Think Like the Great Investors

Table of Contents

Part I: Stretching our mind
Chapter 1: Shaping our destiny
Chapter 2: Men and women (overconfidence)
Chapter 3: I am absolutely certain (overconfidence, confirmation and availability)
Chapter 4: Mine, all mine (mental accounting)
Chapter 5: Why we never learn (reinforcement and punishment)
Chapter 6: Love is blind (cognitive dissonance)
Chapter 7: A little knowledge is dangerous (representativeness)
Chapter 8: It must be tails next (the gambler’s fallacy)
Chapter 9: Dangerous rewards (random reinforcement)
Chapter 10: How much is it? (anchoring)
Chapter 11: Reconstruction (hindsight)
Chapter 12: Why we get it wrong (disposition effect and prospect theory)
Chapter 13: We cannot change the past (the sunk cost fallacy)
Chapter 14: I remember it all too well (availability revisited)
Chapter 15: What goes up . . . (small numbers, reversion to the mean)
Chapter 16: What is it worth? (overreaction)
Chapter 17: He who hesitates is last (inertia)
Chapter 18: What do you want to do? (regret)
Chapter 19: Ask why not? (confirmation revisited)
Chapter 20: I want it now (impulsiveness, immediate gratification)
Chapter 21: Tell me why (randomness)
Chapter 22: It can’t happen (normalcy)
Appendix: Long-term market charts
Part II: In the avalanche
Chapter 23: Mob rule (crowds)
Chapter 24: Notes and commentary on Gustave Le Bon’s The Crowd
Chapter 25: Contrary to popular belief . . .
Part III: Catching the tide
Chapter 26: Nine keys
Chapter 27: Failure traits
Chapter 28: Dealing with loss
Chapter 29: Plan to succeed
Chapter 30: Seven investing sins
Chapter 31: The wall
Chapter 32: Capitulation
Chapter 33: Tough going
Chapter 34: Be early
Chapter 35: Blinded by fear
Chapter 36: Conquer fear