The Synagogue Bombings of 1957–1958
The Christian Identity Movement
The 1962 Ole Miss Integration Riots and the 1963 Murder of Medgar Evers
The 1963 Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing
The 1964 (Neshoba County) Mississippi Burning Murders
Black Militant Reaction and the Urban Riots of 1964–1965
The Failed Attempts to Assassinate Martin Luther King Jr., 1958–1967
The Final Plot to Assassinate Martin Luther King, Jr. 1967–1968
Outrage and the Investigation into Who Really Killed King
The Fragmentation of the Radical Right in the 1970s
The Atlanta Child Murders, 1979–1981
The Order, the CSA, and the 1984 Murder of Shock Jock Alan Berg
The 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing
Lone-Wolf Terrorism through the New Millenium
Apocalyptic Religious Terrorism Post-9/11