4 have has (governed by ‘hope’, not ‘honours’)
5 jointures gifts of property made to a woman by her fiancé as part of the marriage contract (here, offered by prospective fiancés)
9–10 let… may leave them alone in order that they may agree
11 all woman i.e. inconstant; women were proverbially subject to irrational change, particularly in sexual matters
14 without outside
16 should may be about to
16–18 lineation ed. (Doe … you? / Yes … mee. / And … it? / ’Tis … faith Q)
18 point of faith a doctrine or article of belief essential for salvation; Annabella is saying, ‘I don’t have to believe it’.
20 infer cause to happen
20 regent ruler
23 but… note only a woman’s song, not the truth (in that Annabella is no longer a virgin); contrast Giovanni’s next aside.
26 winks closes her eyes (so that she cannot see tears which would otherwise be in plain sight). Since the whole exchange sardonically deflates Soranzo’s conventional romantic metaphors by literalizing them (e.g. seeing his heart), this line may be ironic rather than an indication that Soranzo really is weeping.
31 strifes of wit banter (implying an aggressive edge)
36 sick… heart (a) mortally ill; (b) love-sick aqua-vitae distilled alcoholic liquor, taken medicinally
38 nimble quick-witted
39–50 lineation ed. (prose in Q)
42 dress… by you order … according to your example. The phrase plays on the image of dressing one’s hair at a mirror.
46 given… taste been nicer to you
50 I… this since I tell you this
66 s.p. SORANZO ed. (attributed to Giovanni in Q)
81 youth a pubescent readiness for sex; the condition could be dangerous in excess (‘overflux’)
82 present immediate