Endurance is defined as the ability to sustain activity for an extended time. Although this concept seems simple, different types of endurance may be more or less important depending on the nature of the sport or activity being performed.
For example, when people think of endurance they tend to picture long-duration, steady-state bouts of exercise using repetitive movements, performed predominately in a linear fashion, such as swimming, rowing, jogging, and cycling—the classic examples of aerobic endurance activities. These types of activities require the aerobic energy system, and to some extent the glycolytic energy system, to provide ATP to sustain activity.
But endurance is also essential for high-level performance in field-based and court-based sports. For example, basketball, soccer, and lacrosse players need to have good aerobic endurance so that they can last the entire duration of a game. But unlike traditional aerobic endurance events, these sports require athletes to perform quick and explosive changes of direction and repeated intermittent speed efforts. Athletes use a blend of the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems to produce ATP.
Understanding the differences between these kinds of endurance is essential because longer-duration aerobic endurance training might actually hinder performance in activities that require repeated sprint efforts. Conversely, a program that focuses exclusively on repeat sprint efforts or anaerobic endurance would not optimize performance in a longer-duration endurance event such as a full or half marathon. How we train each of these forms of endurance is significantly different.
Aerobic endurance is critical for sports that require athletes to sustain an activity for a long duration, such as triathlons, marathons, cycling contests, and various types of adventure races. The main goal of these types of events, other than enjoyment, is to cover the given distance in the shortest time possible. Because of the distances that must be covered, participants must work at low intensity to persist. Otherwise, fatigue significantly hinders performance.
Aerobic power is generally measured by determining maximal oxygen uptake, or O2 max. After a person reaches a certain level, however, improvements in
O2max become more marginal. In fact, the ability to maintain activity at a high percentage of
O2max may be a better predictor of performance than aerobic capacity alone. Specifically, people who can maintain exercise at
a higher percentage of their
O2max without accumulating a large amount of lactic acid have a distinct advantage over their competitors. To improve this ability,
people must train at or near their maximal lactate steady state, or the exercise intensity at which maximal lactate production
is equal to maximal lactate clearance. This training can be done by using some of the methods that we will discuss in this
section. In addition to
O2max, movement economy is a critical factor for endurance performance. People who have better technique and form waste less
energy during training and events. Similar to the novice weight lifter, a person who begins and then regularly performs a
specific type of endurance activity becomes more efficient at the movements required to execute the task.
For instance, when testing for O2max, runners would likely achieve a higher score using an assessment that emphasizes running. Conversely, if asked to perform
a maximal aerobic test on an indoor rowing machine, runners would likely struggle to reach their true aerobic capacity because
they would probably waste a lot of energy trying to gain proficiency in executing a foreign movement. Instead, they would
achieve their
O2peak, which is simply the highest
O2 that they are able to achieve on a given test. This further explains why sport specificity is important for reaching peak
performance. In essence, a person who has a goal of participating in a specific endurance event such as a half marathon (13.1
miles, or 21 km) would need to run at a distance and intensity similar to the event on a consistent basis. Furthermore, other
forms of endurance and resistance training and maximal interval training may be effectively used to complement aerobic endurance
performance. But performing resistance training or maximal interval training (MIT) alone and expecting to run a full marathon
would likely produce a poor performance.
Conversely, when seeking to improve anaerobic endurance for intermittent sports, the focus of training tends to favor developing speed endurance, at or above the lactate threshold, rather than steady-state endurance. This is generally done by performing repeated short (3- to 10-second) sprints with brief recovery (10 to 60 seconds) between bouts (Bishop, Girard, and Mendez-Villanueva 2011; Dawson 2012; Girard, Mendez-Villanueva, and Bishop 2011). This form of training is aimed at improving the athlete’s ability to sustain her or his average maximal speed over a match or improve average peak power and work capacity over the duration of a game. In addition to repeat sprint ability (RSA) training, the use of conditioning games is popular among coaches and athletes. The aim of these games is to help athletes play their way into shape by using activities that are contextually appropriate to game scenarios.
Repeat sprint ability becomes critically important during the latter stages of a match or competition. As fatigue sets in over the course of the game, a player’s physical ability diminishes. RSA training can help improve the ability to sustain and reproduce maximal speed efforts and recover more quickly between sprints. Fatigue may also hinder the movement mechanics necessary to execute skill-related tasks because fatigued muscles do not produce force as effectively. Additionally, a player’s perceptual skills, decision-making ability, and focus tend to diminish as fatigue takes hold.
Given the demands of endurance training, creating a careful balance among training variables is essential. In general, as the intensity and duration of the activity increase, the amount of rest required increases. Highly trained athletes require less rest to recover between training bouts than those who are less trained. In general, two to five endurance-training sessions per week are adequate for most people. More than five training sessions per week may increase the risk of repetitive injuries, so the decision to add more training sessions should be evaluated based on the needs of the person and adjusted with caution. Obviously, as the number of training sessions increases, the intensity of those sessions should decrease, and vice versa. Generally, those who are engaged in more speed endurance training versus aerobic endurance training would perform fewer sessions to allow adequate recovery between high-intensity work bouts.
Intensity, or how hard an athlete is working, is quantified and monitored in many endurance endeavors by using the target heart method (THR) and by estimating or tracking heart rate during training. To calculate THR, we must first determine the theoretical maximum heart rate (MHR). This number can be easily found by subtracting the age of the athlete from 220. For instance, a 30-year-old athlete has a theoretical maximum heart rate of approximately 190 beats per minute (bpm). If this athlete wants to train at 80 to 85 percent of his or her estimated maximal heart rate, he or she would perform the following equation:
Target heart rate at 80 percent of estimated maximal heart rate of 190 beats per minute
THR = 190 × .80
THR = 152 bpm
Target heart rate at 85 percent of estimated maximal heart rate of 190 beats per minute
THR = 190 × .85
THR = 161.5 bpm
Setting a heart rate range for training is useful because the athlete can then push a bit harder at times and back off slightly at other times during a session while still remaining in the target range. Heart rate during activity can be monitored by taking a 10-second pulse at the carotid or radial artery and multiplying the count by 6 to get the estimated beats per minute. For example, if the 10-second pulse is 27, we would solve the following simple equation:
10-second heart rate = 27 beats per minute
60 sec HR= 27 × 6
60 sec HR = 162 bpm
This number would coincide with a heart rate just above 85 percent of the MHR in the previous example.
Many athletes prefer to streamline the process of tracking their intensity through the use of heart rate monitors. These monitors provide the user with an instantaneous reading of HR, making it easy to maintain the desired intensity throughout the duration of the activity. A more crude, but effective, method for determining exercise intensity is to rate the perceived exertion level during a training bout on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being not difficult at all and 10 being extremely difficult. For example, a rating of 8 would reflect an intensity of about 80 percent of the athlete’s perceived maximal effort. Although this method is a bit less precise, it helps athletes gauge training intensity and may be more practical in settings in which monitoring equipment cannot be used or it is difficult for the player to stop to get a pulse, such as when performing conditioning games.
Globally speaking, duration and intensity for endurance activities are inversely related, meaning that the longer the training session is, the lower the intensity must be to sustain the activity. For example, exercise performed at between 85 and 93 percent of target heart rate generally coincides with an intensity at or near the maximal lactate steady state. Subsequently, when exercise is performed at this intensity, the work bouts will be relatively short; after 20 to 30 minutes, the accumulation of lactic acid will make it increasingly difficult for the athlete to continue. Exercise performed at lower intensity (70 to 75 percent) can be sustained for longer periods, often up to several hours, depending on the person’s fitness.
The intensity selected depends largely on the particular energy system we wish to develop. Lower intensity, below 85 percent of THR, tends to favor aerobic endurance adaptations, whereas submaximal intensity between 85 and 93 percent begins to challenge the glycolytic energy system to a greater extent and helps improve the ability to sustain exercise at a higher training threshold.
A variety of methods can be used to improve endurance performance. Many of these methods focus on using intensity at or near
the maximal lactate steady state to improve the ability to work at a higher percentage of the O2max. For many team sports, however, the ability to repeat short bursts of explosive, high-intensity sprints may be more critical
than being able to sustain steady-state activity for a long time. This section explains several techniques for improving endurance
in both areas.
Long, slow distance (LSD) training is used primarily to improve aerobic capacity. This form of training is performed at low to moderate intensity (between approximately 70 and 85 percent of THR) for a long duration (greater than 30 minutes). Although the term long, slow distance may be a bit of a misnomer because the person is still usually trying to cover the distance in a relatively short time, the name emphasizes the relationship between intensity and duration. To sustain activity for a longer period, a lower intensity must be employed. Training modalities generally use the larger muscle groups of the legs and hips and are performed using repetitive movements for greater than 15 to 20 minutes at submaximal intensity (70 to 85 percent). Some options include running outdoors or on a treadmill; using a step trainer, elliptical trainer, or rower; lap swimming; spinning; and road or mountain biking. As previously discussed, however, you should select the most sport-specific activity for the bulk of your training and do another form of aerobic training periodically as a method of reducing repetitive motion stress on the body. That approach helps reduce the risk of injury or overtraining.
For improving speed endurance or RSA, short bouts of high-intensity (90 to 100 percent) effort over relatively short periods (less than 10 seconds) with a rest of 10 to 60 seconds between repetitions and a rest of 2 to 3 minutes between sets should be used. Although the majority of training should focus on activities similar to the sport (usually running), other methods of training such as games that use a blend of high, low, and moderate intensity can also be used when performing team conditioning. These games are excellent for disguising work as play and for providing a break from traditional training methods aimed at performing specific distances, times, and work-to-rest ratios.
Interval training consists of performing short or moderately long work bouts at a relatively high intensity interspersed with
periods of reduced intensity or complete rest within a single training session. This method of training is often used to improve
speed endurance and O2max and to enhance aerobic metabolism by improving the ability to buffer lactic acid build-up. Long work intervals can be
performed for approximately 2 to 3 minutes at an intensity of around 80 to 90 percent of maximal effort or for shorter work
bouts (15 seconds to 2 minutes) at 85 to 100 percent of maximal effort.
As the intensity and duration of the interval increase, so does the time needed for the person to recover from the bouts. Generally, for longer intervals performed at 80 to 90 percent of maximal effort, a 1:0.5 to 1:2 work-to-rest ratio is used. For shorter work bouts performed at 85 to 100 percent effort, a 1:2 to 1:5 work-to-rest ratio should be allowed. This form of training can be performed on one or two days per week.
Fartlek is a Swedish word that means “speed play.” This type of training combines random higher-intensity intervals with continuous training based on how the person feels during a training session. Fartlek training does not rely on the use of specific durations or intensities; instead, the athlete varies the intensity over the course of the training session. If the person feels as if she or he can go at a higher intensity, the person simply adjusts the speed or cadence to a faster pace. When the person feels that she or he can no longer sustain the pace, the person simply reduces the intensity to recover. This unstructured form of interval training can be especially useful for beginners because it allows them the freedom to adjust the training session based on their current level of fitness. In addition, it reduces the boredom and monotony often associated with LSD or steady-state training.
Endurance training, especially aerobic endurance training, is typically associated with a high incidence of repetitive stress injuries based on the long duration and repetitive nature of these activities. Additionally, these activities are performed predominately in one primary plane of movement. Consequently, some muscles and muscle groups receive a larger volume of training than others, which may further predispose a person to risk of muscular imbalances, injury, and poor movement efficiency. For example, because they sit in a crunched positon with the shoulders rounded for extended periods, cyclists are predisposed to injury of the muscles of the lower and upper back. Repeatedly maintaining the crouched position can create tightness in the anterior muscles (e.g., chest, hip flexors, quads), causing them to shorten over time. These changes also tend to weaken the muscles. This tightness and shortening can affect the muscles of the posterior chain (e.g., upper and lower back, glutes) and can lead to tight hamstrings, IT band syndrome, and reduced mobility. Subsequently, these imbalances lead to poor posture and greater stress on the body both while training and while at rest. Unfortunately, in many cases these issues set the stage for chronic pain and overuse injuries.
Another concern with endurance training is selecting the correct mix of training. Performing strictly aerobic endurance training with athletes who require speed and power may cause the intermediate muscle fibers to take on more slow-twitch fiber characteristics, which can hinder force production and reduce speed and explosive power, especially under fatigue.
When integrating MIT into an endurance-training program, several factors should be considered.
Two sample endurance-training programs are presented in this section. The first shows how MIT can be used to complement a training program focused on improving performance in an aerobic endurance event such as the half marathon, whereas the second shows how MIT can be used for an intermittent-type sport such as soccer. These samples are used for illustrative purposes only; the basic concepts can be applied to similar sports or activities.
Table 18.1 shows a few foundational programs that use bodyweight exercises, suspension training, and kettlebell work. Note: The italicized exercises are found in part II. Refer to the exercise finder for more information. Each of these programs has been designed to follow a circuit format. Each exercise should be performed for 12 to 15 repetitions, with a 10- to 20-second rest period between exercises. Each exercise in the circuit should be performed in the sequence displayed and repeated three times.
Within each program, specific emphasis is placed on improving strength in the upper back, mobility of the hips, dynamic stability of the lumbar spine, and flexibility of the hamstrings. Addressing these areas is critical to preventing injuries in endurance athletes. Because these workouts are performed in the initial stages of the aerobic endurance-training program, the intensity is relatively low and the volume is relatively high. As the training program progresses and the volume of aerobic endurance work increases, the intensity of the MIT sessions increases and the volume decreases. This adjustment is made to account for the greater amount of time dedicated to performing increasingly longer training distances as the competition approaches.
At the beginning of the training program, when the distances and times required for the endurance-training sessions are low, MIT sessions can be performed on the same days as the endurance activity. But as the time dedicated to endurance training increases, the preferable approach is to conduct these sessions on nonendurance training days or on days when training time and distance are limited. If both training sessions are performed on the same day, the MIT session should always follow endurance training. Training in this sequence ensures that the fatigue caused from the MIT session does not interfere with the main training priority, which is improving endurance performance.
Click here to go the exercise finder, which will link you to each exercise found in part II.
Table 18.2 shows advanced programs using body weight, kettlebells, a suspension trainer, and sandbags as resistance. As with the foundational program, these exercises are performed in a circuit manner, although the intensity is much greater and the volume of training is lower. This reduction in volume in the MIT sessions allows for better recovery as the duration of endurance-training sessions continues to increase.
Similar to the foundational programs, each of these programs is performed as a circuit for two or three sets of 8 to 10 repetitions, with little to no rest between exercises. Each exercise in the circuit should be performed in the sequence displayed and repeated two or three times.
Click here to go the exercise finder, which will link you to each exercise found in part II.
Two sample endurance-training program designs are presented in this section. The first is a distance-running program for a recreational runner, and the second program outlines a training program for a soccer athlete. The first program emphasizes aerobic endurance (half marathon), whereas the second addresses the endurance requirements of an intermittent sport.
It is beyond the scope of this book to delve into every specific competitive endurance event, but a training program for a representative event, the half marathon, is presented in table 18.3. This program is designed for recreational runners who are running between 5 and 12 miles (between 12 and 19 km) per week. The goal of this training program is to develop a good foundation of fitness and help reduce injures commonly seen from performing repetitive movement as distance progressively increases. This program is different from most half-marathon programs because it emphasizes performing quality runs rather than just accumulating distance. In fact, the program requires only two or three days of running per week. Within this program, both strength training and maximal interval training play essential roles in terms of cross-training and prehabilitation.
During the general preparation period (weeks 1 through 4) the main goals are to develop a good base of cardiorespiratory fitness and prepare the body for the rigors of the more intense training periods to follow. In the first three weeks there are only two running days. The training session between those days is a maximum interval-training session. This workout helps reduce muscle soreness and focuses on improving overall muscular fitness and balance. With distance running, people may experience repetitive stress injuries as their distance and volume of training increase. Improving specific muscle qualities, such as endurance and general strength, during this phase may help alleviate some of those issues. In addition, better muscular endurance will help reduce compensations and poor technique that result from fatigue as duration increases. Furthermore, with greater strength of the stabilizer muscles and supporting structures, the person is able to put more force in the ground with each step, resulting in greater stride length with each step. This improvement is critical because speed is a product of both stride length and frequency.
The foundational MIT sessions should be emphasized during this stage. Initially, while the running volume is low, the runner should focus on performing one MIT session per week and two resistance-training sessions per week. For each exercise, performing two or three sets of 12 repetitions is recommended during this phase. MIT sessions in the general preparation phase should be performed either on days between runs or on days when shorter runs are performed (never on the day when the long run is performed). Table 18.4 presents a sample two-week resistance-training program for the general preparation phase. The goal of this program is to develop a good foundation of general fitness to accommodate the higher levels of stress that will be placed on the body throughout the training schedule.
During this phase (weeks 5 through 19) the number of running session increases from two to three per week. Additionally, the
duration of each run is progressively increased to start building the person’s tolerance and stamina for longer training sessions.
At week 12, interval and fartlek training is incorporated into the training program on the short-run days to work on speed
endurance. By this point, a descent aerobic base should have been established, allowing the person to work at a higher percentage
of his or her O2 max for longer periods. These intervals should last between 30 to 60 seconds depending on the intensity selected. Intense
intervals should be about 30 seconds long, whereas less intense intervals should be between 30 and 60 seconds long.
The MIT training sessions displayed in table 18.2 can be used in this stage. MIT training during this stage should be performed twice a week at moderately high intensity for two or three sets of 8 to 12 reps. Ideally, these sessions would be spaced a minimum of 72 hours apart to distribute the sessions evenly over the course of the week so that there are never more than three days of rest between MIT sessions. One MIT session per week can be performed on a run day (preferably on the day when the shortest run is scheduled, but never on a long-run day). Resistance training should be performed twice per week depending on how well the person is recovering from training runs. Table 18.5 presents a sample one-week resistance-training program for weeks 5 through 16. Again, a minimum of 48 hours should be allowed between resistance training and MIT sessions. Additionally, on weeks 8, 12, and 16, the number of resistance training session should be cut back to one to aid recovery.
For weeks 17 through 19, the intensity of training during resistance-training sessions increases while the overall volume of training decreases. This plan allows the athlete to maintain the strength developed through the other training cycles while accounting for the increased volume of run training. Resistance training should be performed twice a week at a moderately high intensity for two sets of 6 to 10 reps. During this period, MIT sessions are cut out of the training program (with the exception of interval and fartlek runs). Table 18.6 presents a sample one-week training program for weeks 17 through 19.
For weeks 20 through 21 the focus shifts to maintaining intensity while decreasing run duration to allow the athlete to recover from the rigors of training and peak for competition. During this stage MIT training should not be performed. Rather, the resistance-training sessions outlined in weeks 17 through 19 should be performed for one or two sets per training session with a resistance that is challenging at 6 to 10 reps. This plan will help the athlete maintain strength while tapering the volume of endurance training in preparation for competition.
For the purpose of this program the competition period is short. In fact, it is the day of the event only. In the few weeks leading up to the competition, intensity should have remained relatively high while the overall volume of training decreased. This approach allows the runner to maintain the fitness developed through the training program and recover so that she or he can peak on the day of the event.
When the competition ends, the recovery period begins. This stage may last from two to four weeks depending on the person’s training goals and next competition. During this phase MIT is the ideal method of training because it maintains a sufficient level of cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength and endurance. Additionally, MIT can be used to focus on other muscle groups and movement patterns to reduce the stress placed on the muscles used for distance running. During this stage the runner should return to the foundational MIT workouts covered in table 18.1. These workouts help the runner recover from the long training cycle leading up to the race and, by incorporating different MIT programs, may help reduce boredom and maintain enthusiasm for training. Any cardiorespiratory endurance performed during this stage should be something other than running. Using an alternative form of training will help the body recover from the previous training program and the competition and will reduce the injury risk.
Soccer requires a high level of technical skill, good eye–foot coordination, and good understanding of game strategy. With the exception of the goalkeeper, there are no specialists on the field, so all players must be able to play both offense and defense simultaneously. Players must be able to accelerate in any direction to defend against an opponent or create space as an attacker. Subsequently, players have to be able to transition quickly from lower-intensity activities (e.g., walking, jogging, or striding) to higher-intensity activities (e.g., sprints, cuts, changes of direction, jumping) during a 90-minute match. Soccer requires efficiency in both the aerobic and anaerobic energy systems to maintain speed and power while minimizing the effects of fatigue as the match progresses.
Because of the metabolic demands of this sport, approaching training from an aerobic conditioning standpoint will leave players ill prepared for competition. Because soccer players use all three energy systems, all three must be addressed in the conditioning program. Table 18.7 is a 52-week conditioning program for a Division II women’s collegiate soccer team. This program was developed to encompass all three energy systems, establish an appropriate base of aerobic fitness, and improve anaerobic and speed endurance. Initially, a general conditioning approach is used to enhance the appropriate physiological attributes critical for high-level soccer performance. As the program progresses from the off-season to in-season, the conditioning methods become increasingly more sport specific to maximize the transfer of training effects from practice situations to match scenarios.
Table 18.8 shows a few foundational programs using bodyweight training, medicine balls, and suspension training. These exercises are performed in a circuit. Players should perform each exercise for 20 to 30 seconds, rest for 10 to 15 seconds, and then move to the next exercise in the series. Each circuit should be performed three times.
Click here to go the exercise finder, which will link you to each exercise found in part II.
Within each of these programs, specific emphasis is placed on improving stability and mobility. These attributes are the cornerstones of efficient human movement and are essential for injury reduction. Additionally, these exercises improve muscular endurance and lactate tolerance, which builds a foundation for more intense sprint intervals and heavier resistance-training sessions that will follow in subsequent training stages.
Table 18.9 displays advanced programs using bodyweight and suspension-training exercises. The focus of these sessions is to improve and maintain stability and mobility while challenging anaerobic endurance. These programs can be used in both the special preparation period and during the in-season portion of this training program. Each exercise in these circuits should be performed for 20 to 30 seconds with 10 to 15 seconds of rest between exercises. Each circuit should be repeated two to three times.
Click here to go the exercise finder, which will link you to each exercise found in part II.