Page numbers in italic refer to information in text boxes.


abandonment of copyright, 19

academic libraries and use of independent contractors, 34

See also educational purposes

accredited institutions and TEACH Act, 85

Agreement on Guidelines for Classroom Copying in Not-For-Profit Educational

Institutions with Respect to Books and Periodicals, 78

amount of portion in fair use

and educational uses, 70

as factor in determining, 55, 6364

anticircumvention legislation. See Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA); technological protection

architectural works

copying by libraries, 94

as copyrightable, 48

artworks, fair use of, 74

ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers), 116, 141

audiovisual works

copying by libraries, 94, 95

under TEACH Act, 87


backup copies of software, 48

Berne Convention, 24

best practices for fair use, 80

bibliographies as compilations of facts, 16

blind persons, materials for, 4849, 49, 126

BMI (Broadcast Music International), 116, 141

book sellers and first sale doctrine, 114115


copying by libraries, 94

copyright issues, 3

Braille versions of works, 48

broadcast programming

guidelines, 78

and musical works, 116117

television programs, 63, 68


calendars, 19

case law, application of, 67

cell phones, exceptions to technological protection for wireless apps, 125

circumvention of technological protection. See technological protection

citation of sources, 69

classroom copying

guidelines, 78

multiple copies as fair use, 61

classroom handouts, 68

classroom performances and displays

of digitized materials, 4

exceptions for, 47

and public performances, 42

showing of films in classroom, 4

text of Section 110(1), 158159

uses of motion pictures, exceptions to technological protection on DVDs, 125

collective works as works made for hire, 34

commercial uses

and fair use, 60

and first sale doctrine, 115

and section 108 requirements, 94

vs. educational uses, 67

See also context of use and fair use


text of Section 103, 150

as uncopyrightable, 1617

of unpublished works, 17

computer software

circumvention of anti-copying, 122

copying by libraries, 94

copying for repair of computer, 48

copying of entire program, 64

as copyrightable, 12

exceptions to technological protection for obsolete dongles, 126

exceptions to technological protection for wireless apps, 125

guidelines, 78

reproduction of, 40

rights of ownership, 48

as unpublished work, 131

Conference on Fair Use (CONFU), 77, 79

confidentiality issues and protection of unpublished works, 131132

consumable materials and fair use, 62

context of copied material and fair use, 6364

context of use and fair use, 65

contributory infringement, 104

CONTU (National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works), 9798, 98

copies, multiple, as fair use, 61

copy machines in the library, 98

copy protection. See technological protection

copying of materials created to serve educational market, 70


consideration of in everyday work, 8

eligibility for copyright, 2425

instruction on, 85, 85

overview, 25

scope of protectable works, 7, 9, 1213

Copyright Act. See U.S. Copyright Code

Copyright Clearance Center

and CONTU guidelines, 98

and licensing, 65, 76n16

and securing permissions, 141, 141

copyright decisions, strategies for, 7

copyright expiration, 15

See also public domain

copyright infringement. See infringement

copyright management information, 24, 120

copyright management options, 7

copyright notice

examples, 25

generic notice for, 94

on ILL forms, 96

legislative history, 26

on materials for students, 85

on materials photocopied by libraries, 94

on photocopying machines, 98

and requesting permission, 140

requirement for, 24

copyright owners. See ownership of copyright

copyright policies, institutional, and TEACH Act, 84, 85, 85

copyright registration. See registration of copyright

course packs and fair use, 62, 7172

Creative Commons, 6, 37, 140

creative works, fair use of, 73

creativity criterion

and fair use, 62

and protection of ideas, 15

as requirement for copyright, 1011, 16


damaged or lost published works, 6

dance notations, copying by libraries, 94


licensing of as permission from copyright owner, 140

noncopyrightable, 15, 17

protection of in European Union, 17

trends, 127

See also licensing

derivative works

definition, 44n3

and originality, 910

right to make, 4041

text of statute, 150

digital audio transmissions, 43

digital libraries, 68

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

case law, 120123

and circumvention of copy protection, 119129

computer software, 48

exceptions for libraries and education, 123127

and preservation copying, 46, 96

removal of copyright management information, 24

rights of copyright owners, 4344

and “Safe Harbor,” 104, 104106

sanctions in, 121122, 122

text of Section 1201, 162

trends, 127128

digital resources

copying by libraries, 95

fair use of, 7374

guidelines, 79

preservation copying, 96

as tangible medium, 1112

digital rights management (DRM) codes, circumvention of, 128


as copyright infringement, 41

of films, 45

and TEACH Act, 89

disabled persons, special formats for, 4849

display rights. See performances and displays

dissemination of materials, limits on, 86

distance education, 8391

checklist for compliance, 167169

and fair use, 90

guidelines, 79

and institutional policies, 3637

and musical works, 115116

performances and displays in, 42, 45, 48

text of Section 110(2), 159160

distribution, right of, 40

DMCA. See Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

documentary filmmaking, exceptions to technological protection on DVDs, 125

dongles, obsolete, 126

drafts as unpublished works, 131

dramatic musical works and TEACH Act, 115, 115116

duration of copyright, 2329

foreign works, 2627

joint copyright, 32

and renewal of copyright, 26

unpublished works, 132134

works created in or after 1978, 2425

works made for hire, 25, 33

works published before 1978, 2526

DVDs, decryption of, 121122, 125



audibility as exception to anticircumvention law, 121

exceptions to technological protection for, 126

educational purposes

and fair use, 64

vs. commercial uses, 67, 68

See also classroom copying; distance education

effect of use in fair use

as determining factor, 55, 6466

and out-of-print materials, 62

electronic reserve systems, 60, 78

employees, definition, 3334

employers as author of works made for hire, 33


to the anticircumvention law, 5

to rights of owners, 3, 4549

See also fair use; library exceptions

expiration of copyright, 19

See also duration of copyright


Facebook as creative work, 9, 10

facts and discoveries as noncopyrightable, 16

faculty as authors and works made for hire, 3536, 38n15

fair use

after permission is denied, 143

alternatives to use of, 12

amount and substantiality factor, 6364

applications of, 6776

best practices, 80

checklist for, 163165

definition, 5354

effect on the use on the market factor, 6466

as exception to copyright, 46

factors in determining, 5455

four factors in determining, 80

guidelines for, 7780

nature of the copyrighted work, 6163

principles of working with fair use, 56

purpose factor, 5961

text of Section 107, 55, 57, 152153

unpublished works, 134136

vs. requesting permission, 140

vs. TEACH Act, 89

See also exceptions: to rights of owners

Fair-Use Guidelines for Electronic Reserve Systems, 78

Federal Research Public Access Act, 38n18

fiction, fair use of, 62


copyright issues, 34

as derivative work, 10, 41

digitization of, 45

documentaries, 125

See also motion pictures

first sale doctrine

and book sellers, 114115

commercial uses and, 115

definition, 46

and educational uses, 3

library exceptions to, 40

musical works and, 114115

text of Section 109(a), 156158

foreign works, duration of copyright, 2627

formalities, elimination of, 2425

formats, obsolete, replacement copies for, 6, 96, 96


garage doors and library research, 122123

good faith, acting in, 7576, 103104, 106

See also right thing, doing

government works. See U.S. government works

Guidelines for Educational Uses of Music, 78

Guidelines for Off-Air Recording of Broadcast Programming for Educational Purposes, 78

guidelines on fair use, 7780


“heart of the work” criterion and fair use, 6364


ideas as noncopyrightable, 1516

illustrations, copying by libraries, 95

independent contractors and works made for hire, 33, 34


consequences, 101102

persons liable for, 103104

and registration of copyright, 102, 102

by state institutions, 106

institutional policies, 3638

interlibrary loan

as library exception, 6, 9798

of musical works, 114

international copyright and institutional policies, 36


copyright of materials on, 19

and digital audio transmissions, 43

Internet service providers (ISP), safe harbor protection for, 104106

interoperability with other programs exception, 124


joint copyright ownership, 7, 3133, 32


and CONTU guidelines, 9798, 98

copying by libraries, 94

copyright of issues, 17

open access, 37

transfer of copyright to publisher, 35


law enforcement requirements as exception to anti-copying law, 124

legal help, 78

letters, unpublished, copyright protection for, 134

Library and Classroom Use of Copyrighted Videotapes and Computer Software, 78

library exceptions, 93100

copy machines in the library, 98

copyright issues, 56

eligibility requirements, 9394

to first sale doctrine, 40

and interlibrary loan (See interlibrary loan)

library copies, 5, 6

and musical works, 113114

preservation or replacement copies (See preservation or replacement copying)

private study (See private study, copies for)

text of statute, 153156

types of works that may be copied, 9495

Library of Congress and regulatory exceptions to DMCA, 124127

library-made copies, 5, 46


and copyrights, 46

and fair use, 62, 6465, 73

jointly owned copyright, 32

for performance of nondramatic musical works, 116, 116117

as permission from copyright owner, 140

and transfer of copyright, 3435

trends, 127

licensing agencies and securing permissions, 116, 141

linking to materials on Internet, 40


market harm

and course packs, 7172

effect of fair use on, 6466

mediated instructional activities, 89

Model Policy Concerning College and University Photocopying for Classroom, Research and Library Reserve Use, 78

moral rights

of visual artists, 4243, 44n10

of works made for hire, 33

motion pictures

circumvention of copy protection, example, 126127

copying of, 94, 122123

exceptions to technological protection on DVDs, 125

photographs in, fair use of, 68

See also films

multimedia resources, 68, 79

multiple copying requests, 94

music videos on YouTube, 105

musical compositions

in classroom use, 4

excluded from Section 108, 95

fair use of, 68

musical works, 111118

definition, 112, 112

dramatic and nondramatic, 115, 115116

fair use of, 68, 73

and first sale doctrine, 114115

guidelines, 78

licensing agencies for, 116, 141

trends, 117


names, copyright on, 19

nature of copyrighted work in fair use, 54, 6162, 66n10

newspaper articles

copying by libraries, 94

and fair use, 68

nondramatic musical works, 115, 115116

nonfiction, fair use of, 6162, 73

North American Free Trade Agreement, 27

notice and takedown, 105


obsolete formats, 6, 96, 96

online education. See distance education

open access, 6, 19, 3738

originality criterion, 910

out-of-print materials and fair use, 6263

owners, locating, 4

ownership of copyright, 3138

of journal articles, 6

text of copyright law on, 150152

tracing of, 2728, 28


parodies. See transformative uses as fair use

password restriction on educational materials, 60, 72, 86

patent law as protection for ideas, 19

performance rights of sound recordings, 113

performances and displays

in the classroom (See classroom performances and displays)

in distance education, 42, 45, 48, 8788

exceptions to, 41

of a film, 3

private, 1, 39

right to make, 4142

performing rights societies, 116117

permission, fair use after denial of, 70, 70, 143

permissions from copyright owners, 139143

contacting the owner, 140141

determination of need for, 140

drafting the request, 141142

model request letter for, 177178

musical works, 116117

securing, 4, 49

strategies for, 139

unsuccessful efforts, 143

vs. TEACH Act, 89

when fair use does not apply, 56


of architectural works, 48

as creative work, 1011

fair use of, 68

pictures, copying by libraries, 95

player piano rolls, 112

plays as derivative work, 10

poetry, fair use of, 73

preservation or replacement copying

checklist for, 171172

as library exception, 46, 9596

of musical works, 114

number of copies allowed, 94

of unpublished archival materials, 6, 136137

privacy issues and protections on unpublished works, 131

private performances, 1, 39

private study, copies for

checklist for, 173175

and library copying of musical works, 114

as library exception, 9697

productive use, 69

See also transformative uses as fair use

Proposal for Educational Fair Use Guidelines for Digital Images, Conference on Fair Use, 79

Proposal for Educational Fair Use Guidelines for Distance Learning, 79

Proposal for Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia, 79

public displays. See performances and displays

public domain materials

categories of, 1819

and fair use, 56

films, 3

works published before 1923, 26

publication agreements, 6, 35, 37

purpose factor in fair use, 54, 5961


quality of copied material and fair use, 6364

quantity of copying and fair use, 63

quotations in scholarly works as fair use

determining factors in, 69

flexibility of application, 54

and “heart of the work” criterion, 63

from unpublished works, 61, 134136


RAM as fixed and tangible medium, 12

read-aloud feature of e-books, 126, 126

“reasonable and limited” portions of audiovisual works, 4

region codes, circumvention of, 128

registration of copyright

benefits of, 28

importance of, 102

and locating copyright owners, 140141, 141

no longer needed, 24

sources of information, 25

renewal of copyright

duration of, 26

legislation on, 24

replacement copies. See preservation or replacement copying

reproduction, right of, 40

reproductions, photography as, 1011

research, copying for, 7273, 122123

“restoration” of foreign copyrights, 27

retention of materials, limits on, 86, 86, 159

right of first publication

court decisions on, 61

and unpublished works, 135

right thing, doing, 106107

See also good faith, acting in

rights of copyright owners, 3944

and derivative works, 4041

digital audio transmissions, 43

display rights, 4142

distribution, right of, 40

exceptions to, 4549

moral rights, 4243

of musical works and recordings, 113

public performance, 4142

reproduction, right of, 40

rights of distribution, 3

risk-benefit analysis of using works without permission, 143


safe harbor protection for service providers, 104106

security codes, decryption, 124, 125

service providers, safe harbor protection for, 104106

SESAC (Society of European Stage Authors and Composers), 116

Sherpa-RoMEO Project, 35

software. See computer software

sound recordings

absence of copyright protection on recordings before 1972, 19

copyrights for, 42, 43, 95

definition, 112, 112

library copying of, 95, 114

performances of, 116

restoration of copyright, 27

text of Section 114, 160

sovereign immunity, 106

specialized formats

definition, 126

and disabled persons, 4849

spoken word recordings. See sound recordings

spontaneous copying, 79

state governments, copyrights of documents, 18

systematic copying requests, 94


tangible medium criterion

works fixed in tangible form, 11

works not recorded in tangible form, 19

TEACH (Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization) Act, 8391

application of, 8990

checklist for compliance, 167169

and circumvention of technological protection, 128

and displays and performances in distance education, 48, 8788

institutional requirements, 8586

instructional requirements, 87

and musical works, 115116

technology requirements, 8687

vs. fair use, 89

teacher’s manuals as derivative works, 41

technological protection, 119129

circumvention of, 5, 4344, 119129

copyright issues, 5

and digitization, 89

effectiveness of, 122

exceptions for libraries and education, 123127

as hamper to exercise of exceptions, 46

and TEACH Act, 8687

See also Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

telephone books, creativity in, 1011

television programs, fair use of, 63, 68

See also broadcast programming

termination of transfer

right of owner, 35, 35n14

and works made for hire, 33

thumbnail images as fair use, 63

titles, copyright on, 19

trade secret law as protection for ideas, 19

trademark coverage of titles and names, 19

transfer of copyright

by authors, 3435

jointly owned copyright, 32

See also termination of transfer

transformative uses as fair use, 6061, 61, 66n6

translations, 10, 41


unbundling rights of copyright ownership, 37

unpublished materials, 4, 131138

exceptions for libraries, 136137

and fair use, 61, 61

preservation copying of, 95

Uruguay Round Agreements Act, 27

U.S. Copyright Code

Section 101 definitions, 146149

Section 102(a) scope of protectable works, 7, 9, 1213, 149150

Section 103 compilations and derivative works, 150 (See also compilations; derivative works)

Section 105 U.S. government works, 15, 1718, 150

Section 106 rights of copyright owners, 150152

and Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 44

on rights of copyright owner, 39

Section 107 fair use (See fair use)

Section 108 (See library exceptions)

Section 108 Study Group, 98100

Section 109(a) first sale doctrine (See first sale doctrine)

Section 109(c) exception for public displays, 47

Section 110(1) displays and performances in face-to-face teaching (See classroom: performances and displays in)

Section 110(2) (See distance education)

Section 110(2) TEACH Act and distance education (See TEACH Act)

Section 110(8) special formats for disabled persons, 4849

Section 114 sound recordings (See sound recordings)

Section 117 computer software (See computer software)

Section 120 architectural works, 48, 94

Section 121 special formats for disabled persons, 4849

Section 302(b) jointly owned works, 7, 3133, 32

Section 405-406 copyright notice (See copyright notice)

Section 504 infringement (See infringement)

Section 511 liability of state employees for infringement, 106

Section 512 (“Safe Harbor”), 104, 104106

Section 1201 circumvention of copyright protection systems (See Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA))

U.S. government works

copyrighted materials in, 18

noncopyrightable, 15, 1718

text of statute, 150

Using Software: A Guide to the Ethical and Legal Use of Software for Members of the Academic Community, 78


vicarious liability, 104

video games

circumvention of region codes, 128

exceptions to technological protection for testing and review, 125


clips, fair use of, 7475, 125

guidelines, 78

licensing of, 140

under TEACH Act, 88


websites, secure, and posting of materials, 72

wikis and fair use, 7374

wireless telephone hand-sets/cell phones, 125

workbook pages and fair use, 62

works made for hire

conflicts with institutional policies, 36

definition, 133

duration of copyright, 25, 33

and moral rights, 43

ownership of, 3334

unpublished, 133

works without copyright protection, 1520

World Intellectual Property Organization, 99


YouTube, copyrighted materials on, 105