
Adventists: 161

Agriculture and crops: 173, 174; fruit trees, 173; see also fanning, irrigation, wheat

Ague: 17

Albion (ID): 111, 114

Alfalfa: 171–74

Alkali: 89, 104, 158, 174

Ames (1A): 29

Antelope: 48, 50, 69, 91, 97, 102, 113, 138

Antelope (OR): 172

Apples: 134, 155, 172, 174

Apricots: 173

Arabs: 88

Arkansas River: 65

Atkins (WY): 94, 155

Atkinson, Ed: 32–34

Atkinson, John and Polly: 40, 55

Atlantic (IA): 35

Audubon (IA): 34

Australians: 83

Badger: 52

Bailey, Jason and Henry: 17

Baker, Maggie: 143, 147, 149, 157

Baker, Marsh: 143–44, 147, 149, 151, 157, 162

Balfour, Bess: 14

Ball, John: 75, 77, 80, 88, 92, 96, 98, 101, 109, 111, 126, 137; homesick, 89, 111, 121, 127; teased, 127–28, 130, 132, 136

Bangor (IA): 27–28

Bannock Indians: war with, 74, 123

Barbed wire: 90, 96

Barley: 126

Barrel Springs (WY): 158

Batavia (WI): 18

Bear River (UT/ID): 70, 106–08

Bears: 151, 170

Beatrice (NE): 54

Beaver City (NE): 148

Beaver Creek: in IA, 30; in KS/NE, 68

Bedding and blankets: wet, 169, 171

Bedford (IA): 80

Beef: 117, 148, 159

Bennet (NE): 56

Bennington (ID): 70

Berries and nuts: 174; see also currants, huckleberries, raspberries, strawberries

Berry (IA): 28

Big Springs (NE): 90, 152

Birds: pea fowls, 78; walking, 40; whippoorwill, 77

Blacksmithing: 51, 76, 132, 145

Blegen, Theodore C.: 10

Blue River (KS/NE): 43–45

Blythsdale (MO): 78

Boats: on Willamette R., 162

Boise (ID): 71

Boone (IA): 29

Bower, Bert: 63, 67

Bower, Mary E: 9; portrait, 62; birth, marriage, children, 63; diary of, 64–72; drives team, 69; ill, 70; store of, 63; store illus., 64

Bower, Seth: 63, 66, 71

Bower, Weston: 63, 67; illus., lock of hair, 72; sick, 71–72

Boynton (MO): 75

Branton & Green: murderers, 169

Brickkiln: 35, 150

Bridges: 77, 90; tolls, 98–99, 119

Brown’s grove (KS): 145

Brule (NE): 152

Bruneau River (ID): 125

Brush Creek: in KS, 67; in MO, 78

Buffalo (Bison): bones, 50

Buffalo Grove (IA): 23

Buford (WY); 155

Bull Springs (WY): 100

Bully Creek (OR): 136

Bums (OR): 73

Burros: 151

Bushnell (NE): 93, 154

Butler County (KS): 63

Butterick Creek (IA): 31

Cactus: 47, 87, 91, 94

Cainsville (MO): 78

Camas Prairie (ID): 70

Camp Hamey (OR): 139–40

Camp life: 19

Camp Steele (OR): 74

Carpenter, Emma: 13, 19, 30, 48; ill, 20, 22

Carpenter, Nellie: 8, 86; death, 14; diary of, 15–61; ill, 13, 22–24, 29; homesick, 33, 56; marries Tom Northey, 13, 61; as team driver, 22, 28, 32, 35

Carroll (IA): 32

Cascade Mts. (OR/WA): 163

Cassier Creek (ID): 111, 114–15

Catherine Creek (ID): 125

Cattle: 174; herds of, 14, 17, 50, 135; sold, 23

Cedar River (IA): 25–26

Cedar trees and wood: 100

Chappell (NE): 91, 152

Charleston (NE): 43–44

Cheese: 147; see also milk

Cherokee Trail (WY): 99n

Cherries: ground cherries, 135

Cheyenne (WY): 95, 155; powder magazine explosion, 95

Clackamas County (OR): 143

Clarinda (IA): 80

Clark, Arthur H.: 9

Clevises: 112

Clothing: of emigrants, 132, 148; for overland trip, 145, 171

Coal: mines in IA, 30

Coal oil: 146

Coffee: 66, 76

Cokeville (WY): 103n, 106

Colo (IA): 26, 28–29

Colorado: 14, 91

Colvin, Ada: 8, 13, 19, 21, 86; brother Arthur, 14, 15, 51; death, 14; depressed and ill, 13–14, 17, 22, 26, 40–41, 49, 51, 54–55, 58, 61; diary of, 15, 49

Condon (OR): 73

Consumption: 99

Com: price of, 149; roasting ears, 53, 126

Coyotes: 138

Cozad (NE): 89

Crawford County (KS): 63

Currants: 129

Davenport, George: 20

Dawson County (NE): 149

Deer: 52, 105; venison meat, 113

Des Moines River: 30

Deschutes River (OR): 171

Deuel County (NE): 152n

Diarrhea: 147–48, 151

Diseases: see ague, illnesses, smallpox

Dogs: 44, 87, 108, 110, 115, 126

Douglas (OR): 163, 175

Drewsey(OR): 137

Drunkenness: 133, 148

Dry Creek: 116

Ducks: 128, 140

Dutch oven: 147

Eastport (IA): 38–39

Ebbert, James E.: 164

Edmond (KS): 147

Edwards County (KS): 143–44

Elderberries: 58

Elk Mts. (WY): 99

Elkader (IA): 22

Ellenwood (KS): 66

Elwood(NE): 148

Eugene (OR): 163, 166

Eustoris (NE): 53

Exira (IA): 34

Fairbury (NE): 44

Farmers City (IA): 37

Fanning: in NE, 54; in OR, 173

Farragut (IA): 81

Ferns: 172

Ferries: accident in, 30; on Green R., 104; on Missouri R., 83

Field glasses: 91, 93

Fish: in trail streams, 75, 78, 120, 123

Flour: 104

Flowers: 95, 159, 173

Food: 164; beans, 117; butter, eggs, 49; radishes, 28; see also beef, provisions

Fort Hamey (OR): 74

Fort McPherson (NE): 50–51

Fort Steele (WY): 100, 158

Fossil (WY): 144, 161; in OR, 173

Frogs: 76

Fuel for fires: com cobs, 81; rail ties, 89; see also sagebrush

Game, wild: see deer, sagehens

Garfield, Pres. James A.: assassination, 70

Georgetown (ID): 108

Gettysburg (KS): 67

Gibson, Rev. J.L.: 45

Girard (IA): 22

Givens Hot Springs (ID): 129n

Glenns Ferry (ID): 121

Glidden (IA): 32–33

Gnats: 129

Gold: prospectors, 102

Gono, Stephen: 163

Goodspeed (overlander): 65, 68, 71

Goose Creek (ID/UT): 115–16

Gooseberries: 29–30, 58

Gothenburg (NE): 89

Grand Junction (IA): 31

Grand River (MO): 78

Grande Ronde River and Valley (OR): 118

Grant, Gen. U.S.: 111

Grapes: 49, 55, 58–59

Grass: passim; buffalo grass, 45, 47, 87

Graves: on trails, 123, 158, 169

Great Bend (KS): 66

Green City (MO): 73, 75

Green River (WY): trading post at, 1034, 159

Green River City (WY): 70

Guide Rock (NE): 46

Gypsies: 101

Hail storms: 88

Hampton, Bertha: 158, 161

Hampton, Grace: 146–47, 156, 160

Hampton, H.A.: 9; age, 156; birth, family, 143–44; ill, 155; journal of Mrs., 144–62

Hampton, Hattie: 158

Hampton, Hulda: 155, 158–59

Hampton, Lewis: 143, 146–47, 149, 151, 157

Hams Fork River (WY): 105, 161

Hansberry, Anna M.: 9, 163; age, 163; children, 163; husband Charles, 163, 166; ill, 173; letter (journal) of, 164–75

Harding Creek (IA): 31–32

Hamey (OR): town, valley: 73–74, 137, 139–41

Hamey County (OR): 74, 140

Harrell, Camelia: 163

Harvard (NE): 53

Hastings (NE): 53, 85

Hat: 77

Hay: 152–53, 156

Hay Creek (OR): 172

Hays (KS): 67

Hebron (NE): 45

Hill City (KS): 147

Hillsdale (WY): 155

Hitchcock County (NE): 68

Holdredge (NE): 73, 85–87

Holmes, Kenneth L.: 9

Homerville (NE): 148

Homestead Act of 1862: 8, 13

Honey Creek (IA): 27

Hop vines: 172

Horses: passim; branding of, 133; choked, 120–21; double team, 18, 120–21; emigrant use, 18, 164; fight of, 145; of freighters, 173; of Indians, 75; lame, 111, 113; in rail cars, 83–86; for railroad work, 88; shod, 78, 124; sick, 76; traded for, 109

Hospital: 80

Hostetter, Thomas: 64

Hot springs: 129, 132, 175

Houses: of rock, 173; in WI, IA, 22; see also sod houses

Huckleberries: 106

Hudson (IA): 26–27

Hutchinson (KS): 65

Illnesses: 9; boil, 81; colds, 113–14, 149; fit, 134; sore throat, 158; teething, 116, 124; see also ague, diarrhea, medicine, smallpox

Independence (IA): 23–25; Insane Asylum at, 25

Indians: 138, 166, 168; dressed squaws, 168; furnish food, 107; horses of, see horses; see also squaw wives

Injuries: bums, 108, 113

Inland (NE): 53

Iowa: 22–38, 79–82

Iowa River: 27–28

Irrigation: 113, 172, 174; see also agriculture, farming

Jackrabbits: see rabbits

Jasper: 172

Jefferson (IA): 31

Jerry Creek (OR): 136

Jessup (IA): 25

John Day River (OR): 172

Johnson, Dave: 118, 129

Jones, Hen: 117

Julesburg (CO): 90, 152

Jump Creek (ID): 130

Juniata (NE): 53

Kansas: 143–48; emigrants from, 143

Kearney City (NE): 49, 51, 83

Kimball (NE): 154

Kinney Cutoff (WY): 103n

Kinsley (KS): 144–45

Lamb, Joe: 138–39

Land claims: 13, 49–51, 139

Lane County (OR): 166

Laramie (WY): 97, 155

Laramie River (WY): 97; Little, 155

Laundering: 20; passim

Lava: beds in OR, 169–70

Lemons, lemonade: 145, 148

Lenora (KS): 67

Lewis (IA): 35

Lewis River (ID): see Snake R.

Lewiston (WY): 102–03

Lickskillet (IA): 38, 82

Lincoln (NE): 56, 84

Liquor and temperance: 145, 148

Livestock: see cattle, mules, oxen, sheep

Lizzie Campbell (river boat): 39

Locust Creek (MO): 75

Locusts: 34–36, 43

Lodgepole Creek (NE): 91–92, 153

Loggan, Harry J.: 63

Loggan, Mrs. Charles W.: 63

Lost Creek (OR): 168

Lostine(OR): 107n

Lots Creek (IA): 79

Lowell (NE): 53

McDuffy hot springs (OR): 175

McGregor (IA): 22

McKenzie River (OR): 166, 168

McLellan, Sarah: 63

Macon (NE): 47

Magnoketa River (IA): 23

Mail: carriers, 100

Malheur River (OR): 131, 137

Mariposa (CA): 14

Marsh Valley (ID): 115–16

Marshall, George: marries Viola Springer, 74, 133, 137–38, 140

Marshall, William: 138–40

Medicine and doctoring: 77, 145, 151

Medicine Bow River (WY): 99, 157

Medicine Creek: in MO, 76

Menonites: 66

Methodists: 63

Military: at forts, 50–51

Milk and butter: 76, 107, 130; 145–46, 148, 150, 155

Millard, Sam: 48

Millbrook (KS): 67, 147

Mining: in WY, 102; see also coal, gold

Mississippi River: 22

Missouri: 9, 73–78

Missouri River: crossing of, 38–39, 82–83

Mohawk (OR): 163

Molasses: candy, 79

Money, paper: of travelers, 145

Montpelier (ID): 70, 107

Morgan, Alfred C.: 163

Morgan (OR): 163, 175

Mosquitoes: 30, 46, 52, 90, 105–06

Mount Ayr (IA): 79

Mt. Sterling (WI): 18

Muddy Creek: in MO, 77; in WY, 158

Mules: 97; traded for horses, 68–78

Murphy family: 73, 109–13, 117, 126–27, 129, 139–40

Murphy, Henderson: 123, 128, 131

Murphy, Morna: 109–11, 113, 117, 120, 123, 128, 130–31, 136, 139

Murphy, Una: 109, 137

Muscoda(WI): 15

Music: 29, 36, 40–41, 45–46

Nebraska: 8, 13–14, 39–60, 82–93, 148–54

Nebraska City (NE): 39, 73, 83

Nemaha River (NE/KS): 39

Ness City (KS): 146

Nevada (IA): 28–29

Nichols (NE): 151

Nickerson (KS): 65

Nishnabotna River (IA): 35, 37–38

Nodaway River (IA): 80

North Platte (NE): 51, 89, 150

Northey, Tom: 13, 16; marries Nellie Carpenter, 13, 61; remarried, 14; son Clyde, 13

Norton City (KS): 147

Oats: crop in NE, 150; price of, 152; wild, 110

Oberlin (KS): 68

O’Fallons Station (NE): 90, 150

Ogallah (KS): 67

Ogallala (NE): 69, 90, 151–52

Ohio: 63

Onions: 129

Ontario (IA): 29

Opal (WY): 160

Oregon: newspapers of, 74; overland parties to, 74, 131–41, 163–75

Oregon Shortline R.R.: 120–21

Oregon State Library: 144

Oregon, Univ. of: 74

Osage oranges: 38

Osbome (IA): 22

Ostrander, Ed: 162

Otoe Indians: reservation, 42–43

Owyhee County (ID): 121

Owyhee River (OR): 131–32

Oxen: as draft animals, 14

Oysters: 161

Paiute Indians: 74

Parkes, Ira and Charley: 113–15

Parks, Joe: 91

Pawnee City (NE): 42, 52, 55

Paxton (NE): 151

Peaches: 134

Peck, Mary: 149

Peckham, Halsey and Paulina: 13, 25, 28, 32–33, 47, 52, 58; sons Fred, Fremont, Charlie, Tommie, 13, 26, 37, 40, 43, 52, 59; Paulina ill, 25–27, 48–49

Peckham, Joshua and Ann: 13, 17, 26, 28, 52

Peckham, Mary Lou: 14

Peckham, Nathan: 56–57, 59–60

Phelps Center (NE): 48

Pies: 145

Pigs: 17

Pilgrim Station (ID): 121

Pine Bluffs (WY): 93–94, 154

Pine Creek: in IA, 23–24

Platte River (IA/MO): 79

Platte River (NE/WY): 48–52, 88–90, 150–53; North, 99; South Fork, 152–53, 158

Plum Creek (NE): 50, 88, 150

Pole Creek: see Lodgepole Creek

Ponione ranch: 133

Pony Creek (IA): 22

Porcupine: 109

Port Andrew (WI): 16

Portland (OR): 144, 162

Portneuf River (ID): 109–10

Potter (NE): 93, 153

Prairie dogs: 51, 87, 89, 94

Prairie du Chien (WI): 18, 20–22

Prairie schooners: 144, 146, 150, 164, 168; see also wagons

Prices: of provisions, 104

Princeton (MO): 77

Provisions for the trail: 145; 154; see also beef, flour, milk, prices

Quicksand: 105, 124

Rabbit Creek (ID): 127

Rabbits and jackrabbits: 94, 157, 172

Raccoon River (IA): 31–32

Raft River (ID): 111, 113

Railroads: aid to travelers, 143; narrow gauge, 22; overlanders use, 9, 61–62, 67, 73, 83–88, 144, 161–62; stations, 69, 83, 85, 106, 151; wood fuel from, 103; workers on, 87; see also railroad names

Rain: passim; 26–27, 65–66, 166

Raspberries: 30

Rattlesnake Creek: in WY, 99; in OR, 74

Rattlesnakes: 42–43

Rawlins (WY): 100, 158

Raymond: in IA, 25; in KS, 65–66

Red Cloud (NE): 46

Red Oak (IA): 36

Redmond, Seth: 25

Religion: discussed, 158

Republican River (KS/NE): 46, 69, 148

Reynolds Creek (ID): 129

Riverton (NE): 46

Roads: dusty, 22–23, 108; muddy, 25, 65, 80; in OR, 166–67; rocky, 97; rough, 107; sandy, 100, 120; on trails, 18–20

Rock Creek: in ID, 117; in WY, 98, 105

Rock House (in OR): 166n

Rock Springs (WY): 159

Rocky Bar (ID): 71

Rosin gum: 52, 55

Sagebrush: 96, 101, 123, 172

Sagehens: 100–02, 157–58

Saline River (KS): 67

Salmon Fall Creek (ID): 119

Sand Creek (KS): 67

Sandstorm: 118

Sandy River: Big, 103; Dry, 103; Little, 103

Sappa Creek (KS): 68 Schools: for Indians, 42–43

Scotts place (OR): 166 Scranton (IA): 32

Seaweard (or Seward?), John: 75–77, 79–80, 91–92, 96, 98, 101, 103, 105, 109, 113, 121–22, 126, 131, 134; ill, 78–79, 102, 104

Sellwood (OR): 162

Seneca (WI): 18

Settlement process: 7–8

Sheep: 101, 103–05, 107, 172–73

Shenandoah (IA): 81

Shepherdtown (IA): 30

Sidney (IA): 38, 81

Sinking Creek (ID): 126

Skunks: 117

Slate Creek (WY): 103n, 104

Smallpox: 81–82

Smith’s Fork (WY): 106

Smoky Hill River: 66, 146

Snake (or Lewis) River (ID/OR): 117, 120, 125, 130; crossing of, 122

Snakes: 32; see also rattlesnakes

Snow: 95, 98, 102, 159, 161

Snow shed: 95

Sod houses: 42, 47–48, 66–68, 87, 147–48

Soda Springs (ID): 70, 108

Solomon River (KS): 67, 147

South Pass (WY): 103n

Southerland, John: 75, 77, 79

Southerland, Rachel: 75, 77

Springer, Alva: 73–76, 84, 86, 94, 99, 101, 105, 109, 112–15, 123, 140; ill, 77–78 Springer, Daisy: 73, 76, 78, 93, 101, 113, 124, 134, 137

Springer, Eddie: 74

Springer, John: 108–09, 116

Springer, Martha: 73–74, 76, 78, 89, 91, 93, 99, 111, 126, 128, 130–31, 137; ill, 107, 111; character, 130, 138

Springer, Viola: 9; birth, 73; children, 74, 141; diary of, 75–141; drives team, 80–81, 111; marriage, 34–133

Squaw Creek (ID): 130

Squaw wives: 104–05

Squirrels: 78

Stagecoaching: stations on trails, 94, 100, 102, 118, 121

Steele City (NE): 43–44

Sterling: in KS, 65; in NE, 56

Stinking Water Creek (NE): 69

Stoves: 153

Strawberries: 29–30

Strawbeny Point (IA): 23

Sublett(ID): 111

Sublette’s Cutoff: 103n

Succor Creek (ID): 130–31

Sunday observance: 152

Superior (NE): 45–46

Sutton (NE): 53

Swedes: 83, 87, 149

Sweetwater River (WY): 101–03

Table Rock (NE): 58, 61

Tecumseh (NE): 56, 61

Tents: 66

Thistles: 94

Thomas Fork (Bear R.): 106

Three Sisters mts.: 171

Thunder, lightning: 44, 89, 145

Timber: in IA, 30

Toddy family (from KY): 153–57

Toll road: in Cascade Mts., 166n

Totty family: see Toddy

Trego County (KS): 146

Turkey Creek (NE): 55

Turkey River (IA): 22

Turkeys: 60

Twin Springs (ID): 112

Union (OR): 133–34

Union Pacific R.R.: 88; see also Oregon Shortline; Railroads

Venison: 113

Vida (OR): 165

Volga River (IA): 22–23

Wagons: brakes for, 111; disassembled for railcars, 83, 86; freighters, 100, 173; greased, 126; loose tires, 129; numbers of, 14, 17, 22, 65; repairs on, 50, 131–32, 153; wheels locked, 112, 123, 136; see also prairie schooner

Wakeeney (KS): 67, 146–47

Wallowa County (OR): 73, 107n

Walls, Burt: 16–17

Walnut Creek (IA): 37

Wapsipinicon River (IA): 24

Warm Springs (WY): 99

Water: passim; artesian, 20, 156; from RR tank, 65; scarcity on trails, 87, 94; windmills, 87

Waterloo (IA): 25–26

Watermelons: 132, 146

Weather: cold, 135–36, 157, 161, 169; flood, 140; heat, 37, 44; see also hail, rain, sandstorm, snow, thunder, winds

Weishakee Indians: 101

Weston, Elijah and Wealthy: 63

Wheat: 172, 174

Whitewater (WI): 14–15

Wichita (KS): 65

Wildcat: 122

Willamette Valley (OR): 9, 162, 163

Williamsburg (NE): 52

Willow Creek (OR): 132–33, 163

Willow Springs (OR): 136

Wilson, Lewis: 47

Winds: 24, 26, 92, 171; see also weather

Wisconsin: 8, 14–21

Wolf Creek (IA): 27

Women: girls rare in OR, 172; see also squaw wives

Wood: see cedar, fuel, sagebrush

Yellow Creek (MO): 75