Prepare for the Unexpected

How to Speak Off the Cuff and Answer Questions


I know what you’re thinking. I’m fine giving a speech when I have time to prepare. But a lot of my speaking happens extemporaneously at a meeting. Indeed, speaking off the cuff is a different kind of skill from prepared speaking. Regardless of your industry or job, all of us speak off the cuff every single day. Let’s look at the difference.

A prepared speech or presentation is something you learn about in advance: you accept an invitation (or you don’t have a choice), you are put on the agenda, and (hopefully) you spend time preparing.

An impromptu speech or presentation is when you are given little to no prior notice. During a meeting, your boss asks, “So, what do you recommend?” in front of your colleagues. You’re on a call and the client asks you questions you didn’t anticipate. You’re at a rally or demonstration and are so overwhelmed with purpose that you take the mic and start speaking from the heart while the cameras are rolling.

Why is impromptu speaking so important? In many organizations, your bosses will assess your leadership readiness based in part on how you speak up during a meeting. When you don’t speak up, many people will assume you have nothing to say. I realize that’s a false assumption; and for those introverts who prefer not to speak in a meeting, you’re fighting a battle against those assumptions.

The more senior you become in an organization, the more time you spend communicating the messages of the organization and the more your words guide the actions of others. Each time you speak, even when you are unprepared, your words carry incredible weight and power.

I remember one of my most painful impromptu presentations. I was a young public diplomacy officer at the Israeli Consulate, attending a community meeting on behalf of a diplomat who couldn’t attend. I showed up ready to listen to others and take notes. But at the start of the meeting, the host turned to me and said: “Allison, we’re so glad the Israeli Consulate is represented here today, and we’d love for you to start the meeting with a few remarks, especially in light of what happened this morning in Israel.”

Gulp. What? Guess who didn’t check the news that day? So I did what anyone in politics would have done; I bridged. I said, “What happened this morning in Israel only further reinforces what the foreign minister said last week.” To this day, I look back at that experience and cringe. It reinforces the importance of preparation before every meeting.

Why is impromptu speaking so hard? One of the biggest causes of public speaking jitters is not having enough time to prepare. Impromptu speaking is, by definition, speaking without any preparation. Of course you will be nervous! In addition, people don’t necessarily have a framework for handling impromptu speaking, so they simply say whatever is on their mind, for better or worse. The good news is, there are frameworks for speaking off the cuff and you can practice being in those situations. I’ll show you how—and this kind of practice is going to help you every single day.

How to Approach Impromptu Speaking

Prepare for it. One executive I worked with was deathly afraid of public speaking early in her career. She decided to make progress slowly. One particular step she took was to come to every single meeting prepared with one or two points she would make. When she spoke up in the meetings, she sounded thoughtful, eloquent, and, ironically, spontaneous.

As you can tell from my cringeworthy story above, you can prepare for those situations. If you’re attending a meeting or conference, ask yourself: “What is my goal for this meeting, and what would I like to say? Who is going to be there, and what issues might come up?” Jot down a few ideas and practice them out loud. Talk through these ideas with a colleague who knows the context. And if your job involves current events in any way, please check the news!

One executive I know regularly “cold-calls” people during her internal leadership meetings. If she’s asked a question she doesn’t have the answer to, then onstage in front of two hundred people she will point at someone in the audience and confidently ask, “Would you speak to that? I know you’ve been working on that issue.” When my team and I coach her leadership team on their impromptu speaking, we always ask them, “What should you be prepared to say when your boss calls on you in the upcoming leadership meeting?”

        Practice it. Practicing impromptu speaking is one of the most entertaining parts of our workshops. We do improv exercises to help people think and laugh on their feet. We ask people questions in front of the audience and have them respond in one minute or less. We give people random photos and ask them to give a persuasive speech inspired by that photo. Want to practice being unprepared? Partner up with a colleague and have them pepper you with questions and give feedback on your responses.

        Take notes in the moment. When I go to a conference, I like to ask a question in nearly every session. It’s a way to deepen my knowledge and also increase my networking contacts. As I sit in the audience and listen to a panel, I start to think of a question if I haven’t already come prepared with one. I jot down a few notes and, when the moderator asks for audience questions, I raise my hand tall. I feel confident because I have the question written down right in front of me.

The PREP Formula

My favorite framework for public speaking, I learned from Toastmasters International and have used ever since. It’s easy to learn and easy to use in nearly any professional or personal setting. It provides a quick framework for getting to the point and staying on point. It’s called PREP, which stands for: Point, Reason, Example, and Point.

        Point: Make one point. I believe that . . .

        Reason: Provide an explanation of your belief. And the reason I believe that is because . . .

        Example: Tell a story or anecdote that illustrates that point. For example, just last week . . .

        Point: Conclude by restating your point. And that is why I believe . . .

Let’s look at an example of PREP in response to the question How do you feel about living in a big city?

        Point: I love living in a big city.

        Reason: And the reason is because you can walk everywhere instead of driving.

        Example: For example, last week I finally sold my car because my new office is a thirty-minute walk from my apartment. I get fresh air every single day.

        Point: And that is why I love living in a big city.

Easy, right? You can use that framework for any subject, from talking about your favorite color to opining on multilateral trade negotiations.

Transition Phrases

You can also use a transition phrase to give yourself time to think of your answer. There are different types of transition phrases:

        Summary: Thank you, I’d be happy to talk about my views on living in a big city.

        Praise: You raised an important point.

        Redirect: Actually, let me tell you why I hate living in a big city.

        Bridge: We’re not here to talk about cities, we’re here to talk about the urban/suburban divide in our country.

These transition phrases help you transition from the question to your answer. They give you time to think, and they prepare your audience for your answer. When we discuss handling questions later in this chapter, we’ll come back to these transition phrases.

You can use PREP without using the exact language “I believe” every single time, though it does provide guidance to keep you on track. Some of our clients work in environments where the words “I believe” are frowned upon, so they replace that language with “our view is,” or they simply state their position without any preface.

You’ll notice that the PREP framework works well for questions around belief and opinion, not questions like “What happened in the meeting last week?” For all other types of questions that PREP can’t answer, there are a few points to keep in mind.

        Develop an internal timer. When you speak off the cuff, pay attention to the passage of time. When we are unprepared, we tend to ramble as we constantly think of better ways to say the same thing. Develop an internal timer so that you become aware of when you’ve been talking for too long. If you feel you’ve been rambling, use “And that is why I believe” to restate your main point and quickly conclude.

        Focus on one key message. When you speak off the cuff, you don’t have time to list (or remember) multiple points. Choose one key message and then unpack it with an example. You can add a counterpoint as well to demonstrate multiple sides of an issue, but stick to one main message.

        Come up with a few “go-to” stories or quotes. When speaking off the cuff, it can be helpful to have a few stories or quotes that you can easily refer to for inspiration. They should be relevant to the point you’re trying to make and can help you fill time. What are your “go-to” stories? If you’re the CEO of a company, maybe it’s the company’s founding. If you’re the executive director of a nonprofit, maybe it’s a success story of someone your organization has helped.

Here are a few delivery tips to keep in mind when speaking off the cuff:

        Make eye contact. When thinking on your feet, your tendency is to look up and away or down at your feet while finding your words. It’s okay to look away while thinking, but don’t look away while talking. Your eye contact builds a connection with the audience and makes you look confident and purposeful. It’s as important when speaking off the cuff as it is when giving a prepared speech.

        Watch out for fillers. When you speak off the cuff, you’ll tend to use more filler words because you are thinking of the next thing to say. Remember to pause and breathe instead, which makes you appear more thoughtful.

        Watch out for nervous body language. The extra nerves you get from speaking off the cuff normally come out in your body language as well: repetitive hand gestures, playing with jewelry or clothing, or rocking back and forth. Use the breathing techniques you learned in Chapter 7 to calm your nerves and stand tall.

        Smile! When you’re nervous, you tend to withhold your smile while you concentrate on choosing your words. As long as it’s appropriate to the conversation, let yourself smile while speaking. As we discussed in Chapter 6, a smile both makes you look more confident and makes you feel better.

How Do You Interrupt Someone?

This is a question I am often asked. A client will comment, “If I wait for someone to call on me, I’ll never get a chance to speak!” Knowing when to speak up is just as important as knowing how to speak up.

Picture this: You’re at a client meeting with a few of your colleagues. The client asks a question, and one of your colleagues starts to answer it, but you can tell that he has misheard the question. You observe the client pursing her lips with a slight frown on her face as she realizes she is not getting the information she needs. Your colleague is oblivious and continues talking. You silently think, “Are you kidding me?” and try to build up the courage to speak. In one week, two of my clients reported that exact same situation—and they weren’t at the same meeting.

In some cultures, if you don’t interrupt, you don’t get a chance to speak. In other cultures, it can be interpreted as rude—especially if you are interrupting someone more senior than you. Here are some ways you can interrupt in a diplomatic way; adapt it according to your context.

        Wait for the person speaking to take a breath. He has to breathe sometime, right? When he breathes, jump in. A strategic filler word like “so” or “actually” can help you wedge yourself into the conversation.

        Build or bridge. Either compliment what the previous speaker said or bridge to a different direction, something like I’m glad Steve brought that up—or—Let me build on what Steve said and come back to your original question.

        Be concise. Keep it brief and concise; otherwise you wind up making the same mistake that Steve did. And remember to speak with a calm, confident attitude. Don’t disparage Steve (though you may be doing so internally) and don’t disparage yourself by second-guessing what you have to say.

Applying This Book to Impromptu Speaking

Everything you have learned so far in this book will help you with impromptu speaking. Recognize that impromptu speaking requires a few new skills, and practice using them every single day. The effect will be greater confidence in yourself and a more positive influence on others. Even impromptu speaking provides an opportunity to speak with impact.


Impromptu Practice. Find a colleague with whom to practice your impromptu speaking skills. Ask each other both fun and work-related questions, and try to keep your responses to one full minute, using PREP where appropriate. Provide feedback on how well the other person responded. And before each meeting or conference, come prepared with a few points you can make.


You’ve just delivered a beautiful speech or presentation. You spoke with passion and eloquence and inspired your audience. You concluded with a powerful call to action. But all of a sudden, you realize there’s a question and answer (Q&A) session that you forgot about. So you look at your audience and stammer, Um, so, you don’t have any questions, right?

Handling questions in front of an audience of any size—from a single client to a packed auditorium—can be a nerve-racking experience. Sometimes it’s easier to just give the speech or presentation and go home. I’d like to make two main points about handling questions.

        1.    It doesn’t have to be painful.

        2.    You don’t have a choice.

Your willingness to answer questions reflects your openness and confidence about an issue and your relationship with the audience. In a meeting, if you just present your pitch and leave, you miss the opportunity to truly understand your client.

Imagine you’re the leader of an organization and have a difficult message to impart. You have to make some painful budget cuts in the coming year. Some people in the audience will lose projects, and others will have to fire some of their direct reports. The audience is skeptical and anxious.

Which is better?

        Option 1: You give your speech, explain the issue, and then get on your private jet and leave.

        Option 2: You give your speech, explain the issue, and then say, “I’m going to stay here and take your questions, and I won’t leave until every single question has been answered. We’re a team, and we’re going to get through this together.” That is the kind of leader I want to be.

You may have to answer questions from clients or colleagues, from the board of directors, from members of the media, or from both supporters and detractors. Regardless of your industry, sector, or country, the more senior you become, the more people expect answers from you.

Preparing for Questions

There’s a lot you can do to prepare for answering questions. The more you prepare, the more confident you will feel.

        Research your audience. Find out as much information as you can about who will be in the audience. Ask the person who invited you, and speak to a colleague or friend who knows the industry or company. Ask yourself how people will feel about your subject; will they be excited about your message, or will they push back?

        Research your field. Look at the latest developments in your field. Has a particular issue been in the news lately? Is there a controversy people are likely to ask about? Talk to your colleagues to hear what kinds of issues have come up in their own speaking engagements. See if your company has any guidance or talking points about how to handle certain issues. If you’re the boss, recognize that your answers may become the talking points that others use going forward.

        Research the context. Are you participating in a debate where someone else will refute your main points? Do you need to be prepared for pushback, either onstage or in the audience? Are you one of five companies presenting pitches to the same audience?

        Identify your main messages. Remind yourself of the key messages in your speech or presentation so you can reinforce them later on in the Q&A session, especially if you have to bridge back to them.

        Anticipate questions. You can anticipate at least 50 percent of the questions you’ll receive in any setting. If you know the subject, the audience, and the reason they’ve invited you to speak, you’ll know what types of questions they will ask. Practice answering those questions while referring back to your main points. Don’t just focus on the easy questions; ask yourself which questions you hope you don’t get, and practice answering them.

        Role-play with a colleague. Have a colleague ask you questions and then provide feedback on how you answered. Talk through the answers to difficult questions to make sure you’re conveying the right message. There have been times when I’ve practiced answering a question, only to say to myself: Nope, I don’t ever want to say that.

        Address potential questions in your speech or presentation. If you’re speaking to an audience that may push back on your subject, address some of their arguments in the speech itself. It won’t eliminate all their questions, but at least you’ll demonstrate a balanced view in your speech.

Techniques When Taking Questions

Every time you speak in front of an audience, you have an opportunity to build trust with them. How you answer their questions plays a crucial role in the trust-building process. Do you look defensive, or do you look open to engaging with others? For my clients who give pitches, I recommend that they ask or take questions before their pitch, so that the pitch addresses the actual needs of their prospects. Dialogue builds more trust than a one-way presentation.

If you give a speech right before taking questions from a large audience, conclude your speech and then confidently ask for questions. Practice a phrase that feels natural to you, like:

And now, I’d love to take your questions.

I’m sure you have questions for me. What’s on your mind?

Let me stop here. What questions do you have?

With a large audience, ask the questioner to stand up and identify him- or herself. When someone stands up, it’s easier for everyone in the room to hear the question; and when you know which organization that person is from, it’s easier for you to understand his or her agenda.

Listen to the entire question, taking notes if necessary. You might be tempted to nod while listening to the question. If you agree with the questioner, that’s fine. But if you don’t agree, you should recognize that—in an American context—you’re still signaling agreement by nodding your head.

Pause briefly before answering. Don’t feel the need to rush into your answer. Use a transition phrase like the ones we discussed earlier in this chapter while you think of your answer.

Repeat the question out loud, rephrasing if necessary. Many times, the audience can’t hear the question. This gives you time to think, and if it’s a complicated or hostile question, you can rephrase it in a simpler and more neutral way.

Finally, answer the question concisely and confidently.

Handling a Hostile Question

The hostile questions are the ones that keep us up worrying the night before a speech or interview. Questions like:

Why didn’t you take action sooner?

Didn’t you know what the consequences would be of this decision?

What am I supposed to tell my family?

It’s important to remain calm in these situations, even if the person asking the question is irate. You want to strike a balance of professionalism and empathy. I know, easier said than done, but it is crucial.

Try to rephrase the question in a neutral way that shows both sides of the issue. Let’s say you work for a large university and are speaking at a community town hall to promote plans for a new building. You face serious pushback from community members who feel like you are taking over the neighborhood. You could rephrase a hostile question about expansion by explaining: The question is about how we accommodate a growing number of students while respecting our neighbors who have lived here for generations.

When you answer, address your answer to everyone in the room, not just the questioner. In that way, you continue to build a relationship with the entire audience, and you avoid creating a back-and-forth debate. When you’ve finished answering the question, call on someone else on the other side of the room. Do not go back to the hostile questioner and ask, “Did I answer your question?” You’ll simply invite more debate.

How to Bridge

Those who speak to the media know the concept of bridging, when instead of answering a particular question, you bridge to another topic. You might have received a question you cannot answer or one that’s irrelevant to your topic. Bridging is a useful tool, but be careful. If every speech is an opportunity to build trust with an audience, excessive bridging can damage the audience’s trust in you. Here are some helpful phrases to be used sparingly:

That’s not the issue; what we’re really here to discuss is . . .

I think we’re losing sight of the big picture, which is . . .

What I can say is this . . .

Once you use a bridging phrase, bring the conversation back to one of your main points. Have these phrases at the ready (and practice them in advance) so you feel confident when taking questions.

What If You Don’t Know the Answer to a Question?

One concern people have is being asked a question they can’t or won’t answer. How you handle this question depends heavily on the context—are you in a meeting, or a media interview? As a general rule, if you don’t know the answer to something, don’t make it up. It ruins your credibility and can be dangerous to your organization.

In a presentation or meeting, it’s absolutely legitimate to say: That’s a great question and I don’t have that information right now. I’ll get back to you tomorrow with an update. Practice that sentence so you can say it with confidence and matter-of-factness, and it will be an important tool when answering questions. Many of my middle-management clients are afraid to say they don’t know something, but their leaders will confide in me that they themselves say it all the time. Alternately, you could call on a colleague in the meeting who you think does have the right information.

During an interview, you could say, I’m not in a position to answer that, but what I can say is this . . .

If you have to push back on a question, you can use language such as:

I’m going to offer a counter to that argument.

Let me offer a different perspective.

Surprisingly, my experience has shown just the opposite.

If you need to calm an obstinate questioner, you can say, I’d be happy to talk more with you about this one-on-one. Please come see me afterward and we can connect. Your matter-of-factness when using these phrases keeps the conversation cool and calm instead of escalating into conflict.

What to Do After Taking Questions

Never end your Q&A session with the last question. If you do, your audience will leave with that random, unrelated question in their head and will have forgotten the main message of your speech. Rather, end with a strong restatement of your main message, something like, I appreciate all your questions. Before you go, let me leave you with one final thought.

In a meeting, you can end with a clear call to action.

After a Q&A session, you may be tempted to rush off, hide, and lick your wounds. Don’t: you still have work to do. Stick around for those who would like to talk to you. It makes you look approachable and helps those in the audience who have questions but don’t want to ask in front of a larger group. If, during your Q&A, you offered to follow up with someone, give them your business card and be available to them. You continue to build a relationship after the speech. Finally, remember to complete the post-speech debrief we discussed in Chapter 8.

Handling questions from an audience of any size is challenging. It requires more preparation and carries more risk than the speech itself, but it’s critical for your reputation and credibility.


Q&A Prep. Before your speech, do your research and come up with a list of possible questions. Find a buddy to role-play the Q&A session and request feedback on how you respond. Don’t forget to anticipate the tough questions and practicing bridging in your response or defusing the question. Practice responding within a one-minute time limit.