1. Rina Raphael, “Namaste En Masse: Can Wellness Festivals Grow as Big as Coachella?,” Fast Company, Jan. 30, 2017, fastcompany.com/40421458/namaste-en-masse-can-wellness-festivals-grow-as-big-as-coachella.
2. Rina Raphael, “Why This Feminist Weed Camp Isn’t Just for White Women,” Fast Company, Oct. 17, 2017, fastcompany.com/40474705/why-this-feminist-weed-camp-isnt-white-women.
3. Elaine Stone and Sheryl A. Farnan, The Dynamics of Fashion, 5th ed. (New York: Fairchild Books, 2018), 180.
4. “An Inside Look into the 2021 Global Consumer Health and Wellness Revolution,” NielsenIQ, Oct. 28, 2021, nielseniq.com/global/en/insights/report/2021/an-inside-look-into-the-2021-global-consumer-health-and-wellness-revolution/.
5. Adi Menayang, “Millennials Are ‘the Most Health-Conscious Generation Ever,’ Says Report by the Halo Group,” FoodNavigator-USA, March 27, 2017, foodnavigator-usa.com/Article/2017/03/27/Millennials-scrutinize-health-claims-more-than-other-generations.