


Quick Queso Sauce (p. 76)

No-Chicken Broth (p. 168)

No-Beef Broth (p. 168)

Vegetable Broth (p. 168)

Whole-Wheat Pizza Dough (p. 169)

Tofu Yogurt (p. 170)

Vanilla Icing (p. 170)

Vegan Mayo (p. 170)

Vegan Sour Cream (p. 171)

Vegan Worcestershire Sauce (p. 171)

Cola Barbecue Sauce (p. 172)

AJ’s Vegan Parmesan (p. 172)

Golden Dressing (p. 173)

Cajun Seasoning (p. 173)

Creamy Cajun Mustard (p. 173)

No-Chicken Broth

MAKES 1 CUP |Q | GF | SF | MA | P |

This is my DIY version for faux chicken broth powder. To make broth, mix 1 tbsp of the powder into 1 cup of warm or hot water.

1images c nutritional yeast

   2 tbsp onion powder

   1 tbsp garlic powder

   1 tsp dried thyme

   1 tsp rubbed sage (not powdered)

   1 tsp paprika

  ½ tsp turmeric

  ¼ tsp celery seed

  ¼ tsp dried parsley

Combine all ingredients in a mortar and pestle, then grind into a fine powder.

Per serving (1 tbsp): 12 calories, 0.1g fat, 1.7g carbohydrates, 0.7g fiber, 0g sugars, 1.3g protein

No-Beef Broth

MAKES 1 CUP | Q | GF* | SF* | MA | P |

This is my DIY version for faux beef broth and it can easily be made gluten- and soy-free.

  1 tbsp low-sodium soy sauce*

  1 tbsp nutritional yeast

½ tsp Vegan Worcestershire Sauce (p. 171)*

¼ tsp onion powder

¼ tsp garlic powder

¼ tsp ground ginger

images tsp pepper

  1. In a medium saucepan, whisk all ingredients together with 1 cup of water until well combined.
  2. Bring to a boil and let simmer for 1 minute.
  3. If you used water and low-sodium soy sauce, you might want to add a little salt.

Image CHEF’S NOTES: If you use this broth in a soup recipe, add a bay leaf during cooking.

Per serving (1 c): 27 calories, 0.2g fat, 4.3g carbohydrates, 1.1g fiber, 0.7g sugars, 2.7g protein

Vegetable Broth

MAKES 4 CUP | GF | SF* | MA |

Nothing beats the ease of premade broth or bouillon cubes, but homemade vegetable broth is superior in comparison. It’s also a great way to use up veggies that are on their way to expiration or leftover veggie parts like broccoli stems, onion peels, or carrot shavings. (There’s a video on of me making “leftovers” broth in my pressure cooker.)

1 onion (any), peeled

1 large carrot

1 celery stalk

3–4 garlic cloves, peeled

1–2 tsp yellow miso* (see note)

4 whole peppercorns

1 bay leaf

fresh or dried herbs (any)

plus any three of the following:

    1 small brown potato

2–4 small red potatoes

    1 c mushrooms

    1 bell pepper, seeded

    1 medium turnip

    1 medium zucchini

    1 parsnip

    1 leek

  1. Transfer your selections to a large pot. If using dried herbs, grab each green one you have on hand and give it a good shake into the pot. Otherwise, add about 3–5 oz fresh dill, but any complementary fresh herbs on hand will do.
  2. Add 1 tsp of miso or salt, black peppercorns, and bay leaf.
  3. Add 8 cups cold water, or 10 cups water if your selections are particularly big.
  4. Cover and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer until the vegetables are falling apart, about 1 hour.
  5. Turn off heat and allow to cool to a warm temperature.
  6. Use tongs or a spoon to remove bay leaf and vegetables.
  7. Grab a cheesecloth or fine strainer and strain liquid into a plastic container.
  8. Cool to room temperature, then store in the fridge for up to 3 days. After 3 days, store in freezer in 1-cup measurements.


You can omit the miso and add salt to taste for a soy-free vegetable broth.

Per serving (1 c): 49 calories, 0.4g fat, 10.6g carbohydrates, 2.2g fiber, 4.1g sugars, 2.2g protein

Whole-Wheat Pizza Dough

SERVES 8 | SF | MA |

Pizza goes gourmet, too! To make artisan pizza, go cheeseless with a medley of wild mushrooms (fresh parsley to garnish). Other rich combinations (like butternut and tofu ricotta) can also make “pizza” feel a little sophisticated. Call it a tart or galette if you want to feel fancy pants!

1 pkg active yeast

1 c warm water

1 c whole-wheat flour

2 c whole-wheat pastry flour

3 tbsp vital wheat gluten

1 tsp salt

1 tbsp raw sugar

1 tbsp yellow cornmeal

  1. Stir yeast in warm water and let sit for 5 minutes or until the water is a beige color.
  2. Meanwhile, combine flours, wheat gluten, salt, and sugar.
  3. Make a well in center of your dry ingredients, pour yeast mixture in, and stir until it forms a ball of dough.
  4. Turn out onto a clean surface, lightly floured with cornmeal, and knead for 5 minutes. The dough should be a smooth, elastic ball.
  5. Place in a glass or metal bowl and cover. Put it in a warm place, such as an unheated oven, and wait for it to double in size. It will take about an hour of resting for the dough to rise sufficiently. (If your dough does not rise, your yeast is dead and you’ll have to start over. Too hot water can kill your yeast.)
  6. Punch the dough, reshape into a ball, and let it rise again.
  7. Freeze or refrigerate if not using immediately (do not refrigerate for more than 24 hours).
  8. When ready to use, divide into 1, 2, or 4 equal portions and roll into a pizza shape. Add toppings and place on pizza stone, pizza pan, or cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.
  9. Bake for 5–10 minutes at 450ºF.


Double or triple this recipe when you are making it and store leftovers in the freezer so you always have healthy whole-wheat pizza dough on hand.

Per serving: 173 calories, 0.7g fat, 35.5g carbohydrates, 3.4g fiber, 1.6g sugars, 4.6g protein

Tofu Yogurt


This DIY version is much more economical than commercial vegan yogurts.

1  12.3-oz pkg Mori-Nu tofu (any firmness)

1  cold banana (see note)

2  tbsp nondairy milk

2  tbsp fresh lemon juice

2  tbsp sweetener (optional)

  1. Combine tofu, banana, nondairy milk, and lemon juice in a blender or food processor and whiz until smooth and creamy.
  2. Taste, adding sweetener such as pure maple syrup or agave nectar to taste if desired. I like to leave the yogurt unsweetened (it reminds me of Greek yogurt) and drizzle with agave nectar over top.


Per serving (unsweetened): 128 calories, 1.4g fat, 17.3g carbohydrates, 1.6g fiber, 9.1g sugars, 13.4g protein

Per serving (sweetened): 192 calories, 1.4g fat, 34.6g carbohydrates, 1.6g fiber, 26.3g sugars, 13.5g protein

Vanilla Icing

SERVES 12 | Q | GF | SF | MA |

Classics never go out of style. Mmm, icing!

1  c powdered sugar

1  tbsp nondairy milk

1  tsp vanilla extract food coloring (optional)

  1. Stir ingredients together to combine.
  2. Add more sugar to thicken the icing or more nondairy milk to thin it out. Ideally, you want the consistency to be a paste-like glaze.
  3. Add food coloring, if desired.

Per serving (2 tbsp): 40 calories, 0g fat, 10g carbohydrates, 0g fiber, 9.8g sugars, 0g protein

Vegan Mayo

MAKES 1 CUP | Q | GF | MA |

Some generic low-fat mayos (such as Trader Joe’s brand) are accidentally vegan, but no commercial vegan mayo is totally oil-free anymore. I make my own mayo from tofu, but in a pinch vegan yogurt (same amount) with a touch of lemon or white vinegar does the trick. Vegenaise also makes a soy-free mayo for those needing to avoid soy, though it contains oil.

1    12.3-oz pkg Mori-Nu tofu

2–3    tbsp Dijon mustard

2    tsp distilled white vinegar

    fresh lemon juice, to taste

    agave nectar, to taste

  1. In a blender or small food processor, blend tofu with Dijon and vinegar until smooth and creamy.
  2. Add a few drops of lemon juice and a few drops of agave nectar and blend again.
  3. Taste and add more lemon, agave, or Dijon as needed or desired. Chill until you’re ready to use.


How long this mayo lasts depends on how fresh the tofu was when you bought it, as well as your fridge and climate. It should last you at least a week, and tofu usually turns pink and smells awful when it goes bad. Regrettably, you cannot freeze tofu-based mayo, so plan a few recipes around it when you make a big batch.

Per serving (1 tbsp): 9 calories, 0.2g fat, 0.3g carbohydrates, 0g fiber, 0g sugars, 1.6g protein

Vegan Sour Cream

MAKES 1 CUP | Q | GF |

Quick and easy and so healthy!

1 12.3-oz pkg Mori-Nu firm tofu
2–4 tbsp fresh lemon juice
½ tsp distilled white vinegar
images tsp fine salt
1 tsp dry mustard powder
agave nectar, to taste
light dash of garlic powder
1 tsp dried or fresh dill (optional)
  1. Combine tofu with 2 tbsp lemon juice, vinegar, a pinch of salt, mustard powder, a few drops of agave, and a light dash of garlic powder and blend until smooth and creamy.
  2. Taste and add more lemon and/or sweetener if necessary or desired. Stir in dill before serving if using.

Per serving (1 tbsp): 13 calories, 0.2g fat, 1.4g carbohydrates, 1.1g sugars, 1.6g protein


Lime Crème: Use lime juice instead of lemon juice and add 1½ tbsp chopped fresh cilantro.

Vegan Worcestershire Sauce

MAKES 1 CUP | GF* | SF* | MA | P |

Most commercial Worcestershire sauces contain anchovies, although there are a few vegetarian brands on the market. While nothing beats the ease of bottled sauce, this DIY recipe is allergen-free and very inexpensive to make.

6   tbsp apple cider vinegar

2   tbsp low-sodium soy sauce*

1   tbsp brown sugar or 1 tsp molasses

   (not blackstrap)

2   tsp prepared mustard (any)

¼   tsp onion powder

¼   tsp garlic powder

¼   tsp ground cinnamon

   light dash of cayenne pepper or chili powder

   light dash of allspice or ground cloves

¼   c water

  1. Whisk all ingredients together with water until well combined.
  2. Add salt if desired.
  3. Store in an airtight container in the fridge.

Per serving (1 tsp): 2 calories, 0g fat, 0.4g carbohydrates, 0g fiber, 0g sugars, 0.1g protein

Cola Barbecue Sauce Image

MAKES 2¼ CUP | Q | GF* | SF* | MA | P |

THIS IS THE BEST BARBECUE SAUCE I’VE EVER HAD! (All caps necessary!) It’s so easy and ridiculously addictive, too. Take it to summer parties and show off! You’re fancy pants with homemade sauce!

vegetable broth, as needed
1 small onion, minced
2 garlic cloves, minced
12 oz cola
2–4 tbsp ketchup
6 oz can tomato paste
2 tbsp prepared yellow mustard or Dijon mustard
light dash or two allspice or cloves
1 tsp Vegan Worcestershire Sauce (p. 171)*
1 tsp smoked paprika
bay leaf
cayenne pepper or hot sauce, to taste
browning sauce, as needed
2–3 drops liquid smoke
  1. Line a large pot with a thin layer of broth and sauté onion and garlic until translucent and liquid has evaporated.
  2. Add remaining ingredients, whisking to combine.
  3. Cover and heat over low for 10–20 minutes, until it reduces and gets darker in color. If it’s not reducing, cook longer and leave lid slightly ajar.
  4. Taste, adding more ketchup (this will vary based on the sweetness of the cola you use), cloves, liquid smoke, or heat as desired.
  5. For a more vinegary taste, add apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar. For sweeter, add brown sugar. To darken the color, add browning sauce—just a little!


My testers tried this sauce with a number of different colas: Coke, Pepsi, diet, natural, and so forth. Despite the taste differences everyone loved “their version,” so go with any soft drink you prefer.

Per serving (2 tbsp, with diet soda): 14 calories, 0.1g fat, 3g carbohydrates, 0.6g fiber, 1.7g sugars, 0.6g protein

Per serving (2 tbsp, with regular soda): 20 calories, 0.1g fat, 4.7g carbohydrates, 0.6g fiber, 3.4g sugars, 0.6g protein

AJ's Vegan Parmesan Image

MAKES 1½ CUPS | Q | GF | SF | MA |

If you can’t find commercial vegan Parmesan where you live, here is a great alternative recipe by my friend Chef AJ. AJ says, “I’ve made this with almonds, walnuts, cashews, even Brazil nuts. For those with a nut allergy, use sesame seeds.”

1  c nuts

½  c nutritional yeast (see note)

  pinch of salt or salt-free seasoning


  1. Put nuts and nutritional yeast in a blender.
  2. Add salt or other seasoning if desired.
  3. Process until a smooth powder has formed.
  4. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a week.


You can also start with less nutritional yeast (3–4 tbsp), adding more to taste.

Per serving (1 tbsp, with cashews): 45 calories, 2.8g fat, 3.4g carbohydrates, 1g fiber, 0g sugars, 2.4g protein

Golden Dressing Image

| Q | GF | SF* | MA | P |

This recipe visits us from Happy Herbivore Light & Lean and is my favorite dressing to serve. My omni friends practically drink it, they love it so much. Add more miso for a miso dressing, more Dijon for a spicy or tangy dressing, more lemon for a lemony dressing, and so on. I also like to substitute peanut butter or tahini for the miso on occasion.

¼ c cold water
¼ c nutritional yeast
1–2 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp pure maple syrup or 1–2 dates
½ lemon, skin removed and seeded
1 tbsp yellow miso* (see note)
  1. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and creamy, adding more water if you like a thinner dressing (note: this dressing thickens as it chills in the fridge).
  2. Taste, adding more nutritional yeast, Dijon, maple syrup, lemon, or miso as desired.


I use yellow miso, but white, red, or chickpea miso should also work. Do not use brown miso.

Per serving (1 tsp, with miso): 21 calories, 0.3g fat, 3.3g carbohydrates, 1g fiber, 1.2g sugars, 1.8g protein

Per serving (1 tsp, with peanut butter): 25 calories, 0.9g fat, 3.2g carbohydrates, 1g fiber, 1.2g sugars, 1.9g protein

Cajun Seasoning

MAKES ½ CUP | Q | GF | SF | MA |

I prefer blending my own Cajun seasoning since some brands can be explosive in terms of heat. If you prefer to use a commercial blend for convenience, I like McCormick Gourmet Collection Cajun Seasoning and Badia Louisiana Cajun Seasoning.

2  tbsp sweet paprika

2  tbsp garlic powder

1  tbsp cayenne pepper

1  tbsp chili powder

1  tbsp pepper

1  tbsp dried oregano or marjoram

1  tbsp onion powder

½  tsp ground nutmeg or mace (optional)

  1. Combine all spices and herbs thoroughly.
  2. Store in an airtight container.

Per serving (1 tbsp): 24 calories, 0.6g fat, 4.9g carbohydrates, 1.9g fiber, 0g sugars, 1.1g protein

Creamy Cajun Mustard Image

MAKES ⅓ CUP | Q | GF* | SF* | MA |

You can find commercial creamy Cajun mustard in Louisiana, but I love homemade best!

3  tbsp Dijon mustard

½  tsp Vegan Worcestershire Sauce (p. 171)*

½  tsp hot sauce

1  tsp molasses

1  tbsp Vegan Mayo (p. 170) or plain vegan yogurt*

¼  tsp Cajun Seasoning (p. 173)

  1. Combine all ingredients, adding more Cajun Seasoning if you like.
  2. If your Dijon is too strong, you can add a bit more mayo to tone it down. You can also add a touch more molasses for a sweeter mustard.

Per serving (1 tbsp): 12 calories, 0.4g fat, 1.8g carbohydrates, 0g fiber, 1.1g sugars, 0.6g protein
