Agacinski, Sylviane, 111
Anderson, Benedict, 86
Atwood, Margaret, 14, 143–4, 170
Belleville, ON, 12
Bemrose, John, 23; The Island Walkers, 149–50
Chase, Malcolm, 172
Cohen, Matt, 23; The Disinherited,16–17; Salem Pentalogy, 134n11
Collingwood, ON, 12n1
Coleman, Daniel, 76
Davies, Robertson, 4, 6, 22, 24, 185; Kingston as Salterton, 63; at Massey College, 63; Renfrew as Blairlogie, 22; Thamesville, 22, 61n2, 70n7
Blairlogie trilogy, 63
Deptford trilogy, 6, 20, 24; as exploring the idyll/anti-idyll, 24, 62, 67–8, 79, 84, 88–96, 140
Feast of Stephen: A Cornucopia of Delights by Stephen Leacock, 62–3, 67
Fifth Business, 24, 61; accuracy of memory, 66–7, 70, 72; cosmopolitanism, influence on Dunstan of, 74–8; Dunstan’s homecoming, effect on Deptford’s representation, 78–88; the idyll and anti-idyll, as exploring, 62, 67–8; the past, influence on Deptford of, 71–3; small-town literary conventions, influence of, 67–9; and Sunshine Sketches, 62–7, 70–2, 76–7, 81–2, 85–6
The Manticore, 65, 88–91, 95–6
Marchbanks’ Almanack, 61n2
One Half of Robertson Davies, 82
Salterton trilogy, 63
World of Wonders, 65, 88, 91–6
Duncan, Sara Jeannette, 23; The Imperialist, 33, 38–9
Elliott, George, 23; The Kissing Man, 61, 192
Frye, Northrop, 10, 12, 60, 172
Hay, Elizabeth, 23; Alone in the Classroom, 182–3
heritage: definition of, 5–6, 45; as depicted in Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town, 45–7; as depicted in Urquhart, 147–9, 172; problematic use of, 10
Hewison, Robert, 46n5
idyll in small-town Ontario literature, 3, 4, 7, 9, 24. See also Leacock, Stephen, works of, Sunshine Sketches, Mariposa; Davies, Robertson, works of, Fifth Business, Deptford; and Urquhart, Jane
Keith, W.J., 15, 22, 36, 46, 64, 80, 102
Kitchener, ON, 6
Knister, Raymond, 23; White Narcissus,59–62
Kroetsch, Robert, 26
Leacock, Stephen, 4, 6, 14, 17–18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 184; McGill University, 63; Montreal Star, 27; Orillia, ON, 22, 33
Arcadian Adventures of the Idle Rich, 57, 72
Boy I left Behind Me, The, 14, 18, 152
Happy Stories, Just to Laugh At: “Mariposa Moves On,” 27n1
The Letters of Stephen Leacock, 29
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town, 6,14, 17, 23; as comment on memory, 33–4, 41–6; influence on Fifth Business, see Davies, Robertson, Fifth Business; Josiah Smith, role of, 47, 48, 49–57; as literary parody of rural idyll, 28–30; Mariposa, 6, 17, 19–20, 184; Mariposa as idyll, 19, 23, 30, 32, 34, 39, 44, 56, 60, 71, 82, 86, 169; Mariposa as “middle landscape,” 23; narrator of, 32, 34–8; nostalgia, influence of, 29, 31, 34, 38; reflective nostalgia, relationship to, 187–8, 189; rural depopulation, influence of, 28, 28n2; temporal distance, 31
Lippard, Lucy, 12n1
Lowenthal, David, 41, 46n5, 49, 143, 148, 161, 174
Lynch, Gerald, 13, 32, 34, 36, 45, 47, 49, 50, 52n7, 59n1, 62n3, 68n5, 136–7, 139, 184
Marx, Leo, 46, 89, 159n3, 172; complex pastoral, 19, 46–7, 89; middle landscape, 23, 48, 55, 89; pastoral design, 19, 105; pastoral counterforce, 159n3
Massey, Doreen, 46n5
Monk, Patricia, 62n3, 65, 68n5, 73, 75, 79
Moodie, Susanna, 12
Munro, Alice, 4, 14–15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 185; Wingham, ON, 22, 100, 125
“Chaddeleys and Flemings 2: The Stone in the Field,” 133
Lives of Girls and Women, 20, 22, 24, 99, 185; Garnet French, influence on Del of, 111–13, 115–18, 122, 124; as Künstlerroman, 107; narrative style and landscape, relationship between, 120–4; narrator, 101–5; place, importance of, 100–1, 106; primitivism, influence of, 111–20; and Sunshine Sketches and Fifth Business, 100, 102–6; Uncle Craig, influence on Del of, 107–11, 112, 114, 120–1, 127; and Who Do You Think You Are?, 125–7, 132
Moons of Jupiter, 133
“Walker Brothers Cowboy,”18
Who Do You Think You Are? 22, 24–5, 99, 185; and Lives of Girls and Women,125–7, 132; memory, distrust of, 127–33; memory, hazards of, 133–41; and Sunshine Sketches, 132, 136, 140–41; and Fifth Business, 140
“Wilderness Station,”133
nostalgia, 18–19, 85–6; reflective nostalgia, 187–88; restorative nostalgia, 188
Paris, ON, 149
pastoral, 3, 7, 9, 10, 89; complex pastoral, 19, 46–7, 89; pastoral counterforce, 159n3; pastoral design, 19, 105; simple pastoral, 3, 90
Picton, ON, 12n1
Prince Edward County, ON, 23, 170
Reaney, James, 15, 23, 100; “Instructions: How to Make a Model of the Town,” 15; “Prose for the Past,” 183–4; “Wild Flora of Elgin County,” 100n1
regional/rural idyll, 9, 20, 23, 28–30
Roberts, Charles G.D., 11
Roche, Mazo de la, 23, 30; Jalna as rural idyll, 30
rural vs small-town Ontario, 15
Samuel, Raphael, 46n5
Shaw, Christopher, 172
Smith, Laurajane, 5, 45, 102–3, 147, 171–2, 184
small-town Ontario: definition of, 14–15; as idyll/anti-idyll, 7, 19, 20, 24, 105, 182; as representative of the past, 9; settlement patterns, 11; small-town myth/mythos, 7, 9, 16; small-town Ontario vs rural Ontario, 15; small-town and rural Ontario’s literary associations, 8
Sontag, Susan, 178
Stratford, ON, 6
Teskey, Adeline, 14, 18, 23, 28, 29, 30; Where the Sugar Maple Grows, 28–30
Thacker, Robert, 4, 11, 103–4, 106, 112, 124, 128
Urquhart, Jane, 4, 22, 23, 25, 143, 185; and heritage, 147–9; and the idyll, 172; Munro, influence of, 143–5, 177; and nostalgia, 145; and restorative nostalgia, 188–9; works compared to other Ontario fiction, 143–6, 149–50, 151, 169, 177–8
A Map of Glass, 23, 25, 143, 147, 150–1, 169; doubts about knowledge of the past, 175–8; embedded memory in landscape, 170; projection of the self onto rural past/landscape, 172–5; representation of rural past vs urban present, 170–2
Sanctuary Line, 186
The Stone Carvers, 23, 25, 143–4, 150, 178; dehistoricized nature of historical representation, 169; narration of founding myths, 154–7; narrator’s identity, 151–4; transcending nostalgia, 162–8; traditional society, fragmentation of, 158–62; Vimy monument and collective mourning, 165–8
Vanderhaeghe, Guy, 45n4
Waterloo, ON, 6
Welland, ON, 28
Welland Canal, 30
Williams, Raymond, 4, 16, 21, 68n6, 117, 191–2, 193