
M anaging chronic kidney disease (CKD) requires lifestyle adjustments, but it might help to know you’re not alone. In fact, over 31 million people in the United States are diagnosed with some malfunction of their kidneys or are battling kidney disease. As a registered dietitian (RD) with extensive experience assisting patients in taking control over their kidney disease, I have helped patients not only manage the physical symptoms associated with this disease but also cope with the emotional toll that this life change can take. Without knowing what the future holds, uncertainty, fear, depression, and anxiety can be common. It may even feel like dialysis is inevitable, and you may be asking yourself if it is worth the time or effort to try and manage this stage of the disease, or if it’s even possible to delay the progression. As an expert in this field, I can assure you it is not just possible; it’s yours to achieve—only 1 in 50 diagnosed with CKD end up on dialysis. So together, with the right tools, we can work to delay and ultimately prevent end-stage renal disease and dialysis. Success is earned through diet modifications and lifestyle changes. Using simple, manageable strategies, I have watched firsthand as my patients empowered themselves with knowledge. They have gone on to lead full, productive, and happy lives, continuing to work, play, and enjoy spending time with their loved ones—just the way it should be!

Only 1 in 50 diagnosed with CKD end up on dialysis

Diet is a vital part of treatment for CKD, and it can help immensely in slowing the progression of the disease. There are ingredients that help the kidneys function, while others make the kidneys work harder. This book will focus on crowding out the unhealthy with the healthy and helpful. Also, targeting factors like salt and carbohydrate intake is important to reduce the risk of hypertension, diabetes, and other diseases that can result from kidney failure. I can’t emphasize enough the importance of consulting a dietitian throughout the progression of CKD in order to optimize health, and this book is a good start, as it’s designed specifically for the treatment of this population.

As an RD, I have years of firsthand experience treating patients at all stages of CKD. In this third book of my series, I want to give you, as a newly diagnosed individual, a better idea of how to manage these critical first stages with proper nutrition and recipes tailored to your unique condition. You may feel like you’re in uncharted territory, and navigating your new dietary requirements can be challenging. At first, all of the new food dos and don’ts can be confusing, even frustrating, to you and your family. On top of that, it is common to be dealing with other health issues, such as hypertension or diabetes, which can add to the food restrictions.

This book is designed to help. With over 100 recipes, plus tips and tricks, this book can help us tackle your new challenge together. It describes exactly what you can eat and what you should try to avoid, and features unique meal plans that can be tailored to your needs and likes. It will also provide you with specific diet information, such as the types of fruit with lower potassium, or the dairy choice with lower phosphorus, so you’ll understand the best options when you prepare meals and snacks.

In this time of change and uncertainty, the knowledge you gain from these pages will give you the power to take your life into your hands and make changes to benefit you in the short and long term. I hope to educate and inspire you with new, easy ways to change the trajectory of your health. Adopting a kidney-friendly lifestyle can be challenging at first, but following these recipes will reduce the anxiety associated with selecting smart food options for your everyday life. And lest you worry that your new diet is restrictive or unsustainable, I want to assure you that these recipes are both easy and delicious, and they will give you a realistic, satisfying way to make this lifestyle change. This book will guide you each step of the way. In doing so, it will help take the stress of meal planning out of the equation, and help you focus on the truly important things in life.