
actions: fundamental, 90, 114; three basic, 110

alternative ways, 37, 59, 63, 78, 82

amplitude: arrow, 68; changes, 102; for a coupling, 92; j, 121; P(A to B), 121; for photon exchange, 100; probability, 33

Anderson, Carl, 98

angle: of incidence, 38; relative, 30, 32

arrow(s): adding, 26, 53, 56, 83; amplitude, 68; combining, 83, 85, 124; drawing, 37; final, 59; identical, 112; multiplying, 63; radius, 106; reflection, 2732, 71; representing probabilities, 25; transmission, 71; unit, 6065, 6869, 82

atom(s): helium, 113; hydrogen, 100, 113; lithium, 113; oxygen, 5; sodium, 48

atomic bomb, 132

b quark, 148

baryons, 132

Bell Laboratories, 84

beta decay, 13940, 144

Bethe, Hans, 128

c (speed of light), 87, 8990

c quark, 148

charge: calculated, 127; electric, 84; observed, 128; of quarks, 134

chemical properties, 113

chemistry, fundamental theoretical, 5

chromodynamics, quantum, 139

“color”: of gluons, 137; of quarks, 136

colors, 33, 113

complex numbers, 63

compound events, 59

conditions: final, 81; initial, 81

coupling: amplitude for, 92, 130; d quark, 148; observed, 129; three-way, 141

coupling constant: for gluons, 137; j, 120, 130, 143; with a muon, W, 144; for W’s, 141, 142

crystal: nickel, 84; salt, 48, 49

currents, neutral, 141, 142

cycle, repeating, 22, 33

d quark, 13341, 145, 148, 150

Davisson, C. J., 84

De Broglie, Louis, 84; formula, 84

decay, beta, 139, 140, 144

diagrams, 118

difference, time, 89

diffraction: grating, 4649, 59; through a small hole, 55

Dirac, Paul, 6, 98, 115; theory, 6

duality, wave-particle, 23, 37

dynamite, exploding, 132

E (A to B), formula for, 91

eclipses, lunar, 11

Eddington, Arthur, 130

Einstein, Albert, 112; theory of relativity, 5, 87, 89

electricity and magnetism: Maxwell’s theory of, 5; quantum theory of, 7

electrodynamics, quantum, see quantum electrodynamics theory

electromagnetic potentials, scalar, 123; vector, 123

electron(s): backwards-moving, 98; exchanging photons, 100, 136; fake, 90; heavy, 146, 147; magnetic moment of, 7, 115, 118; moving, 98, 123; neutrino, 14445; patterns, 132; polarization of, 120; relativistic theory of, 6; spin-zero, 112; theory of matter, 4; wavelike character of, 84

electron-positron pair, 126

energies, negative, 129

event(s): analyzing, 75; compound, 60; observed physical, 83; probability of an, 37, 63; suspicious, 151

exchanges, photon, 95, 100, 107, 114

exclusion principle, 11213

experiment(s): high-energy, 132; laboratory, 11617; low-energy, 132; measuring reflection, 28; results of Newton’s, 23

eye, human, 14

final conditions, 8182

“flavor,” 150; of quarks, 135

focusing lens, 16, 58, 109

force(s): electrical, 113, 13435, 151; gravitational, 151; nuclear, 131

formula: De Broglie’s, 84; for E (A to B), 91, 132; for P (A to B), 88, 9091

Franklin, Benjamin, 134

gamma rays, 13

Gell-Mann, Murray, 132

Germer, L. H., 84

glass: opaque, 110; thick sheet of, 30, 105; thin sheet of, 20, 33; transparent, 110; scatters, 107

gluon(s), 13438; color of, 137; coupling constant, 135, 137; quarks exchanging, 136; theory, 13738

grating, diffraction, 4648, 59

gravitation, theory of, 4

gravitons, 151

gravity, quantum theories of, 151

Greeks, point of view of, 61

Hanbury-Brown-Twiss effect, 75

heat phenomena, 4

history, of physics, 6

holes: and spots theory, 18; tiny, 7879, 85

holograms, 48

hummingbirds, 34

I (the “interval”), 8890

ideas: old-fashioned, 56; of quantum mechanics, 3; revolutionary, 55

incidence, angle of, 38

Indians, Maya, 11

infinities, 127, 151

initial conditions, 81

initial state, 82

interaction(s): “color”-changing, 136; electrical, 143; of light and matter, theory of, 6; strong, 136; types of, 142; weak, 142, 143

interference: colors, 33; effects, 81; principle of, 81, 83

interval, I, 8890

iridescence, 34

irrational numbers, 63

j, 91, 12021, 12530, 143; value of, 91

junction number, j, 91, 12021, 12530, 143

knowledge, precise, 55

lambda particle, 132

lasers, 112

laws: mechanical, 5; of Nature, 89; Newton’s, 5

lens, focusing, 16, 58, 109

light, 13, 23; blue, 33; dim, 14, 15; in everyday circumstances, 15; infrared, 13; particles of, 36; photon model of, 112; speed of, c, 87, 8990; speed of, in water and air, 51; ultraviolet, 13, 149; weak monochromatic, 36; white, 35, 102

line: unit, 62; wavy, 88, 91, 92, 95, 105

lines, multiplying, 62

lithium metal conducting electricity, 113

location: physical, 105; relative, 110

m and e, observed values, 127

magic number, 96, 129

magnetic field, 98, 115, 123

magnetic interaction, 131

magnetic moment: of electron, 7, 115, 118; of neutron, 131; of proton, 131, 138

mass(es): calculated (n), 127; of heavier particles, 145; of muon, 143; number, 133; observed (m), 15152; of t quark, 147; of tau, 146; of W, 140

material: opaque, 108; reflective, 18

mathematicians, 63

matter, electron theory of, 4

Mautner, Alix, 3

Maxwell, James Clerk, 4; theory, 5

Maya Indians, 11

mesons, 132

MeV, 133

mirage, 52

mirror, 15, 38; etched, 47

monochromatic source, 101102, 106

motion, phenomena of, 4

mu-neutrino, 144

muon(s), 14344; mass of, 143; W coupling with a, 144

muon-antimuon pair, 14344

n, 125

n and j, calculated numbers, 125

Nature: analysis of, 78; laws of, 89; particle in, 98; phenomenon of, 84; strangeness of, 80; variety in, 110

neutral currents, 141, 142

neutral W, 141

neutrino, electron, 144, 145

neutrons, 131

New Zealand, 3

Newton, Sir Isaac, 5, 1314, 18, 2123, 37, 85

nuclear: forces, 131; particles, 9, 131; phenomena, 8, 77; physics, 8; reactors, 139

nucleus, 5; atomic, 7; exchanging photons, 113

number(s): complex, 63; irrational, 63; junction (j), 91; mass (m), 133; m and e, 12628; mysterious, 126, 130, 135; n and j, 12530

oil film, 33, 35

opaque material, 108

optical phenomena, 49

P (A to B), formula for, 88, 90

pair(s): muon-antimuon, 143, 144; positron-electron, 116, 119, 126, 143; quark-antiquark, 139

partial reflection, 1525, 36, 47, 64, 66, 69, 72, 75, 77, 100110; colors produced by, 33; depending on thickness of glass, 22, 34; of many surfaces, 22; suggested theories for, 18; by two surfaces, 24; wave theory of, 22

particle(s): fundamental, 132, 145, 151; individual, 139; intermediate, 140; of light, 36; light behaves like, 13, 15; in Nature, 98; nuclear, 9, 131; repetition of, 145; spin 1, 140; spin 1/2, 121, 133, 140, 14647; stationary, 100; undiscovered, 150

path(s): definite, 85; of least time, 52; neighboring, 45, 5355, 123; straight-line, 5355

patterns: electron, 132; proton-neutron, 132

peacocks, 34

phenomena: at the atomic level, 5; celestial, 11; familiar, 16, 38; of heat, 4; of motion, 4; of Nature, 84; nuclear, 8, 77; optical, 49; that QED theory describes, 7; radioactive, 8; simplest, 82; of sound, 4

philosophical worries, 124

phonograph record, 48

photographic plates, 13

photomultiplier, 14

photon, 14, 36; bouncing, 2829; detecting a single, 14; divides, 80; emitted, 143; exchanges, 95, 100, 107, 11314, 136; front reflection, 29; identical, 19; incoming, 101; model of light, 112; reflecting, 3031; relation to W’s, 142; virtual, 95, 120

physical: event, observed, 83; location, 105; world, 8

physicist(s), theoretical, 129, 14748

physics: classical, 123; is probabilistic, 19; liquid-state, 114; nuclear, 8; quantum, 55, 78, 148; solid-state, 114; students of, 9, 75; theoretical, 82

pions, 132

points, coupling, 12728

polarization, 13, 120; of electrons, 120; of photons, 120

positron, 98

positron-electron pair, 11617, 119, 143

predictions, absolute, 25

probability(ies): amplitude, 33, 37; calculating, 78; essential in quantum physics, 19; of an event, 37, 63; as the square of an amplitude, 24, 37

proton(s), 131; exchanging photons, 113; and neutrons, theory of, 138; observed magnetic moment of, 138; stability of, 150

proton-neutron patterns, 132

psi-meson, 145

Pythagoras, 31

Pythagorean Theorem, three-dimensional, 89

QED, 4

quantum chromodynamics, 132, 139

quantum electrodynamics theory: accuracy of, 7; experiments to test, 8; shocking characteristic of, 124; structure of, 131; unsatisfactory feature of, 151

quantum mechanical behavior, 85

quantum mechanics, ideas of, 3, 5, 40

quantum physics, 55, 78, 148

quantum theory, 7, 39, 50, 53; calculating probabilities in, 24; of electricity and magnetism, 7; of gravity, 151; of strong interactions, 132

quark(s), 132; b, 148; c, 148; “color” of, 136; coupling to a W, 148; d, 13341, 145, 148, 150; exchanging gluons, 136; “flavor” of, 135; heavier, 144; isolated individual, 139; s, 145, 148; t, 147, 150; u, 13341, 144, 148, 150

quark-antiquark pairs, 139

Rabi, I. I., 145

radio waves, 13, 34, 75

radioactive phenomena, 8, 144

radius arrow, 106

rays: gamma, 13; ultraviolet, 149; X-, 13

reactions, chemical, 114

reduction, of a wave packet, 76

reflection: arrow, 2832, 71; back, 29; front, 28; front surface, 66; partial, 1625, 36, 47, 64, 66, 69, 72, 75, 77, 100110; surface, 31, 60

reflective material, 18

refraction, 49

relativistic theory of the electron, 6

relativity: Einstein’s theory of, 5, 87, 89; principle of, 121

renormalization, 128

repetition of particles, 145

rho meson, 132

rules: that fail, 85; peculiar, 78; for quantum calculations, 37

s quark, 145, 148

Salam, Abdus, 142

salt crystal, 4849

scattering, 100, 105107

Schwinger, Julian, 6, 15, 116, 128

sigma particle, 132

soap bubbles, 33

sodium: atoms, 48; streetlights, 35

solar systems, 84

sound, phenomena of, 4

space, three-dimensional, 89

space-time, 8586, 99, 110; drawing, 107; graph, 88, 105

spin, 121

spin 1 particles, 135, 140

spin 1/2 particles, 133, 140, 14647, 149

spin 2 particles, 122

spin 3/2 particles, 151

spin-zero: electrons, 112; particles, 93

square: absolute, 63; of an amplitude, 37

steps, successive, 64, 67, 82

stopwatch, imaginary, 27, 101102

subevents: concomitant, 93; simpler, 83

successive: steps, 64, 67, 82; transformations, 62, 63; turnings, 69; turns, 63

surface(s): back, 105, 107; front, 105, 107; grooved, 4849; reflection, 31; partial reflection by two or more, 19; transmission through, 17

t quark, 147, 150

tau, mass of, 146

television waves, 13

theory(ies): Dirac’s, 6; electron, 4; gluon, 13738; of gravitation, 4; of gravity, quantum, 151; of holes and spots, 18; of the interaction of light and matter, 6; Maxwell’s, 5; quantum, see quantum theory; of quantum electrodynamics, see quantum electrodynamics theory; of quantum mechanics, 5; relativistic, 6; of relativity, 5, 87, 89; similarity of various, 149; speculative, 150; of strong interactions, 138; unification of, 150; of W’s, 141; wave, 23, 26; of weak and electromagnetic fórces, 142

time: curve, 57; difference, 8889; path of least, 52; scale, 8788; on the vertical axis, 86

Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro, 6, 128

transformations, successive, 6263

transmission: arrows, 71; through a surface, 17

transparent materials, 108, 110, 113

turn(s): half, 2930, 65; successive, 63

u quark, 13341, 144, 148, 150

ultraviolet light, 13, 149

uncertainty principle, 5556

understanding, 810

unification of theories, 150

unified theory of weak and electromagnetic interaction, 142

value(s): of j, 91; of m and e, 127

Venus, 11

virtual photon, 95, 120

W(s), 13945, 148, 150; couplings, 14142, 144, 148; mass of, 140; and photon interrelation, 142; types of, 141

water, light’s speed in, 51

wave(s): electromagnetic, 4; packet, reduction of a, 76; radio, 13, 34, 75; television, 13

wave theory, 23, 36; of partial reflection, 22

wavelike character of electrons, 84

wave-particle duality, 23, 37

Weinberg, Stephen, 142

Weisskopf, Victor, 128

white light, 35, 102

world: complex, 114; physical, 8

X-rays, 13, 34, 49, 84, 149

yellowish bands, 35

Z particle, 141