Wise men satiated by gnosis do not lament their sufferings or delight in their successes. They are patient, virtuous and sagacious. But you brag, Puran·dara, because of your vulgar mind. When I am able you will not speak thus.
bhishma said:
Anyway, Bharata, Shakra simply smiled and for the sake of further discussion said this to Bali, who was hissing like a snake.
shakra said:
You used to travel with a thousand carriages, surrounded by your kinsmen, all the while scorching the worlds without any consideration for us.
Seeing this extremely wretched state of yours, Bali, in which your kinsmen and friends have abandoned you, do you feel any lamentation or not? In the past, when the worlds were under your control, you experienced incomparable joy. So do you lament this unprecedented loss of status or not?
bali said:
I have come, in this world, to understand the impermanence of that characterized by the procession of time. Therefore I do not grieve, Shakra, for everything in this world is finite. The bodies of living creatures are finite, ruler of the gods. Therefore I do not grieve, Shakra, for this is no fault of mine.
The soul and the body are born together at the time of birth. Both become manifest together, and both perish together.*