
Chapter Three


If your healing work is to have the best results, your own energy and that of the space in which you live and work need to be clean and “high”. That way, you can safely expand your awareness, connecting not only to the earth energies beneath your feet, but also to higher-frequency inter-dimensional energy. Crystal layouts are particularly useful for maintaining your energetic space. The grid that each layout creates draws in energy so that it can be transformed before it is radiated out again into the surrounding space. Altars can also help to create sacred space in which to live and work. In this chapter you will find layouts that help you to raise the vibrations around you, as well as useful techniques for dealing with noisy neighbours, “sick” buildings and other, similar problems with space.


Placing stones in geometric layouts creates an energetic grid that cleanses, protects and energizes a space. The simplest way to grid a room or other space is to place a crystal in each corner. However, over the following pages, you’ll find other useful layouts to try.

Creating a layout circuit

Every layout makes an energy “circuit” that radiates energy. In most layouts, especially those that are geometrically closed (such as a triangle or a star), the lines of force in the energy circuit (or grid) need to join together so that they completely enclose a space, without any breaks. In other words, the lines must have an uninterrupted connection. So, if the space that you want to heal means that the lines of force have to pass through walls or solid objects, use a crystal wand or the power of your mind to connect the grid.

If an alignment has a long axis, after laying out the grid check that the axes are straight. For small layouts, use a ruler; for larger ones, use a broom handle (see photograph below). Adjust the crystal positions if you need to, until you have perfect alignment. Radiating layouts, such as the Spiral (see page 49), are not closed and are set in motion by intention. (Remember that crystal points channel energy in the direction they face, so position your crystals so that they point to the next spot on your layout.)


Sacred geometry is based on natural forms, harmonious relationships and the recognition of innate patterns. The ancient Greeks believed that God created the universe according to an underlying geometric plan. They believed that geometric shapes represent the basic patterns of existence and possess extremely potent, universal energies. We can utilize these energies for space clearing and Earth healing. Sacred geometry opens up new resonances and energy frequencies and it reminds us that we are part of a sacred whole. The ancient Hermetic maxim “As above, so below; as within, so without” operates within nature and within the universe. If you can heal a small part – especially yourself – you bring the whole into balance.

Deconstructing a layout

When a layout has completed its work, take it down in reverse order. Spray the space with a proprietary crystal cleanser, burn a joss stick, or sprinkle salt or Halite. Some energy patterns are very potent, particularly if you made them using high-vibration stones. To further deconstruct these, drum or clap out the energy, holding the intention that only what is for the highest good remains. I find Tibetan tingshaws or Petaltone Zl4 essence the most effective tools for deconstructing high-vibration grids. You can leave some energetic imprints in place as they can continue to be beneficial. Dowse or use your intuition to check if this is so.


A broom handle or a photograph can help you to check the alignment of a large layout (if you’re using a photograph, beware of any camera distortion). This grid needed adjustments.

FUNCTION Establishes boundaries, protective, cleansing

You need only three crystals for this layout, forming a triangle with a crystal at each point. Triangulation works well to protect positive energy, to neutralize negative energy and to bring in positive vibes. The energy radiates out of both sides, and above and below the geometric figure. Place one crystal in the centre of a wall or space, and the other two on the wall or space opposite, creating equal angles, if possible. Connect the three points with a wand or the power of your mind to strengthen the grid.


A crystal on each point of a triangle creates a multidimensional stabilizing grid. These are Eye of the Storm.

FUNCTION Protective, transmuting, attracts and locks in energy

Consisting of two interlocking triangles, the Star of David layout is traditionally used for protection. It is excellent for neutralizing ill-wishes (Black Tourmaline is a brilliant crystal to use for this). Lay the first triangle point downward to lock energies in, and join up the points with a wand. Lay another triangle point up over the top to draw down beneficial energies. Join up the points. Cleanse the star daily (see pages 19–21). Reverse the process to draw in beneficial energies to an area, before locking them in.


Cleansing crystals on the points of a Star of David detox the Earth.

FUNCTION Space-clearing, protective, enhances energy

A pentangle or five-pointed star is drawn with a continuous energy line. It is particularly useful for working on maps, and it also provides protection and space clearing, calls in love and healing, and can enhance your energy or the energy of a site. Follow the direction of the arrows on the diagram when placing crystals and remember to complete the circuit back to point 1 when joining up the layout with a wand. The pentangle layout can also be inverted to draw energy down into an area.


Aragonite and Rhodozite help to energetically clear and stabilize the Earth.

FUNCTION Cleansing, stitches energy sites together

A series of open triangles, a zig-zag layout is an efficient way in which to cleanse the energy of a space. It is particularly useful to heal areas with sick building syndrome or environmental pollution, but it also stitches energy sites together, joining them up. Place your crystals as shown on the diagram below. You can use one type of crystal, such as Black Tourmaline or Smoky Quartz to absorb energetic toxicity, or you could alternate your chosen crystal with crystals such as Selenite to bring in light. Cleanse this layout regularly (see pages 19–21).


Selenite above Smoky Quartz purifies a space.

FUNCTION Integrating, draws energy down from above and up from below

The Lemiscate (figure-of-eight) layout draws spiritual energy down into a site and synergizes it with earth energy to create perfect balance. Put a suitable stone at the centre of the lemiscate. Place high-vibration stones above the centre point to the crown and back down to the central stone. Place grounding stones below. You can space out the stones equally and put them opposite each other, but they may be more potent when they are offset, as this subtly alters the energetic net. Complete the circuit, joining up the figure of eight back at the first stone you placed.


High-vibration Amethyst Brandenbergs and Herkimers above Smoky Elestial Quartz and Rhodozite, with Smoky Amethyst Brandenberg in the centre, raise vibrations in the environment.

FUNCTION Re-energizing, cleansing, radiating

Depending on which way you place it, a spiral draws energy down into the centre (if you place a crystal at the top of the spiral to begin) or radiates it out (if you place a crystal at the centre first). Dowse or use your intuition to check whether you should be using a clockwise or an anticlockwise spiral and how many crystals you need. When completing the circuit (see pages 42–3), do not join the ends by going back to the first crystal you laid – spiral the energy out and away or down into the centre. You could also use a multi-armed spiral (see page 109).


Crystals placed point-downward in a spiral draw energy to the centre of the layout.

FUNCTION Unifies, radiates healing energy

The Flower of Life includes templates for the five Platonic Solids: primal patterns that occur within crystals – and everywhere. To the ancient Greeks, these solids symbolized the elements of fire, earth, air, water and spirit (or ether) respectively. This layout is called the Flower of Life because it encompasses the building blocks of life in one perfect form. The Flower of Life is useful as a background for layouts as the drawn pattern and the crystals work together to radiate healing energy worldwide.


Crystals can be placed on the Flower of Life in any pattern that feels right for your purpose.

FUNCTION Radiates energy

A radiating sunburst energizes a whole area. It is particularly useful to energize the Earth via a map but you can also lay it out on the ground (see pages 97–9) or bury it within it if your layout is to be a permanent feature. Although it is usual to begin this layout in the centre and work outward, you may find it helpful to dowse for your placements – for example, you may need to set out a central alignment first, or place crystals to draw in energy. You can always adjust the layout to fine tune the energies. You do not need to complete a circuit of this layout, as the intention is to radiate the energy outward as widely as possible.


Tangerine Dream Lemurians around a Golden Herkimer radiate energy out into the environment.


Layouts do not have to be large, covering a whole area, to be effective. You can place small crystals in protective and cleansing layouts such as the Triangulation, the Pentangle or the Zig-zag, or in energizing layouts such as the Spiral or the Sunburst, in even the smallest spaces at home.

Some high-vibration crystals can be expensive, so in a small layout use only one of these in the centre and add clear Quartz points facing away from the centre to amplify and channel the energy outward. You can leave these layouts in place for long periods, but do cleanse them frequently. If the space is polluted by electromagnetic smog or geopathic stress, use the darker-coloured earthy crystals or Herkimer Diamonds. If the pollution is from subtle radiation, try Malachite in a zig-zag formation. Bright crystals such as Citrine have the advantage of attracting abundance into your home, and Rose Quartz brings in more love.

Single-stone remedies

If your space is very limited, you can keep the energies in your home (or at work) clean and clear by placing just one large crystal – such as Elestial Quartz, Herkimer Diamond or Selenite – close to the entrance door. This purifies all energies entering your space and fills the place with light. The stone needs regular cleansing (see pages 19–21) so that it can continue to absorb negative energy and transmute it into beneficial vibes.


To help quieten noisy neighbours, place a large piece of Rose Quartz against the adjoining wall or between the properties.



Suitable crystals: Black Tourmaline, Eye of the Storm, Flint, Graphic Smoky Quartz, Halite, Herkimer Diamond, Smoky Quartz

1  Cleanse your crystals and fill them with intention.

2  Place a small crystal midway along one wall or one side of your space.

3  Place similar stones in the corners on the opposite side.

4  Join up the triangle with a wand or the power of your mind.

Note: If triangulating a whole house or apartment, place one stone by the entrance door and the other two in the corners of the farthest boundary wall opposite that door. Join the lines with your mind if they have to pass through walls.



Suitable crystals: Bumble Bee Jasper, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Fire and Ice (in the centre), Golden Healer, Herkimer Diamond, Lemurians, Selenite, Rose Quartz, Tangerine Dream.

1  Choose a place where the layout will not be disturbed.

2  Cleanse your crystals and fill them with intention.

3  Lay the central stone, then lay radiating “arms”. Allow your intuition to tell you how many arms and in which directions, or follow the compass directions. Picture light and energy radiating out from the layout throughout your space.

Try it now

Crystals: whichever you choose

Create the layout best suited to your needs at this moment.

Sense its effect on your space in an hour, in a day and in a week.


Setting up a crystal altar does not mean that you are worshipping the crystal. Rather, the altar brings divine, sacred energy into your home and dedicates your space. It gives you a focus to be thankful for the blessings you receive, which in turn enhances the energy in your home. In addition, an altar can be a tool for meditation, during which you send out healing.

Choosing a location

You can set up an altar inside your home or outside among nature. First, though, you will need to decide whether you want to create a personal altar that is a quiet retreat from the world for you, or whether you want to share your altar with others. If the altar is to be personal, use a room that you save for quiet study or contemplation, or a corner of your bedroom. If you prefer your altar in a shared space, choose somewhere where it will be protected from children and pets – or anyone else who might pick up the crystals. If your altar is intended for Earth healing, the garden or in front of a window may be most appropriate.

Setting up your altar

Choose a cloth for your altar – find something that has an appropriate texture and colour. Lay out the cloth and position a large, central crystal on it to give your altar a focal point. Spend a few moments focusing on the intent and purpose of the altar. If you have space, it is better to have several altars dedicated to different purposes; but if you have room for only one, “all-purpose” altar, think about the different intentions it has and choose and group crystals appropriately.

Add sets of crystals dedicated to each specific purpose, such as bringing in love, healing the Earth and so on (see pages 55–6 for ideas). If you wish, add candles, an offering bowl, fresh flowers, photographs, shells, feathers, written affirmations or treasured objects – but keep the altar uncluttered and harmonious. You could add a statue of a deity, especially if that deity represents a quality such as compassion or wisdom, or is meaningful to you.

Once your altar is complete, spend a few moments contemplating its harmony. Welcome in the crystal devas (see page 87), holding the intention that they work with you to achieve your aims. Dedicate your altar to the highest good, as well as to your specific purpose (or many purposes if your altar is all-purpose). Try to spend a few moments in front of your altar each day.


Altars can be simple affairs – say, just one crystal – or more complex energy-generators. Here are some suggestions to help you set up and dedicate a crystal altar in your home or garden.


You can dedicate this altar to sending healing energy wherever it is needed in the world.

Suitable crystals: Eye of the Storm, Graphic Smoky Quartz, Halite, Menalite, Rhodozite, Shiva Lingam, large Smoky Elestial, Smoky Quartz

Balancing the elements

Dedicate this altar to strengthening and balancing the five elements throughout the natural world.

Suitable crystals (by element type):

Earth: Brown Aragonite, Eye of the Storm, Flint, Graphic Smoky Quartz, Menalite, Rhodozite, Shiva Lingam, Smoky Elestial Quartz, Smoky Quartz

Air: Fire and Ice, Herkimer Diamond, Lilac Aragonite, Preseli Bluestone, Selenite

Fire: Bumble Bee Jasper, Citrine, Granite, Lemurian, Rose Quartz, Tangerine Dream

Water: Blue Aragonite, Clear Quartz, Halite, Stromatolite, Trigonic Quartz

Ether (Spirit, or Above and Below): Brandenberg, Fire and Ice, Rainbow Mayanite, Spirit Quartz, White Aragonite

Honouring the ancestors

Dedicate this altar to bringing resolution and peace to your ancestral line.

Suitable crystals: PerumarTM, Preseli Bluestone, Rhodochrosite, Smoky Spirit Quartz, Stromatolite

Fertility and abundance

Dedicate this altar to bringing more fertility to the earth, and creativity and abundance into your life and the lives of those around you.

Suitable crystals: Bumble Bee Jasper, Citrine, Golden Healer, Kambaba Jasper, Lemurians, Menalite, Shiva Lingam, Stromatolite, Tangerine Dream

Radiating love and peace

Dedicate this altar to sending love and peace throughout the world.

Suitable crystals: AnandaliteTM, Eye of the Storm, PerumarTM, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Selenite


As you probably spend a great deal of time at work, it makes sense to use crystals to enhance your working environment and ensure that the energy there is as high and as pure as possible. Crystals can also improve relations with your colleagues. Overall, they can absorb negative vibes, create a less stressful atmosphere, assist with problem solving, improve communication and counteract electromagnetic pollution.

Where can I put my crystal?

On your desk, on a nearby window ledge, in a drawer, taped under a table or put discreetly in a corner are all good placements – crystals work even when hidden behind a filing cabinet. If you have room, create a layout. Do not be concerned about your colleagues’ reactions. Most people instinctively respond to the “good vibes” a crystal puts out.

How can crystals help me at work?

Many jobs require problem solving. Crystals help you to combine careful analysis with an intuitive solution – looking at things from a different perspective. They can activate talents you did not know you possessed. Tourmaline aids lateral thinking, analyzing difficulties and finding a conclusion. Tourmalinated Quartz, or a combination of Tourmaline and clear Quartz, dissolves crystallized patterns and harmonizes disparate elements.


Keep a small bowl of tumbled stones around – either for yourself or for other people to “play” with. Their soothing properties soon make themselves felt! Remember to cleanse them regularly.

If your job means that you have to deal with difficult people or situations, or complaints, keep a Black Tourmaline close to you – tape one to your phone or wear it around your neck. It absorbs verbal or psychic attack and keeps your energies safe.

If you work in an environment with combative, competitive energy, use a crystal ball, which transmutes that energy to make it more productive. Crystal balls can also help in environments with chaotic and fragmented energy, helping everyone to pull together. Rose Quartz can calm quick tempers; Spirit Quartz, or a Clear Quartz cluster, brings harmony and clarity of purpose that encourages straightforward decision-making.

If you work as part of a team, a large Spirit Quartz facilitates compromise and cooperation between members, improves communication (helping to overcome bickering or internal criticism) and assists with reaching your goals. A Smoky Quartz draws off negative energies and helps resolve conflict, as does Eye of the Storm. Rose Quartz is useful for softening attitude.

If you find it difficult to express your ideas, hold a Citrine or a Shiva Lingam. If you find it difficult to accept constructive criticism, keep an Aragonite in your pocket. This crystal calms over-sensitivity and helps you to see the cause of the problems.

Overcoming electromagnetic stress

Created by computers, phones and other gadgets, electromagnetic stress often exacerbates discomfort and disharmony within the workplace. Place a crystal next to a computer, tape one to your phone, or grid your space with a crystal layout to transmute the negative energy and help you to function more productively.

Suitable crystals: Black Tourmaline, Flint, Herkimer Diamond, Preseli Bluestone, Smoky Quartz, Shungite



Crystals: Clear Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Selenite

The Flower of Life layout (see page 50) is particularly useful for bringing harmony into the workplace. If you don’t have anywhere to place this layout at work, lay it out at home and hold the intention that the positive vibes go to your workplace.

1  Draw or print out a Flower of Life mandala. If you are creating the layout at home, place it over a picture of your workplace.

2  Cleanse your crystals (see pages 19–21) and dedicate them to bringing harmony into your workplace.

3  Place the first stone in the centre of the mandala.

4  Pick up the next stone and intuitively place it on the Flower.

5  Space your crystals equally around the Flower to form a harmonious pattern. Stop only when the layout feels active, peaceful and complete.

6  Leave the layout in place for as long as possible, but remember to cleanse it regularly.


A building with air pollution or inadequate ventilation, excess static electricity, electromagnetic smog, geopathic stress and the like may suffer from “sick-building syndrome”. The effects on you might include lack of concentration, headaches, chest and skin problems, nausea, excessive fatigue and dizziness. Use the Zig-zag layout on page 47 to heal the building – and yourself.


Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art of harmonizing the energy of space. Crystal Feng Shui uses crystals to direct energy flow through your home (or other space) to attract and generate beneficial energy and to overcome energetic blockages or whirlpools. Highly polished crystals, including crystal spheres, reflect energy across a space and can turn it around corners. Some systems of Feng Shui rely on compass directions, and others on direction from the front entrance, to create the bagua (see illustration, below).

The houses of life

In Feng Shui, placing appropriate crystals in certain areas of your home is believed to transform the part of your life that corresponds to that particular room in the house, or position in the room. (It is particularly auspicious to place a crystal in both the relevant room of the house and the corresponding position in the relevant room.) To work out your bagua (which parts of your house relate to which areas of your life), orient your house from the front door (or the door by which you usually enter) and map out the house according to the diagram opposite. Clear Quartz in the health area generates health and well-being; Malachite in the same position attracts helpful friends. Citrine in the wealth corner generates abundance. Choose your own Feng Shui crystals from the table above, or select them intuitively, and place them in your home. Use the largest crystals you have and cleanse them (see pages 19–21) regularly. Monitor the difference in the energy of your rooms over the course of a month and try new combinations, if appropriate.


In this bagua, the front door is in the career area of life.

Area of life Suggested crystals
Self-knowledge/wisdom Brandenberg, Clear Quartz, Fire and Ice, Selenite
Career/life mission AnandaliteTM, Bumble Bee Jasper, Selenite, Stromatolite
Travel/helpful people AnandaliteTM, Malachite, Trigonic Quartz
Children/creativity Bumble Bee Jasper, Citrine, Golden Healer, Rose Quartz
Spiritual well-being Citrine, Eye of the Storm, Herkimer Diamond
Family/Health AnandaliteTM, Rhodochrosite, Golden Healer, Spirit Quartz
Prosperity/self-worth Citrine, Golden Herkimer
Fame/reputation Kambaba Jasper, Purpurite, Spirit Quartz
Love/relationships Shiva Lingam, Menalite, Rose Quartz

You can also place appropriate crystals in specific rooms. For example, if your toilet is placed in the wealth corner, although you may attract money into the house it will continually be flushed away. Placing a large Citrine geode on or near the cistern solves the problem.

Feng Shui and colour

Traditionally Feng Shui uses colour to influence specific areas of life. You can place crystals of an appropriate colour in areas of the house that correspond to the relevant section of the bagua. So, for example, if you want to “grow” your career, red crystals in the career area just inside the front door will give your career a boost, yellow could bring a better salary and orange could make you more creative in your career choice. Use the table below to guide your selection of crystal colours.

Crystal spheres

Polished, highly reflective crystals, spheres are useful for slowing energy down or speeding it up in a particular space. They absorb stagnant and negative energy and radiate a harmonious, calming energy, and of course they reflect the shape of our globe.

Depending on your needs and situation, place the crystal sphere in an area that requires more harmony and light and an influx of fresh energy. For example, if there are constant disagreements in a house, a large clear Quartz sphere placed in the main living room neutralizes negative emotions and gives more clarity on situations. Alternatively, a Smoky Quartz grounds energies and defuses tension, while an Eye of the Storm sphere in the centre of the house creates an aura of calm throughout. Try a Rose Quartz sphere to create a gently soothing, loving and nurturing energy – especially excellent in a child’s room or a bedroom. A Citrine ball can assist in overcoming money worries.


images  Red: growth and energy

images  Orange: creativity and increased libido

images  Green: wisdom, intellect and entrepreneurship

images  Yellow: wealth

images  Blue: peace and health

images  Purple: spiritual advancement

In general, you can place crystal spheres:

•  where there is chaotic energy, such as in a small hallway with many doors (place as close to the centre as possible by a wall so that the energy can flow smoothly around the sphere).

•  in the front window of a house that faces a road or stands on a corner (which means that dagger-like energy strikes the house), to divert the energy.

•  in a long, narrow and dark hallway (place at the end of the hallway to reflect back the light).

•  in a dark corner or dead end to avoid a build-up of stagnant energy and draw in light.

•  halfway down a set of rooms that open out of each other to slow the rapid energy flow from room to room.

•  at the top of the stairs if the stairs lead immediately up from the front door so that energy reaches both floors equally.

•  near or outside the front door or corner of the house if a road sweeps past, carrying rushing energy with it.


Crystal spheres are excellent tools for smoothing out energy flow.