Puran·daraEpithet of Indra meaning “destroyer of fortresses.”
RasatalaOne of the seven hells beneath the earth.
RebhaA seer cast into a well by the demons and then rescued by the Ashvins.
SarasvataA seer believed to have been born from the sacred Sarasvati river.
SatvatName of a people (also called Yadava since they descended from king Yadu) who lived in the area of Mathura.
ShakraEpithet of Indra meaning “strong” or “powerful.”
ShivaSupreme deity, often associated with asceticism and/or destruction.
siddhasLiterally “accomplished ones,” these are semi-divine class of beings that inhabit the sky or space and are thought to possess miraculous powers.
Soma1. The deified drink of victory. 2. The moon (occasionally identified as a Bharata ancestor).
Ugra·senaFather of Kansa whom Krishna reestablished as king of Mathura.
VasavaIndra indicating his leadership of a class of gods known as Vasus.