Avocado Egg Bake


Avocados are a wonderful source of monounsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin E, and fiber. Start your day right by combining this powerful and nutrient-dense fruit with an egg for a filling meal. Look for an avocado that yields gently to pressure when holding, but avoid using an overly ripe avocado—it needs to remain slightly firm during cooking.

1 avocado, halved

2 large eggs

Freshly ground black pepper

1 tablespoon chopped parsley

1 Preheat the oven to 425°F.

2 In a small bowl, crack 1 egg carefully, keeping the yolk intact.

3 On a baking sheet, place the avocado halves cut-side up. Pour the egg into one half. Repeat with the other egg and avocado half. Season with pepper.

4 Bake for 15 minutes, until the egg is set. Remove from the oven, and sprinkle with the parsley. Serve.

Substitution tip: For new flavor combinations, experiment with different herbs on top of the finished egg bake. Cilantro, chives, scallions, and fresh oregano are other lively flavors to top off this dish.

Per Serving Calories: 242; Total Fat: 20g; Saturated Fat: 4g; Cholesterol: 208mg; Carbohydrates: 9g; Fiber: 7g; Protein: 9g; Phosphorus: 164mg; Potassium: 575mg; Sodium: 88mg