adverbialism about mental predicates203 n.
Akmajian, Adrian et al.271 n.
Alston, William240 n. , 245-52 , 253 n. , 256 , 266-70 , 272 , 282 , 283 n.
analytic functionalism291
Anscombe, Elizabeth91 , 103 n. 10 , 105 n. 13
on Cartesian Egos32-3 , 35 , 36-7
and the Indexical Reference View79 , 89
and the No Reference View46-8 , 50 , 52-6 , 59 , 61
and the No Reference View applied to predicates52-3 , 231 , 240
and the Reference Without Identification View71-2 , 73 n. , 74 n. 24 , 77
apriori knowledge, see self-knowledge
Armstrong, David96 n. , 291 , 416 n.
ascriptions of bodily states90-2 , 117-18
as immune to error through misidentification193-5 , 360-1
and expression250 , 270 , 274-6
ascriptive immunity to error192-207 , 221-7 , 262-3 , 336-9 , 427
ascriptive security93 , 111 , 119 , 188-225 , 311
assertion47 , 77 , 130 , 305 , 312
vs. expression233-6 , 247 , 251 , 254
Aune, Bruce240 n.
Austin, J. L.235 n.
as act vs. product251-64 , 286 , 296-8 , 312 , 325-8 , 395 , 402-3
vs. avowals proper257 , 262 , 301 , 303 , 304 , 338
commissive character of135-7 , 140 , 173 n. , 318-9
contingent truth of1 , 7 , 11 , 34 , 210 , 404-5 , 413
degree of articulation of3-5 , 294-5
as expressive acts221-5 , 226-84
vs. grammatically identical intentional I-ascriptions107
intentional vs. non-intentional20 , 138 , 401
and interchangeability salva veritate in context9-10 , 23 , 48 , 80 , 81 , 145
as non-evidential, reportive12 , 16-19 , 301-3 , 352 , 377 , 405
as non-inferential16
"normal form"3
phenomenal4-8 , 103 , 116-18 , 138 nn. 40 , 41 , 318 , 321 , 328-9 , 330-2
"strongly" vs. "weakly" authoritative5 , 138 n. 40 , 328
avowals' distinctive security1-21 , 284 , 190-2
and ascriptive security93 , 111 , 119 , 188-225 , 311
desiderata on an adequate account of15-21 , 144-6 , 397-410
and immunity to error through misidentification21-3 , 56-60 , 89-92 , 356-61
and the presumption of truth224
avowals proper242-5 , 264 , 301
vs. natural expressions252-3 , 258 , 293 , 306 , 313-14 , 352
vs. reportive avowals257 , 262 , 301 , 303 , 304 , 338
as transparent-to-the-subject's condition314-15 , 390
Ayer, A. J.76 , 233 , 247
basic self-knowledge343 , 351 , 372-3 , 376 n. 27
behaviorism127 , 278 , 397 , 408 , 414-18 , 420-6
as "holding true"175 , 364-6 , 369 , 370
in the JTB model of knowledge362-7
vs. opining363 , 365-6
"tacit" belief364 n.
Bernecker, Sven162 n.
Bilgrami, Akeel350 n. , 374 n. 24 , 380
Blackburn, Simon105 n. 13 , 133 n. , 235 n. , 424 n.
Boër, Steven64 n. 9
Boghossian, Paul174 n. , 350 n.
Bradley, R. D.240 n.
Bratman, Michael250 n. 20
Brown, Jessica154 n. 7
Brueckner, Anthony154 n. 6 , 162 n.
brute error9 , 10 n. , 150 , 183 , 186 , 200-1 , 332-3
Buckley, J.95 n. 4
Burge, Tyler10 n. , 47 n. 16 , 67 n. , 153 n. 5
on practical deliberation376 n. 27 , 379 n. 29
on self-knowledge162 n. , 167 , 177 n. 24 , 179 , 208-9 , 376 n. 27 , 380 n.
on slow/fast switching166 n. , 172-4
on the theory of knowledge374 , 378 n. 28
Cartesian dualism19-20 , 33 n. , 34 , 44 n. , 90-2 , 404 , 414-15
see also Cartesian Ego
Cartesian Ego29-37 , 40-1 , 46-54 , 69 , 404
Cartesian infallibility, see infallibility
Cartesian introspectionism19 , 95 , 111 , 180 , 344-5
Cartesian skepticism, see skepticism about the external world
Cassam, Quassim61 n. 3 , 123 n. 25
cogito7 , 30 , 47 , 72 , 151
Cohen, Brad75 n. 26
Collingwood, R. G.105
commissive character of avowals135-7 , 140 , 173 n. , 318-19
Conceptual Role Semanticssee Inferential Role Semantics
content3-6 , 9 n. 5 , 103 n. 10 , 104 , 229 n. , 348
and ascriptive immunity to error87 , 359-61 , 365 , 383 , 385
ascriptive security in the assignment of190-225 , 399-401
and ethical expressivism234-8 , 241 n.
semantic externalism and knowledge of147-87 , 189-90
and Neo-Expressivism207-12 , 212-21 , 300-1 , 308 , 311-16 , 321
and the Transparency View104-5 , 108-14 , 117-22 , 137-9
counterfeits159-61 , 167 , 169 , 171 , 180-3 , 356
covert indexicals26 , 86
Crimmins, Mark364 n.
Davidson, Donald104 n. , 162 n. , 173-9 , 181 n. , 213 n. , 239 n. , 293 n.
Davies, Martin76 n. 29 , 155 n. , 163 n. , 291 n. 8
deceit, see lying
Default View of avowals14 n. 10 , 347-50 , 385-6 , 410-11
definite descriptions48 , 51 , 64 n. , 70 , 86
deflationism vs. non-deflationism about self-knowledge
and the Default View of avowals
the deflationist challenge146 , 176 , 340-69
and the No Cognitive Achievement View
non-deflationism as a desideratum on an account of self-knowledge11 , 15 , 20 , 24 , 405
and Simple Expressivism
demonstratives60-9 , 74 , 79 , 84-5 , 163 n. , 213 n
Dennett, Daniel75 n. 26 , 239 n.
Descartes, René15 , 53 , 56 n. , 71 , 406
and dualism19-20 , 33 n. , 34 , 44 n. , 90-2 , 404 , 414-15
and introspectionism19 , 95 , 111
on self-knowledge13 , 42-6 , 121-2 , 180-6 , 344-6
descriptive beliefs, see identifying information
descriptive reports96 , 229-30 , 234-6 , 240 , 254 , 301-4 , 311
desiderata on an account of avowals' security15-21 , 144-6 , 397-410
Devitt, Michael51 n.
Distinct Epistemic Basis Presupposition344-6 , 360-1 , 367-9
non-deflationary alternatives to369-88
Donnellan, Keith51 , 64 n. 10 , 86 n.
Dowell, Grant290 n. 4
Dretske, Fred103 n. 10 , 159 n. , 190 n. , 250 n. 20 , 369 n. , 385 n. 32
Dual Expression Thesis307-10 , 366 , 413 n. 11
dualism, see Cartesian dualism
Dummett, Michael212 n. , 287 n.
eliminativism184 , 415
emotivism233-6 , 259
empty demonstratives72-3
Epistemic Asymmetry6-15 , 18 n. , 19-20 , 200-7 , 398-402 , 417-26
and Descartes32-5
and false avowals326 , 395-6
and Neo-Expressivism262-4
and the No Reference Thesis46-7 , 50-2
and the presumption of truth310-13
and Simple Expressivism230-2
and the Transparency View107-8 , 113-20
epistemic authority124 , 126 n. , 145 , 176 , 337
Epistemic approach11 , 18-19 , 93-146
and reliabilist views of self-knowledge370 , 372
vs. Neo-Expressivism198 , 199-200 , 203 , 223 , 231 , 255 , 258 , 317
epistemic directness/immediacy91 , 113-14 , 129 , 216 , 224 , 310 , 321 , 352
and ascriptive immunity to error201 , 206 , 307
epistemic distance40-5 , 232 n. 8 , 241 , 180 , 301 , 303 n.
epistemic immunity to error through misidentification71 , 82-9
epistemic warrant345 , 368-71 , 374 , 381-7 , 390-3 , 405-8
epistemology, see knowledge, theory of
ethical expressivism233-40 , 312 , 353
Evans, Gareth21-2 , 49 n. , 50 , 62 n. 8
and demonstratives as immune to error through misidentification64-6
and "I" as immune to error through misidentification56-9 , 87-91 , 196 n. , 205 n.
and the "knowing which" requirement61 , 62 n. 6 , 66 n. 15 , 160 n. 12 , 211 , 356-9
and the Reference Without Identification View68-70 , 73 , 74 n. 23 , 75 nn. 26 , 27 , 76
and the Transparency View104-22 , 128-32 , 134 , 137 , 318 , 400
experts/expertise, see epistemic authority
expressing a state vs. expressing one's state246 , 280-1 , 325 , 373 n.
in the action sense216-20 , 224 , 282 , 299 , 306 , 366 , 374 n. , 390
vs. assertion233-6 , 247 , 251 , 254
in the causal sense216-17 , 248-50 , 260 , 265 n. , 325 , 394
continuum of243 , 248 n. , 261 , 286-7
natural228-31 , 241-56 , 264-301 , 306-7 , 311-20 , 332 , 343-4 , 354 , 362
in the semantic sense216-17 , 259 , 315 , 382
expressive failures320-35 , 419-21
expressive reliability264-9 , 283 n. , 355 , 370-3 , 382 , 389 , 405 , 417
externalism vs. internalism:
about content147-87 , 189-90
in epistemology204 , 393-4
false avowals98-9 , 324 , 329-35 , 354-5 , 394-6 , 403
Falvey, Kevin105 n. 13 , 129 n. 32 , 325 n.
Finkelstein, David317 n. , 325 n.
first-person authority, see first-person privilege
first-person perspective128-31 , 133-41 , 375-8
first-person privilege:
Donald Davidson's View of173-9
and the Default View of avowals346-50
as essentially first-person145 , 396
and first-person perspective128-31 , 133-41 , 377-8
as inalienable and non-transferable20 , 123 , 126 n. , 127 , 401
and introspectionism95 , 100 , 290
and Neo-Expressivism336-9 , 399-401 , 418 , 423-4
self-constitution model of141-2 , 379-80 , 413
and the Transparency View107 , 116 , 121 , 129-31 , 140-3
first-person/third-person asymmetry, see first-person privilege
Flemming, Brice Noel240 n. , 304 n.
Fodor, Jerry287 n.
Fogelin, Robert229 n. 2
Foot, Philippa53 n. 19 , 231 n. , 414 n.
force, assertoric233-6 , 313
Frege, Gottlob61-2 , 68 n. 18
Frege-Geach problem, see Geach, Peter
Fricker, Elizabeth12 n. , 104 n. , 112 n. , 350 , 353
functionalism, see analytic functionalism
Gallois, André105 n. 13 , 318
Garrett, Don33 n. 4 , 75 n. 26
Gasking, Douglas240 n. , 301 n.
Geach, Peter233-6 , 238
Generality Constraint (Evans)49-50 , 80 , 108 , 130 , 205 , 210 , 232
Georgalis, Nicholas180 n. 30
George, Alexander364 n.
Gertler, Brie364 n.
Gettier, Edmund362 n.
Gibbard, Alan235 n.
Ginet, Carl229 n. 2
Goldman, Alvin133 n. , 160 n. 13 , 182 n. , 385 n. 32
Goodman, Nelson254 n.
Gordon, Robert16 n. , 133 n.
grammar4-5 , 28-34 , 130 , 194 , 229-36 , 313-15 , 334 , 352
Green, Mitchell129 n. 32 , 218 n. 16 , 241 n. , 270 n. , 272 nn. 35 , 36 , 276 , 298
Greenwood, John105 n. 13
Grice, H. P.287 n.
Hacker, P. M. S.229 n. 2 , 230 n. 4 , 290 n. 6
Hall, L.95 n. 4
Hauser, Mark267
Heal, Jane133 n. , 425 n.
hearsay rule244
Heil, John104 n. , 162 n. 24 , 177 n.
Higgenbotham, James169 n.
higher-order judgment44 , 96 , 98 , 218-23 , 253 , 304 , 310 , 354
Hornsby, Jennifer425 n.
Cartesian Ego as referent of29-37 , 40-1 , 46-54 , 69 , 404
and Donnellan's distinction51-2
guaranteed reference of71-7 , 83-4
Indexical Account of77-82
and the No Reference View46-54 , 55-6 , 58-9 , 79-82
and the Reference without Identification View59 , 60-7 , 67-71 , 72-7
uses of, as subject vs. as object27-9 , 91
"I"-ascriptions, see avowals; ascriptions of bodily states
identifying information59-66 , 68 , 77 , 85-6 , 108
illocutionary force233-5
immunity to error through misascription, see ascriptive immunity to error
immunity to error through misidentification (IETM)21-3 , 56-60 , 89-92 , 108-11 , 180 n. 29 , 356-61 , 368 n. 17 , 385 , 387 n.
and ascriptive immunity to error189-90 , 192-202 , 204-5 , 222 , 383
and demonstratives64 , 65 n. , 69
vs. the guaranteed success of "I" in referring71 , 75 , 83-9 , 90
and false avowals201-2 , 321 , 395
and Neo-Expressivism262 , 399 , 427
ascriptive immunity to error; see also epistemic immunity to error through misidentification
inalienability/non-transferability of first-person privilege20 , 123 , 126 n. , 127 , 401
incorrigibility6 , 8-10
and materialist introspectionism94 , 97
and the Transparency View129 , 132
and knowledge of content150 , 174
vs. immunity to error90 , 195 , 202 , 226-7 , 232
and Neo-Expressivism263 , 310 , 403 , 415
and expressive failures320
about sensations38 , 57
Indexical Reference View77-82 , 205 n.
vs. demonstratives68-9 , 74
and guaranteed reference of75-6 , 79
and immunity to error though misidentification68
and the Indexical Reference View77-82 , 205 n.
and the "knowing which" requirement80-1 , 211
and the Reference without Identification View59 , 60-7 , 67-71 , 72-7
and proper names66-7
use in discourse78-9
indubitability6 , 10
and knowledge of content174
and Neo-Expressivism226-7 , 310 , 395
infallibility6 , 8 , 10 , 19-20
vs. immunity to error192 , 200-1 , 222 , 358
and introspectionism69 , 95-7 , 344 , 346 n.
and knowledge of content150 , 174 , 183-6
and Neo-Expressivism280 , 311 , 386 , 403-5
about sensations39-45
and the Transparency View129 , 145
Inferential Role Semantics168
intentional content, see content
introspectionism18 , 95-104 , 148 , 181 n. , 346 n. , 290-2
Cartesian19 , 95 , 111 , 180 , 344-5
materialist19 , 96-8 , 101-4 , 184-5 , 208-9
vs. Neo-Expressivism305 , 322-3 , 401 , 422-3
Jacobsen, Rockney280 n. , 317 n. , 325 n. , 353 n.
judgment dependence348 , 411-13
justification139 , 142 , 201 , 362-4 , 366-9 , 374 , 391-2
Kant, Immanuel143
Kaplan, David62 n. 8 , 66 n. 14
Kenny, Anthony38 n.
kinesthesis, see proprioception
knowing-how vs. knowing-that62-3 , 211-12 , 359 , 361
"knowing which" requirement61-6 , 80-1 , 160 n. 12 , 358 , 359 n.
knowledge of meaning175-7 , 229
knowledge, theory of
epistemic warrant345 , 368-71 , 374 , 381-7 , 390-3 , 405-8
justification139 , 142 , 201 , 362-4 , 366-9 , 374 , 391-2
JTB account361-9 , 389
and logic380-1
"thick" and "thin" epistemic procedures68-72 , 110 , 198 , 205 , 211-12
Kobes, Bernard129 n. 32
Kripke, Saul51 n. , 66 n. 14 , 153 n. 4
Lewis, David291 , 416 n.
Lichtenberg, G. C.47
Loar, Brian105 , 107 , 133 n. , 208-9
logic, knowledge of380-1
logical grammar, see grammar
Ludlow, Peter123 n. 25 , 163 , 172 n. 19
Lycan, William64 n. 9 , 65 n. 13 , 69 n. 20 , 96 n. , 103 n. 10
MacDonald, Cynthia104 n. , 127 n. , 155 n.
McGeer, Victoria173 n. , 256 n. 25
McKinsey, Michael154 n. 7
McLaughlin, Brian162 n.
Marcus, Ruth Barcan66 n. 14
Martin, Norah123 n. 25
meaning, see content
mental vs. non-mental ascriptions6-7 , 17 , 19-20 , 111 , 399 , 422-5 , 428
and deflationism about self-knowledge346-8
and immunity to error through misidentification194-5 , 360
and incorrigibility201
and introspectionism94-7 , 100-2
and the No Reference View50
mentalistic discourse/terms/vocabulary:
acquisition of285-94
and grammatical accounts of self-ascriptions14 , 236-40 , 251-2 , 346-52 , 414
Mills, Andrew234 n.
mind and body, relation between6 , 10
Moore, G. E.47 n. 14 , 129-31 , 151-2 , 218-19 , 375 , 376 n. 26
Moore's paradox/Moore sentences, see Moore, G. E.
Moran, Richard:
and first-person authority350 n. 374 n. 24 , 378 n. 28 , 413 n. 10
and the Transparency View104 n. , 105 n. 13 , 123 n. 25 , 128-46 , 318 , 400
Moser, Paul369
narrow content168 , 180 n. 30 , 182
natural signs249 , 266-8 , 271 n. , 274-5
Neale, Stephen51 n.
Neo-Expressivism77-92 , 240-51 , 251-84 , 304-39 , 341-5 , 355-69 , 381-96 , 398
and content207-12 , 212-21 , 300-1 , 308 , 311-16 , 321
vs. the Epistemic approach198 , 199-200 , 203 , 223 , 231 , 255 , 258 , 317
and expressive failures320-35 , 419-21
and first-person privilege336-9 , 399-401 , 418 , 423-4
and immunity to error through misidentification262 , 399 , 427
and incorrigibility263 , 310 , 403 , 415
and indubitability226-7 , 310 , 395
and infallibility280 , 311 , 386 , 403-5
vs. introspectionism305 , 322-3 , 401 , 422-3
and the presumption of truth310-20 , 336-9 , 352 , 385-7 , 395-6 , 403
and self-knowledge341-6 , 381-96
and the Transparency View318
and truth-conditions403 , 410-11
Nisbett, Richard125 n. , 406 n. 1
No Cognitive Achievement View350-5 , 413-14
No Reference View46-54 , 55-6 , 58-9 , 79-82
as applied to ascriptions204-6 , 231-3 , 240
non-cognitivism236-7 , 247 , 305 , 308 , 354 n. 11
Nozick, Robert369 n.
object-dependent thought64-5 , 163 n.
O'Brien, Lucy76 nn. 28 , 30
observation17-20 , 42 , 87-8 , 93-4 , 100 , 129 , 150 , 350
and Neo-Expressivism333 , 367-8
see also perception
observation terms287 , 290-1
Olbert, Charles406 n. 2
pain and "pain," dentist and fraternity freshman examples8 , 271 , 322-3 , 331 , 420-1 , 424
Parsia, Bijan31 n. 1 , 33 n. 4 , 53 n. 20 , 65 n. 13 , 66 n. 16 , 78 n.
Peacocke, Christopher162 n. , 212 n. , 231 n. , 391 , 407 n. , 414 n.
Pears, David38
perception61-2 , 120-1 , 156 , 274-7 , 296-9 , 367 , 391-2 , 423
perceptual reports263 , 311 , 322 , 332 , 400
perceptual states/experiences/beliefs/judgments, 9 , 16-17 , 367-8 n.
and disjunctivism392-4
and error42 , 172 , 183 , 186
and reliabilism369-70 ,
and the Transparency View119-22 , 132-3
performatives141 , 242-3 , 253 , 255-60 , 274 , 296-7 , 312 , 317-18 , 331 , 342
Perry, John62 n. 8 , 77
practical abilities, see knowing-how vs. knowing-that
practical agency/deliberation136-7 , 142-6 , 218 n. 35 , 376-9 , 396
presumption of truth224
and Donald Davidson's view174-6
and false avowals321-2 , 325-8
and negative self-ascriptions333-5
and Neo-Expressivism310-20 , 336-9 , 352 , 385-7 , 395-6 , 403
and perceptual reports400
and Crispin Wright94-5
Private Language Argument37-46 , 53 n. 19 ,
privacy of sensations62 n. 6 , 64 n. 10 , 95-6 , 125-6 , 230 , 422-3
see also sensations
privileged access, see first-person privilege
privileged self-knowledge, see self-knowledge
propositional attitudes4-8 , 16 , 141 , 174-7 , 193 , 293-4 , 375-6
proprioception73-4 , 98 , 100-2 , 110 , 332 , 356-7 , 384
proprioceptive reports17 , 94 , 100-2 , 107 , 110-11 , 120-1 , 193-4 , 201 , 387 n.
Pryor, James57 n. , 64 n. 11 , 75 n. 25
Putnam, Hilary153 n. 5 , 287 n. , 371 n.
qualia, see sensations
Quine, W. V. O.153 n. 4 , 287 n. , 425
rational authority136 , 140-3
realism, see ontology
reasons vs. causes249-50
Recognitional Conception of self-knowledge169-87
Reference Without Identification View59 , 60-7 , 67-71 , 72-7
reference of "I", see "I"
"relevant alternatives" view in epistemology, see counterfeits
descriptive96 , 229-30 , 234-6 , 240 , 254 , 301-4 , 311
perceptual263 , 311 , 322 , 332 , 400
proprioceptive17 , 94 , 100-2 , 107 , 110-11 , 120-1 , 193-4 , 201 , 387 n.
Robb, David82 n.
Rorty, Richard94 , 127 n. , 415-16 , 418 , 425
Rosenberg, Jay248 n. , 279 n. 42
Rosenthal, David96 n. , 354 n. 12
Ross, Lee406 n. 1
Rovane, Carol68 n. 18 , 76 n. 30
Russell, Bertrand33 n. 3 , 48-9 , 51 , 61-4 , 66 n. , 80-2 , 160 n. 12 , 211 , 358 , 359 n.
Ryle, Gilbert415 n.
Sabo, Dylan89 n. , 250 n. 19 , 347 n. , 373 n. 23 , 422 n.
Salmon, Nathan66 n. 14
Sartre, Jean-Paul143
security of avowals, see avowals' distinctive security
self-ascriptions in thought vs. speech9 , 25 , 31 n. , 44 , 324 , 331
and immunity to error through misidentification88-9
and Neo-Expressivism297 n. , 315-16 , 408-9 , 259-60
and self-verifying thoughts212-13 , 308-10
self-ascriptions which are not avowals26
self-blindness99 n. 7 , 379 , 406 n. 3
self-deception/wishful thinking8 , 321-2 , 329-31 , 420
self-intimation40 , 43-5 , 105 , 202 , 406-8
see also infallibility
self-knowledge11-21 , 405-10
deflationary views of346-55
and the Dual Expression Thesis307-11
and the Epistemic Approach93-146
and externalism about content147-68
and the JTB model of knowledge361-9
and Neo-Expressivism341-6 , 381-96
non-deflationary views of369-88
Recognitional Conception of169-87
self-verifying thoughts207-12
Sellars, Wilfrid287 n , 291 , 374 n. 25
and the three senses of 'express'216-17 , 248 n. , 249-51 , 289 , 315
and expressions which do not express in the semantic sense256 n. 24 , 259 , 282
semantic authority, see first-person privilege
Semantic Continuity6-11 , 17-20
and ascriptive immunity to error203-7
and Neo-Expressivism245 , 247 , 251 , 312 , 402-3
and the referent of "I"32-4 , 47 , 50-3 , 78-82
and Richard Moran130
and Simple Expressivism230 , 232
and the Transparency View108-10
semantic distance36 , 39-41 , 43-5 , 214
semantic epistemology63 , 66 , 78
semantic knowledge, see knowledge of meaning
Shoemaker, Sidney21-2 , 103 n. 10
and demonstratives/indexicals62 n. 6 , 64 , 68 , 205 n.
and immunity to error through misidentification56-9 , 85 , 87 , 91 , 107 , 222
and self-knowledge94 n. 2 , 104 n. , 181 n. , 374 n. 24 , 376 n. 27 , 379 , 407 n. 3
showing vs. saying270-84
Siewert, Charles374 n. 24 , 376-7
Simmons, Keith115 n. 19 , 407 n. 5 , 416 n.
Simple Expressivism228-40
simulation theory133
about content147-87
about the external world149-57
slip of the tongue43 , 324
slow/fast switching163-7 , 172 , 186
Smith, Barry18 n. , 123 n. 26 , 177 n. 24
speaker/interpreter asymmetry, see first-person privilege
speech-acts, see performatives
Stevenson, C. L.233 , 247 , 268
Stone, Tony291 n. 8
Strawson, P. F.33 , 50 , 51 , 61 n. 3 , 64 n. 10 , 81 , 312 n.
Strong, William John244 n. 17
Stroud, Barry45 n.
success verbs216 , 280 , 325 , 328 , 363 n. , 394
surface grammar, see grammar
targets of reference for "I", see "I"
Tanney, Julia141 n. , 302 n. , 413 n. 10
Taylor, Charles141 , 413 n. 10
'theory'-theory133 , 291 n. 8
third- vs. first-person ascriptions, see first-person privilege
as self-intimation105
transparency-to-the-subject's-condition264-84 , 310-20
transparency-to-the-world104-11 , 111-22 , 128-31 , 131-46
Transparency View:
as one consequence of Neo-Expressivism318
and its limits113-22 , 131-46
truth-aptness/assessibility, see truth-evaluability
truth-conditions10 , 18-20 , 25 , 107 , 169 n. , 399
and the Default View of avowals346-8 , 385
and ethical expressivism232-8
and Neo-Expressivism403 , 410-11
and the No Reference View47-8 , 53
and the referent of "I"78-9
truth-evaluability232-9 , 254 , 286 , 311-13 , 382 , 402 , 417
Tye, Michael162 n. , 392
Vendler, Zeno362 n.
Weiskrantz, Lawrence99 n. 8
Williamson, Timothy362 n.
Wilson, Margaret7 n.
Wilson, Timothy125 n. , 406 n. 1
wishful thinking, see self-deception
Wittgenstein, Ludwig14 nn. 9 , 10 , 105 , 130 , 281 , 346
and immunity to error through misidentification56-9 , 75 n. 26 , 91
and the No Reference View47 n. 14 , 53 n. 19 , 61 n. 5
and the Private Language Argument37-44
and Simple Expressivism228-30 , 414
and uses of "I" as subject vs. as object28-30 , 426-7
Wright, Crispin5 , 18 n. 12 , 57 n. , 58 , 123 nn. 25 , 26 , 182 n. 32 , 302 n. , 403
and the Default View14 n. 10 , 346-50
and Expressivism229 n. 2 , 232 n. 7 , 292 , 294 , 409 n. 6
and the Frege-Geach problem234-5 , 238
and introspectionism94-5 , 99 , 104 n.
and judgment dependence411 , 413
and the Transparency View105 n. 13
and "weak" authority vs. "strong" authority138 n. 40 , 328-9
Zimmermann, Aaron391 n. 38 , 395 n. 41
end p.439