- Aberfan, Wales, mining disaster, 47
- abundance, using, 91–92
- accelerator skills sets, 148–150
- results and, 156–158
- the three noes, 158–160
- yea-sayers and, 161–163
- adaptability, 25, 26
- adaptive ecosystem strategy, 151–153
- additive manufacturing, 148–150, 151, 152–153
- Aeron chair, 17, 167
- agile methodologies, 167, 190
- Alcoa, 59–61, 70–71, 94
- Allen, Tom, 75–76
- All Turtles, 33
- Alzheimer’s challenge, 120–121
- Amazon, Alexa, 30
- amygdala, 102
- analogies, 39
- analogs, 39
- Android, 104–105
- antonym analogies, 39
- Apple, 104–105, 172
- applied neuroscience, 5, 9, 16–17, 186–187
- on archetypes, 82, 86–87
- behavioral innovation and, 168–169, 172
- on characters in narrative, 44
- definition of, 124–126
- experimental design and, 120–132
- on fear of the unknown, 102
- fear of the unknown and, 103–108
- on habits/routines in decision making, 61–64
- how to access, 133
- on persuasion by narrative, 41–44
- on persuasive media, 50
- in prototyping, 119
- on wanting vs. liking, 122–123
- archetypes, functional, 14–16, 77–88
- breaking bottlenecks using, 64–68
- expectations and, 88
- how to use, 81–85
- knowing your own, 83
- neuroscience on, 82, 86–87
- Archinaut, 153
- Ariely, Daniel, 95
- Armstrong, Stretch, 39
- artifact trails, 17, 103, 108–114
- how to create, 111–112
- in personal transformation, 180
- power of tangible artifacts and, 96
- artificial intelligence (AI), 114
- Asimov, Isaac, 30
- assumptions, killer, 115
- attention, 125–126
- augmented reality (AR)
- development of, 6–8
- at Lowe’s, 29–32, 104–108, 200–201
- neuroscience on, 119
- phones, 2
- science fiction about, 29–32
- strategy for, 8
- authenticity, 88–89
- behavioral databases, 132–136
- free/nearly free tools for, 137
- how to use, 135–136
- behavioral economics, 9, 191
- behavioral innovation
- definition of, 168–169
- fields in, 169–170
- innovation processes and, 170–172
- manifesto on, 165–173
- behavioral innovation and transformation, 191
- behavioral science, 9–11
- archetypes and, 79–87
- breaking bottlenecks with, 15–16
- behavior change, creating real, 25–26. See also habits
- believability, 48–49
- Berns, Greg, 122
- Bethe, Hans, 142
- BevMo!, 154
- Beynon, David, 47
- Bezos, Jeff, 12
- biases, 186–188
- habits/routines and, 61–64
- incremental thinking and, 23–25
- innovation and, 170–171
- neuroscience on, 123
- organizational nomenclature and, 69–74
- BigML, 137
- blame, 113
- Boroditsky, Lera, 95
- bottlenecks, 4, 14–16, 59–97
- archetypes in breaking, 64–68, 77–88
- breakers for, 88–96
- data in breaking, 89–91
- decision maps in breaking, 64–68
- human element as, 18–19
- mapping, 74–77
- organizational nomenclature and, 69–74
- uncommon partners and, 92–94
- using abundance and, 91–92
- value language and, 94–95
- brands, implicit associations with, 129–132
- Branson, Richard, 120
- brokke sig, 147
- budgets, 144, 157, 159, 168
- burning platforms, 172
- business model innovation, 167
- California Institute of Technology, 102
- Call of Duty (video game), 148–149
- Campbell, Joseph, 192
- capabilities
- accelerator skill sets, 148–150
- building, 12
- chaos pilots, 144–147
- inverted power, 143–144
- negative capability, 141–143, 146
- uncommon partners and, 150–153
- caretaker archetype, 79–80, 82, 84
- Center for Decision Neuroscience, 187
- Centrino processors, 43, 46
- change, pace of, 196
- change mandates, 12
- chaos pilots, 144–147
- characters, 40, 44
- Cisco, 159, 160
- cognitive load, 50, 124–126
- comic books, 14, 15, 49–57
- assessing, 56
- brain’s reaction to, 127
- finding artists for, 52, 53
- how to use, 51–54
- at Lowe’s, 31–32
- narrative in, 49
- this book as, 193–209
- when they don’t work, 54–55
- Comic-Con, 52
- commitment, 171–172
- common sense, 135
- competition, cooperation vs., 86–87
- complexity, optimal levels of, 56
- confidence, 12, 102–103
- artifact trails and, 109
- confirmation bias, 24–25
- conflict, in narrative, 40, 45
- conscious, theories of, 61–64
- control conditions, 118
- cooperation vs. competition, 86–87
- Copenhagen University Hospital, 23–24
- coupling, 42
- creativity, 171
- creator archetype, 84
- Crichton, Michael, 27
- criticism, 147
- cross-functional teams, 149–150
- cyber security issues, 74–75
- Danish Modern movement, 50–51
- data
- abundance in, 91–92
- analysis of, 135–136
- in behavioral databases, 132–136
- bottleneck breaking with, 89–91
- consistency in, 136
- curating, 34–35
- experimental design and, 119–120
- metrics based on, 16–17
- science fiction using, 34–36
-, 137
- de Botton, Alain, 161
- decision makers
- determining key, 66, 75–76
- power of proximity and, 75–76
- decision making
- archetypes and, 79–87
- behavioral databases and, 132–136
- bias in, 186–188
- experimental design and, 118
- formal vs. informal structure for, 75–77
- key decision makers and, 66
- mapping bottlenecks in, 74–77
- mapping structure for, 65
- organizational nomenclature and, 69–74
- reframing the purpose and, 95–96
- routines/habits in, 61–64
- value language and, 94–95
- decision maps, 14–16, 15
- breaking bottlenecks using, 64–68
- mapping bottlenecks with, 74–77
- Decision Neuroscience Research Group, 187
- dependent variables, 115, 117
- design thinking, 25, 167, 190
- diabetes, 23
- Diamandis, Peter, 120
- digital toolbox, 10
- assessing comics, 56
- determining your organization’s type, 71
- finding graphic artists, 53
- finding writers, 38
- how to access applied neuroscience, 133
- metrics for new projects, 160
- narrative examples, 49
- disillusionment, 31–32, 147
- disruption, 100
- diversity, 149–150
- DNV GL, 134–135
- Dorsey, Jack, 114
- drones, 64–68
- DTAC, 157
- Duhigg, Charles, 59–61
- Dune (Herbert), 33
- Dutch East India Company, 165
- early adopters, 161, 171
- Eden, Shmuel “Mooly,” 43, 46
- Edgcumbe, Philip, 120–121
- Edison, Thomas, 57
- Elbæk, Uffe, 144–147
- electroencephalograph (EEG), 5, 124
- emotion, 170
- characters and, 46, 47
- narrative arc and, 45
- emotional arousal, 125–126
- empathy, 30
- Equifax, 74–75
- European Union Open Data Portal, 137
- Evernote, 33
- excuses, 113
- exosuits, 2, 153–155, 156
- expectations, 157
- archetypes and, 88
- narratives and, 46–49
- experimental design, 101, 168
- methods for, 128–132
- pivots and, 105–106, 153–155
- experimental design canvas, 17, 103–104, 114–118
- applied neuroscience and, 120–132
- how to use, 115–118
- testing comics with, 56
- experiments, 25
- explorer archetype, 84
- Facebook, 7–8, 122
- falsifiability, 115
- fear, 3, 16–17, 18. See also uncertainty
- in personal transformation, 180–181
- Fellow Robots, 154
- Feringa, Ben, 181
- Ferrari, 129–130, 131, 132
- Feynman, Richard, 141–143
- fKPIs. See future key performance indicators (fKPIs)
- focus groups, 16–17
- folk theories, 42–43, 46
- Ford, Henry, 127
- framing
- for archetypes, 79–80, 86–87
- comic books and, 50
- definition of, 95
- purpose, 95–96
- the purpose of science fiction, 35
- Freire, Andy, 73
- Fresh, Doug E., 39, 40
- Frontrunners program, 145
- fulfillment, 161
- functional archetypes. See archetypes, functional
- functional fixedness, 24–25
- functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 62, 124
- on cooperation vs. competition, 86–87
- Furr, Nathan, 188–191
- Future Crimes (Goodman), 75
- future key performance indicators (fKPIs), 16–17, 101, 159
- behavioral databases and, 134–135
- experimental design for, 115–118
- generating, 118–120
- Gaiman, Neil, 41
- Garud, Raghu, 46, 48, 113
- Gazzaniga, Michael, 186
- genetics, 81, 86–87
- Glass, Noah, 114
- Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, The (movie), 42
- Goodman, Mark, 75
- Google, 2, 3
- AdWords Keyword Planner, 137
- Cardboard, 8, 104, 107
- HEART, 159
- Lowe’s partnership with, 5, 8, 107–108
- Public Data Explorer, 137
- Tango, 104, 107
- Trends, 137
- graphic artists, 52, 53
- graphic novels. See comic books
- habits, 3
- at Alcoa, 59–61
- decision bottlenecks from, 14–16
- decision making and, 61–64
- Harrison, Spencer, 55, 57
- Harvard University, 165
- Hasson, Uri, 42
- HEART framework, 159
- Herbert, Frank, 33
- hero archetype, 84
- heroes, 46, 192
- Holoroom, 104, 105, 107, 110
- Home Depot, The, 1
- honesty, 88–89
- HTC Vive, 107
- human elements. See also biases; habits
- bottlenecks from, 18–19
- in science fiction, 33–34
- Huy, Quy, 170
- hypotheses, 25, 115–116
- Ibrahim, Samir, 40
- identity biases, 170–171
- IKEA, 3, 99–101, 163
- imagination, 3. See also vision
- imaging genetics, 81
- implicit association tests (IATs), 129–132
- incremental thinking/innovation, 9, 18, 169–170
- power of, 23–25
- science fiction and, 38–39
- independent variables, 117
- industrial revolution, 165–167, 189
- informal networks, 75–76
- initiatives, 12
- innocent archetype, 84
- innovation
- behavioral innovation on, 170–172
- behavioral science on, 9
- incremental, 9
- at Lowe’s, 2
- metrics for, 16–17
- seeing possibilities in plain sight, 175–177
- INSEAD, 151
- insects, eating, 55, 57
- inspirational stories, 177–179
- Instagram, 194, 195
- Institute for Advanced Studies, 141
- Intel, 43, 46
- International Space Station, 150–151, 153
- intertemporal choice bias, 24–25
- interviews
- for experimental design, 128–129
- for organizational nomenclature, 65
- for science fiction, 35
- Intuit, 160
- inverted power, 143–144
- iteration
- of comic books, 53
- pivoting narratives vs. principles, 153–155
- in science fiction writing, 38
- James, William, 62
- jester archetype, 85
- Jobs, Steve, 139, 167
- Jurassic Park (Crichton), 27
- Justice League, 92–94
- Kahneman, Daniel, 62, 187
- Kaospilot, 145–147
- Keats, John, 143
- key performance indicators. See future key performance indicators (fKPIs)
- Kickstarter, 31
- killer assumptions, 115
- Klint, Kaare, 51
- Knutson, Brian, 123
- Kodak, 139–140
- Kvålseth, Andrew, 156–157
- Land, Edwin, 139
- Langer, Ellen, 21–23, 44
- language. See nomenclature, organizational
- Lant, Theresa, 46, 48, 113
- latent theories, 42–43, 46
- lean methodology, 25, 167, 190
- Lenovo, 2, 8, 104–105
- Libin, Phil, 33, 34
- light bulbs, 57, 90
- liking vs. wanting, 122–123
- lover archetype, 85
- Lowe’s, 1–2, 3
- 3-D technology at, 148–149, 151
- abundance at, 91–92
- adaptive ecosystem strategy at, 151, 152–153
- artifact trail at, 110–111
- behavioral database at, 134
- bottom-up transformation at, 143–144
- data use at, 34–35
- decision bottlenecks at, 16
- exosuits, 153–155
- experimental design at, 115, 117
- fKPIs at, 103–108
- folk theory at, 46
- how it transformed, 4–12
- Innovation Labs, 203–208
- Nel at, 184–185
- prototyping at, 5, 118–119
- redefinitions by, 8, 11
- resistance at, 6–7
- science fiction at, 29–32
- transformation of, 163–164, 198–202
- uncommon partners of, 154
- Lyrical, Professor, 40
- Lyte, MC, 39
- machine learning, 133, 135
- Made In Space, 152–153
- magician archetype, 83, 84
- Majid Al Futtaim, 132
- management, 165–167, 189
- Manna, Amanda, 149, 162–163
- MAO-A (monoamine exodase A) gene, 86
- max-difference studies, 128
- mentalizing network, 86–87
- metrics. See also future key performance indicators (fKPIs)
- experimental design for, 115–118
- mature, 115, 158–159
- for new projects, 160
- scientifically validated, 124–125
- variable design and, 117
- micromanaging, 114
- microscopes, 129
- Microsoft, 3
- Hololens, 107
- Lowe’s partnership with, 5
- Mogensen, Børge, 50–51
- motivation, 125–126
- music, responses to, 122
- Musk, Elon, 12–13, 30, 96, 170
- Myspace, 122
- Nail It Then Scale It (Furr), 157–158
- narrative, 204–205. See also science fiction
- behavioral innovation and, 170
- beliefs created by, 48
- believability of, 48–49
- brain’s reactions to, 126–127
- customer-centered, 36
- elements of, 40
- examples of, 49
- framing for archetypes, 79–80
- at Lowe’s, 163–164
- motivation from, 41
- persuasion by, 41–44
- pivoting, 153–155
- power of, 14, 21–23, 26–27, 41
- PowerPoint presentations vs., 40–41
- resistance created by, 126–127
- in seeing new possibilities, 177–181
- setting expectations using, 46–49
- through the lens of one person, 46, 47
- narrative, strategic, 12–14, 39–49
- artifact trails from, 110
- characters in, 44
- creating the future using, 25–39
- envisioning the future with, 39–49
- how to use, 44–46
- at Lowe’s, 31–32
- modifying, 113–114
- narrative arc in, 45
- resolution in, 45–46
- in transforming your own life, 175–177
- narrative arc, 40, 45
- narrator of the brain, 186–187
- NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 94, 96, 150–151, 153
- negative capability, 141–143, 146
- Nel, Kyle, 184–185
- networks, informal, 75–76
- Neurons Building, 61
- neuroprototyping, 10, 122, 126–127
- behavioral databases and, 134
- with leaders and stakeholders, 126–127
- with users, 127–128
- neuroscience. See applied neuroscience
- Neurovision, 56
- Nielsen ratings, 123
- Nietzsche, Friedrich, 161–162
- noes, three, 158–160
- Nokia, 172
- nomenclature, organizational, 15
- archetypes and, 79–80, 83
- assessing and using, 71–74
- breaking bottlenecks and, 69–74
- discovering, 65
- in science fiction, 36
- tools to talk about, 73
- value language, 94–95
- nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), 35
- Nordkvist, Håkan, 101
- Norris, Leslie, 47
- novelty, 57
- obstacles, 161–163
- Occipital, 31
- Oculus Rift, 7–8, 107
- Odeo, 114
- Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck), 159
- O’Neill, Paul, 59–61, 70–71, 94
- optimism, 34
- oranges, sales of, 89, 133–134
- organization types, 71, 73, 74
- origin stories, 183–192
- outcomes optimization, 181
- outlaw archetype, 84
- Parra, Lucas, 123
- partners and partnerships
- helping prosper, 154
- at Lowe’s, 5, 7, 107–108
- mature systems and, 159–160
- as tangible artifacts, 96
- uncommon, 7, 19, 92–94, 150–153, 154, 173
- patent applications, 166
- Pepsi, 3, 30
- personality traits, 86, 171. See also archetypes, functional
- persuasion
- best media for, 50
- narrative and, 41–44
- organizational nomenclature and, 69–74
- on outlandish things, 55, 57
- Pfeffer, Jeff, 75
- Pitch & Flow, 39–41, 49
- pivoting
- artifact trails and, 112
- experimental design and, 105–106
- modifying the narrative, 113–114
- principles, 153–155
- in science fiction writing, 38
- plot, 48
- Pokémon Go, 8
- Polaroid, 139–140, 194, 195
- politics, 3
- breaking bottlenecks and, 14–16
- data vs., 89–91
- reframing and, 95–96
- population growth, 99–101
- Porter, Michael, 8
- possibilities
- in plain sight, 175–177
- seeing new, 177–181
- power
- of framing, 95–96
- inverted, 143–144
- proximity and, 75–76
- PowerPoint presentations, 40–41, 51
- prisoner’s dilemma, 86–87
- product choices, 123
- promissory services agreements, 160
- prototypes and prototyping
- in artifact trails, 112
- in dealing with the unknown, 104–105
- at Lowe’s, 5, 118–119
- neuroprototyping, 10, 122, 126–127
- as tangible artifacts, 96
- virtual, 112
- proximity, decision-making power and, 75–76
- psychology, 9, 82
- purpose, reframing, 95–96
- Qualtrics, 131
- radical ideas, persuasion for, 55, 57
- Ramsøy, Thomas Zoëga, 185–188
- rap battle, 39–41, 49
- real-options strategy, 181
- recency bias, 24–25
- regular archetype, 85
- resistance, 3
- behavioral science of, 9–11
- to comic books, 55
- fear of the unknown and, 103–137
- overcoming, 16–17
- turning into uncommon partners, 92–94
- yea-sayers and, 161–163
- resolution, in narrative, 40, 45–46
- resources, abundance of, 91–92
- results orientation, 155–158
- risk aversion, 102–103, 181
- Robbins, Tony, 120
- robots, 2, 77–81, 92–94, 128, 154
- routines, 18
- at Alcoa, 59–61
- decision bottlenecks from, 14–16
- decision making and, 61–64
- ruler archetype, 85
- sage archetype, 84
- Savannah College of Art and Design, 52
- scapegoating, 113
- Schildt, Henri, 46, 48, 113
- science fiction, 4–5, 25–39
- alternatives to, 38–39
- envisioning the future with, 12–14, 27–32
- how to use, 34–38
- at Lowe’s, 29–32
- power of, 33–34
- in seeing new possibilities, 177–181
- world changed by, 30–33
- writers, finding, 35–36, 37, 38
- Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), 37
- scientifically validated measures, 124–125
- scope, 118
- Sears, 194
- self-transforming organizations, leading, 139–164
- accelerator skill sets in, 148–150
- chaos pilots in, 144–147
- inverted power in, 143–144
- negative capability for, 141–143
- from ossified to agile, 163–164
- results first in, 155–158
- three noes in, 158–160
- uncommon partners in, 150–153
- yea-sayers in, 161–163
- serotonin, 81
- Sheffield, Mason, 148–149
- Shipilov Andrew, 151
- Silicon Valley, 30–33
- Singularity University, 67, 152
- small wins, 96, 157–158
- Snapchat, 195
- Snow Crash (Stephenson), 30
- social entrepreneurs, 39–41
- social psychology, 9
- space travel, commercial, 30
- SpaceX, 96, 120
- speculative fiction, 14, 34–38
- stage gates, 118
- Stanovich, Keith, 62
- startups, 149–150
- status quo, challenging, 6, 147
- Steinbeck, John, 159
- Stephenson, Neal, 30
- Storkholm, David, 145
- story. See narrative
- strategic narrative, 12–14
- strokes, 23–24
- subconscious, 187
- implicit associations and, 129–132
- theories of, 61–64
- sustainability, 99–101
- Svensk Film, 163
- synchronization, from narrative, 42–44
- system 1 thinking, 62–64
- systems, saying no to mature, 159–160
- Szent-Györgyi, Albert, 108–109
- tangible artifacts, 96
- Tango platform, 104, 107
- Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 166
- teams, 149–150
- technology, 4, 163, 189
- failure to transform and, 139–140
- pace of change and, 196
- science-fiction inspired, 30–33
- Telenor, 155–157
- TensorFlow, 135, 137
- Tesco, 122
- Tesla, 12–13
- themes, 36
- Thibodeau, Paul, 95
- thieves archetype, 83
- Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 187
- third-party digital arbiters, 89–91
- 3-D technology, 148–150, 150–151
- cameras, 31
- tools for transformation, 4–5
- archetypes, 77–88
- bottleneck breakers, 88–96
- comic books, 49–57
- for organizational nomenclature, 73
- science fiction, 4–5, 25–39
- strategic narrative, 39–49
- vision creation, 25
- transformation
- behavioral science of, 9–11
- definition of, 2
- difficulty of, 2
- disillusionment in, 31–32
- human element of, 18–19
- at Lowe’s, 4–12
- process for, 1–3, 12–17
- small-t to big-T, 12, 140–141
- steps in, 54–55
- steps in, following, 78–79
- tools for, 4–5
- in your own life, 175–181
- Transformation Lab, 10–11, 173
- Transformers (movie), 148
- trickster archetype, 83
- TURF studies, 128
- Twitter, 40–41, 114, 123
- uncertainty, 16–17, 99–137, 196–197
- applied neuroscience and, 120–132
- artifact trails and, 108–114
- behavioral databases and, 132–136
- behavioral innovation manifesto for, 165–173
- being comfortable with, 142–143
- chaos pilots for, 144–147
- confidence and, 102–103
- experimental design and, 103–108, 114–118
- fear of, the need for tools to overcome, 102–103
- fKPIs and, 103–108
- managing, 198–200
- in personal transformation, 180–181
- theories about, 188–191
- unilateral neglect, 23–24
- United Nations, 3
- unknown, the. See uncertainty
- Unreasonable Group, 40
- US Department of State, 39, 40
- usefulness, 57
- value, creating and capturing, 166–167
- values
- of archetypes, 83
- defining organizational, 71–72, 73, 74
- reframing and, 95–96
- speaking the language of, 94–95
- variables, 115, 117
- vector of search, 110
- Virginia Tech, 155
- virtual reality (VR), 2, 7–8
- at Lowe’s, 5–6, 29–32
- neuroscience on, 119
- vision, 19, 21–58
- artifact trails and, 108–114
- comic books for, 49–57
- incremental thinking and, 23–25
- results-first approach with, 157–158
- science fiction in, 12–14, 25–39
- strategic narrative for, 39–49
- tools to create grand, 25
- Visioneers, 120–122, 127
- visual communication, 50
- Voltaire, 16
- Volvo, 129–130, 131, 132
- Walmart, 3, 184
- wanting vs. liking, 122–123
- waterfall software design, 190
- Watson, Carin, 152
- Weka, 137
- West, Richard, 62
- WhatsApp, 156
- Whyte, David, 175–177, 180
-, 120
- Williams, Evan, 114
- Windeløv-Lidzélius, Christer, 145
- World Economic Forum, 189
- worldviews, 42, 181
- writers, 36, 38
- finding, 35–36, 37, 38
- XPRIZE, 3, 120–122, 126, 127
- Yamada, 154
- yea-sayers, 161–163
- Zaccai, Gianfranco, 17