The Eyes Tell All!

Completely Improve Your Health With Iridology

The Healthy Reader

Relentless Progress Publishing

© 2014




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The Healthy Reader Philosophy

What Is Iridology?

The Importance Of Constitution

Factors Leading To Constitutional Weaknesses

Factors Leading To Constitutional Strength

Iridology And Personality Typing

Understanding Genotype And Phenotype

The True Base Colors

Understanding Those Structural Signs

Some Common Conditions

Levels Of Inflammation

The Channels Of Elimination

Putting It All Together: The Many Signs That Colors Can Suggest

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Iridology (pronounced as eye-rid-ology) can be defined as the science that helps you learn about your health through examination of the iris, sclera and other structural aspects of the eye.

So, what is the iris ? Well, let me first introduce you to your magnificent eye!

The iris is the colored portion of your eye.

The sclera is the white portion of your eye.

And the structural aspect would include the pupil, pupil border and ‘collarette’

The iris has been rightly called as the most complex external structure of human anatomy. Did you know that your nervous system connects your iris with each and every tissue in your body?

Have you heard about this statement – Your eyes are the window to your soul !

Your optic nerve, which is attached to your eyes, is responsible for sending all visual information to your brain. Your brain also sends some information back to the eyes – this is regarding the condition of tissues and organs in your body.

Did you know that no two irises are alike? In fact, your iris is as distinct as your fingerprint. This is the reason why most security agencies now use ‘bio technology’ or personal identification through eyes as one of their tools.

The pattern and color of the fibers of iris demonstrates the emotional and physical issues of three generations behind you. And the interesting thing about this is that it is not a result of the manner in which you choose to think, eat, drink, live or love!

Today, a large number of iridologists are using this science in order to evaluate the constitutional strength of your physical body. Not only this, iridology also helps you in assessment of various characteristics of your personality. These characteristics are generally influenced by your conscious and subconscious psychological patterns.

It is important to understand that iridology is not a treatment mechanism; it is simply a diagnostic tool that can be utilized to assess your pathological potential along with your health condition. It can be used to prevent disease and as a consequence, maintain optimum wellness.

Simply understanding your constitution can enable you to become the best that you are capable of!

Iridology can provide a painless, non-invasive and economical mechanism of looking inside your body and can be used in combination with any other system of analysis or available diagnosis.

Here is a glimpse of what your eye can reveal to you:

What your eye can reveal

What it cannot reveal

Your genetic weaknesses and strengths including the organs that can demonstrate problems

Your actual disease

Your natural constitutional strength

The current state of tissue function and structure in your body

Your natural personality type

The presence of any kind of infection in your body

The functioning of your nervous system (pupil tonus)

How you are influencing your health through diet, exercise or lifestyle modifications


Well, first things first…. What would you mean by constitution?

Alright, when we talk about constitution, we imply the constitution that you have inherited. This is a combination of your innate strengths and weaknesses.  It is the matter that you are made of.

You could say that this factor is largely based on genetics. You are a product of a father and a mother, each one of whom had certain specific characteristics depending on the impact of their ancestors. Your emotional, spiritual and physical capacity is developed as you grow up and experience life. This capacity in combination with the genetic influence that you possess makes you a unique person.

It can be easily concluded that you are a link in the progressive chain, which carries certain hereditary patterns along with the blemishes from the past. This progressive chain provides you a constitutional inheritance.

Understanding your constitution is extremely important as it helps you in identification of potential weaknesses and empowers you to support your vital force.

Now, can you influence your genetic constitution?

The answer is no!

But you can definitely leave an impact on the constitution of your offspring. The choice is yours – would you want to leave a positive impact or a negative one?


The obvious reasons are a number of negative influences including but not limited to exposure to toxic chemicals, poor nutrition, pollution, ingestion of inorganic substances and radiation. Things such as tobacco, alcohol, recreational drugs, sunlight, obesity, lack of exercise, depression, shock, trauma, anxiety, and low self-esteem also impact the constitution.


Well, these are obvious too! Adequate exercise, optimum nutrition, sunshine, fresh air, holistic medicine, correct laws of living enable you to create a balance between your emotional, physical, spiritual and material nature.

A calm heart is a must! It allows you to exhibit purity of thoughts, and accept situations the way they are without demonstrating any extreme reaction.

Did you know that one of the key principles of healing is achievement of balance through alteration of diet and lifestyle habits?

Now, this is where knowledge of iridology comes in handy. It brings you closer to your constitution and empowers you to make smart, informed choices regarding your future health projections.

The science of iridology acknowledges three kinds of constitution :

Strong constitution : You understand that constitution provides an indication of the overall strength of your body, don’t you?

Did you know that individuals with a very strong constitution often grow up ill-treating themselves physically because they feel that they can get away with it without demonstrating any negative impact? Such people do not think about their health a lot, simply because they do not feel the need to do so. In case they do fall ill, they demonstrate little patience with their problems and often recover quickly. Such individuals are often inconsiderate towards the health problems of others who tend to fall ill quite often and take a slightly longer time to recover.

Medium constitution : Well, people born with a medium constitution possess a higher degree and amount of inherent weakness in their body. In simple terms, in order to stay disease free, they would need to take care of themselves more than others. They can just not ill-treat their body and then get away with it. This is the reason, they must pay attention to the food that they consume, the climate in which they live and work, the clothes and accessories that they wear, etc. As the constitution grows weak, it becomes increasingly difficult to get well and stay on track.

Medium constitution individuals are fairly more sensitive. They are empathetic towards others because they understand firsthand how it feels when you are unwell. They do great in jobs that require care for the ill. With a little extra care, such individuals can get well and then stay well.

Weak constitution : As a rule, the poorer the constitution, the cumbersome it becomes to get well and then stay well. A lot of extra care is required by a person who has a weak constitution.


The size of your colon and your autonomic nerve wreath helps in determination of personality.

An introvert individual normally demonstrates a small or tight autonomic nerve wreath to pupil ratio. With an increase in size – as in, the larger and more expended the autonomic nerve wreath becomes, the individual becomes more extroverted.

Most introverts are analytic in their thought process. They are innovators and kinesthetic individuals and generally possess strong constitutions. They can undergo the process of cleansing at a fast speed.

Extroverts are generally polyglandular, fast paced and emotional. They normally have a weak constitution that needs to be built up before beginning with the process of cleansing.


Your genotype is the genetic constitution that you inherited at the time of birth. It is referred to as your unique genetic identity.

So, how is your genotype determined?

Well, we can say that it is a result of your genetic characteristics; however, it is also influenced by the experiences your ancestors had with life.

Your genotype can not only be identified through the structure and color of your iris, but can also be graded into distinctive categories that can influence your physical and emotional tendencies.

Like everyone else on this planet, you were born with a unique genotype.

And, what is a phenotype?

Well, your phenotype is a term used to explain the manner in which the environment, emotional experiences and diet influence you to develop into your distinct type.

Let me try and explain this with an example: Imagine two identical twins that were separated at birth and then grew up in different countries.

Twin A grew up in a country where hard physical labor was a norm. There was plenty of fresh air, sunlight, fresh fruit and vegetables and loads of grain fed meat. The neighborly interactions ensured that bonds were built outside immediate families as well and this resulted in loads of trust and security.

Twin B grew up in a crowded city that boasted of high crime rates and poor quality air. In fact, fresh veggies and fruits were not available and sedentary lifestyle with high stress rates was considered normal.

So, what happens to the genotype and phenotype here?

Well, the genotype in this case would result in different lifestyles and yield different outcome for each of these twins.

This illustrates how emotional, physical and environmental influences on the genotype contribute to an individual’s phenotype which in turn produces a unique personality that is susceptible to disease, illness or health.

The western system of Iridology is based on an approach where you evaluate the color and fibers of the iris along with certain other phenomena that can help you in the characterization of specific predispositions which in turn can be mapped to specific health conditions.


As a rule, there are three true base colors recognized by iridology. Each color suggests certain characteristics. These are as under:

Blue eyes:

Fair complexioned and blond haired individuals normally have blue eyes. They indicate:

Ear, nose and throat problems in early childhood

Various kinds of allergies and asthma

Swollen glands and a highly active lymphatic system

Weakness of the upper respiratory system

Diseases such as sinusitis, bronchitis and asthma


Hardening of arteries as age advances

Inflammatory conditions such as rheumatism or arthritis

Weakness of the kidneys

Skin conditions such as eczema and dandruff

Such individuals have a lymphatic constitution .

Brown eyes:

Individuals with olive complexion and darker hair generally possess brown eyes. These indicate:

Flatulence and disorders of the digestive system

Poor circulation

Congestion in the liver

Disturbance in the production of bile

Fluctuating blood sugar levels

Hormonal disturbances in women (especially ovarian and thyroid disorders)

Thrombosis and hemorrhoids


Mineral deficiencies

Tendency to become difficult and grumpy with advancing age

Such individuals possess a hematogenic constitution .

Mixed eyes:

The blue brown mixed eyes indicate:

Constipation or diarrhea

Sluggish liver


Disorders of the gall bladder

Glandular conditions

Fluctuating blood sugar level

Gall stones

Difficulty getting to sleep and then getting to wake up in the morning

Headaches (especially migraines)

Food allergies

Such individuals possess a biliary constitution .

It is believed that colorations over the pigment of the eye are linked with various kinds of problems.

The significance of colors in this kind of eye is indicated in the below table:



Straw yellow

Suggestive of poor kidney functions

Dirty orange

Suggestive of gall bladder problems

Neon orange

Suggestive of blood sugar imbalance and problems in metabolism of carbohydrates

Dark brown

Suggestive of disorders of the liver

Reddish brown

Suggestive of breakdown of blood and problems with spleen, liver and bone marrow

And here are some major constitutional subtypes:

Over acid:

Well, this is characterized by a blue iris with whitish fibers. Individuals possessing such kind of iris demonstrate a tendency of high acidity and kidney weakness. Such individuals also show an increased risk of fibromyalgia, arthritis and allergies.


This is characterized by a white blue iris. People possessing such an iris also possess a tendency towards fevers, especially as a child. They are short-tempered, however, tend to get over things quickly. They are susceptible to acute inflammations and disorders resulting from inflammation.

Uric acid diathesis:

This is characterized by flocculation of off white color near the edge of the iris. Such individuals have difficulty in removal of waste from the body. This naturally elevates the level of uric acid in the body and also increases the risk of rheumatism, gout, back ache or arthritis. This also enhances the risk of urinary tract infections and kidney stones.

Hydrogenoid (lymphatic and biliary):

People possessing any of the above kinds of iris demonstrate an increase in lymphatic tendencies. They possess an excessive tendency of fluid retention and mucus production. Their immune system is hyper reactive and therefore they easily get impacted by asthma, allergy and other autoimmune conditions.

Scurf rim:

Such people experience suppressed elimination through their skin. This may elevate the stress on their kidneys. It also enhances the risk of skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis or acne. There is tendency of poor circulation in the extremities.


Before we look at the structural signs, here is the chart used by iridologists in order to map a portion of the iris to the specific organs in the body.

The size of the pupil:

The size of the pupil plays a significant role. Have you heard your iridologist talk about ‘miosos’? Well, this means that the pupil is small and contracted and this kind of a person has an inward directed nature. They may demonstrate extreme guardedness. Contraction of the pupil also suggests a hyper active digestive system.

The term ‘mydriasis’ is used for your pupil in case it is expanded in size. This is indicative of an extrovert nature and is often observed in children.

Now, your pupil may just continue to expand. This indicates immense exhaustion and over active adrenal glands.

Sometimes, the pupil continues to fluctuate due to stress and sensitivity. This is described by the term ‘hippus’.

The inner pupillary border (IPB):

This is the place where the pupil connects to the edge of the iris. This border is immediately connected to the inner pupillary ruff – the only place where the core of central nervous system is visible.

What constitutes the inner pupillary ruff?

That’s your optic nerve itself! Yes, the extension of your optic nerve results in the formation of the inner pupillary ruff. Now, it must be remembered that the normal color of this inner pupillary ruff is orange. Any variation in this color signifies disturbances in the central nervous system.

A thickened inner pupillary ruff is indicative of an enhanced central nervous system activity.

Two more terms area used to describe disturbances in the nervous system. These are ‘atrophy’ (or absence of a part of the ruff) or ‘hypertrophy’ (or thinning of the ruff).

Pupil tonus:

The term ‘pupil tonus’ is used to describe the presence or absence of the circulatory shape of the pupil. The flattened portion represents disturbance of nerve supply to the organs evident through that area of iris.

Stomach ring (or the nutritive zone) : The portion between the collarette and the inner pupillary border is referred to as the nutritive zone. This area provides an idea about the health of the stomach and the digestive system. Pigmentation in this zone represents toxicity or disease in the digestive zone.

The signs of the collarette:

A collar like area around the pupil is often referred to as the collarette. This is also referred to as the ANW or autonomous nerve wreath. Any potential disturbance of the organs in this particular sector of the iris is demonstrated by expansion and contraction of the muscles in this area. This area also provides an indication of the effect of intestinal absorption and elimination on that organ.


The openings in the fibrous structure of the iris are referred to as the lacunae. They provide an indication of the effort your body makes in order to open up and allow light in. It is said that although lacunae are generally inherited, they can sometimes be acquired. It must be remembered that the lacunae, just like the other iridology markings, are considered as potentialities for health issues – they should not be considered as an issue themselves.

Closed lacunae:

It is believed that this marking is inherited and refers to a weakness of the nerves that are supplying to the corresponding organs.

Open lacunae:

This is more serious than a closed lacuna. You must especially focus on the underlying organ in this case. Observing this carefully helps in limiting toxic blockages and boosts the health of the organ through appropriate lifestyle and dietary consideration.

Leaf lacunae:

This provides an indication of the weakness of the endocrine system.

Giant lacunae:

This is used as a marker for insufficiency of the pancreas.

Step and ladder lacunae:

This lacunae enhances the amount of insufficient nerve supply and demonstrates possible tissue alterations in a particular organ.

Lancet and torpedo lacunae:

These narrow and long lacunae can provide an idea of any developing tumor or alterations in the tissue.

Asparagus lacunae:

The asparagus lacunae represent a rare marking that is generally observed in the head area of the glandular system. Now, most iridology traditions regard this marking as extremely serious. However, like we mentioned previously in the book, the iris markings and the lacunae only refer to potentialities that can display symptoms if the organ experiences certain kind of stress. However, if you possess an asparagus lacunae and live an otherwise healthy lifestyle with absolutely no presenting complaints, you will probably never experience negativity.


This marking is distinct from the lacunae and specifies a disturbance in the oxygen supply of the corresponding areas.


Crypts are generally found in the nutritive and intestinal zones. They are deeper than lacunae and quite often indicate ulcers in this area.

Neuronal Net:

This lacuna looks like a net shaped fibrous structure and is found only in the lung and heart reaction fields. It signifies some pathology that has an underlying psychological aspect. Family history of anxiety and depression may also be evident.

Contraction furrows:

Now, these are your single most important evidence of stress. You must pay attention to the breakage points as these become a focus for future therapy.

Radial furrows:

The radial markings that look like creases are termed as Radii solaris majoris and Radii solaris minoris.

The Radii solaris majoris begin near the pupil and cross the collarette to move into the ciliary zone.

The Radii solaris minoris begin near the collarette and then radiate into the ciliary zone.

Both these markings signify stress and disorders of the digestive system.

Trabecular signs:

These are sure shot markers of inflammation. A transverse fiber that runs in a direction entirely opposite to the flow of the stroma is classified as an inflammatory sign if it is elevated in appearance and white in color. 


This is a more advanced version of inflammation where the trabecular signs can be seen at an advanced stage and the flow of blood is interrupted by a split tissue. This provides a distinct pink image to the tissue.

Perifocal signs:

Any sign that enhances the meaning of any structural marking is referred to as a perifocal sign and signifies a chronic pathological process.


A group of raised whitened tissue that demonstrates itself in the form of a cotton wool ball like group is often referred to as flocculation. They are suggestive of lymph congestion and are generally spotted around the outer edge of the iris.


Here are some common conditions and their connection with iridology:


Sometimes, the pupil may not contract on exposure to a shiny bright light. This is suggestive of a weakened nerve reflex, feeble adrenal glands or a hyper stimulated sympathetic nervous system. A hidden and chronic condition is often the cause.

You can tell it is adrenal stress if a 30 sec exposure to bright light leads to rapid contraction and expansion of the pupils.


The nerve wreath provides an indication of the health of the autonomic nervous system. An almost circular, white and strong outline of the intestinal area – or the nerve wreath – is suggestive of a healthy autonomic nervous system.

A weak, discolored, jagged outline that extends towards the pupil suggests that the autonomic nervous system could be in a poor condition.

It must be understood that under normal circumstances, the nerve wreath is one-third the distance between the periphery and the pupil. An overactive or tense nervous system brings this wreath closer to the pupil, whereas an underactive or a relaxed nervous system ensures that this wreath is closer to the periphery.


Nerve rings are those arcs of circles or the white circles that you see in the outer part of the iris. Presence of nerve rings signifies an over reactive, irritated and tense nervous system. If you observe the iris clearly, you will be able to identify disorders of the circulatory system, lymphatic system or even the skin, by simply looking at the nerve rings. The circulatory and the lymphatic system is represented by the nerve rings in the outermost iris zones and the skin is represented by the nerve rings bordering the sclera.


The stomach area is never visible under normal conditions. However, an irritated stomach demonstrates its presence through a whitish area bordering the pupil. In case this area is brownish in color, it indicates a chronic stomach or intestinal weakness.


A whitish discoloration in the intestinal area indicates weakness. A brownish discoloration in the transverse colon area signifies mucus congestion in the head. A really dark area signifies chronic weakness.


The presence of strong black lines (radii solaris) indicates serious discoloration of the intestine. This also results in weakness of organs through which these radii pass.


Distinct markings of red, brown or orange color signify deposits of chemicals and drugs in weak organs of the body.


You can easily detect calcium and sodium deposits through the presence of a distinct, heavy white ring near the outer edge of the iris.


If you notice a bluish-white film that covers your iris from the outer rim, you should be assured of a poor blood circulation and underlying anemia. This film generally appears in the brain area, and indicates an approaching senility.


A dark outer rim is demonstrative of poor circulation, diminished kidney function and improper lung activity.


This is manifested as a series of white spots near the outer rim, and signifies chronic congestion and infection in the lymphatic system.


Four levels of inflammation can be seen via the iris.

These are:

Acute or overactive condition marked by a white:

A white in the iris demonstrates an acute or an overactive condition. This condition is characterized by pain or discharge occurring from the body.

Sub-acute condition characterized by the grey in the iris:

This is characterized by a slightly darker area in the iris. It appears as a light grey color and denotes sluggishness.

Chronic condition marked by dark grey iris:

Any chronic condition in the body is marked by a medium brown or dark grey color in the iris. This condition has been present in your body for quite some time. It must be understood that symptoms of a disease sometimes develop long time after the disease is present in your body.

Degenerative condition marked by black iris:

A blackened area in the iris signifies the presence of a degenerative or destructive condition in the body. In this condition, the cells of the body do not repair themselves and this can even lead to end of life. Most fatal diseases are found in the degenerative area.


Iridology helps you understand the relationship between disease and bowel toxicity.

The bowels in the iris:

The bowel signs are present in the first major zone of the iris. It is advisable to look for bowel pockets, prolapse, radii soleris, defects and alterations in the basic shape and color of the bowel area. An improper bowel contributes to diseases and discomforts.


The best treatment options available today are psyllium seeds, castor oil packs and foot reflexology. Consume around two tablespoon of psyllium seeds three times a day and you will notice an improvement in your bowel functions. A diet full of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds is recommended. Include two tablespoons of olive oil in your diet and elevate your intake of liquids. Sipping two glasses of hot lemon water soon after rising will help in boosting bowel activity.

In addition to the above, try and incorporate certain changes in your lifestyle. Do not sleep on a full stomach. Always try and walk for fifteen minutes post every meal. A cold abdominal pack can work wonders. Simply take a soft cotton cloth and wring it in cold water. Now wrap it around your abdomen twice (from groin to chest). This naturopathic pack can aid in sluggish kidneys and soothe your bowels.

The lymphatic system in the iris:

This is your first line of defense against diseases, infections and invasion of various kinds of microorganisms. You can see this system in the lymphatic zone of the iris. This zone is near the ciliary edge and just adjacent to the skin zone. Lymphatic imbalances are manifested in numerous ways – as nerve rings over the lymphatic zone, as a ring of calcium and sodium over the lymphatic zone, as brown, black, grey or orange colors, or as individual lymphatic tophi. In order to truly understand the lymphatic system, one should check the iris areas for groin, breast, neck, axilla, appendix, tonsils, adenoids, payer’s patches, thymus etc. The levels of inflammation can be judged through the presence of white, light grey, dark grey, medium brown or black colors in the iris.


Well, the first thing to understand here is that iridology clearly tells you which channels in your body need a little bit extra support. Let us imagine a scenario where a person’s kidneys and lymphatic system are both weak. It has been proven that each responds better if both are treated simultaneously. Elimination of dairy from the diet is considered as great to soothe the lymphatic system. You must exercise regularly and elevate your fluid intake. Exercise and massage can boost the lymphatic system. Almost any kind of massage is effective. However, you can experience proven results with foot reflexology, lymph massage and skin rolling. Juice fasts can work wonders in soothing the lymphatic system.

The kidneys in the iris:

Your kidneys are responsible to eliminate waste and maintain the acid/ alkaline balance in the blood. The kidney iris area is marked by the presence of large lesions called radials and medussas. It may appear as sub-acute inflammatory region with some grey shading. You must look for the presence of lymphatic tophi in the kidney area in iris. Look for changes in the radial in brain’s anxiety or mental zone. If you notice certain lines there, look for weakness in both or one kidney. It may be possible that only one kidney is weak and the other is hyperactive in order to compensate for this weakness. The presence of bowel pockets, lacunae, radials and radii soleris in the kidney area may signify weakness in kidneys as well as adrenals. If this is the case, treat the adrenals as well.


A number of diuretic herbs can be used in order to boost kidney function. They eliminate waste products from the blood stream, help in dilution of urine and heal any kind of inflammation that may appear. Herbs such as buchu leaves, couchgrass, parsley leaves and uva ursi are taken as decoctions or infusions in order to boost the kidney function. Increase the amount of liquids you consume every day. This would provide adequate fluid to the kidneys in order to help them complete their work.

Some other helpful therapies are reflexology, acupuncture, ginger poultices over the kidneys and lower back massage. You could also try the cold abdominal pack which can be prepared by taking a soft cotton cloth and wringing it in cold water. Now wrap it around your abdomen twice (from groin to chest). This naturaopathic pack can aid in sluggish kidneys and soothe your bowels.

The lungs in the iris:

There are two muscles in your body that start work the moment you are born – these are your heart and your diaphragm. The diaphragm ensures that your lungs contract and expand. The lungs in turn are responsible for the rhythmic interchange of air which supplies oxygen and pranic energies to the body. Your body becomes lighter, cleaner and clearer as it responds to the daily regeneration therapy provided by the lungs.

The condition of your lungs is revealed through a variety of iris markings. Closed or open lesions combined with colors ranging from white to black can signify weakness in lungs. You must carefully observe if the radii soleris or bowel pockets enhance the condition by sending toxins to the lung area. Look at the shape of lymphatic rosemary and the absorption ring. Do you notice the presence of dark spots or nerve rings in the lung area? Is the scurf rim abnormally enlarged? Did you know that patients suffering from lung cancer demonstrate the presence of black spots in the lung area?


Each case should be treated as an individual case and the findings of iridology should be considered as tools for diagnosis. They should be correlated with clinical signs in order to make a proper diagnosis. Herbal options range from tinctures to decoctions to poultices! You could make a relieving poultice by taking one third of lobelia leaf and two thirds of slippery elm. This not only soothes the chest but also eliminates congestion and pain. Around twelve drops of lobelia tincture can release brachial tincture. It is advisable to take this tincture in comfrey tea. Acupuncture, chiropractic and osteopathy techniques can aid in restoration of lungs. Tai chi, yoga and chi kung are excellent exercises that can aid in restoration of breathing power.

Lemon, honey, apple cider vinegar, pressed garlic, grated ginger and cayenne pepper can be mixed together and boiled in water to create a big bowl of soup. Sip this throughout the day to experience relief from sore throat. You could also sip several cups of thyme tea through the day.

The skin in the iris:

Your skin possesses millions of pores that aid in flow of toxins and gases. They also help in flow of moisture in order to adjust the temperature of the body. Did you know that your skin is often referred to as the third kidney in your body? Therefore, if for some reason, the skin is unable to perform its functions at an optimum level; your kidneys can experience the burden.

In your iris, the skin zone is represented by the ciliary edge. Shades of brown, black and grey in this zone signify inactivity or toxicity. The darker the zone, the more inactive it is! The condition is all the more serious if you notice small dark spots all over the zone. Sometimes, scurf rims are noticed in infants. These demonstrate inherited toxicity.


It is important for you to identify a quiet time for yourself. Demonstrate your love for your own self. Get a book to read or put on some soothing music. Light some incense sticks or aromatic candles. Make yourself a hot bath.

Prior to stepping into your bath, rub your skin with a dry brush. It is important to brush in slow circular motions in order to achieve that perfect release of toxins.

Now, mix some Epsom salt and apple cider vinegar in your bath and sit for around one hour. This bath is relaxing as well as eliminative. Complete the treatment with cold shower for at least two minutes.

Here are some herbal bath combinations that you may try:

Ginger, capsicum and mustard bath – warming, stimulating and balancing (helps in relieving cough, cold, etc.)

Chamomile bath: uplifting and relaxing

Lobelia bath: relaxing and soothing, can provide a great night’s sleep

Catnip bath: soothing and relaxing

It is extremely important that you bring your skin back to the temperature that it is accustomed too. This means that extremely hot baths must be followed by cold showers for at least two minutes. In case you are apprehensive about fever and flu and want to induce extreme perspiration in order to achieve excessive detoxification, you must get into a warm bed that is full of quilts and hot water bottles. This leads to profuse perspiration.

Apply ample amounts of natural oils and lotions on your skin. Take care that you do not apply anything that you would not eat. A mixture of jojoba oil and almond oil work as perfect skin tonics. Foot reflexology, yoga, meditation and deep breathing can really make your skin shine and glow.

Catnip, thyme or yarrow teas are excellent herbal infusions that boost the process of elimination. Fenugreek can activate the process of deep cleansing.


This chapter provides a brief overview of the various colors in your iris and associated conditions. Recall, that colors are one of the easiest ways to diagnose any kind of organ dysfunction in your body. An iridologist observes colors based on their location in the iris and these are then compared with the iridology charts (which tell us which area of the iris corresponds to a particular organ).

You may call this a summary chapter where everything has been put together for easy reference. It also provides and insight into certain homeopathic remedies that can work wonders on your body.





White is generally the first stage of inflammation.

In case you notice widespread white over blue eyes, you must get a diagnosis for hyperacidity, gout or arthritis.

This is visible as a yellow or grey tinge in individuals with brown eyes.

Presence of white fibers in a particular organ area point out towards hyperactivity of that area. For example excessive white in the area of thyroid gland indicates hyperthyroidism. This may also result in over inflammation in that particular area.


The best general well-being remedy: Natrum phos

The best remedy for overactive digestion and skin issues: Gaertner

The best remedy for anxiousness: Arsenicum




Overall yellow in the eye signifies underactive kidneys that need support to get rid of toxins.

In case there are yellow spots localized to any particular organ area, it may indicate acute inflammation in that organ.

Overall, remedies that support kidney functions can do a ton of benefit to other organs as well.

The best well-being remedy in this case: Berberis vulgaris

General kidney tonic and blood purifier: Sarsaparilla

The best remedy for females suffering from uterine disorders: Helonios dioica

The best remedy in case of malnourishment – Alfalfa

The best remedy in case of urinary tract infection: Benzoic acid or Sarsaparilla



The color orange signifies a stage greater than sub-acute and moving towards chronic

It indicates that blood support may be required and support to pancreas may also be needed.

An orange discoloration in a particular organ area indicates hypo-activity

Weakness of pancreas is suggestive of hypo glycaemia

Supporting the pancreas can lead to a significant elevation in the health of other organs too!

The best general well-being remedy for such individuals: Pancreatinum

The best remedy for headaches with hunger: Nux vomica, Lycopodium, Phosphorus

The best remedy for weakness from hunger: Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Mercurius, Sepia


Brown signifies a weak and toxic liver.

This is generally a chronic stage that requires proper detoxification and purification support

Patients may move towards changes in overall pathology

The organ area with brown discoloration may signify chronic pathological changes

These organs can benefit from specific liver support remedies too!

The best remedy for general wellbeing is: Chelidonium

Other constitutional remedies that can be considered are: Sepia, Conium or Lycopodium

The best remedy to be given in case of liver congestion: Nux vomica, Morgan



Black discoloration generally signifies necrosis or degeneration of a particular area

This is generally present in one area and occurs in small parts of the iris

The patient may even need organ support

The best remedy to consider in this case is: Syphylinum

The best remedy for a malignant condition is: Crotalus horridus

The best remedy for enlarged glands is: Mercurius


Did you notice how a simple examination of the iris can reveal so much about your personality, susceptibility to diseases and even the active dysfunctions in your body? This simple tool can be combined with a number of other medical practices to ensure that you are receiving the best available diagnosis and possible treatment.

Your eyes give specific clues much before any pathological changes occur in your body and you can definitely use this information to your benefit. That’s the true beauty of iridology!


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