This book would never have been written had it not been for my patient agent Sarah Fuentes and supportive editor Amy Einhorn. Both were instrumental in getting this project off the ground and steering me in the right direction. Also, the entire team at Henry Holt: Julia Ortiz, Marian Brown, Molly Bloom, Laura Flavin, Christopher Sergio, Omar Chapa, Nicolette Seeback, and everyone else who got this baby out the door.
This book would never have been completed without the guidance, help, and advice of Dedi Felman. Dedi worked with disastrous early drafts and held my hand throughout this process. Not only that, she made working on a research-heavy book … fun? I still miss our midday therapy sessions.
So many people devoted their time, expertise, and thoughts: Perry Romanowski, Esther Olu, Bill Sukala, Kelly Dobos, Carl Winter, Jen Novakovich, Steven Loy, Miriam Zoll, Rachel Bloom, Ruthie Schulder, Dr. David Scales, Renée DiResta, Sheril Kirshenbaum, Michelle Wong, Julie Rehmeyer, Don Ardell, Ophelia Yeung, Vincent Parry, Barbara Riegel, and many, many more.
The fact-checking and review process was a team effort. Many thanks to all those who contributed: Dustin Moore, Leah McGrath, Dr. Maude Carmel, Laury Frieber, Jenny Splitter, Greta Moran, Alison Bernstein, Lea Urpa, Dr. Benjamin Mazer, Dr. Sophie Bracke, Kate Gallagher, Sarah Wassberg Johnson, Bram Berntzen, Dr. Danielle Ofri, Cadence Bambenek, Cody Musselman, Jay Gooch, Kathleen Meehan, Stephen Alain Ko, Mindy Levine, and Tamika Sims.
Plenty of friends got me to this point and helped in various ways. Huge thanks to Tali Malina, Merisa Brod Fink, Beth McGroarty, Rachel Krupa, Dan Gregor, Nick Bilton, Shayndi Raice, and the Mooney Method crew. A special shout-out to Susan Houriet, who gave me some of my first big opportunities in journalism, as well as Anjali Khosla for being such an encouraging and diligent editor at Fast Company.
I’m incredibly blessed to have a family that has always been there for me. I’m so very grateful for my Ema (Esther Raphael) and Abba (Dr. David Raphael Z”L), who instilled in me a love of books, science, and debate. I also have amazing, loving siblings: Abraham, Deborah, Nechama, Miriam, and Fred. My in-laws Marion and Dennis Spiegelman were always quick with words of encouragement.
I’m also lucky to have my East Coast family, Gina and Phil Vinick, who looked after me throughout all my years in New York. You treated me like I was your own daughter. I’ll never forget that.
Last but not least, I’m forever indebted to my husband Eric Spiegelman, who knows that real wellness is a supportive partner (and a good-looking dog). I’m sorry I was such a nightmare to live with while writing this. I love you. And I promise I’ll start getting out of PJs before noon.
Thank you.