TINA BAICH is an assistant librarian at the University Library of Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis where she has been the ILL librarian since September 2006. In addition to supervising the Interlibrary Services department, Tina serves on the Bibliographic and Metadata Services Team as metadata librarian and original cataloger. Tina is especially interested in web-based interlibrary loan finding aids and the impact of open access on interlibrary loan. She has presented on these topics at the OCLC ILLiad International Conference and the Indiana Library Federation Annual Conference and maintains a list of web-based finding aids at She is a graduate of the Indiana University Schools of Library and Information Science and Liberal Arts and holds an MLS and an MA in Public History.

MARGARET ELLINGSON is the interlibrary loan team leader at the Woodruff (Main) Library of Emory University and has over twenty-five years of experience in interlibrary loan. In addition to leading the ILL team, she serves as the OCLC ILLiad system manager for all of Emory’s libraries. Since 2009 Margaret has been a member of the Steering Committee for the Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative and chairs its Interoperability Task Force. She was a panel member for the OCLC Research Webinar, Treasures on Trucks and Other Taboos: Rethinking the Sharing of Special Collections, and presented “Variations on a Theme: Glimpses of the Current Resource Sharing Landscape” at the NISO Educational Forum, Collaborative Library Resource Sharing: Standards, Developments and New Models for Cooperating. She is a past chair of STARS, the Sharing and Transforming Access to Resources Section of the Reference and User Services Association of ALA. Margaret has also served on ALA committees to revise the Guidelines for the Interlibrary Loan of Rare and Unique Materials (2004) and, most recently, the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States and its Explanatory Supplement (2008). Margaret holds a Master of Librarianship (MLn) degree from Emory University and a BA in English from Queens University of Charlotte, North Carolina.

ERIN SILVA FISHER is the document delivery and e-reserves librarian at the University of Nevada, Reno. She received a BA in Communication Studies from Truman State University and an MS in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has been working in academic libraries since 2005 and has been involved in interlibrary loan since 2007.

DENISE FORRO is head of InterLibrary Services at Michigan State University Libraries. She has worked in interlibrary loan/resource sharing since 1999. She chaired the task force charged to select a statewide delivery for MeLCat, the INN-Reach system for over four hundred libraries in Michigan. Denise instructs practitioners in the use of OCLC WorldCat Resource Sharing (Basic and Advanced) for the Midwest Collaborative for Library Services. She serves as co-coordinator for the ArticleReach Direct group, a consortium of academic research libraries, including a number of international partners. As the 2009–2010 chair of the Sharing and Transforming Access to Resources Section of ALA’s Reference and User Services Association, Denise has networked and collaborated with many colleagues during her term of office. She is the author of several articles, including “The Role of an Operations Manager in Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services.”

CINDY KRISTOF is head of Access Services at Kent State University Libraries in Kent, Ohio. She is responsible for circulation, copyright clearance, interlibrary loan, and reserves, and serves as subject librarian for the College of Technology. She also provides coordination of services to off-campus users. She holds a BA in English from The Ohio State University and an MLS from Kent State University. She has served as an adjunct associate professor for the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science. She is a member of the Copyright Advisory Network Team of ALA’s Office of Information Technology Policy. She is a frequent guest speaker on copyright and has led several local copyright workshops for the Kent State University community, OHIONET, and OhioLINK. Since 2008, she has spoken on copyright for the ALA Midwinter RUSA STARS pre-conference ILL workshops.

JENNIFER KUEHN is the head of Interlibrary Services at Ohio State University Libraries and has served in that position since 1995. She has also been head of the Social Work Library at Ohio State and has worked in special libraries. Jennifer started working in a public library in 1971 as a student worker and obtained her MLS degree from the Syracuse School of Information Studies.

SUSAN D. MORRIS After four years as a schoolteacher, Susan, like so many others in our profession, happily stumbled into a paraprofessional job at the University of Georgia (UGA) Libraries in 1972, starting a chain of events that brought her to her present position. She has thirty-one years of experience in interlibrary loan, first as a paraprofessional and, since 1989, as UGA’s interlibrary loan librarian, with short but valuable detours through the acquisitions and reference departments. In her ILL lifetime she has seen the profession evolve from “paper to pixels” and believes that adaptability is the most valuable tool for ILL survival. She has given numerous presentations and chaired several statewide ILL groups, and she was part of the team that developed GIL Express, the University System of Georgia’s thirty-five-library direct borrowing system. She has authored several articles on various aspects of ILL in Georgia and has written articles for the innovative digital New Georgia Encyclopedia. She holds a BSEd in French from the University of Georgia (1967) and an MLn from Emory University School of Library and Information Science (1984).

CYRIL OBERLANDER has been the associate director of Milne Library at the SUNY College at Geneseo since January 2008. Before that, he was the director of Interlibrary Services at the University of Virginia Library (2005–2008), and head of Interlibrary Loan at Portland State University (1996–2005). He has also served as the assistant supervisor and the staff trainer for access services. His consultation experience includes independent consulting services through OCLC and workflow design with various vendors. His research interests include organizational development, workflow design, mobile technology, information visualization, and knowledge systems.

AMY PAULUS received a BA in history from Iowa State University in 1996. She then went to the University of Iowa where she earned her MA in Library and Information Science in 1998. Shortly after graduation, Amy began work as a library assistant in the Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Department in the Main Library of the University of Iowa and has gradually added to her responsibilities since then. Currently, she is head of Access Services and is responsible for the Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery, Circulation, Reserve, Media, and Bookstacks departments in the Main Library. Amy is very active professionally and has served on numerous local, state, and regional committees. Her national committee work includes chairing the ALA RUSA STARS Atlas Systems Mentoring Award Committee and the Boucher OCLC Distinguished ILL Librarian Award Committee. She has presented at many local, state, and regional conferences as well as at the ILLiad International Conference and ALA Annual Conference. Publications include a review in the Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve and an article in Library Worklife.