
Please note that index links to approximate location of each term.


Ablett, Jon, 115


definition of, 31

ecopsychosocial, 32

as essential element of the evolved nest, 156, 157

etymology of, 32

adiponectin, 53

Adverse Childhood Experiences studies, 142

affective neuroscience, 121122

Ainsworth, Mary, 69

Ainu, 136

alarm resistance, 79

Algonquin Peoples, 30


definition of, xviii

evolved nest and, 157

examples of, 31, 37, 49, 67, 68, 157

allostasis, 75

alteroception, 2021

amae, 102–103

ambivalent (anxious) attachment, 81, 82

Ancel, André, 66

ancestral context, xvii

ancient continuum, 5, 7, 31

Animals. See also individual animals

capitalization of names of, xviixviii

companion, 8

consciousness and, 113114

healing practices in, 162163

Native Peoples’ attitudes toward, 9697

neurocapacities of, 115

psychological evolution of, 154

settler-colonizer attitude toward, 96

similarity of humans and, 12, 154

Ants, 162

appraisal, 122

arousal, 122

attachment theory, 6970, 7376, 7983

autopoiesis, 145

avoidant attachment, 8182

Azores, 47


Baboons, 26

Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, 58

Bakwin, Harry, 69

Bats, 114

Bears, Brown, 1317, 2127

care of young, 1415, 17, 2122, 2425

claws of, 15

embryonic diapause and, 2425

evolved nest of, 30

food for, 14, 15, 1617

hibernation of, 15, 17, 23, 63

lactation in, 52

mating habits of, 23

orphaned, 17, 26

size of, 13

Bears, Grizzly, 14, 57, 137, 138

Beavers, 85, 8797

care of young, 9092

dams and lodges built by, 8789, 91

declining populations of, 9596

emotions of, 90

evolved nest of, 9091, 155

play and, 85, 92, 94

sensory attunement of, 159

society and culture of, 90

stream morphology and, 87, 88, 97

as work-oriented species, 87

Belugas, 57

Bergman, Nils, 55

Blackfoot, 30, 160

boarding school syndrome, 71

Bowlby, John, 6971, 7375, 80

Boyes, Mike, 135

brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 86

brain development, 89, 1718, 3233, 53, 55, 86, 93, 94, 107, 115, 140141

breastfeeding, 5061. See also milk, mother’s

baby-initiated, 57

benefits of, 19, 5456, 58

brain development and, 53, 55

breathing and, 5556

communication and, 51, 61

as essential element of the evolved nest, 155, 156

as extension of life in the womb, 5051

immune system and, 53

learning, 6061

left-cradling bias for, 5657

length of time for, 52, 57

misconceptions about, 5960

obstacles to, 5860

promotion of, 58

scheduled, 5960

brumation, 23

Buber, Martin, 22

Buffalo, African, 43

Burghardt, Gordon, 86


Cajete, Gregory, xx, 5

Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness, 113, 120, 154

capitalization, use of, xviixviii

Capybaras, 87


enactivist, 34

initial, xviii

primary, xviii

supportive, xviii

Caribou, 30, 138, 147

Carter, C. Sue, 107

Cats, 8, 114, 130

Chickens, 21

childbirth, medicalized, 8, 41

childcare. See also carers

changes in, 69, 27, 3940, 42

in Nature-based cultures, 4, 9, 27

nonresponsive or inconsistent, 43, 78, 8081

quality of, 19

responsive, 7879, 156, 157158


attachment styles and, 7983

brain development of, 89, 1718, 53, 55, 86, 93, 94, 107, 140141

carrying of, 57, 105, 106

companionship care and, 1819

deciding to have, 2426

dyad of mother and, 19, 74, 76, 125

self-regulation and, 8687, 93, 100, 103

sense of self and, 20

socioemotional development of, 123125

temperature regulation and, 107

with unmet needs, 40

chromatophores, 119

colostrum, 19, 53

companionship attachment, 6970

companionship care

benefits of, 18, 21, 83

communal, 3334

definition of, xviii

potency of, 36

variability of, by species, xviii

conation, 122

connected holism, 156, 158162

consciousness, 113114, 143

contingent communication, 75

Cormac mac Airt, 136

cortisol, 54, 108

Cows, 130

Crows, 115

Cuttlefish, 118, 119, 128


Darwin, Charles, 120, 145

Davis, Wade, 5, 71

Deer, 23, 110, 137, 162

Deloria, Vine, Jr., 5, 158, 161

despair, 79

diapause, 23, 2425

disconnection, sense of, 162

disorganized attachment, 81, 82

DNA, 117, 118

Dogs, 8, 114

Dolphins, 48, 67

dominant culture, xviii

Donaldson, O. Fred, 157

dopamine, 86

dormancy methods, 2324


Earthcentric, definition of, xviii

education, Western, 7173

Efé, 49

Elands, 137

elders, 3435

Elephants, 2940, 4345

accompaniment and, 3132

brain development of, 3233

care of young, 32, 34, 3539, 4041

evolved nest of, 2, 30

food for, 137

in need, 50

nursing behavior of, 32

orphaned, 3537, 40, 5152, 7172

society and culture of, 31, 32, 3739

trauma and, 37, 4445, 110, 149

tusklessness in, 110

violence toward, 31, 32, 4445

Elk, 137

embryonic diapause, 23, 2425

emotional intelligence, 127130

emotions, 120126, 130

empathy, 20, 21, 86, 125, 127, 128, 129, 141, 156, 161, 162

enactivist care, 34

environment of evolutionary adaptedness, 74

epigenetic changes, 19, 108110

epinephrine, 108

Erikson, Erik, 102

estivation, 23

evolved nest. See also nestedness

absence of, 26, 146, 162

as common system of Animals and humans, 2, 155

definition of, 2

epigenetic changes and, 108109

essential elements of, 155164

goal of, 3031

holding presence and, 164

moral development and, 141

shift away from, 78

exhaustion, 79

exteroception, 20, 21

exterogestation, 18


familial terms, xix

Finch, Zebra, 77

First Nation Peoples, xix. See also Native Peoples

Foster, Craig, 129

Freud, Sigmund, 75, 142

Frogs, 57, 77, 89, 97, 165


gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), 78

Geese, 21, 23, 73, 89

Godfrey-Smith, Peter, 115116

Goldfarb, William, 69

Goleman, Daniel, 127, 129

Gopnik, Alison, 9

Greenspan, Stanley, 126

Greenway, Christine, 61

grooming, 101102

gut-brain axis, 76


Haber, Gordon, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 150, 158

habit formation, 123, 124

Hawking, Stephen, 113

healing practices, 156, 162164

Hewlett, Barry, 4

hibernation, 15, 17, 23, 63

homeostasis, 75, 80

Horses, 8, 50

hospitalism, 69


evolution of, 17, 114115

evolved nest of, 18, 155, 164165

relationship of, to Nature, xix, 47, 158159

similarity of Animals and, 12, 154

Huxley, Julian, 73

hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, 107


immune system, 107108

Indigenous. See also Native Peoples

usage of, xix

worldviews, xix, 97, 158

insecure attachment, 79, 8082

instrumental conditioning, 123


emotional, 127130

pragmatic, 20

social, 127128

interoception, 20, 21, 143

interpersonal neurobiology, 7778

iridophores, 119


Janet, Pierre, 69

Jarvis, Erich, 113

Jensen, Derrick, 97

Ju/’hoansi People, 163164


Kangaroo Mother Care movement, 55

Kangaroos, Red, 52

Konner, Melvin, 4

Kreit, Eric, 118

Krystal, Henry, 38


Lakota, 6, 104, 154, 161

Lamb, Michael, 4

Lawrence, D. H., 51

Leach, Penelope, 59

Lee, Richard B., 4

left-cradling, 5657, 7778, 125

Leopards, 43

leucophores, 119

Liedloff, Jean, 25, 8, 10, 93

limbic regulation, 76

Lions, 37, 43, 52

Lorenz, Konrad, 73


Maslow, Abraham, 145, 159160

Maté, Gabor, 8, 41, 100, 142

Maté, Rae, 27

Maturana, Humberto, 7, 43, 145

McIntyre, Rick, 137

McKenna, James, 56

Mead, Margaret, 4

methylation, 108

Mice, 114

milk, mother’s

composition of, 52, 5354

first (colostrum), 19, 53

formula vs., 52, 53, 58

Mills, Enos, 92

Mitchell, Joni, 97

Mitchell, Sherri, 10

mobilization, 79

Monkeys, 114

Montagu, Ashley, 18, 59, 102, 106

Moose, 133, 137138, 146, 147, 158

moral commitment, 134136, 139

moral development, 141143


deciding to be, 2426

dyad of child and, 19, 74, 76, 125

role of, 18

stressed, 4243

Mourning Dove, 34, 161

Murie, Adolph, 138


Native Peoples. See also individual peoples

attitudes of, toward Animals, 9697

definition of, xix

displacement of, xix


alienation from, 163

-based cultures, xviii, 46, 9, 135, 139, 158, 161

gift economy of, 4, 6, 25, 154

immersion in, 156, 158159, 164

moral commitment and, 135136

reality, 2223

relationship of humans to, xix, 47, 158159

needs, hierarchy of, 145146

neoteny, 43, 142

nestedness. See also evolved nest

common principles of, xviii

definition of, xviii

lifelong, 164, 165

returning to, 10, 164165

Neufeld, Gordon, 142

Nhat Hanh, Thich, 22

nomadic foraging communities, xix


Octopuses, 113120, 126130

arms of, 115, 117

brain of, 115117, 154

care of young, 128

color modulation of, 118120

consciousness and, 130

emotional intelligence of, 127129

emotions of, 120

evolution of, 130

as food for Whales, 48, 49

as medical research subjects, 129130

nervous system of, 116, 119

RNA editing in, 117118

social Umwelt of, 126127

Ohlone, 138

operant conditioning, 123

Orcas, 48, 49, 57

orphans, 17, 26, 3537, 40, 5152, 7172, 107, 162

Oxa Díaz, Justo, 2223

oxytocin, 21, 56, 107


pariad, 64

Parrots, 99102, 105

brains of, 115

care of young, 100101

coloration of, 100

evolved nest of, 100101

preening by, 101102

size of, 100

touch and, 100

passive avoidance, 79

Payne, Katy, 49

Peat, F. David, xix, 161

Penguins, Adélie, 65

Penguins, Emperor, 6369

care of young, 65, 6669, 74, 77

communication by, 67

crop milk and, 6667, 156

egg-laying by, 6465

evolved nest of, 67, 6869, 155

feathers of, 101

food for, 66

sense of self and, 144

society and culture of, 6469

Penguins, Gentoo, 65

photophores, 119

Planaria, 130

Plato, 95

play, free

benefits of, 8687, 9395, 144

brain development and, 86, 93, 94

characteristics of, 86

as essential element of the evolved nest, 156, 157

marginalization of, in Western society, 9293, 95

pervasiveness of, 86

social bonding and, 9495

universalism of, 93

work and, 87, 92, 93

Porpoises, 48

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 45, 110, 149

potential, growing full, 159160

pragmatic intelligence, 20

precocial-altricial spectrum, 21

presence, holding, 143, 164

primary maternal preoccupation, 103

primary-process psychological experiences, 123, 124

prolactin, 56

pronouns, usage of, xix

proprioception, 20, 21

Pumas, 127


Quechua, 6, 2223, 61


Rabbits, 162

Rats, 130

Rattlesnakes, 99

Ravens, 115, 147

relational trauma, 72

Rhinoceroses, 4344, 52, 72, 110

Ribble, Margaret, 104

RNA editing, 117118

Russell, Charlie, 1415, 17, 22, 2425, 26, 30, 138, 159, 163


Salmon, 1516, 22, 25, 50, 57, 128

San People, 163

Schelling, F. W. J., 159

Schore, Allan, 76, 7879, 125

Schwab, Gerhard, 96


definition of, xix

Native, xx

Western, xixxx

Seals, Harbor, 52

secondary-process psychological experiences, 123, 124

secure attachment, 76, 80

secure base, 7475


autobiographical, 143

core, 143

development of, 20, 142146

false, 146

minimal, 143

proto-, 143

self-awareness, 127, 129

self-regulation, 8687, 93, 100, 103, 127, 129

serotonin, 54

settler-colonizer culture, xx, 3940, 96, 103104, 135

Shanker, Stuart, 126

Sharks, 48, 119, 129

Sheldrick, Daphne, 35, 40, 51, 52

Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, 35, 37, 40, 51, 7172

Silverfish, Antarctic, 66

Sioux, 6, 104, 154, 158, 161

Snakes, 99100

social engagement ethic, 134135, 141

social intelligence, 127128

socioemotional development, 123125

Spitz, René, 69

Squids, 48, 49, 66, 68, 118, 128

Squirrels, Ground, 23

Standing Bear, Chief Luther, 9697, 104, 153154

symbolic thought, 126

sympoiesis, 145

sympoietic entanglement, 145


temperature regulation, 107

Tennyson, Alfred, 95

tertiary-process psychological experiences, 123124

Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall, 5

Thorndike, Edward, 127

Tinbergen, Niko, 73


benefits of, 21, 99100, 102108, 111

effects of lack of, 104107

epigenetic changes and, 108109

as essential element of the evolved nest, 155, 156157

importance of, 102, 104

movement and, 105107

in Nature-based cultures, 104

pervasiveness of, 103

prenatal, 105

in settler-colonizer culture, 103104

Trask, Haunani-Kay, 4


from childhood, 142

disconnection and, 162

effects of, 41, 4445, 109110, 142, 148149

intergenerational, 149

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 45, 110, 149

relational, 72

tribal people, xix. See also Native Peoples

tryptophan, 54

Turkeys, 21




vagus nerve, 76, 78, 105, 156

Varela, Francisco, 145


Watkins, Mary, 32

Weilgart, Linda, 49

Western/Westernized, definition of, xx

Whales, Blue, 48

Whales, Humpback, 57

Whales, Sperm, 4752

birthing waters of, 48

evolved nest of, 2

nursing behavior of, 49, 5152

precocial traits of, 4849

scientific classification of, 48

size of, 48

society and culture of, 4850

Whitehead, Hal, 49

Winnicott, D. W., 103

Wolves, 133134, 136140, 144150

bias against, 136, 137, 148

care of young, 138, 139140, 142, 144148

dens of, 139

emotions and, 136

food for, 137

human cultures and, 136

hunting by, 137138, 147

movement of, 138139

nursing behavior of, 52, 148

play and, 144145

sense of self and, 144, 147

society and culture of, 136, 137140, 149150

trauma and, 148149

World Health Organization (WHO), 57, 58, 70


Ye’kuana, 34, 6, 93, 161

Yellowstone National Park, 137, 138139, 148149

Yunkaporta, Tyson, 72