valor: the time for peace has arrived. Time sets everything up and then cooks it.
Thundering and harassing others, I was the mighty lord of the
danavas. If Time has attacked me, who else might it not approach? I alone upheld the power of the twelve Adityas, those venerable and illustrious beings, O king of the gods. I used to draw the waters upwards and then release them as rain,
Vasava; I used to heat and illuminate the triple world. I was the powerful master of the worlds who would protect and destroy, give and take, reward and suppress.
Today my supremacy has disappeared, O ruler of the immortals. Since I was overcome by the army of Time nothing appeals to me. Neither I, nor you, nor anyone else is an agent, husband of Shachi. The worlds are consumed by the procession of Time, Shakra, and quite by chance.
The Vedic masters say that Time has its abode in the months and half-months, and is concealed by the days and nights. It is the door to the seasons and the opening of the wind.
Some men say that the entire world can be conceived through inspired thinking. I will investigate each five of these contemplations in five ways.
Just like a great flood of water, brahman is deep and mysterious. It is without beginning and end and comprises both the imperishable and perishable, so they say. In itself it is incorporeal, but it enters the bodies of creatures. Those who see the truth think that it is intransient.