Are you noticeably great or are you one of the crowd? How would other people answer that question about you? What does your image say to those around you? Is it helping you get ahead? Is speed revealing ragged edges and imperfections? Most importantly, how do you know?
Human beings, including all of your colleagues and clients, take in 70 percent of what they know and understand about the world around them by way of visual cues and non-verbal communication. In Chapter 2, case studies of Bruno and Karen, and later, of the locomotive engineers highlighted the effects of a diminished ability and opportunity to read body language in negotiation situations. They quickly caused intellectual isolation. People really do judge situations and other people by what they see and take in. Consequently, it is of great strategic value for those who wish to impress, influence, and get further ahead, that they slow down and learn more about how they come across in all manner of situations. This is what this chapter is about. It looks at some of the key areas in which progress can be gained through a combination of conscious awareness and preparation.

Knowing What You Look Like

This section is not a chapter on choosing wardrobes and hairstyles. There are many other books that do that. For our purposes, it’s not just what you look like that counts; it’s that you know what you look like that is truly important. Your chosen style of dress and presentation will penetrate the mind of the observer and will travel first by way of his emotional routing system, which means that judgments, positive or negative, and feelings of attraction, indifference, or repulsion are made on the spot. This is very powerful stuff.
The people who know this, and who are in control of their image, have a creative intellectual advantage over those who do not. Here’s how they do it:
Eye contact. Primarily, impressions are made through eye contact—the windows of the soul. Not only is eye contact with others stronger and more frequent when you are aware of your visual presentation, the “shape” of the eye, that is to say the highly expressive areas of skin and facial muscles that surround the eye present a more focused, more direct appearance. To use two extreme examples, think of Mick Jagger and Woody Allen. Mick Jagger, one of the most charismatic and successful entertainers in music history, has a uniquely piercing visual approach; he maintains eye contact far longer than most people, and the skin and muscles that form his eyelids and upper face appear to “hone in” on the person to whom he’s speaking in an unmistakable fashion. Compare this to the characters played by comedian Woody Allen—characters renowned for their neuroticism and lack of confidence. Although these are merely fictional people, Woody Allen capitalizes on his own facial characteristics—raised eyebrows, wide-open eyes, and a generally sad and preoccupied demeanor to convey a person more confused than focused.
Obviously, the goal for any person wishing to advance in life is to aim for the camp in which facial signals direct their energy outwards, towards other people, rather than inward upon a worried self. The more aware you are of how you look, the easier it is for your facial muscles to do this, and therefore project your charisma silently but effectively.
Tips for Managing Your Image
• Schedule your travels to always arrive early. Make sure you can get to a location with a mirror so you can ensure you look the way you want. Remember, this is not an exercise in vanity; it’s an exercise in personal control.
• Carry a travel kit that contains all the toiletries and tools required to keep looking consistently good. (This applies to men as well as women.) This can include:
• Headache relief medication (Aspirin, Tylenol, etc.)
• A pocket mirror and hairbrush
• Breath spray/mints
• Spot remover for clothing
• Crease relaxant spray for clothing
• A cloth to buff up shoes
• A lint brush
• Scissors for trimming stray threads
• A tiny tube of superglue for sticking buttons back on—quicker than sewing
• A snack (such as a granola bar or dried fruit bar).
• Hire the services of an image consultant to gain a professional outside opinion on clothing, hair, jewelry, and other visuals. Use this person’s extensive knowledge of others to help build and maintain a consistently impressive look.
• Choose the clothes you plan to wear for the days ahead and organize them in a sequence that will remove the need for decision-making in early mornings.
• Practice knowing how you look by videotaping yourself. This is the only way to really know, since it shows you in “real image,” as opposed to “mirror image” as mirrors do. Schedule a conversation with a friend or family member expressly for the purposes of videotaping yourself. Hold a conversation as you would with a client, manager, or colleague, and review your mannerisms, eye contact, the frequency of smiles, posture, and body language and the way your clothes, glasses, hair, etc., appear. This is a very revealing exercise, but that’s what it’s for.
Body language and posture. This awareness further translates into effective body language and posture. People who know what they look like walk into a situation fully in control. Their knowledge about their appearance relaxes their mind and liberates their creativity. It allows for their conversations to be well-guided, relaxed and time-efficient. It allows them to recall and relate key facts and discussion points and maintain active, interesting discussions. It allows them to listen actively to others and project sincerity and interest. These are the types of qualities that impress people.

Knowing What You Sound Like

Once you have a handle on what you look like, it’s also worth a moment to find out what you sound like. It’s hard to accurately tell, given that when you hear your own voice, it gets distorted by your own cranium. To hear what others hear, you have to listen from the outside. Similar to the video example above, you can best achieve this with both a tape recorder and a mirror. The tape recorder, obviously, will give you a playback as to the tone, pitch, and speed of your speech. This helps you get a sense of how others hear you.
The mirror is a very revealing method of observing how you speak, since it allows you to see how your entire face as well as your hands and torso move as you speak. This is a surefire method of improving the timbre and the variety of your verbal communication, since anyone who observes himself speak will immediately and unconsciously seek to “brighten” his facial expression, which inevitably warms the tone of the voice. A warmer vocal tone delivers greater emotional connection with the other person and therefore adds greater depth and value to short telephone conversations, and long term relationships alike. It’s one of the simplest and most useful pieces of advice I give to anyone who has to spend time on the telephone: Have a mirror nearby so you can see yourself speak. You cannot do much to change the physical structure of your vocal chords, of course, but there is a lot you can do to make them as influential as possible. Most of it has to do with slowing down.
If you find you speak fast, slow down. Not only does this make you easier to understand, it, too, lowers vocal tonality, both for men and women, which gives greater authority, presence, and influence. If you speak with an accent, do the same thing: Slow down. Accents add great variety to life and, in my opinion, should never be eliminated or suppressed. A far better and more impressive approach is to maintain an accent, but ensure it remains clear through slower, more considered speech.
People who make it their business to influence others constantly put this knowledge into practice. Great leaders think deeply and talk slowly. This allows them to take more time to convey a message, which, in a time-obsessed society, gives greater weight to the message itself. As with one’s choice of image and dress, the choice of vocal pace also sets the tone of relationships. Fast talkers are perceived as nervous or perhaps slick. Agonizingly slow talkers can make people almost explode with frustration. But somewhere in between is the magic point where three powerful things happen.
You will be memorable. The goal, in any conversation or meeting situation, is not only to be heard, but to be remembered, so that people act upon your suggestions or wishes. In a world of information overload, it is surprising just how powerful small things, such as a deeper, more soothing voice (for females and males alike) can be, when filtered through the emotional side of the listener’s brain.
You will match the rhythm of the conversation. Your conversation partners have a rhythm to their speech patterns, which reflects their ability to process and verbalize clear thought. Slowing down your speech creates an opportunity to listen for and pick up this natural rhythm and to match it, not beat for beat, but slightly slower, so that your spoken prose conveys even greater quality in comparison.
You will access the power of silence. Talking slower makes it easier for silence to happen, and silence is a great conveyor of information. A pause allows a statement to add gravity to itself. Typically, the in-built momentum of normal conversational speech makes it easy—and certainly expected—for people to skip from one topic to the next with little gap in between. There is a profound fear that silence may be mistaken for boredom or a derailment of the train of thought. But a pause, especially when reinforced by eye contact, helps to make a point. It allows time for the other person to think about what you’ve just said. The pause gives the listener permission to reflect upon it and to make mental notes. A pause also reinforces influence. Since many people are afraid of pauses, they will leap in to offer their thoughts or comments, simply to fill the gap and to end the silence. This can be of great strategic importance, given what it reveals about the other person, or of the position they are trying to assert. To pause and to let the other person speak first is to again maintain a true level of control within the organic relationship that is human conversation.
If such suggestions sound silly or excessive, listen to the recorded speeches, or sound bites, even, of truly great orators like Winston Churchill or Nelson Mandela. You will notice that a great deal of effort is expended in leveraging all natural oratorical gifts. They match the words they want to say with the rhythm that will best carry it, so that the message is most effectively delivered and the desired responses or actions are attained. Rhythm is an emotion-focused reaction, one of our most basic and ancient attributes, and it resides deep in the core of human perception. It sits there waiting to leveraged fully by those who know its power.
One of the best circumstances where this can be put into practice, and one of the least considered, is answering a phone. Once again, the reactionary nature of answering a phone call causes people to forget that an opportunity for influence exists. Let the phone ring one extra time. Pause briefly to clear your throat, and take a moment to center and deepen your voice by saying a few words slowly and quietly to yourself—almost like a quick prayer—before answering. Yes, it sounds strange and goes against our reactionary nature, but this, too, helps loosen the vocal chords and lower the vocal tone. Nobody questions opera singers when they sing their own warm-up parts. Why? Because it’s an expected part of their role as a vocalist. It makes them credible as a performer. Well, you’re a performer, too. A quiet, three-second warm-up is all you need to change your voice and your attitude from reactive to proactive, from ordinary to influential for the call you’re about to take.


Although writing is secondary by far to face-to-face communication, it will always remain necessary. Consider the numerous forms of writing that people deal with daily, including memos, PowerPoint presentations, email, text messages, proposals, speeches, press releases, and many more. But many people tend to write in the same way they travel—event to event. In just the same way that traveling time and distance are seldom factored into a busy person’s mental assessment of an upcoming day, the act of writing is, due to time pressure and the speed of the moment, reduced to a quick activity, a hasty spell-check, followed by a swift mouse click on either “Send” or “Print.”
Don’t dismiss the concept of poor writing as just meaning bad spelling and grammar. These are merely symptoms. All writing is an exercise in influence, and poor writing is that which fails to influence the reader in the manner you desire. What sort of influence? It might involve your reader buying your product or buying into your idea or simply attending your meeting. Influence might simply refer to the fact that your message gets read and attended to before all the other ones in a reader’s inbox. As it is with the concept of meetings, the objective of any written communication is to pull more productivity or profitability out of a given situation. There must be a positive balance on the ergonomic balance sheet for the task to be worthwhile. In other words, the time it takes to write and send a message is time you can’t get back. Your message must yield response or reaction in the reader that exceeds the value of the time you have invested. Many people simply write to get a task off their desk and out of their hair. That’s the quick, but less effective way. It is quite easy to make your writing more effective, however. It doesn’t require a degree in English literature, but it is best achieved by allowing enough time for planning beforehand and proofing afterwards.
Tips for More Effective Writing
• Include only one message per email/letter. Don’t confuse your reader with two or more distinct messages. Only one will be remembered.
• Make sure your Subject Line completely summarizes your single message.
• Set up an agreement with your team to use prefixes in the subject line, such as [PJ] for “Project” so that they can set up their email rules to color all PJ messages in red, for greater visibility and quicker turnaround.
• Ask yourself what the intention of this message is, and what its payoff should be.
• Always write the most important single idea in the opening paragraph. Summarize it in the subject line.
• Use subsequent paragraphs to back up the main idea and make suggestions.
• Close off with an upbeat call to action—tell the reader what you want to have happen next.
• Allow time to proofread, spell-check, and grammar-check.

Planning Your Writing

Planning a written document, from a large presentation to the simplest email should not be an overly long exercise. It need take just a couple of minutes. What’s important, however, is to ensure those minutes are given over to it, which can be quite a challenge in the high-speed world of event-to-event thinking. It should ensure that the true end result—the objective of the message—is known and is properly communicated. What is this “true end result”? It’s not the moment at which the message is written and completed. The true end result is defined by what the reader does once having received and read it. All of your documents can be influential once you can answer these questions during your planning phase:
• What single message do I need to tell this reader?
• What action do I want from this reader?
• If I am responding, how will my response further the situation?
• If I am responding, what is the appropriate response time?
• What turnaround time should I expect once the reader receives my letter?
• What can I do/say to influence and improve that turnaround time?
• What tone do I need to adopt?
• How much detail do I need to include?
• What medium is the best for the context? Email? Phone? Face-to-face meeting?
• What will be my “hook” to grab the reader’s attention? It can be as simple as a short, to-the-point subject line.
• What will be my call to action? How will I phrase it?
This may all sound very officious and obsessive for email, but the true end result speaks for itself: When your communication style stands head and shoulders above the style of everyone around you, people will gravitate towards it, and you will receive satisfaction more quickly. Your subject lines will grab attention; your calls to action will yield action. Your messages have to compete with many other sources of information that your reader must face every hour, perhaps every minute. It’s up to you to ensure yours stand out, get noticed, and elicit the right type of response. It’s like fishing on a river bank that’s crowded with other anglers. You can hope your line gets noticed, or you can take a little time to walk upstream for a couple of minutes and enjoy unfettered access. Which do you think would yield the best results?

Proofing: Making Sure Your Writing Is Ready

Writing, just like personal appearance, needs proofing to be excellent. Event-to-event thinking allows people very little time to proof and correct their work, other than a rudimentary spell-check. Though most spell-checkers, and to some extent grammar checkers, catch the most obvious errors, they often overlook mistakes, and they are not able to refine the message’s value. That’s a human skill.
This poem, attributed to Guffey, Rhodes, and Rogin from their book Business Communication: Process and Product, highlights this fact simply and beautifully: It’s fun to type this poem in your word processing program to observe how many errors the spell-checker detects:
The best kind of proofing involves the use of two sets of eyes to review the written material, as well as a little time to do it.
New eyes. When choosing two sets of eyes, the best approach is two sets of different eyes. For your most important writing, make sure they can be reviewed by someone else. Yes, this takes time, but the time it takes to proof now will always be less than the time it takes to correct later. Someone else’s eyes will see the things you don’t see—oversights, mistakes, awkwardness.
Fresh eyes. If you only have yourself to work with, then fresh eyes are the next best approach. Even when composing the simplest email, if you take a moment to look away and do something else before sending, your refreshed eyes stand a better chance at top-quality proofing. This ties in with the distraction factor described in Chapter 2, except this time we want the distraction to happen. When you complete an email, before reaching for the Send button, move your eyes elsewhere: Find the files for your next task; get up and get some water or a snack; or simply look around the room or out the window, just for a few seconds. When your eyes return to the written text, the flow of concentration will have been broken. In this case it’s a good thing. For now, you will be able to review your work with reasonably fresh eyes. You will see errors that you didn’t see before. You might even remember to attach the attachments as promised in the letter. This pause, this slowing down of the act of writing helps ensure that you are saying what you intended to say and that the end result will be what you want it to be.


The idea of slowing down long enough to proof correctly doesn’t apply just to the basic world of business writing. It also can be applied very successfully to you—a thinking, creative professional intent on furthering, or at least keeping your job and your lifestyle. For when searching for or working on a creative idea, one of the best ways of making it really great is to hear yourself speak the ideas out loud. This can best be achieved by allowing yourself time to slow down and talk to someone over coffee, perhaps, or lunch, or as mentioned earlier, during your commute. The first benefit gleaned from this technique is that your conversation partner might be able to offer her own comments and advice. But more important, when you hear yourself verbalize and externalize your own internal ideas, they become more real as you act as your own audience and critic.
The act of hearing yourself speak might seem excessive, even antiquated in the age of high-speed messaging, but in actual fact, in doing this you are leveraging a key technique for learning and creativity, which is similar to the procedure involved in creating a hologram. A hologram is an image made up of interference patterns created when two separate laser beams are bounced off an image or scene and are then redirected at each other and recorded on a glass plate. Holograms are intriguing in that they appear three-dimensional, and what they currently lack in color, they make up for in astonishing sharpness and clarity. The incredible thing about holograms is not just the three-dimensional image that you see when moving the holographic plate around, but also that if the plate were smashed, each broken piece would contain an entire copy of the hologram from the perspective of the piece’s location on the original plate.
This is how many researchers who deal with knowledge and memory theorize how the brain might work. Though there is no one particular area of the brain reserved for long-term storage, it is thought that when fresh waves of information, in the form of experience, interact with stored factual fragments, an interference pattern gets created and that becomes the thing that we call knowledge.
Now it must be added that there are many theories in the field of cognitive psychology and neuropsychology about how the brain supposedly works. However, most point to this vast, yet subtle interaction between different areas of the brain—some of which are chemical and some electric—in which knowledge and other mental skills interact with each other at phenomenal speed. That is why it’s so important to hear yourself speak. As your statements re-enter your brain by way of your ears, they interact with the slice of knowledge that originally created the idea, and create a kind of interpretation that is not only clearer, but deeper. There is more going on here than just “thinking it over.” You are also hearing it anew. And that’s something quite different. Can you find the time in your day to sit down with a colleague and “bounce your ideas” off him for a while? It will be worth more than wrestling the problem by yourself in silence.


When people think of selling, a common image that arises is that of the account executive, who has been schooled in cold-calling and spends most of his time hustling new business wherever he can find it. But really, all people are in sales in some fashion or other. It’s just a matter of what’s being sold. Salesmanship is not about moving widgets from one side of a counter to another. It’s about establishing and building trust with an end customer. Trust is an intellectual and emotional resource, not a packaged good. People in non-sales jobs, such as administration, internal accounting, reception, and management are all in sales: They’re selling ideas, image, motivation, communication, trust, and teamwork.
One of the primary reasons for writing this book, and for professing the value of cooling down in so many different areas of professional life is because I think the act of pulling your nose away from the grindstone is very important—your future employability demands it. Traditional sales-oriented professionals have always known the importance of hunting to survive, but this is not always the case for professionals in other vocations. Lawyers, for example, are able to solve problems, oversee procedures, and convince other people of their clients’ cause. But in recent years, lawyers and the firms they work for have discovered that in order to secure new business in an increasingly competitive global world, they need to actually learn how to sell, and more and more it is up to the lawyers themselves, not the marketing department, to do this.
Similarly, physicians, whose approach to problem solving is scientific and rigorous, whose talents have traditionally focused on quick assessment and adherence to medical practices, may find themselves at a loss when it comes to selling, whether in terms of managing a practice, a department, or simply dealing with hospital executives. Many physicians are burning out and leaving their practices as a consequence.
Accountants and financial analysts have always been content to work quietly, diligently, and accurately. There are few extroverts in their field. But industries and economies change. An accountant need not become an extrovert to market her firm effectively. But if she is waist-deep in work and unable to clear her agenda until tax season has passed, she might be forced to stand by helplessly as business development opportunities for the quieter months pass her by. Selling need not be external and focused on business development. Consider the concept of internal, in-house selling. Take, for example, the frustration felt by someone who feels her manager has no idea of the amount of work she’s putting in on a weekly basis and who only seems interested in talking about it when the annual performance review is due. Similarly, think about an individual who is trying to influence a group to listen to and accept his ideas during a meeting or teleconference, especially where change is involved. Or what about a busy person who desperately needs to give herself permission to close her office door and get some work done without upsetting her employees?
All of these professionals—the lawyers, the accountants, and the busy “inside” people—need to cool down, just enough to assess, develop, and refine new core skills that will enable them to continue practicing their respective crafts. There is a need for all professionals to know more about how to rebuild desire in the heart of their specific customers. But how do you do that? By understanding that building your future, on any level or scale, is based on how you sell these ideas. Sales is based on trust, and trust is obtained through slowing down.

Building Trust

When I work with people who actually work in sales, helping them develop more successful strategies for obtaining and retaining customers, one of the primary questions I get them to answer is this: “What differentiates you from all the other people in that company across the street?” Price is generally not their final answer.
What buyers of any product or idea truly seek is a good feeling, an emotional reassurance that conveys something more than just a transaction of goods for money. They require demonstrations of accountability, reliability, support, and security that allow them to feel less exposed and less at risk, both during the transaction, and more important, afterwards. The commodity that buyers truly seek is trust. Nobody has a monopoly on that.
Trust comes from slowing down, from taking the time to understand the buyer’s needs and to illustrate to him how you address that need on many levels. This is true whether you are selling an actual widget or seeking to influence a senior manager or a colleague on a new initiative. Consequently, the best selling happens when it doesn’t appear overtly but instead occurs through slow, careful assessments of the needs of the buyer. People who sell in this fashion still communicate with their customers, of course, but their conversations are more relaxed. Their objective is to allow the customer to lower his walls of defense. It’s about hearing what the other person has to say and being able to offer a solution.
Lawyers and accountants. For example, these professionals wish to enhance their firm’s position in the marketplace need not learn aggressive sales skills. All they need to do is to network more, take some time to connect with other people, including non-lawyers and non-accountants, and practice the art of active listening (see next section, below). This can be a great challenge, given how much of a professional’s formative years are spent racing the clock and handling overloaded schedules.
Physicians and other professionals. Many doctors and others who practice by hourly appointment have learned, either the hard way or through education, the value of taking some time away from the practice—whether a single a day off or a year-long or a six-month sabbatical—not because it’s nice (remember the opening line of this book)—but because it’s essential to maintain a productive pace without falling ill or burning out. They need first to sell themselves on this idea, and then their colleagues, and finally their patients. Can they do it? What would be the alternative? Those who cannot sell in this manner may be setting themselves up for death-in-harness, and that does no-one any good.
Buying private time. Let’s say you work in an office with an open-door policy. You desperately need some time to close the door so you can get some work done, but you don’t wish to alienate your employees. What do you do? By informing your staff that your door will never be closed for more than an hour, and keeping these closed-door periods to no more than two a day, you can build trust in the minds of the employees that their issues will still be answered and that you will still be available 80 percent of the day, and within a reasonable amount of time. It takes time to build and develop this habit, but the time taken wins you at least two hours of undisturbed work per day.
Building trust by being available. You have a group of people assigned to you for a project. You have your own tasks to complete on this project, and you are already behind. What’s the best way to ensure timely completion? Take the time to incorporate the practice of “management by walking around,” (MBWA), a slow technique that requires that you leave your office and observe and interact with the people who report to you. Though this also takes time, it helps in two major ways that will ultimately speed up production: First it removes you from the Silo Effect generated by interfacing solely by email, and second it allows for greater interaction, in which the project’s vision and status is shared and reinforced with the group, resulting in greater levels of enthusiasm, loyalty, motivation, and autonomy.
How to Sell While Appearing Not to Be Selling
• Go into a conversation with an agenda and an objective, but let them sit on the back burner of your well-prepared, cool mind, rather than stating them outright.
• Find a topic of mutual interest and base the conversation on that.
• Let the conversation veer towards the needs or problems of the other person.
• Practice and demonstrate active listening.
• Generate a genuine sense of trust and camaraderie by sympathizing or agreeing with the other person’s statements.
• While doing this, formulate in your mind a plan as to how your objectives can best coincide with the other person’s needs.
• Make mention of these possible solutions casually and gently.
• Observe the other person’s body language, facial gestures, and eye contact and let these be your guide for further pacing.
• Seek to arrive at agreement.
• Before concluding the conversation, ensure that key points and agreements are repeated and clear.
• Identify next steps.
• After the conversation has concluded, and before starting anything else, write all of your thoughts and ideas down and schedule the follow-up activities.


Active listening basically comes down to the art of slowing down enough to allow the other person to do most of the talking in a conversation. People love to talk, especially about themselves. In a sales situation, any situation in which you wish to convince another human being to see things your way, the act of immediately charging ahead with benefit statements and compelling stories is superfluous and ill-timed. The best method for converting a prospect into a customer is to let her tell you what’s wrong. For a cold-call situation, this means demonstrating genuine interest in the person to whom you are talking and asking more about her than what you’re giving out about yourself. People will remember you as a fantastic conversationalist when you actually talk less and listen more. In a work situation, active listening means chatting with a manager or colleague about her problems and priorities first, even though your own priorities are just itching to get out.
Remember to avoid using the word “I.” When a person tells you something about herself, the immediate reaction for most people is to reciprocate with a personal connection. For example, Mary says, “My boss just asked me to work over the weekend again.” The common response might be, “I had to do that last week.” Although appearing to demonstrate sympathy, such a statement moves the spotlight away from Mary and on to you. An active-listening response would be, “How do you feel about that?” or “What are you going to do?” To listen actively, minimize the use of “I” and maximize the use of “you.”
Just look at this example, from Michael Gerber’s excellent book, The E-Myth Revisited, which highlights the power of slowing down through active listening and creative problem solving rather than charging ahead with high-speed reaction:
… what does the salesperson in a retail store invariably say to the incoming customer? He says, “May I help you?”… And how does the customer invariably respond? He says, “No, thanks, just looking.” … Can you imagine what those few words are costing retailers in this country in lost sales?
Gerber’s proposed innovation demonstrates how easy it is to get past the defenses of anyone in any sort of “sales” situation and get straight on to progress. The overture is slower, yes, since any active-listening-based conversation takes longer to complete than making 10 cold calls or writing 10 impersonal emails. But this path to success, though slower in pace, is shorter. It’s a classic example of getting further by going slower.
Here are some other practical applications of this concept.

Dealing with Multiple Tasks and Conflicting Priorities

This is a classic time-management problem in which the stress of overload confounds clear strategic thought. The fast approach is just to buckle down and try to get it all done, even if it means putting aside other tasks and coming in on the weekend to catch up. A slow approach might be to take more time to inquire about the task(s) being assigned, specifically, their deadlines. This does not mean asking for more time to complete the job, nor is it a challenge to the authority of the person doing the assigning. It is simply a classic component of project management in which vision is shared across a team. In this case, the onus may be upon you as the recipient of the task request to seek out the information, to learn more about the role this particular task has within a larger project timeline or within the requestor’s own schedule. Once again, the key is to ask “you” questions rather than making “I” statements.

Managing Up

The term “managing up” demonstrates that selling can happen upwards, also. Managing up requires that you ask for more frequent opportunities to touch base and meet with your manager or other stakeholders. Meetings of this sort, which need not be overly long, allow for the opportunity to discuss future projects and timelines, and thus lay out more practical work times and delivery times in advance. In the case of two conflicting tasks, there may be many other suitable delivery times that will appease the requestor and work equally well. But without the use of this type of selling technique, there might not be any opportunity to discover them.


Time-pressed business people seldom have the time or the patience to delegate. They live in the momentum of the moment. Yet support staff, colleagues, and subordinates are people who for the most part are eager and willing to learn new skills and take on new responsibilities. Such opportunities are often a primary reason for staying loyal to an employer: It’s not just the money—it’s the challenge. Support people can do great things, and in doing great things, can liberate you to realize even greater accomplishments. But true delegation, real assignment of tasks, and the establishment of trust take time.
Consider, for example, a commissioned salesperson, who, immediately after having had a great and productive conversation with a newly won client, then steps away from the phone to take care of the paperwork. Is this a good use of her time? It appears to be, since the paperwork has to get done, but would it not be more advantageous to get back on the phone—to strike while the iron is still hot? The energy and enthusiasm that come from making that great connection with a new customer should be immediately applied to connecting with another human being! To stop now is to let all that human excellence go cold, like pudding, and no-one wants to have to break through pudding skin to start over. But to leverage this type of momentum, the entrepreneur must slow down somewhere, just long enough to assess where and how the work that supports her business can be delegated. In this case she must sell to herself the idea that doing administrative work herself simply generates a false sense of busy-ness, which, at the end of the day amounts to far fewer sales.
How to Delegate Effectively
• First recognize that delegation is a slow act of education and trust, not a quick act of dumping.
• Allow time to seek out the right person for the job.
• Understand more about the people who work with/for you. Learn who is looking for or is ready for new challenges.
• Envision delegation as a three-step process. The first time you delegate a task, you are there to instruct and will therefore be doing all of the work anyway.
• The second time, you can expect a delegate to be able to complete the task to 50 percent satisfaction. Be prepared to schedule time to do the other half.
• The third time through, a delegate should be able to perform 75 percent of a task. Again, be prepared to schedule time to do the remainder.
• By the fourth time, a delegate should have both the skills and the confidence to complete the task almost to your own standards. Be sure to allow time to finish it off.
• This is hard work. But in the end you will have freed yourself up for more valuable tasks, and you will have created a more loyal and satisfied employee.
• If you have trouble deciding whether to delegate, remember two things: First perfection in others takes time. Second, just because you can do a particular task doesn’t mean you should be doing it. Do you have the desire to slow down and assess the options?


This section looks at the strategic advantages of cooling down enough to anticipate and even influence future events. The objective here, as with most of the chapters in this book, is to demonstrate the absolute value of slowing down in order to get further ahead. The school of project management, which I discussed in Chapter 5, strongly espouses the importance of thorough planning in advance of execution—something that is very difficult to do when under pressure and a quick, knee-jerk response appears preferable. Here are a few specific how-tos, each of which underscores the value of planning before acting.


Assessing timelines. Most things take longer than we want them to, but most of us plan too optimistically. This is why Parkinson’s Law exists, and why rushing event to event exists. By taking the time to assess realistic timelines, you will be better able to face a realistic day. Even if crises are a regular part of your daily life, by expecting the crisis you remove its reactive, emotional power and turn it back into a regular task. When you schedule a phone call, how long do you think it should take? How long do you want it to take? Can you plan in your mind, before lifting the receiver, how long you will give the person on the other end? Can you inform that person, with correctly chosen, positive words, how long this call should take? When you say yes to a request from a colleague, are you assessing how long this task might take, or are you accepting it for fear of offending? Could you instead take a few minutes with that person and analyze the task together, including alternative timelines or other people to whom you could delegate? These are all small examples of taking the time in advance to identify and reify timelines before moving ahead.
Preparing for meetings. Planning ahead is not reserved solely for tasks, of course. When the chairperson of a meeting chooses to slow down a little, he is then able to put more thought not just into the timing of the agenda items but also into the strategic seating of other participants around the table, so as to keep the jokers and the stronger personalities closer, and to maintain a line of sight with the quiet analytical types. This guarantees stronger and more equitable participation and, in turn, greater profitability for the meeting. By planning his entire day, so that he is not running from event to event, the chairperson ensures that he arrives first at the meeting. This allows him to set the stage physically. In addition to seating plans, he can ensure the room is appropriate, any technology to be used, e.g., projectors, teleconference phones, etc., are functioning, in fact, that everything will go smoothly. This helps set the stage emotionally for all participants and helps to focus the meeting from the very start.
Seating at restaurants or other discussion scenarios. People in a hurry don’t get much of a chance to contemplate the finer points of power within face-to-face relationships. Often, when they’re running late and thinking event to event, it seems like a miracle just getting to the next appointment on time. This, of course, removes the possibility of maximum leverage. Take, for example, a two-person meeting. Whether it’s at a restaurant or in a meeting room, the person who arrives first gets first pick of the seating. That opportunity profoundly influences the power relationship of the meeting from that point forward. Whoever arrives second must accept second choice. This principle applies regardless of gender or rank. For the person who arrives second, the territory has already been staked. This might make a big difference in the quality of the conversation and its ultimate profitability.
Knowing as much as possible before a meeting. Knowledge is power, as many claim, and the more you have of it, the better suited you will be for a well-informed, productive interaction. This means taking the time to perform due diligence on a person or company prior to a first meeting. The information gleaned from this type of research can easily be reviewed during those quiet, clear moments between the time you arrive at the meeting place and the actual start of the meeting. It also refers to ensuring your pre-departure checklist is reviewed and complete, including exact knowledge of directions, cross streets, security access, and anything else that might serve to otherwise delay your arrival and raise your stress level.
Ultimately the act of turning yourself into a cooler person is a practiced skill that takes time to perfect, but one that can justify its investment through improved relationships, improved influence, and heightened productivity. It is essential to remember that as human beings we must constantly battle against instincts and emotions that make the quick route more attractive. How often have you found yourself cursing a situation because of speed? A driver cuts you off, a printer jams, a cell phone cuts out. Anger is a high-speed autonomic defense reflex, but as I demonstrated in earlier chapters, it comes at great cost to the human body and to relationships. People have long memories when it comes to vivid, angry outbursts.
Anger embodies the dangers of speed and is the antithesis of cool. To conclude, I’d like to share another story, a parable of sorts, taken from the famous “Kansas City Story.” There is no better example of the cost of speed.
A chief executive who sent his staff an email accusing them of being lazy and threatening them with the sack has seen the share price of his company plummet after his message was posted on the Internet.
In the three days after publication of his outburst—which gave managers a two-week ultimatum to shape up—stock in the American health care company dropped by 22 percent over concerns about staff morale. It is now trading at more than a third less than it was before the email was sent.
His email to managers read: “We are getting less than 40 hours of work from a large number of our employees. The parking lot is sparsely used at 8 a.m.; likewise at 5 p.m. As managers, you either do not know what your employees are doing or you do not care. In either case, you have a problem and you will fix it or I will replace you.”
… The CEO wanted to see the car park nearly full by 7:30 a.m. and half-full on weekends. He wrote: “You have two weeks. Tick, tock.”
A week later, the email appeared on a Yahoo financial message board and Wall Street analysts began receiving calls from worried shareholders.3


• Knowing what you look like reinforces the idea that human beings access 70 percent of what they know by way of visual cues and non-verbal communication.
• Knowing what you look like enhances charisma and influence.
• Knowing what you sound like is as important as knowing what you look like in terms of making you appear more relaxed, credible, and influencial.
• Writing requires a discipline and a style that connects to the reader and motivates him to action.
• Top-quality writing is achieved by planning and proofing.
• The “true end result” refers to what the reader does once having received and read an email communication (or any other type of communication). Are you able to slow down enough to identify the true end result?
• Hearing yourself speak is a powerful way of assessing your own ideas.
• Selling and influencing others are skills that every person needs. They are based on active listening and trust.
• Managing up and delegation are two examples of how time and focus on others can yield greater results for you.
• We can learn the value of planning from professional project managers, and then apply their proven techniques to all situations.



• How do you come across to others?
• How do you know? Who have you asked?

How Do You Sell?

• What is your job? In what ways do you “sell” in order to get your work done?
• Who do you talk to?
• Who do you try to impress? How many people do you need to sell to and on how many levels?
• Analyze your current techniques for connecting with the people you wish to influence. How much “telling” do you do? How much “listening”?
• What differentiates you from all the other “suits” in the company across the street?
• Are your clients aware of what makes you different?
• Have you asked them? Have they told you?
• What techniques are you willing to try so you can observe your visual and speaking skills?

Active Listening

• How good are your active listening skills?
• Do you find you prefer to talk about yourself more than the other person when you’re in a conversation?
• What’s the one concept about you that you would want a prospect (internal or external) to take away with them?

Managing Up

• Do you have a strategy for managing up? What is it?
• What kind of manager do you work for?
• How accepting of managing up do you think your manager will be?


• How comfortable are you with delegating tasks to others?
• Do you have access to mentors who could help teach you the art of delegation?
• Are you willing to invest the time to learn how to delegate using the four-step process in which the “student” takes a little more responsibility for his new skill with each step, but in which you must budget sufficient time to oversee each step?
• Have you have any experience with delegation? Many people dislike delegation because of a bad experience in which they “dumped” a task on someone who was truly unprepared.
• Are you willing to invest the time to learn how to delegate using the four-step process?

Dealing with Anger

• How do you deal with anger?
• The old adage rings true: count to 10 and take deep breaths. This infuses the brain with additional oxygen that allows the anger reflex to subside. It gives you time to ask the question: “What will this issue (that is making me angry) mean to me a year from now?” This usually helps keep anger-inducing situations in perspective.


• Who do you consider a great orator? Why?
• How do you rate your own skills at speaking? What are your perceived weaknesses? Fears? What do others say about your speaking skills? Have you asked them?
• Where is your local Toastmasters chapter? Have you ever visited? Toastmasters is a valuable resource for learning to speak and present clearly. I strongly recommend that people visit a local chapter at least once. Information about Toastmasters can be found at
Guffey, Mary Ellen, Business Communication: Process and Product. South-Western College Pub; 4th edition (March 11, 2002).
Gerber, Michael, The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It. Collins; Updated edition (April 12, 1995).
“Boss’s e-mail bites back,” quoted in BBC World News, April 6, 2001,