All crystals assist in healing the Earth, it is their home after all, but I have specially chosen the selection here to give you a wide range of applications, frequencies and possibilities. They are the crystals in my own Earth-healing toolkit. It includes exceptionally high-vibration crystals, as well as those of a more earthy nature that ground the healing into the planet or your space. There are also crystals that help you to purify and stabilize your own personal energies. You won’t need to buy them all: if you do not have a particular stone, you can use the energy embodied in the photograph in this chapter to do the healing work. Simply place your finger on the image of the crystal you wish to use to focus intention on that particular picture. Or, put the page face down and hold the intention that the crystal transfers its energy to your physical body, the environment or a map.
An Earth-healing or space-clearing crystal toolbox benefits from having a range of stones in it, but you could use just one or two favourites if you so wish. I never travel without my big Smoky Brandenberg and a piece of local Flint. They, with the addition of Selenite and Golden or Clear Quartz, are all the tools I have needed in so many places around the world.
This directory is divided into two sections: the earthy healing stones that ground energy – and which may have a high vibration – and specifically high-vibration crystals that draw higher dimensional healing frequencies down to the Earth, but which may need anchoring.
“That mystic cave where the wise god a hoard of all things good hath in his treasure stored. He shall return, and bear in both his hands A heap of blessings numerous as the sands.”
The Lithica (lapidary, 4th century CE)
The toolkit on the following pages provides a directory of some of the crystals I most enjoy working with, a guide to their healing energies to help you with your own selections, and an opportunity for you to harness those energies using the photographs of the crystals when you don’t have the crystals themselves. For each entry, I’ve listed where the crystal originates from, its associated chakras and its purpose.
One of the most effective Earth-healing stones, Brown Aragonite grounds and stabilizes Earth’s energy. Highly effective laid as a Pentangle (see page 46), it transforms geopathic stress and unblocks ley lines. Place it on a map to heal energetic disturbance or to restore equilibrium. Centring physical energies and calming over-sensitivity, it deepens your connection with the Earth, helping people with only a toehold in incarnation to feel that they belong. Aragonite facilitates insight into the causes of problems and assists with healing the ancestral line. Each colour works to a slightly different resonance: white purifies the vibrations, blue refines them, lilac reaches even higher and brown earths the contact. In layouts, Aragonite combines well with Black Tourmaline, Flint and Halite.
A powerful cleanser and purifier, Black Tourmaline draws negativity into the crystal, then locks it there so that it cannot escape. It is useful for creating a safe space in which to live and work. It absorbs electromagnetic pollution and geopathic stress, or ill-wishing. Placed on a map, it diffuses areas of tension. This stone encourages “positive neutrality”, transforming ethnic or religious conflict into acceptance and assimilation.
Formed in the fumeroles of volcanoes and including a combination of Sulphur, Orpiment, Volcanic Ash and Anhydrite, Bumble Bee Jasper assists the impossible to manifest. Excellent for healing the bee population of the world (see page 131), it fertilizes possibilities on more subtle levels, too. Its vibrant colours infuse energy into the Earth and the physical body, and this bubbly stone can bring great joy to the user.
Note: Bumble Bee Jasper is toxic – handle it with care and wash your hands after using it.
A master healing crystal, Quartz generates, releases, maintains and harmonizes energy at all levels. Place Quartz points into the earth as “acupuncture needles” that clear blockages and amplify the natural flow of energy around the planet’s grid, bringing it back into equilibrium. You can also place large pieces of Quartz to maximize energy where needed. Clear Quartz is particularly useful when you need to encourage clarity and decisiveness.
Invigorating Citrine carries the energy of the sun and is an excellent stone for regeneration and abundance. Warming and creative, it radiates pure energy into the Earth’s matrix grid. It assists people who are sensitive to environmental toxins and other outside influences. This crystal helps you develop a positive attitude, and to look forward instead of hanging onto the past. It encourages you to enjoy new experiences and explore every possibility; and it helps manifest the best solution to a problem. Kundalini Quartz (Natural Citrine from the Congo) bursts with kundalini energy and assists in raising Qi. Citrine is particularly effective in a counterclockwise Spiral on a map, as this links the energy of the sun to the heart of Mother Earth. Starting at the centre, it radiates energy outward. Starting on the outside, it pulls energy in.
A brand new find named by John van Rees of Exquisite Crystals, it should more properly be called the “Eye of the Storm” as holding it is like standing at the epicentre of a storm – whirling all around you while you remain in a calm, centred space. The crystal enables you to rise up to obtain an objective view of a situation. It is excellent for stabilizing the Earth’s grid and calming areas of political unrest. It can be programmed and left in place for long periods of time. This lovely stone has a beautiful, heart-centred healing energy.
An ancient Earth-healing stone long seen as a portal to other worlds, Flint stabilizes the Earth and scours away negativity. It assists shamanic journeying through the underworld and the caves and hidden crevasses of the Earth for healing and soul retrieval, or to repair energy lines and to cast out dis-ease and restore equilibrium. Flint makes an excellent anchor for grounding energy into a layout.
High in Quartz and Feldspar, Granite is a strongly resonant, paramagnetic rock that generates and conveys a powerful current and acts like an acupuncture needle. Granite structures have a demonstrably higher radiation field around them. This stone releases blockages and ensures the smooth flow of Qi around the meridians of the Earth or the physical body. Granite stabilizes the human energy field, stimulating electrical activity in the cells and enhancing the immune system. It realigns the subtle bodies and creates a stable matrix for healing. The ancient Egyptians used Granite to draw the power of the gods to the Earth. It is an excellent gridding stone to create sacred space. Pink Aswan Granite facilitates reconnection to Egyptian temple lives and esoteric knowledge from that time.
Madagascan Smoky Quartz hugely compressed in a Feldspar matrix is invaluable when it comes to stabilizing layouts and realigning Earth energies, especially in areas where the ground has been under enormous pressure. As with all bi-coloured stones, Graphic Smoky Quartz promotes balance, stability and maturity, and helps to create an objective perspective. (It is also found in the USA where it is known as Zebra Stone.)
Halite is a cleansing stone that purifies an area and restores its balance. It assists in dissolving old patterns and ingrained feelings, no matter how ancient. Transmuting feelings of rejection or scapegoating, it increases goodwill. Halite stimulates the meridians of the physical body or the planet, and increases the healing properties of other crystals. Added to layouts, it draws off toxic energies.
Malachite has a strong affinity with nature and with the devic forces that assist the self-regulating cycle of growth and decay. An important protection stone, it absorbs negative energies and electromagnetic pollutants easily, energetically absorbing them from the atmosphere or the earth and from the body. In particular, Malachite soaks up plutonium pollution, and guards against radiation of all kinds. Place it in homes near a nuclear or natural radiation source. It is a helpful stone for breaking old patterns and imprinting a new mind set.
Note: Use this stone in tumbled form and wash your hands after use.
Powerfully connected to Mother Earth and the ancient fertility goddesses, Menalite clears blockages from the sacral and base chakras and takes you back into the womb of Mother Earth for healing and reconnection to the centre. It solidifies your core energy field and holds you gently in incarnation. Linking to power animals, the Earth devas and nature spirits, Menalite has long been used to enhance rituals and shamanic journeying, and to facilitate divination. It reconnects you to feminine wisdom and the power of the priestess. Useful for rebirth and rejuvenation of any kind.
Preseli Bluestone draws attention to places where the Earth’s grid needs healing and where crystal intervention would be helpful. Preseli Bluestone “pegs” and knits together the lines on the etheric planes, so that the healing manifests in the physical. Preseli Bluestone is strongly magnetic and can realign the magnetic grid and adjust anomalies. However, it may also need to be aligned with the Earth’s north–south magnetic grid in order to bring harmony – if you feel uncomfortable when using it, turn yourself and the stone until you feel aligned. This stone helps you to reconnect to your ancient Earth-healing knowledge.
An excellent protection stone, Purpurite prevents psychic interference and shifts ingrained belief patterns. It removes curses and moves things on, imprinting positive energy. The stone stimulates spiritual insights and grounds the resultant energy shift into the Earth vibration.
A stone of compassion and selfless love, Rhodochrosite expands consciousness and integrates new information into the material world. Rhodochrosite helps you to face the truth without judgment, revealing the part you played in creating situations. It gently heals the past, releasing toxic emotions and experiences, and imparts a positive attitude to life. It encourages giving service to the planet and all those upon it. Gentle, blue PerumarTM links to the wisdom of the Incas and their sacred sites high in the Andes mountains. The stone has tiny flaws to remind us to forgive and have compassion for imperfections in our own character and in that of others. It encourages a positive view of the future and assists the Earth’s kundalini to settle into its new orientation along the Andes.
Although tiny, Rhodozite is an extremely powerful Earth healer, especially when placed onto maps. It enhances the effects of other crystals. As it rarely needs cleansing, Rhodozite can simply be left to do its work. Reputedly the Madagascan shamans favour this stone for weather magic – try placing it to calm inclement conditions. This highly energetic stone can add vitality to the physical body or the planet as it enhances the flow of Qi through the meridians.
Note: Rhodozite in Feldspar accelerates the effect and grounds the energy into the Earth.
Crystallized love, serene Rose Quartz infuses peace and harmony, calming areas of unrest and restoring balance. It is the ultimate forgiveness stone. Rose Quartz resonates with Archangel Ariel, who watches over the Earth. Meditate with this stone to project peaceful thoughts around the world, or place it in a layout for prolonged Earth regeneration and healing.
According to ancient lore, the cryptocryastalline Quartz matrix from which a Shiva Lingam is formed was created when a meteorite hit the planet, uniting Earth and sky. The red markings are meteoric iron and the stones also contain Chalcedony, Goethite, Agate and Basalt. A stone of soul awareness collected from the bed of the Narmada River, a Shiva Lingam can be implanted into the Earth’s acupuncture points or set up as an altar – these stones purify and sanctify your home. A cosmic and etheric amplifier, a Lingam is imbued with vitality and Qi, and stimulates the kundalini of the Earth or the physical body. It activates all the chakras, both human and global. Enhancing a sense of community and forgiveness, a Lingam brings about unity in the face of diversity, separation or conflict. It facilitates transformation by breaking up old patterns and opening a path to a new life. Traditionally used to enhance fertility, the stone assists in feeling comfortable in incarnation. This stone of divine creative manifestation symbolizes the dance of the cosmos and its polarities: the interplay of yin and yang, body and soul – the inner and outer processes that hold the planet and the human body in perfect balance. Lingams carry the elemental energies of earth, water, wind and fire. Rare black Basalt Shiva Lingams are highly protective.
An excellent earthing and purifying stone, Smoky Quartz soaks up negative energies and transmutes them. It anchors a layout while at the same time raising the vibrations of the surrounding area. Smoky Quartz blocks geopathic stress and stimulates insights and Earth healing. Assisting in moving between alpha and beta states of mind, it facilitates journeying with awareness.
Spirit Quartz radiates high-vibration energy, while the core tightly focuses healing that reaches multi-dimensions, and reprograms cellular memory. It cleanses other stones and stabilizes earth energy in a healing layout. This stone takes you to meet the ancestors and you can program it for ancestral healing. Extremely beneficial in past-life healing, it pinpoints the gift or karmic justice in traumatic situations, promotes self-forgiveness and balances male and female energies. Citrine Spirit Quartz releases dependence on material things. It heals disturbed earth energies, helps to resolve conflict and sends forgiveness. Amethyst Spirit Quartz transmutes misuses of spiritual power, gently dissolving karma and toxic attitudes. Smoky Spirit is strongly protective, grounding and cleansing. It facilitates spirit-release work, or exploring the subconscious, and stabilizes environmental imbalance or pollution.
The fossilized remains of one of the most ancient of lifeforms, Kambaba Jasper (Green Stromatolite) and Stromatolite are strongly earthing, reconnecting you to Mother Earth and the Earth devas. Stromatolite attunes you to – and reharmonizes – the deeper cycles and rhythms of the planet and the natural world, realigning your personal biorhythm to that of Earth. Going right to the foundations to create stability – physical and of purpose – it is particularly beneficial for the lungs, both human and planetary. Stromatolite supports photosynthesis in plants and increases oxygen output. Place this stone where you need to draw in more oxygen or to transmute excess carbon dioxide. An excellent support during evolutionary change, having existed throughout billions of years of chaos, catastrophe and transformation, it instils the ability to “let go” or to opt out without compromising your integrity. Lay the stone out on the ground or on a map to repair and activate the Earth’s meridians, and to improve fertility in the earth, as well as the physical body. Stromatolite acts as a portal to the far past of the Earth, delving deep into its history and evolution so that it can take you back to heal the past or to bring forward ancient knowledge, opening evolutionary portals that were set in place in previous civilizations.
Iridescent, rainbow-coated AnandaliteTM (Aurora Quartz) has exceptionally high vibrations and carries powerful bioscalar healing waves and abundant Qi. It is an amazing crystal to work with for personal or Earth healing. The crystal knows exactly what to do, all you have to do is attune to it for a few moments and intuitively follow its instructions. Sweeping it from the feet to above the head and back down to the feet cleanses and activates all the chakras and enhances spiritual awareness.
A Brandenberg carries the original core spiritual blueprint and its highest potential. It heals a personal bioenergetic field or the Earth’s biosphere and etheric grid. Raising vibrations, it shields background psychic interference. Smoky Brandenberg removes implants, attachments, spirit possession or mental influence. It assists conscious transformation. A gatekeeper, Smoky Brandenberg also protects against psychic attack, repelling negative energy and calling in positive vibes. The crystal shifts ingrained past-life trauma and heals soul splits whether personal or in the earth.
A light-bringer and high-resonance Quartz, Fire and Ice Quartz has many fractures, flaws and inclusions within it, creating numerous rainbows and linking to higher consciousness. Having been thermally shocked, this is a stone for new beginnings and profound growth, cutting through the old self to ignite the soul’s purpose. Carrying cosmic fire and with power to fertilize the earth, Fire and Ice acts as a battery for the Earth’s grid. Drawing light from the sun, it transmits it into the pulsating heart of Mother Earth, repairing the Earth’s energy grid, infusing the crystal matrix with Qi, and seeding the formation of new crystals. Fire and Ice aligns with the Andes, where the kundalini flow now lies north to south, and has a particular resonance with the heart chakra of that mountain line.
Note: If Fire and Ice is not available, use Quartz with plenty of inclusions and rainbows to capture the energy of the sun.
Found in several forms, ranging from transparent to milky, Golden Healer Quartz, with its high iron content, has an extremely active vibration and is suitable for all sacred and healing space. Creating immense peace, it is often found around sacred sites as water-worn opaque pebbles, like the Nubian Temple Stones; or laid down in layers, such as potent Rainbow Mayanite. It contains a high ratio of Qi and bioscalar waves that create a multidimensional healing layout around a site or the planet, or between the cells of the physical body. Carrying Christ Consciousness, it acts as a catalyst for profound spiritual growth. Golden Healer purifies and re-energizes the chakras, rapidly releasing toxic mental or emotional conditioning.
Essential for layouts in areas of electromagnetic or geopathic stress or disturbed earth energy, Herkimers block negativity and transmute it to positivity. A layout of Herkimers clears the chakras in minutes. Smoky Herkimers are excellent healing stones for both your own root (earth) chakra and the Earth itself. The yellow (“Citrine”) ones are brilliant cleansers and regenerators, especially when they contain oil from the Himalayas or iron (Golden Herkimers). They are excellent for restoring vitality.
Note: You can substitute Arkansas Diamonds and similar Quartzes if necessary.
Crystallized divine light, Selenite infuses that light into the Earth’s matrix grid and the hearts of all those who live on the planet. Translucent white Selenite is said to inhabit the place between light and matter, bringing a new vibration to the Earth. It is particularly effective placed in a protective layout around a house. A large piece placed in the earth ensures a peaceful atmosphere. Selenite disintegrates when wet so do replace it from time to time.
A higher vibration of Smoky Quartz. With its many folds and facets and its Earth angel and devic connections, Smoky Elestial Quartz is particularly useful in Earth healing as it not only absorbs and transmutes negativity, but also raises the vibration of the Earth at the same time. This is an excellent protection, transmutation and journeying stone that can be left in place for long periods. Place it on the earth star chakra to activate and ground a connection to the earth.
These Lemurians pack a powerful punch. Full of lifeforce, they re-energize depleted energy and shift ingrained patterns, opening blocked potential. The quickest way to effect a shift is to place them over an area on a map in a star burst. Tangerine Dream Lemurians open a portal to expanded soul healing. All Lemurians open an energy portal to stellar experiences, anchoring ancient wisdom into the present. Attuning to spiritual training and initiations, Lemurians reawaken inherent skills and healing abilities. Combine them with Smoky Elestials to anchor high-vibration energy.
Note: If Tangerine Dream Lemurian is not available, use Tangerine, Apricot or Golden Quartz points instead.
The soul midwife stone that carries cosmic consciousness, Trigonic Quartz holds a hologram of all potentiality and links to the Akashic Record. It settles a new pattern into the Earth rather than creating a fresh one, so you may need to incorporate other stones, such as Brandenberg, Herkimers or Smoky Elestial, into layouts intended to transform an outdated pattern or to input a more beneficial one. When using a Trigonic for personal layouts, do not point directly at the top of your head as it will disrupt your energies instead of raising them. Align the stone precisely so that it passes above the head and through the soul star or stellar gateway. This stone makes you go with the flow and stay with what is. It shows you where you are not aligned with your core soul purpose. Trigonic has an innate connection with water and powerful water-healing properties.