Fractions and Operations

Fractions are a way of representing a “part” of some larger “whole” when the whole has been divided into an equal number of parts.

The top of a fraction (the number above the bar) is called the numerator. It represents the number of parts “taken out” of the whole.

The bottom part of a fraction (the number below the bar) is called the denominator. It represents the number of equal parts in the whole.

For example, the fraction Images represents 3 parts out of a whole that has been divided into 5 equal parts. The numerator is 3 and the denominator is 5.


Equivalent Fractions

Two different fractions can represent the same part of a whole. For example, in the following figures, you can see that Images. These are called equivalent fractions.


If the numerator and denominator of any fraction are multiplied or divided by the same number, the result will be an equivalent fraction. For example, if you divide the numerator and denominator of Images each by 2, the result will be the equivalent fraction Images.


Write a fraction that is equivalent to Images but has a denominator of 12.

The denominator of Images is 4. Multiplying 4 by 3 will give a denominator of 12, but to produce an equivalent fraction, the numerator must be multiplied by the same number. Therefore, Images.


What number should replace the question mark? Images

To get from 4 to 16, the numerator must have been multiplied by 4. Therefore to make an equivalent fraction, the denominator must be multiplied by 4 as well: Images. These are equivalent fractions.

Reducing Fractions to Lowest Terms

Fractions are said to be reduced, or written in lowest terms, if there is no whole number that will evenly divide both the numerator and the denominator. Examples of fractions written in lowest terms are Images, and Images.

For most questions on the GED® test involving fractions, you will be expected to reduce fractions to lowest terms. To reduce fractions, see if there is any whole number that evenly divides both the numerator and the denominator, and then divide it out.


Write the fraction Images in lowest terms.

Because 8 and 10 are even numbers, both can be divided by 2.

Therefore, Images. You know the fraction Images is in lowest terms because there is no whole number other than 1 that will divide both 4

and 5 evenly.


Write the fraction Images in lowest terms.

The numerator 27 is the same as 9 × 3 and the denominator is 9 × 9 = 81. This means that the numerator and the denominator can each be divided by 9.


In Images, however, the numerator and the denominator can each be divided by 3. This means that the fraction is not yet reduced to lowest terms.


Images reduced to lowest terms is Images.


Equivalent Fractions

Directions: For each of the following, write an equivalent fraction as indicated by either dividing or multiplying the numerator and the denominator by the same number.

1. Write a fraction that is equivalent to Images but has a denominator of 45.

2. Write a fraction that is equivalent to Images but has a denominator of 21.

3. What number should replace the question mark: Images

4. What number should replace the question mark: Images

5. What number should replace the question mark: Images

Write each of the following fractions in lowest terms. Check your answer using your calculator.

6. Images

7. Images

8. Images

9. Images

10. Images

Answers are on page 511.

Fractions and Decimals

Fractions and decimals can represent the same number. By dividing the numerator by the denominator, you can see what number or decimal is equivalent to the fraction.


Find the decimal that represents Images.

Because Images.


Find the decimal that represents Images.

1 ÷ 20 = 0.05. Therefore, Images.

Decimals can be converted to fractions by using their place value and numbers like 10, 100, 1000, and 10,000. The place value tells you which number to use.


Write 0.05 as a fraction in lowest terms.

You read this decimal as “five hundredths” because the 5 is in the hundredths place. The equivalent fraction is Images, which can be reduced to Images.


Write 0.480 as a fraction in lowest terms.

You read this decimal as “four hundred eighty thousandths.” As before, use the place value to write the equivalent fraction, and then reduce.



Converting Between Fractions and Decimals

Directions: For each of the following fractions, find the equivalent decimal. Round your answer to the nearest hundredths place.

1. Images

2. Images

3. Images

4. Images

5. Images

For each of the following decimal numbers, find an equivalent fraction and write it in lowest terms.

6. 0.028

7. 0.225

8. 0.16

9. 0.31

10. 0.90

Answers are on page 512.

Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers

In the fraction Images the numerator is greater than the denominator. A fraction of this kind is called an improper fraction. The decimal equivalent of Images is 2.5, which is greater than 1. Improper fractions will always have decimal equivalents that are greater than 1.

Another way to represent an improper fraction like Images is as a mixed number. Mixed numbers show the whole number part of the fraction and the fractional part separately. For example, Images becomes Images when written as a mixed number.

To write an improper fraction as a mixed number, determine how many times the denominator can divide the numerator evenly. Then, write any remaining part as a fraction with the original denominator.


Write Images as a mixed number.

The denominator 7 can divide the numerator 3 times with 2 left over. Therefore, Images.


Write Images as a mixed number.

The denominator 8 can divide 11 once with 3 left over: Images.

Converting from a mixed number back to an improper fraction is a quick process illustrated in the following examples.


Write Images as an improper fraction.



Write Images as an improper fraction.



Mixed Numbers

Directions: Rewrite each of the following improper fractions as mixed numbers and check your answer with your calculator.

1. Images

2. Images

3. Images

4. Images

5. Images

Rewrite each of the following mixed numbers as improper fractions and check your answers with your calculator.

6. Images

7. Images

8. Images

9. Images

10. Images

Answers are on page 512.

Comparing Fractions

Ordering fractions from greatest to smallest or smallest to greatest is a skill that is commonly tested on the GED® test. To order fractions correctly, you need to be able to compare fractions with each other.

Suppose you want to determine which is larger, Images. Remember that fractions represent parts of a whole. In that case, Images must be larger because 3 is more “parts” than 1 (Images has a larger numerator than Images). This works because both fractions have a denominator of 5.

To compare fractions with different denominators, such as Images, you will need to find equivalent fractions with a common denominator. A common denominator is one number that can be used as a denominator for both equivalent fractions. The easiest to use is the least common multiple of both denominators (the smallest multiple they have in common).

For example, Images can each be written as equivalent fractions with a denominator of 14: Images. Now you can compare the two fractions and see that Images is the greater fraction.

To find a common denominator for two different fractions, follow these steps:

Determine if one of the denominators can be divided by the other. If so, this larger denominator is a common denominator.

Otherwise, multiply the two denominators and use the result as a common denominator.

The following examples use the same symbols that were used when comparing decimals.


Use <, >, or = to compare the fractions: Images.

Looking at the denominators, 8 can be divided by 4, so 8 is the common denominator. Rewrite Images using this denominator.


Because the numerator of Images is greater than the numerator of Images, it is the greater fraction. Therefore, Images.


Use <, >, or = to compare the fractions: Images.

Neither denominator can be divided by the other, so the common denominator is their product: 5 × 9 = 45. Both fractions have to be rewritten using this denominator.



Because 27 is less than 40, Images.

Comparing Fractions and Decimals

As shown in the preceding section, rewriting two fractions with a common denominator makes it easier to compare them. The same idea applies when comparing fractions and decimals. Because every fraction can be written as a decimal, converting the fraction to a decimal lets you compare the two numbers on the same footing.


Fill in the blank with <, >, or = to make a true statement: Images _______ 0.455.

Written as a decimal, Images. This decimal is smaller than 0.455, so Images.


Fill in the blank with <, >, or = to make a true statement: Images _______ 0.29.

Because Images, and 0.30 is greater than 0.29: Images.


Comparing Fractions

Directions: Use >, <, or = to compare the given fractions.

1. Images

2. Images

3. Images

4. Images

5. Images

Use >, <, or = to compare the given fractions and decimals.

6. Images

7. Images

8. Images

9. Images

10. Images

Answers are on page 512.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

The rules for adding and subtracting fractions depend on whether or not the fractions share the same denominator. When the fractions share the same denominator, you will just add or subtract the numerators from left to right. When they do not, you must find a common denominator before doing anything else.


Find the sum: Images. Write your answer in lowest terms.

The fractions have the same denominator, so the sum is found by just adding the numerators.



Find the difference: Images. Write your answer in lowest terms.

Because these fractions do not have the same denominator, use the techniques to find a common denominator. The denominator 8 can be divided by 4, so 8 is the common denominator. Once both fractions are rewritten with that denominator, you can subtract the numerators in the same way as you added in example 17. To rewrite Images, the numerator and the denominator must be multiplied by 2.



Find the sum: Images. Write your answer in lowest terms.

Neither denominator will divide the other, but a common denominator is 6 × 10 = 60. Both fractions must be rewritten before they can be added.


The answer Images is not written in lowest terms, because 16 and 60

can each be divided evenly by 4. To reduce the fraction, divide the numerator and denominator each by 4 to reach your final answer.


You could also use a common denominator of 30. In that case, you would have


Then reduce Images.


Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Directions: Calculate the indicated sums or differences and write your final answer in lowest terms.

1. Images

2. Images

3. Images

4. Images

5. Images

6. Images

7. Images

8. Images

9. Images

10. Images

Answers are on pages 512513.

Multiplying Fractions

When multiplying two fractions, you do not need to worry about common denominators. Whether or not the two fractions have the same denominator, the process is always the same: multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators. In fact, by cross canceling, you can reduce the fraction before you even multiply!


Multiply: Images.



Multiply: Images.


Dividing Fractions

When dividing fractions, simply “flip and multiply.” This works because multiplication and division are closely related. Any division problem can be written as a multiplication problem. For example, multiplying by Images is the same as dividing by 3. When a fraction is “flipped,” the resulting fraction is called its reciprocal. The numbers 3 and Images are reciprocals, as are Images. When you “flip and multiply,” you are actually just rewriting the division as multiplication by the reciprocal.


Divide: Images.

The first fraction stays the same, but the second fraction is flipped. Then you multiply instead of divide.


Note that you cannot cross cancel until you reach the multiplication step!


Divide: Images.

Keep the first fraction the same and multiply by the reciprocal of the second.


It is now possible to cross cancel before multiplying to find the final answer.



Multiplying and Dividing Fractions

Directions: Multiply or divide the following fractions as indicated. Write your answer in lowest terms.

1. Images

2. Images

3. Images

4. Images

5. Images

6. Images

7. Images

8. Images

9. Images

10. Images

Answers are on page 513.

Operations with Fractions, Whole Numbers, and Mixed Numbers

Sometimes you may need to add or subtract two mixed numbers, divide a whole number by a fraction, or multiply a mixed number by a whole number. In these cases, the following facts can help you with your calculations:

The reciprocal of any whole number is a fraction with 1 in the numerator and the whole number in the denominator. The following pairs are all reciprocals: Images and 5, 9 and Images and 2.

Mixed numbers can always be converted to improper fractions. Once converted, the regular rules of operations with fractions apply.

Any fraction with the same number in the numerator and the denominator equals 1. (This rule does not apply if the number is zero.) All of the following are equal to 1: Images.

Any whole number can be rewritten as a fraction with a denominator of 1. For example, Images.

Let’s see how these facts can help with a few examples.


Divide: Images.

Use the “flip and multiply” technique. Remember that the reciprocal of 3 is Images:



Multiply: 10 × Images.

Rewrite 10 as a fraction with a denominator of 1. Then multiply as you would with any other fractions (including cross canceling).



Add: 2Images.

First, convert Images to an improper fraction. Then you can add fractions as usual. Remember that you need like denominators when adding and subtracting fractions.


How you format your final answer depends on the question being asked. When working with mixed numbers, you usually will need to write your final answer as a mixed number. In this example, the final answer would be:



Operations with Fractions, Whole Numbers, and Mixed Numbers

Directions: Find the sum, difference, product, or quotient as indicated. If the original problem contains a mixed number, write your final answer as a mixed number. Otherwise, write your final answer in lowest terms.

1. Images

2. Images

3. Images

4. Images

5. Images

6. Images

7. Images

8. Images

9. Images

10. Images

Answers are on page 513.