Cast this spell with your BFF so that you will stay best friends forever. Make sure an adult is present while you use the knife, or ask an adult to cut the apple for you.
materials needed
2 cinnamon sticks
A marker
A yellow string or ribbon
A small sealable bag, pouch, or sachet
An apple
A cutting board
A knife
Write your name on one of the cinnamon sticks in marker, and ask your best friend to do the same. Breathe in the warm, spicy scent and whisper your name onto your stick. Tie the cinnamon sticks together with yellow string, and then drop them in the small bag.
Next, place the apple on the cutting board. Use the knife to carefully cut the apple in half horizontally to expose the secret pentagram that exists inside. Each of you should take a half of the apple and pick out all the seeds from its core. Place the seeds together in the bag with the cinnamon sticks, and then seal the bag. Hold one another’s hands with the bag in the middle of your grasp and recite:
“Until the end of time, our friendship will grow. I’ll be there for you, and you’ll be there for me. Best friends forever we’ll be.”
Eat your apple pieces together. Then hang the bag in a special part of your bedroom, or place it on your altar (jump to page), and watch as your friendship grows stronger and more magical every passing day and year.