIAL HECTEGA.” Draw the sigil of Taurus in the center of the Pentagram and intone, “ADONAI.” Give the Sign of Earth.
9. Trace a Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Passive while vibrating “NANTA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
Conjuration of the Four Archangels
10. Keep the arm extended. Turn to face the east. Extend both arms out in the form of a cross and say, “Before me, RAPHAEL. Behind me, GABRIEL. On my right hand, MICHAEL. On my left hand, URIEL. For about me flames the Pentagram, and in the column shines the Six-Rayed Star.” Visualize the archangels as you did in the LRP.
Closing: The QC
11. Repeat the Qabalistic Cross.
Ritual Note 1: In the SIRP, the Spirit Pentagrams are traced before the Elemental Pentagrams because Spirit is the force that guides and rules the elements: it establishes a controlling influence or Sacred Space in which the element can be safely invoked.
Conversely, if Spirit is the first element to be invoked, it should also be the last to leave. We recommend that the banishing Elemental Pentagram is traced before the banishing Spirit Pentagram. This ensures that Spirit always maintains control over the elemental force.
Ritual Note 2: The Sign of the Closing of the Veil is also attributed to Spirit, which is why it is given after closing down the Spirit Pentagrams in this ritual. In similar fashion to the SIRP, students can use either the Closing of the Veil or the LVX Signs, or both. When performing the Closing of the Veil, image a curtain closing, as the Spirit gently leaves the Temple space.
Ritual Note 3: When performing an invoking ritual such as the SIRP, all circles as well as symbols drawn in the center of the Pentagrams are traced clockwise from left to right. When performing a banishing ritual such as the SBRP, all circles as well as symbols drawn in the center of the Pentagrams may be traced counterclockwise.
Single Element Pentagram Rituals
The Golden Dawn teaches that within each of the four elements the other three elements are also present in balanced portion. This is why the Sephirah of Malkuth as well as the Enochian Watchtower Tablets are divided into four elemental quarters. In both cases, these internal elemental divisions are sub-elements.
Single Element Pentagram Rituals can be used whenever the magician wants to place special emphasis on a specific element in a particular working. One example of this would be the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram of Air, called the SIRP of Air for short. The other three Single Element Rituals follow the same pattern.
Ritual Note: If you employ the Enochian Tablets for a Single Element Pentagram Ritual, trace a circle and the Pentagrams in front of the sub-element of the Tablet. For example: in the SIRP of Air, trace all the Pentagrams over the Air sub-element (the upper left-hand quarter) in each of the four Tablets. In the SIRP of Fire, trace all Pentagrams over the Fire sub-element (lower right quarter) in each of the four Tablets. In the SIRP of Water, trace all Pentagrams over the Water sub-element in all four Tablets. In the SIRP of Earth, trace all Pentagrams over the Earth sub-element in all four Tablets.
The SIRP of Air
1. Stand and face east. Perform the Qabalistic Cross.
2. Facing east, trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active and vibrate, “EXARP.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and vibrate, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
3. Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Air and vibrate, “ORO IBAH AOZPI.” Draw the sigil of Aquarius in the center and vibrate, “YHVH.” Give the Sign of Air.
4. Turn to the south. Trace the exact same Pentagrams and vibrate the same words and give the same gestures as in step 2. Do the same in the west and north.
5. Return to the east. Extend both arms out in the form of a cross and say, “Before me, RAPHAEL. Behind me, GABRIEL. On my right hand, MICHAEL. On my left hand, URIEL. For about me flames the Pentagram, and in the column shines the Six-Rayed Star.” Visualize the archangels as you did in the LRP.
6. Repeat the Qabalistic Cross.
The SIRP of Fire
1. Stand and face east. Perform the Qabalistic Cross.
2. Facing east, trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Active and vibrate, “BITOM.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
3. Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Fire and vibrate, “OIP TEAA PEDOCE.” Draw the sigil of Leo in the center and vibrate, “ELOHIM.” Give the Sign of Fire.
4. Turn to the south. Trace the exact same Pentagrams and vibrate the same words and give the same gestures as in step 2 and 3. Do the same in the west and north.
5. Give the invocation of the archangels and the Qabalistic Cross.
The SIRP of Water
1. Stand and face east. Perform the Qabalistic Cross.
2. Facing east, trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive and vibrate, “HCOMA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
3. Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Water and vibrate, “EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL.” Draw the sigil of the eagle in the center and intone, “Aleph Lamed, AL.” Give the Sign of Water.
4. Turn to the south. Trace the exact same Pentagrams and vibrate the same words and give the same gestures as in step 2 and 3. Do the same in the west and north.
5. Give the invocation of the archangels and the Qabalistic Cross.
The SIRP of Earth
1. Stand and face east. Perform the Qabalistic Cross.
2. Facing east, trace a large Invoking Pentagram of Spirit Passive and vibrate, “NANTA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
3. Then trace the Invoking Pentagram of Earth and vibrate, “EMOR DIAL HECTEGA.” Draw the sigil of Taurus in the center and intone, “ADONAI.” Give the Sign of Earth.
4. Turn to the south. Trace the exact same Pentagrams and vibrate the same words and give the same gestures as in step 2 and 3. Do the same in the west and north.
5. Give the invocation of the archangels and the Qabalistic Cross.
Single Element Banishing Rituals
These four rituals follow a similar formula as their SIRP counterparts with these differences: 1) only the Banishing forms of the respective Pentagrams are used, 2) the Spirit Pentagram is traced after the Elemental Pentagram, and 3) the Sign of the Closing of the Veil is used. One example of a single element SBRP is given below.
The SBRP of Water
1. Stand and face east. Perform the Qabalistic Cross.
2. Facing east, trace a large Banishing Pentagram of Water and vibrate, “EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL.” Draw the sigil of the eagle in the center and intone, “Aleph Lamed, AL.” Give the Sign of Water.
3. Trace a Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Passive and vibrate, “HCOMA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Closing of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
4. Turn to the south. Trace the exact same Pentagrams and vibrate the same words and give the same gestures as in step 2 and 3. Do the same in the west and north.
5. Return to the east, extend both arms in the form of a cross and invoke the four archangels. End with the Qabalistic Cross.
Symbolism and Use of the SRP
The Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram is one of the most versatile of all Golden Dawn rituals for practical magic. Like all the standard Golden Dawn rituals given in this chapter, it can be used to set up the theurgist’s magical circle in the astral light.
But as we’ve demonstrated, this single ritual can be used to fine-tune a specific elemental or zodiacal energy, by zeroing in on the divine powers and angelic forces that govern them. The basic ritual has two forms, the SIRP and the SBRP. Each form yields four single element variations and twelve basic zodiacal versions for a total of thirty-four different SRP rituals! And these are not the only forms possible.
Whereas the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram is used for general invokings of Malkuth in the material world of Assiah, performance of the Supreme Ritual influences the higher Yetziratic World of Formation and reaches into the lower levels of the Briah, the Creative World.
Hebrew names vibrated in the Supreme Ritual reflect this. YHVH is affiliated with the Pentagram of Air through its connection with the godname of Tiphareth, an airy Sephirah. Elohim is assigned to the Fire Pentagram because of its link with the godname of fiery Geburah. Al (or El), the godname of Watery Chesed, is joined to the Pentagram of Water. Adonai, a godname of earthy Malkuth, correlates to the Earth Pentagram.
The Hebrew godnames Eheieh and Agla were discussed in the Lesser Pentagram Ritual in chapter 4. In the Supreme Ritual, they are vibrated with the Spirit Pentagrams: Eheieh for Spirit Actives, Agla for Spirit Passives. These are used to signify Spirit connecting polar opposites on the Tree of Life, Kether and Malkuth, respectively.
Enochian names vibrated in the Supreme Ritual include the “Three Holy Secret Names of God” found on the center of each Elemental Tablet, as well as the divine names of the Tablet of Union.
The Greater Ritual of the Pentagram
There is another Pentagram Ritual beside the Lesser and Supreme, known as the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram (or GRP) that includes both Invoking and Banishing forms. It is essentially the same as the Supreme Ritual, but instead of using both Hebrew and Enochian divine names in the tracing of the Pentagrams, it employs just one or the other. However, the Supreme Ritual is more commonly used because it aligns the magician with a broad range of Golden Dawn magic and expresses a more comprehensive practice.
Zodiacal Pentagrams
Pentagrams are also used to invoke and banish the energies of the twelve zodiacal signs, because the signs are attributed to the four elements through their triplicities.
For example, if you wanted to invoke the energy of Aries, you would use the Pentagram and divine names associated with the Invoking Fire Pentagram. But instead of tracing the usual symbol of Leo in the center, you would draw the symbol of Aries (Figure 72).
For banishing the energy of Pisces, use the Pentagram and divine names associated with the Banishing Water Pentagram. In the center, trace the sigil of Pisces.
For invoking the energies of Scorpio, use the Pentagram and divine names associated with the Invoking Water Pentagram. In the center, trace the sigil of Scorpio (the usual zodiacal emblem not the Kerubic emblem).
Figure 72: Zodiacal Pentagrams
For whatever sign you are working with, find out what part of the sky the sign is in at the time of your practice, and face that quarter or direction when tracing the Pentagram of the sign. If you don’t know where the sign is in the sky but still want to work with that zodiacal force, then treat the circle of your Sacred Space like a flat zodiacal wheel with Aries in the east, Cancer in the north, Libra in the west, and Capricorn in the south.
Single Zodiacal Sign SRP
The Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram can be used to invoke or banish the energy of a single zodiacal sign whenever the magician wants to place special emphasis on that sign in a specific working, in similar fashion to the invocation of a single element. One example of this would be the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram of Libra (called the SIRP of Libra for short). This would be exactly the same as the SIRP of Air described earlier, the only difference would be to replace the sigil of Kerubic Air with the symbol of Libra.
Ritual Note: If you use the Lotus Wand or the Rainbow Wand, grasp the white band for the Spirit Pentagrams, and the colored band assigned to the zodiacal sign you are working with for the zodiacal Pentagram: Libra—the green band, Aries—the red band, Sagittarius—the blue band, and so forth.
In Summary
• Are traced with a continuous line along five points.
• Are composed of five points attributed to the four elements, plus Spirit.
Pentagram Rituals:
• Invoke and banish elemental forces.
• Invoke and banish zodiacal forces.
• Open and close with the QC.
Invoking and Banishing:
• Invoking Pentagrams are traced toward the point of the desired element.
• Banishing Pentagrams are traced away from the point of the desired element.
Greater Pentagram Rituals:
• Use either Hebrew or Enochian words of power, not both.
Supreme Pentagram Rituals:
• Open and close with the Qabalistic Cross.
• Follow the “four winds” attribution of the elemental directions.
• Trace two separate Pentagrams in each quarter.
• Have two forms of the Pentagram that invoke Spirit.
• Have two forms of the Pentagram that banish Spirit.
• Can be used to invoke or banish elemental forces or a single element.
• Can be used to invoke or banish zodiacal forces or a single zodiacal sign.
• Invoke the four archangels of the elements.
• Use both Hebrew and Enochian words of power.
Introduction to the Opening by Watchtower
The Opening by Watchtower, created by Israel Regardie, is a powerful rite that can be used to open any magical operation. The Watchtower Ritual as it is sometimes called, contains portions of other rituals, including the Consecration Ceremony of the Vault of the Adepti, the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram, and the Portal Ceremony. It is solidly based on Golden Dawn ritual techniques.
The Watchtowers opened in this rite are the Enochian Watchtower Tablets of the elements. In order to perform this ritual, the magician will need the Enochian Tablets and the Elemental Weapons described in chapter 6. The inclusion of these items, along with additional invocations addressed to the elemental powers, helps secure the cooperation of these forces toward the success of the working.
Regular practice of the Opening by Watchtower imprints the equilibrated force of the five elements into the magician’s aura, allowing for additional spiritual realignment. Regardie believed that continued and persistent repetition of the Opening by Watchtower Ceremony over a long period of time was a form of self-initiation that could result in the acceptance of the practitioner as an adept in the astral realms.
Some practitioners use the Opening by Watchtower in place of the more traditional (and shorter) Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram. Others prefer the SIRP because it doesn’t require the Enochian Tablets. Both rituals can serve the same function of purifying Sacred Space, casting a magic circle, and invoking the elemental guardians of the four quarters. However, the Watchtower Ritual does so in a more potent and dramatic way.
One of the primary differences between the SIRP and the Watchtower Ritual is in the ordering of the invocations. In the Pentagram Ritual, the invocations follow the “four winds” formula, going clockwise around the room from east to south, to west, and north. In contrast, the Watchtower Ritual uses the YHVH formula in the ordering of the invocations going from Fire in the south, to Water in the west, to Air in the east, to Earth in the north. This has the effect of bringing the elemental energy down through the Four Qabalistic Worlds in order from the most ethereal to the most corporeal. In addition, the invocation of Spirit over the Tablet of Union results in a Pentagrammaton formation with the magician and the quintessence at a point of balance in the center of the divine forces.
Regardie created at least three different versions of this ritual, some more complex than others. Again, there is no “One True Way!” The version provided here is the one we use most often, just as Regardie taught us. There are four parts to the Opening by Watchtower:
1. Initial Banishings
2. Invoking the Elemental Watchtowers
3. Invoking Spirit: The Tablet of Union
4. Circumambulation and Adoration
Opening by Watchtower Ritual
Preparation of the Hall: The Temple is to be arranged in accordance with the Neophyte Hall. The Elemental Tablets should be placed in the appropriate quarters sitting on or placed above side Altars in front of each Tablet. On the center of the main Altar should be the Tablet of Union with the Elemental Weapons around it. (Air Dagger-east, Fire Wand-south, Water Cup-west, Earth Pentacle-north.) The magician should be relaxed and robed in full ceremonial regalia.
For this ritual you can also use the Outer Wand of Double Power, the Rainbow Wand, or the Lotus Wand, pointing with the white end for the QC and invoking figures, and the black end for tracing the banishing figures.
Initial Banishings
1. Commence the ritual with five knocks (4+1), to indicate the four elements crowed by Spirit. Go to the northeast and say in a loud voice, “Hekas, Hekas Este Bebeloi!”
2. Go to the east (or center to begin) and perform the LBRP.
3. Perform the LBRH (explained in chapter 8).
Invoking the Elemental Watchtowers
4. Go to the south side of the Altar and take up the Fire Wand. Turn to the Elemental Tablet of Fire in the south and wave the implement three times in front of the Tablet.
5. Then holding the wand high, slowly circumambulate the room clockwise while saying: “And when, after all the phantoms are banished, thou shalt see that Holy and Formless Fire, that Fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe, hear thou the Voice of Fire.”
6. Upon reaching south, face the Fire Tablet and wave the wand in front of the Tablet again, three times. Trace a large white circle in the Air in front of the Tablet. Within this circle, draw a large white Invoking Spirit Active Pentagram and vibrate, “BITOM.” In the center, draw the Spirit Wheel and vibrate, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
7. Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Fire over the one just drawn while vibrating, “OIP TEAA PEDOCE.” In the center, draw the sigil of Leo and vibrate, “ELOHIM.” Give the Sign of Fire.
8. Remain in the sign of Fire and say, “In the Names and Letters of the Great Southern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the South!” Replace the wand.
9. Take up the Water Cup and go to the west. Wave the cup thrice before the Water Tablet. Hold the cup high while circumambulating slowly around the room and say, “So therefore first the Priest who governeth the works of Fire must sprinkle with the Lustral Water of the Loud Resounding Sea.”
10. On reaching the west, wave the cup three times in front of the Tablet as before and trace a large white circle around the Tablet. Within the circle, draw a large Invoking Spirit Passive Pentagram with the cup while vibrating, “HCOMA.” In the center, trace the Spirit Wheel and vibrate, “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
11. Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Water over the Spirit Pentagram while vibrating “EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL.” Draw the sigil of the eagle in the center and vibrate, “Aleph Lamed, AL.” Give the Sign of Water.
12. Remain in the Sign of Water and say: “In the Names and Letters of the Great Western Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the West.” Replace the cup.
13. Take up the Air Dagger and go to the east. Turn to the east and wave the dagger three times in front of the Air Tablet. Begin the slow Circumambulation while saying, “Such a Fire existeth, extending through the rushings of Air, or even a Fire formless whence cometh the Image of a Voice, or even a flashing Light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud.”
14. Stop again in the east and wave the implement thrice before the Tablet. Trace the circle and the Invoking Spirit Active Pentagram while vibrating “EXARP.” Draw the sigil of Spirit in the center and vibrate, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
15. Trace the Invoking Pentagram of Air while intoning “ORO IBAH AOZPI.” Draw the sigil of Aquarius in the center and vibrate, “YHVH.” Give the Sign of Air.
16. Remain in the Sign of Air and say: “In the Names and Letters of the Great Eastern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the East.” Replace the dagger.
17. Go clockwise to the north of the Altar and take up the Earth Pentacle. Turn to the north and wave the implement thrice in front of the Earth Tablet. Begin the slow Circumambulation while saying, “Stoop not down into the darkly splendid world wherein continually lieth a faithless depth, and Hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding a black, ever-rolling Abyss, ever espousing a body, unluminous, formless and void.”
18. Stop upon reaching the north and again wave the implement thrice in front of the Earth Tablet. With the Pentacle, trace the circle and the Invoking Spirit Passive Pentagram. Vibrate, “NANTA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center while intoning “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
19. Draw the Invoking Pentagram of Earth over the previous figure while vibrating “EMOR DIAL HECTEGA.” Draw the sigil of Taurus in the center and intone, “ADONAI.” Give the Earth Sign.
20. Remain in the Earth Sign and say, “In the Names and Letters of the Great Northern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the North.” Replace the Pentacle.
Invoking Spirit: The Tablet of Union
21. Go clockwise to the west of the Altar and face east. Trace a circle over the Tablet of Union. Then draw each of the Invoking Spirit Pentagrams and vibrate the appropriate words: “EXARP EHEIEH. HCOMA AGLA. NANTA AGLA. BITOM EHEIEH.”
22. Then say, “In the Names and Letters of the mystical Tablet of Union, I invoke ye, ye Divine Forces of the Spirit of Life.” Make the Sign of the Rending of the Veil. Visualize the Veil opening as you step through it.
(Pronunciation: Oh-ell son-oof vay-oh-air-sah-jee go-ho ee-ah-dah bahl-tah. El-ex-ar-pay-hay. Co-mah-nah-noo. Tah-bee- toh-em. Zohd-ah-kah-rah eh-kah zohd-ah-kah-ray oh-dah zohd-ah-mehr-ah-noo. Oh-doh kee-klay kah-ah pee-ah-pay pee-ah-moh-el oh-dah vay-oh-ah-noo.) This oration is usually memorized, but have it ready on an index card if you need it.
(This means: “I reign over you, saith the God of Justice [three magical names that rule over the Tablet of Union]. Move, therefore, move and appear. Open the mysteries of creation: balance, righteousness and truth.”)
24. Say, “I invoke ye, ye Angels of the Celestial spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the Universe, be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the Light Divine.” Give the LVX Signs (optional here).
Circumambulation and Adoration
25. Go clockwise to the northeast and say, “The visible Sun is the dispenser of Light to the earth. Let me therefore form a vortex in this chamber that the Invisible Sun of the Spirit may shine therein from above.”
26. Circumambulation. The Mystic Circumambulation signifies the rising of the Light. Walk three times clockwise around the circumference of the Temple in a wide circle. This will build up the energy in a Temple, especially if the pace is quick. Give the Projection Sign and the Sign of Silence whenever passing the east.
When performed during a Circumambulation, the Projection Sign has the effect of pushing the Light forward around the Temple, while the Sign of Silence keeps the energy from rebounding back to the magician. The Circumambulation is usually followed by the Adoration to the Lord of the Universe. After the third and final circuit in the Circumambulation, go to the west of the Altar, and face east.
27. The Adoration. The Adoration is a ritualized prayer that signifies the four-fold aspect of Divinity. It portrays the magician’s deference to the Highest Source of All, with which the magician must always act in alignment and harmony—never against. This simple yet potent prayer to the Ultimate Unity is combined with magical gestures that orient the magician to the Divine. It is one of the first magical prayers that the student learns, and it emphasizes the transcendent and immanent nature of High Divinity. The Adoration is performed as follows while facing east.
“Holy art Thou, Lord of the Universe.” (Give the Projection Sign as you do this.)
“Holy art Thou, whom Nature hath not formed.” (Projection Sign as before.)
“Holy art thou, the Vast and the Mighty One.” (Projection Sign.)
“Lord of the Light and of the Darkness.” (Sign of Silence at the end.)
This marks the completion of the Opening by Watchtower and the beginning of the primary work or meditation at hand. At this point, clearly state your intention for performing the rite. Then the main ritual working can begin. This could be the consecration of a talisman, a specific invocation, Spirit Vision work, a ritual healing, etc. When the main working is completed, perform the Closing by Watchtower.
Ritual Note 1: Waving the implement three times in front of the Tablet can be done in a couple of different ways: 1) wave the implement three times directly in front of the circular sigil at the top of the Tablet, or 2) wave the implement three times over the whole Tablet to mark the points of the upright Triangle for Fire and Air, or the points of the inverted Triangle for Water and Earth.
Ritual Note 2: As an option, you can use the Lotus Wand for all the Pentagrams traced in front of the Tablets instead of the Elemental Tools. If you do this, grasp the white band for the Spirit Pentagrams, and the Kerubic bands (Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, Taurus) for the Elemental Pentagrams. You can hold the Elemental Weapons in your other hand for added emphasis. Leave the Elemental Tools in front of their respective Tablets once the Tablet has been invoked. This forms a powerful link with the opened gateways of the Tablets. During the Closing of the Watchtower, bring the Elemental Tools back to the central Altar after their respective Tablets are closed.
Ritual Note 3: As we mentioned, there are several versions of this particular ritual. The version we learned from Regardie uses both Enochian and Hebrew words of power when tracing the Pentagrams. Some magicians prefer to use just the Enochian words.
Closing by Watchtower: Version 1
The long version of the Closing of the Watchtower is a complete reversal of the Opening. It uses the same Pentagrams as the SBRP. Use the same implements to banish as you used to invoke.
1. The Reverse Circumambulation: The Reverse Circumambulation represents the fading or releasing of the Light. Walk three times anticlockwise (widdershins) around the circumference of the Temple in a wide circle, giving the Projection Sign and the Sign of Silence each time you pass the east, slowing the pace gradually. This will act to naturally dissipate the energy in the Temple. Feel the energy that you have carefully built up throughout the ceremony begin to fade. Follow this with the Adoration.
Banishing Pentagrams. Dismiss all the powers with the banishing Pentagrams as follows:
2. Go clockwise to the south and trace a large Banishing Pentagram of Fire before the Tablet of Fire, while vibrating “OIP TEAA PEDOCE.” Draw the sigil of Leo in the center and vibrate, “ELOHIM.” Give the Sign of Fire.
3. Trace the Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Active and vibrate, “BITOM.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Closing of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
4. Go to the west and trace the Banishing Pentagram of Water before the Water Tablet and vibrate, “EMPEH ARSEL GAIOL.” Draw the sigil of the eagle in the center and vibrate, “Aleph Lamed, AL.” Give the Sign of Water.
5. Trace the Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Passive and vibrate, “HCOMA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Closing of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
6. Go to the east and trace a large Banishing Pentagram of Air before the Air Tablet and vibrate, “ORO IBAH AOZPI.” Draw the sigil of Aquarius in the center and vibrate “YHVH.” Give the Sign of Air.
7. Trace the Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Active. Thrust through the center of the Pentagram and vibrate, “EXARP.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “EHEIEH.” Give the Sign of the Closing of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
8. Go to the north and trace the Banishing Pentagram of Earth in front of the Earth Tablet while vibrating “EMOR DIAL HECTEGA.” Draw the sigil of Taurus in the center and vibrate, “ADONAI.” Give the Sign of Earth.
9. Trace a Banishing Pentagram of Spirit Passive and vibrate, “NANTA.” Trace the Spirit sigil in the center and intone, “AGLA.” Give the Sign of the Opening of the Veil, followed by the LVX Signs.
10. License to Depart: The License to Depart grants all spiritual energies present permission to leave the Temple after the work of magic has been completed. One should always give the entities present the option of leaving on their own before banishing them. The License to Depart for the Closing by Watchtower is as follows: “I now release any Spirits that may have been imprisoned by this ceremony. Depart in peace to your abodes and habitations. Go with the blessings of Yeheshuah, Yehovashah.”
11. Knock five times (4+1) as in the beginning.
12. Say, “I now declare this Temple duly closed. So mote it Be!
Closing by Watchtower: Version 2
This is the short version for closing:
1. Perform the Reverse Circumambulation followed by the Adoration.
2. Perform the LBRP.
3. Perform the LBRH (chapter 8).
4. Give the standard License to Depart.
5. Knock five times (4+1) as in the beginning.
6. Say, “I now declare this Temple duly closed. So mote it Be!”
Symbolism and Use of the Opening by Watchtower
Like the Supreme Ritual of the Pentagram, the Opening by Watchtower is used to summon the powers of the elements in the Yetziratic World of Formation, which is home to the astral plane where everything is formulated prior to manifestation on the physical plane. However, there are considerable differences between the two rituals.
The SRP is far more adaptable; it can be used to invoke the four elements, a single element, four zodiacal quadruplicity signs (such as the four Cardinal Signs), or a single zodiacal sign. Unlike the SRP, the Watchtower Ritual was never designed to invoke a single element or the zodiacal signs. And you would not use the Opening by Watchtower for banishing. And yet you could easily do all those things and more in the main working after the Temple was opened by the Watchtower Ritual.
Far more than a simple ritual for invoking elements, the Watchtower Ritual also invokes the forces of Creation at the dawn of the Universe as epitomized in the powerful speeches included from The Chaldean Oracles. Summoning the elements in the YHVH formula only intensifies this—the energies come into the Temple following the structure of the Four Worlds, becoming more manifest from the spiritual to the physical with each invoked level.
Because of its power, beauty, and symmetry, the Opening by Watchtower is an extraordinary ceremony for opening any magical working and raising the power needed for a successful ritual.
Review Questions
1. What is the difference between the LRP and the SRP?
2. How many Elemental Pentagrams are there?
3. What symbol is traced in the center of the Water Pentagram?
4. How many Spirit Pentagrams are there? What are they?
5. How is the order of invocation in the SRP different from that in the Opening by Watchtower?
6. What is the Opening by Watchtower used for?
7. How would you use the SIRP to invoke a single element?
8. How would you use the SIRP to invoke Pisces?
9. Where do the Enochian names vibrated in the SRP come from?