Page references in italics refer to photos.
brain activated by, 7
African Bean Stew, 214
sugar in, 42
Animal-based proteins, portion sizes, 30–31. See also Omnivore’s weekly meal plan
Anterior cingulate cortex, 4
Beans, Sweet Potatoes, and Apples, Oh My!, 87
Chicken and Apple Slaw, 190, 191
Apps, as food journals, 44
Asparagus, Roasted, with Kumquats and Almonds, 122, 123
Automaticity, for Bright Line Eating, 15–17
Autophagy (cellular healing), 15
freezing, 113
Bacon, 29
Balsamic Vinaigrette, 231
Basic Roasted Vegetables for All Seasons, 116, 117
Basil-Lemon Dressing, 244, 245
Bathroom scale, 44
Beans. See also Soy
African Bean Stew, 214
Beans, Sweet Potatoes, and Apples, Oh My!, 87
Charred Green Beans, 119
Chipotle Vegan Sausage and White Bean Stew, 218
Falafel with Yogurt Sauce, 73
Fresh Corn and Black Bean Salad, 183
green beans, storing, 112
Mediterranean Chopped Salad, 184, 185
Pressure-Cooked Beans, 142, 143
Quinoa and Chickpea Salad, 172, 173
Slow-Cooker Southern-Style Green Beans, 124
Steamed Kale and Lentil Bowl, 212
White Bean and Pumpkin Soup, 220, 221
Beef Skillet, Mexican Zucchini, 204, 205
Garlic Roasted Beets, 127
Pickled Beets and Cucumbers, 128, 129
Cottage Cheese, Cereal, and Berries, 78, 79
Herbed Blueberries with Goat Cheese, 153
Blood tests, 42
BLTs (bites, licks, tastes), avoiding, 45
BMI, weight loss maintenance and, x
Bottled salad dressings, 36–37
anterior cingulate cortex and willpower, 4
nucleus accumbens, 7
weight and expectation of, 61
Beans, Sweet Potatoes, and Apples, Oh My!, 87
Breakfast Parfait, 82
Breakfast Quinoa, 83
Cheese and Rice Omelet, 90, 91
Cottage Cheese, Cereal, and Berries, 78, 79
Falafel with Yogurt Sauce, 73
food plan overview for, 26
Grab-and-Go PB&J, 86
grains for, 27
Rice Cake and Nut Butter, 80, 81
Sunday Breakfast Rustic Patties, 92, 93
Sweet Potato Breakfast, 76, 77
Sweet Potato Fruit Bake, 96, 97
Bright Line Eating, 3–21, 59–67. See also Cold Bowls (Likely Lunch); Dressings, Sauces, and Salsas; Food plan (“plan”); Omnivore’s weekly meal plan; Perfect Plates; Tips, tricks, and techniques; Warm Bowls (Dinner Domain); Wholefood plant-based weekly meal plan
Adiposity Set Point and, 60–61
“before” pictures, 43
BLE Boot Camps, xii–xiii, 17–19, 63
Bright Lifers, overview, xiii
Bright Lines, adhering to, 36
commitment to, 324
curiosity and experimenting for, 323
eliminating sugar and flour with, 11–14
as identity, 51
insatiable hunger and, 5
invitation to, 19
leptin and, 6
overpowering cravings with, 6–7
reducing stress for, 17
solving a “food problem” vs., 59–60
surrendering to, 65
Broccoli Slaw and Roasted Corn Salad, 180, 181
“Cream” of Broccoli Soup, 216, 217
storing, 113
Brussels sprouts, storing, 113
“Bunny slippers,” for stress reduction, 17
Cabbage Stir-Fry, Hamburger and, 206, 207
Caprese Salad, 167
Carol, Julia, 109, 111, 254, 261, 265, 272
Moroccan Carrot Bowl, 192, 193
storing, 112
Cauliflower Fried Rice, 200, 201
Mexican Cauliflower Rice, 132, 133
storing, 113
Celery, storing, 112
Cellular healing (autophagy), 15
Cereal. See also Grains
about, 27
Cottage Cheese, Cereal, and Berries, 78, 79
Charred Green Beans, 119
Checklist, for next day (Nightly Checklist), 45, 50
Caprese Salad, 167
Cheese and Rice Omelet, 90, 91
Cottage Cheese, Cereal, and Berries, 78, 79
Herbed Blueberries with Goat Cheese, 153
Nondairy Parmesan Cheese, 230
plant-based, 30
Chicken and Apple Slaw, 190, 191
Chicken and Vegetable Soup, 222, 223
Chicken Fajita Bowl, 188–189, 189
Quick and Juicy Chicken Breasts, 144, 145
Thai Nam Sod Salad, 182
Chickpeas. See Beans
Chipotle Vegan Sausage and White Bean Stew, 218
Cinnamon Winter Squash, 120, 121
Citrus-Cilantro Shrimp, 148, 149
Cocaine, 9
Coconut Curry Stir Fry, 210, 211
Coit, Charlotte, 262
Cold Bowls (Likely Lunch), 165–197
Broccoli Slaw and Roasted Corn Salad, 180, 181
Caprese Salad, 167
Chicken and Apple Slaw, 190, 191
Chicken Fajita Bowl, 188–189, 189
Crunchy Nut Butter Coleslaw, 178, 179
Fresh Corn and Black Bean Salad, 183
Grilled Shrimp with Arugula, Tomato, and Corn, 176, 177
Mediterranean Chopped Salad, 184, 185
Moroccan Carrot Bowl, 192, 193
Quinoa and Chickpea Salad, 172, 173
Sun-Dried Tomato and Kale Salad, 186, 187
Thai Nam Sod Salad, 182
Cold Stuffed Pepper, 152
Coleslaw, Crunchy Nut Butter, 178, 179
portion sizes, 38
Broccoli Slaw and Roasted Corn Salad, 180, 181
Fresh Corn and Black Bean Salad, 183
Grilled Shrimp with Arugula, Tomato, and Corn, 176, 177
Cottage Cheese, Cereal, and Berries, 78, 79
“Cream” of Broccoli Soup, 216, 217
Creole Sauce, 249
Crunchy Nut Butter Coleslaw, 178, 179
Caprese Salad, 167
Pickled Beets and Cucumbers, 128, 129
Day 1, success of, 45
Delicata Squash Rounds, 131
Denkin, Nathan M., 256
Digital food scale
for breakfast grains, 27
buying, 44
importance of, 15
for travel, 268
weighing food after cooking, 29
Dinner, food plan overview for, 26. See also Warm Bowls (Dinner Domain)
Doctor, visiting, 42
Doogan, Molly, 108, 255, 318, 319
Dressings, Sauces, and Salsas, 229–251
about, 229
Balsamic Vinaigrette, 231
Basil-Lemon Dressing, 244, 245
bottled salad dressings, 36–37
Creole Sauce, 249
Fresh Salsa with Ginger, 242, 243
Lemon Tahini Dressing, 232, 233
Miso Tahini Dressing, 237
Nondairy Parmesan Cheese, 230
Peppers and Tomato Sauce, 248
Roasted Red Pepper and Almond Sauce, 240, 241
Southwest-Style Vinaigrette, 236
Yogurt Sauce, 73
Edamame, storing, 112
Cheese and Rice Omelet, 90, 91
Enchilada Vegetables, Roasted, 130
Ethanol, 42
Exercise, abstaining from, 17–19
Fajita Bowl, Chicken, 188–189, 189
Falafel with Yogurt Sauce, 73
Fasting, between dinner and breakfast, 14
Fatigue, Bright Line Eating initial period and, xvii, 17
portion sizes, 37
Feiwus, Leslee Carr, 107
Flax oil, 36
as Bright Line, 12
Food journal
for committing your food, 46–47
importance of, 44
breakfast grains, 27
as Bright Line Eating basic guidelines, 23–25
Day 1 of, 45
fruit, 32
goal weight with, 51
maintenance grains, 28
maintenance transition with, 52–55
for weight loss, 26
Food preparation
avoiding BLTs (bites, licks, tastes), 45
tips, tricks, techniques for, 254–258
Food scale. See Digital food scale
Four-week meal plans. See Omnivore’s weekly meal plan; Whole-food plant-based weekly meal plan
Fresh Corn and Black Bean Salad, 183
Fresh Salsa with Ginger, 242, 243
Fruit, portion sizes, 32. See also individual recipes
Garlic Roasted Beets, 127
Ghrelin, 60
Glass food containers, 44
Glucose, 4
Grab-and-Go PB&J, 86
Grains. See also individual recipes
for breakfast, 27
for Maintenance, 28
potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams as, 27, 34
Gratitude journal, 44
Green beans. See also Beans
Charred Green Beans, 119
Slow-Cooker Southern-Style Green Beans, 124
storing, 112
Greens, storing, 112
Grey Sheet (Overeaters Anonymous), 61–62
Grilled Salmon and Spinach Salad, 150, 151
Grilled Shrimp with Arugula, Tomato, and Corn, 176, 177
Grossman, Dina, 66, 67, 266, 272
Guyenet, Stephan J., 61
Hamburger and Cabbage Stir-Fry, 206, 207
Basil-Lemon Dressing, 244, 245
Citrus-Cilantro Shrimp, 148, 149
Dairy-Free Pesto, 246
Herbed Blueberries with Goat Cheese, 153
storing, 112
Adiposity Set Point and, 60–61
flavor and, 24
Hungry Brain, The (Guyenet), 61
fasting and, 14
flour and, 13
leptin and, 6
Italian Spaghetti Squash, 208, 209
Jordan, Amelia, 269
gratitude journal, 44
Judkins, Mary, 110
Kendle, Kallie, 266
Kitchen, cleaning out, 43
Kumquats and Almonds, Roasted Asparagus with, 122, 123
Lamb Stew, 219
Latin Stuffed Peppers, 156, 157
Basil-Lemon Dressing, 244, 245
in drinking water, 39
freezing, 113
Lemon Tahini Dressing, 232, 233
Lentils. See also Beans
Steamed Kale and Lentil Bowl, 212
Limes, in drinking water, 39
Lunch, food plan overview for, 26. See also Cold Bowls (Likely Lunch)
Lustig, Robert, 10
Maile, Jodi, 106
BMI and, x
“dance of maintenance,” xiv
finding balance with, 51
grains for, 28
transitioning to, 52
Mariscal, Michele, 258
Marsch, Cindy Rinaman, 20, 21, 271
McDowell, Jodie, 106
McNair, Sondra, 258
Meals, as Bright Line, 12
Meat. See also Omnivore’s weekly meal plan
animal-based proteins, portion sizes, 30–31
Lamb Stew, 219
Mexican Zucchini Beef Skillet, 204, 205
Not Your Mom’s Meatloaf, 154, 155
Pressure-Cooker Pulled Pork, 146, 147
processed, 29
Thai Nam Sod Salad, 182
Mediterranean Chopped Salad, 184, 185
Men, portion and adaptation for, xiv. See also Portion sizes
Mexican Cauliflower Rice, 132, 133
Mexican Zucchini Beef Skillet, 204, 205
Miso Tahini Dressing, 237
Moroccan Carrot Bowl, 192, 193
Moury, Peggy, 111
Moyer, Ellen, 110
Nightly Checklist (checklist for next day), 45, 50
Nondairy Parmesan Cheese, 230
Nonie Evie’s Tomato Soup, 215
Not Your Mom’s Meatloaf, 154, 155
Nucleus accumbens, 7
Nuts and peanuts
Crunchy Nut Butter Coleslaw, 178, 179
Grab-and-Go PB&J, 86
Nondairy Parmesan Cheese, 230
Rice Cake and Nut Butter, 80, 81
Roasted Asparagus with Kumquats and Almonds, 122, 123
Roasted Red Pepper and Almond Sauce, 240, 241
as source of protein, 28
soy “nuts,” 29
Oats and oatmeal
Breakfast Parfait, 82
oatmeal, cooking, 27
Olson, Laurie Avenell, 196, 197
Omnivore’s weekly meal plan, 281–297
adapting, 279
repeating, 279
Online Support Community (Bright Line Eating), 46
Overweight/obesity, statistics, x
Parsnips, storing, 113
PB&J, Grab-and-Go, 86
Peas, storing, 112
Pecharich, Michelle, 109
Chipotle Vegan Sausage and White Bean Stew, 218
Cold Stuffed Pepper, 152
Latin Stuffed Peppers, 156, 157
Peppers and Tomato Sauce, 248
Roasted Red Pepper and Almond Sauce, 240, 241
Citrus-Cilantro Shrimp, 148, 149
Cold Stuffed Pepper, 152
Grilled Salmon and Spinach Salad, 150, 151
Herbed Blueberries with Goat Cheese, 153
Latin Stuffed Peppers, 156, 157
Not Your Mom’s Meatloaf, 154, 155
Pressure-Cooked Beans, 142, 143
Pressure-Cooker Pulled Pork, 146, 147
Quick and Juicy Chicken Breasts, 144, 145
Susan’s Tasty Tofu or Tempeh, 140, 141
Phone calls, for support, 46, 63
Pickled Beets and Cucumbers, 128, 129
Pizza, flour in, 13
Plant-based proteins
cheeses, 30
Portion sizes. See also individual recipes
fruit, 32
Potatoes, as “grains,” 34
Power, Lynn, 255
Pressure-Cooked Beans, 142, 143
Pressure-Cooker Pulled Pork, 146, 147
Processed foods
bottled salad dressings, 36–37
meats, 29
Proteins. See also Perfect Plates
animal-based, portion size, 30–31
Quantities, as Bright Line, 12
Quick and Juicy Chicken Breasts, 144, 145
Breakfast Quinoa, 83
Quinoa and Chickpea Salad, 172, 173
Radishes, storing, 112
Rappleye, Kent, 107
Recipes. See also individual recipes
men, portion and adaptation for, xiv
trigger level rating in, 63
Reisz, Mary, 273
Restaurants, eating in, 263–267
Rice. See also Grains
Cheese and Rice Omelet, 90, 91
Rice Cake and Nut Butter, 80, 81
Rituals, for support, 47
Roasted Asparagus with Kumquats and Almonds, 122, 123
Roasted Cauliflower, 118
Roasted Enchilada Vegetables, 130
Roasted Red Pepper and Almond Sauce, 240, 241
Salad. See also Cold Bowls (Likely Lunch)
bottled salad dressings, 36–37
Grilled Salmon and Spinach Salad, 150, 151
variety for, 34
Sauces/Salsas. See Dressings, Sauces, and Salsas
Citrus-Cilantro Shrimp, 148, 149
Grilled Salmon and Spinach Salad, 150, 151
Grilled Shrimp with Arugula, Tomato, and Corn, 176, 177
sesame (See Tahini)
as source of protein, 28
Seek the lesson, as one of Four S’s, 48–50
Self-compassion, as one of Four S’s, 48–50
Serving sizes, xv
Citrus-Cilantro Shrimp, 148, 149
Grilled Shrimp with Arugula, Tomato, and Corn, 176, 177
fasting and, 14
journal writing and, 44
Nightly Checklist (checklist for next day) prior to, 45, 50
Slow-Cooker Southern-Style Green Beans, 124
Smith, Julie Boyd, 255, 260, 265, 267, 271, 272
Social gatherings, eating at, 263–267
Social support
relying on, 63
Soups and stews
about, 213
African Bean Stew, 214
Chicken and Vegetable Soup, 222, 223
Chipotle Vegan Sausage and White Bean Stew, 218
“Cream” of Broccoli Soup, 216, 217
Lamb Stew, 219
Nonie Evie’s Tomato Soup, 215
White Bean and Pumpkin Soup, 220, 221
Southwest-Style Vinaigrette, 236
Southwick, Chris, 267
Soy. See also Tofu
edamame, storing, 112
soy nuts, 29
tempeh, 29
Spaghetti Squash, Italian, 208, 209
Speed, as one of Four S’s, 48–50
Cinnamon Winter Squash, 120, 121
Delicata Squash Rounds, 131
Italian Spaghetti Squash, 208, 209
summer, storing, 112
White Bean and Pumpkin Soup, 220, 221
winter, storing, 113
Stallman, Heidi, 262
Starchy vegetables, 35
Steamed Kale and Lentil Bowl, 212
Stress reduction, during Bright Line Eating initial phase, 17
in alcohol, 42
in coffee, 41
leptin and insulin levels, 6
Sunday Breakfast Rustic Patties, 92, 93
Sun-Dried Tomato and Kale Salad, 186, 187
Susan’s Tasty Tofu or Tempeh, 140, 141
Susceptibility Scale, xii, 13, 41, 42
Sweet potatoes
Sunday Breakfast Rustic Patties, 92, 93
Sweet Potato Breakfast, 76, 77
Sweet Potato Fruit Bake, 96, 97
Syverson, Beth, 257
Lemon Tahini Dressing, 232, 233
Miso Tahini Dressing, 237
Taste buds, 24
about, 29
Susan’s Tasty Tofu or Tempeh, 140, 141
Thompson, LeeAnn, 260
Tips, tricks, and techniques, 253–275
for eating outside home, 263–267
for feeding family members, 261–263
Coconut Curry Stir Fry, 210, 211
Susan’s Tasty Tofu or Tempeh, 140, 141
Creole Sauce, 249
Fresh Salsa with Ginger, 242, 243
Grilled Shrimp with Arugula, Tomato, and Corn, 176, 177
Nonie Evie’s Tomato Soup, 215
Peppers and Tomato Sauce, 248
storing, 112
Sun-Dried Tomato and Kale Salad, 186, 187
digital food scale, 15, 27, 29, 44, 268
preparation and things to buy, 44
Travel containers, 44
Travel tips, for eating, 267–270
Type 2 diabetes, statistics, x
VanDenHeuvel, Nikki (Johnson), 260, 263
Vegan Sausage and White Bean Stew, Chipotle, 218
Vegetables, 105–135. See also individual names of vegetables
Basic Roasted Vegetables for All Seasons, 116, 117
Charred Green Beans, 119
Chicken and Vegetable Soup, 222, 223
Cinnamon Winter Squash, 120, 121
Delicata Squash Rounds, 131
freezing, 113
Garlic Roasted Beets, 127
Mexican Cauliflower Rice, 132, 133
Pickled Beets and Cucumbers, 128, 129
preparation and portion sizes, 33–35
preparing, 115
Roasted Asparagus with Kumquats and Almonds, 122, 123
Roasted Cauliflower, 118
Roasted Enchilada Vegetables, 130
Slow-Cooker Southern-Style Green Beans, 124
spiralized, 115
starchy, 35
Warm Bowls (Dinner Domain), 199–227
African Bean Stew, 214
Cauliflower Fried Rice, 200, 201
Chicken and Vegetable Soup, 222, 223
Chipotle Vegan Sausage and White Bean Stew, 218
Coconut Curry Stir Fry, 210, 211
“Cream” of Broccoli Soup, 216, 217
food plan overview for dinner, 26
Hamburger and Cabbage Stir-Fry, 206, 207
Italian Spaghetti Squash, 208, 209
Lamb Stew, 219
Mexican Zucchini Beef Skillet, 204, 205
Nonie Evie’s Tomato Soup, 215
soups and stews, about, 213
Steamed Kale and Lentil Bowl, 212
White Bean and Pumpkin Soup, 220, 221
as beverage of choice, 39
carrying bottle for, 45
for fatigue, 17
lemon/lime added to, 39
Weekly meal plans. See Omnivore’s weekly meal plan; Whole-food plant-based weekly meal plan
Weight loss. See also Maintenance
calorie expenditure and, xvii, 17
fasting and, 14
food plan (“plan”) for, 26
Weinman, Ellen Eichen, 107, 258
Welton, Gaye, 257
White Bean and Pumpkin Soup, 220, 221
Whole-food plant-based weekly meal plan, 301–319
Whole grains. See Grains
automaticity to overcome, 15–17
Wilsman, Maitreyi Margie, 270
Wolf, Nancy, 256
Women, portion sizes for. See Portion sizes
Yams, as “grains,” 34
Falafel with Yogurt Sauce, 73
as source of protein, 28
Zoecklein, Evelyn, 257