The dreaded period called transition, a nice term for unemployment, is a situation that people think is the last place in the world where a cool, slow approach would be appropriate. When you are unemployed, the busy-ness of work comes to a screeching stop and all of a sudden Monday is no longer the beginning of another week in the rat race. Instead, it represents the start of five long days of emptiness and despair.
Even if you yourself are currently employed as you read these words, and you feel you are too busy to think about anything other than your overloaded schedule, it is still worthwhile to read this chapter for two important reasons:
1. The skills and techniques described here aren’t just for those who happen to find themselves out of work. They reinforce the idea that above all, the best thing you can possibly do to improve your ability to sell, to influence, to be productive, to remain employable, and to get things done is to cool down.
2. You might not be employed in your current job this time next year (or even next month). No-one’s job is very secure anymore. In that case, learning now about these strategies will cut out a lot of stress and lost time from your own transition period if, or when, it happens.


When I work with people who have been recently let go, they are often still in shock. Their eyes are glazed, and they have that air of disbelief about them that says, “This can’t be happening to me. I’m too good.” But it does happen, and it happens to all kinds of good people, especially the hardest-working good people. Often it happens more than once in their lives.
There are two reflexes that often emerge simultaneously alongside the shock of being fired: The first is the desire to protect oneself, and the second is the desire to change the situation—to put things back to rights as quickly as possible. Most recently downsized people feel a desire for fast action; at this juncture, they look to find the first job or offer they can—anything to make up for the fear and indignity of being kicked out of the world of the comfortably employed. This, of course, is a dangerous reaction, since the first offer is seldom the best, and worse, the mental state of a person in shock is not the right one for making career choices.
Consequently, the first thing a person in transition needs to do, quite literally, is to cool down—to eliminate the feeling of mounting panic and replace it with a strategy that includes more than simply printing up a résumé and surfing the job sites on the Internet. Many ask me what is the first thing they should do; I usually suggest they go build something.


It was during a workshop, in which I was talking with a group of professionals-in-transition that one gentleman in the audience asked me if it was okay for him to take a week or two and work on building a gazebo in his back yard. It was something he had wanted to do for his family for a long time, but he had never been able to get around to it because he had spent too many weekends stuck at the office. He wanted to know if it was wrong to take time to do this when a part of him felt he really should be out looking for his next job. Clearly, he was looking for permission to step away from the work of finding work. I told him that it was absolutely the right thing to do; in fact, I have long held the belief that everyone in a position of stress, confusion, or overload should go out and build a “gazebo” of his own. Everyone who is thrown into the soul-wrenching position of losing his identity, career, and financial stability should, as a first step, take on some activity that allows him to flush out the panic by using physical distraction, which acts as a catalyst for reflection.
To set out to build a gazebo is to undertake a physical activity in which body and mind become focused on a plan of action that is unrelated to life and its current problems. When both body and mind become occupied in this manner, even when the gazebo-building work gets strenuous, there is relaxation (remember, it’s called eustress). And when the body and mind relax, blood pressure drops and reflection happens, and then creativity happens.
Some might turn to a week of playing tennis, or of long walks with the dog, or of painting (either with an easel, or on the living room walls with a roller), or of tidying the yard or building a deck. What is most important is that you choose a solitary activity in which body and mind focus on constructive work. There will be time for discussing your findings and thoughts with your partner or mentor later. That’s when the holographic brain concept discussed in Chapter 7 will truly shine, the time when you will find yourself answering your own questions. But to begin you need some time to slow down and let the thoughts come.
Remember, this is not a chronic assignment, just as unemployment will not be a chronic condition. The gazebo project might take a week, or two; it symbolizes not just a mind-and-body focused activity but a finite activity as well. Upon completion of the project, you’ll be ready for the next chapter of your life.
Slowing down in this fashion allows for significant, salient thoughts to emerge and rise to the top, unfettered by the trivial priorities of email and meetings. Questions such as:
• What do I value?
• What does my next job look like?
• What hours and conditions would suit me best?
• What do I wish to achieve?
• What companies interest me, regardless of whether they currently have openings or not? (We’ll cover that later.)
Focusing your mind on an unrelated topic, such as building a gazebo, gives it permission to massage and flex these underlying questions without the stress of hard focus upon them. This is indirect thinking, and in just the same manner that slow is quicker than fast when seeking to attain a goal, so indirect thinking leads to resolution faster than direct thinking does.
Here are two perfect examples taken from life chapters of two real people:
• Bob had spent 20 years in the food and beverage industry, soft-drink division, dealing with the logistics of shipping his company’s products to regional stores. Not a very exciting statement, is it? While taking some time to paint his house after having been downsized, Bob mulled over the different phrases he could use to describe his qualifications in networking situations. “Food and beverage?” “Shipping?” “Logistics?” All slightly dull until his newly liberated mind hit upon a fact that had been plainly invisible to him for so many years: He worked in the soft-drink industry, one of the world’s most popular substances. He suddenly realized that he had something interesting to say; something that would make people remember him. In subsequent networking events he would introduce himself as the person who knew the secret technique that makes Coca-Cola unique. “I can tell you,” he would say with a wink, “but then I’d have to kill you.” That was something that started conversations. He never gave out the secret, of course, but he was remembered for his novel and intriguing presentation.
• Jane had always been a busy executive and when she was let go, it was her eagerness to get back in the game quickly that proved to be a liability. She wanted to be seen, to have interviews as soon as possible, first thing in the morning. But the people that she hoped to see at that time were all too busy. They were all in meetings or doing something else. So she forced herself to take some time to walk around the duck pond at the park near her house. Every day. She would ask herself questions, such as, “As a busy executive, if someone were to ask me for an appointment, what would be the best time of the day for me?” She let this settle in her mind for a while, and soon she hit upon the perfect time when busy professionals, in her experience, are at their most receptive and available: just after coffee break, mid-morning. This became her offering point as she started crafting her pitch. “Let me come and see you at 10:30. I’ll spring for coffee,” she would say. And that’s what she did. She returned to work within the month—just by taking her brain out for a walk around a duck pond.
Tips for Getting Back to Work Quickly
• Establish a work habit that is comfortable to you, e.g., continuing to dress in business clothes while researching and preparing, and setting aside a specific area of the house as your office.
• Set up a second phone line or use your cellphone as the sole contact number. Make sure the line has voice mail.
• Use your email-based network of friends and colleagues to get the word out that you’re looking.
• Put bitterness and thoughts of unjust treatment aside. Keep moving forward.
• Remember that luck favors the well prepared.
• Avoid inertia and lethargy during the day. Keep occupied on worthwhile tasks.
• However, avoid also turning the work of finding work into an 18-hour-a-day effort. Keep your evenings and weekends for yourself and your family.
• Make a point of lunching/networking with people who have also been through transition and are now employed again. Learn what worked for them.


Exercise, too, delivers these same intellectual benefits. It’s another example of positive stress (eustress) influencing the body and delivering oxygen-rich blood to the brain. It’s blue-skying just when you need it the most. Yet I have encountered numerous people who see exercise as a privilege of employed people only. That’s ironic, really, given that most employed people seldom have the time to exercise on a regular basis. People who are unemployed feel that any time they spend away from the active search for new employment is wasteful self-indulgence. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. Countless studies have shown that in addition to blood pressure and cardiovascular benefits, exercise does much to elevate mood, to rebalance emotions, and to generate an aura of vibrancy and optimism that can’t help but rub off on other people. It’s an essential part of your overall job-hunting kit, along with your résumé, your interview skills, your active listening skills, and your visual grooming and presentation.
Remember the principles behind image and first impressions described in Chapter 7? How the emotional side of the brain delivers its signals faster than the rational side? Whether right or wrong, people can’t help but make judgments about your appearance, judgments that force their way into an overall assessment. Consider, then, what exercise can do in addition to the cardiovascular and blue-skying opportunities mentioned earlier:
• Your eyes will be brighter and will look less tired and stressed.
• Your posture will be better. Physical exercise helps tone all types of muscles, not just biceps and quads. People who are fit stand straighter and hold their head higher.
• Your clothes will fit better. Improved tone in skin and muscle will make your business clothes look like they were tailor-made.
• Improved breathing ability will help pace conversation flow and deepen vocal tone.
• Exercise also helps bring on top-quality sleep, which ensures top performance the next day.


Here’s a hard pill to swallow: Many career transition and human resource experts will say that an unemployed professional can expect to be out of work one month for every $10,000 they earn, or expect to earn annually. That means that someone with a $120,000 a year job can reasonably expect to spend a year looking for her next position. This fact may come as a shock to those who have never heard it before and a double-shock to someone already coping with unemployment. But after the initial jolt wears off, this knowledge helps clear away some of the fog caused by confusion and anxiety, and then actually helps set a pace and a style of job hunting that is more appropriate. Once you know it takes time to land a job that fits, it becomes easier to slow down and do it properly.
People who accept the first job offer that comes their way after having been terminated may strike it lucky with a perfect position, sure, but I would bet that has more to do with a well-nurtured network than pure chance. The trouble with accepting the first job that comes along is that it’s usually a poor fit, and it makes a person unavailable for the right job, which eventually will come along either through network connections or invention.
For people who still have a job, being aware of this one-month-per- $10,000 ratio helps give greater incentive to cool down and invest some time in their future. For, on the one hand, a well-prepared network of contacts and mentors might shorten the time spent in transition. On the other, this knowledge might provide an incentive to prepare financially for a more comfortable transition period. A year of unemployment can be a wonderful thing if money worries do not intervene; it then becomes more like a sabbatical. Those who are too busy to think about the prospects of unemployment may not be able to adjust their spending and saving habits so as to be better prepared for this type of event.


A key negative development for people not used to looking for work is the sudden cessation of the rat race. Just last week the schedule was full, probably overloaded. There were meetings, deadlines, and activity. Now there is nothing. This change is hard to take for many and can lead to a dangerous spiral of lethargy and depression. Fortunately, there is a solution, and it’s the same one that I’ve been suggesting for all of the other areas of life that this book covers: You must cool down enough to see how best to get where you want to go.
In terms of transition, cooling down means avoiding these two extremes:
• It means avoiding racing out into the employment marketplace, résumé in hand, ready to accept the first offer that comes along; this smells of desperation.
• It means avoiding burrowing into the sofa, turning on the TV, and coming to a dead stop.
The better route, the saner route, requires that you think through the situation and create a plan, a plan that generates vision, releases energy, and helps you get back on your feet. A transition plan uses the project management principle of thorough planning to recognize that far from there being nothing to do, there is actually a lot to do. You will be as busy during the transition period as you were, and soon will be, back at the office. The types of tasks that need to be done during transition include:
• Drafting a résumé
• Proofing and finalizing the résumé
• Researching companies to target
• Researching their competitors
• Drafting a custom pitch letter
• Proofing the custom pitch letter
• Contacting people in your network
• Scheduling lunches with key contacts
• Attending lunches with key contacts
• Following up after lunches with key contacts
• Identifying networking opportunities
• Attending networking opportunities
• Following up after networking opportunities
• Attending meetings with career counselors
• Reviewing online job sources such as professional association websites
• Exercising
• Blue-skying/Gazebo building
• Taking courses/getting more education
• Volunteer work
• Having interviews
• Organizing a home office
Even this is an incomplete list. There are 21 items on it, many of which need to be done more than once per week. Let’s assume that each task takes two hours. Before you start repeating any of these activities, you already have a 42-hour transition week. That’s busy!
People who slow down enough to plan rather than accept the swirl of confusion in their head are generally delighted to discover that their transition calendar is full, not empty. The work of finding work is a job unto itself. There’s no time for boredom or depression. The energy expended, far from being fatiguing, actually revitalizes the body, translating all of the positive stress used in rebuilding and channeling it outwards to become the part of the upbeat body language and vibe that makes a positive impression on interviewers and network contacts. And there are further dividends. The people you meet, the education you receive, and the good habits you perfect during the transition period are all transferable to your next position. This period is truly an investment in your future.


Whether you are currently in, or are facing transition, it will soon come time to dust off the old résumé and see what jobs are on offer, both online and in the paper. Typically, those who think too fast and react too fast are the ones who condemn themselves to extra work and increased hardship during this exercise. For although it is a good idea to ensure your résumé is up to date, it is not the primary tool for getting a good job. You are.
It is much more enjoyable and far more productive to do lunch than it is to lick envelopes. I mentioned the value of lunch in terms of networking for the still-employed in the previous chapter, and I mention it again now for the not-currently-employed. Unlike his desk-bound colleagues, a person in transition can actually have two lunches in a day, and a coffee conversation, too. It’s not necessary, of course, to eat two lunches’ worth of food a day—a salad will do, but an early lunch from 11:30 to 12:30 followed by a later lunch appointment from 12:45 to 1:30, followed by a coffee meeting from 2:00 to 2:30 allows the shrewd networker access to three key superconnectors in a single day.
That’s how he’ll get the word out. What makes for a shrewd networker?
• He takes the time to choose the right people to have lunch with.
• He makes no bones about his current situation, since there’s no stigma to being in transition—it’s part of the reality of life.
• He takes the time to schedule these appointments so there is plenty of travel and preparation time between each.
• He takes the time to remember the importance of active listening and then practices it during the conversation.
• He takes the time to remember to talk peer to peer, as equals, remembering that being in transition in no way erases the wisdom, experience, and interest within himself.
• He takes the time to ensure his key message—the type of work or contacts he’s looking for—is conveyed effectively to his lunch companion.
• He takes the time to ask his lunch companion what he can do for her. How can he help her business thrive. He keeps the focus on active, outward helping rather than directly asking for help for himself. This is not done with any mercenary intent. He simply asks the same questions he would if he were not in transition: the cool questions that a savvy networker would use; the questions that connect with the person he’s talking to.
• He takes the time after each meeting to schedule any follow-up activities or calls he has promised to make, including any leads his guest has already given him.
• He takes the time to send a thank-you note to each of his lunch and coffee guests.
Bob Burg, in his book, Endless Referrals, reinforces the idea that each person you know knows on average 250 other people.1 To connect live with one individual is to empower that person to be able to speak on your behalf through the power of personal experience to all of these other people. Having seen you, having interacted with you, having made emotional contact, and having made positive emotional judgments about you, they are in a better position to sell you than a two-page résumé could ever do.


So, stop waiting for your desired position to be posted or advertised, and go out and get it instead. The best jobs are seldom advertised. In fact, many companies looking for qualified staff approach the search in precisely the opposite way than you would expect.
• First, they’ll search from within their own ranks, looking for an internal resource.
• Next, they’ll seek out recommendations from internal people (once again proving the value of lifelong networking).
• If that turns up nothing, they’ll turn to professionals such as recruiters to find suitable candidates.
Only when these methods fail will they post positions in the Careers section of a newspaper, or on Internet-based career sites. These publications are their last resort. It is up to you, then, to take the time to get to a senior decision maker in that company and tell her about yourself. The job you’re looking for may not even exist at present; it may have to be created. But that’s not necessarily a problem. If a senior officer sees value in having you aboard, then she will make sure the position is created. The company may not even know that they need you until you tell them. Jeffrey J. Fox, in his wonderful book, Don’t Send a Résumé and Other Contrarian Rules to Help Land a Great Job, puts it this way:
Time provides the perfect platform upon which to frame that demonstration, and the Internet delivers the material with which to work. You can dig up the dirt on the company, its competitors, the state of the market, upcoming trends—all kinds of things that are publicly available through online sources. This material allows you to identify possible sources of a company’s “pain”—the types of things that keep a top executive officer awake at night—which can then be formatted into a well-crafted, one-page pitch letter, or perhaps the agenda of a 15-minute phone call or, better yet, a meeting.
One of the key points that is easy to overlook when moving too fast on this issue is who you need to talk to. It is most likely not the head of HR, unless the solution you’re proposing has to do with HR. Most people think they should approach someone in HR, since HR does the hiring. But in actual fact you need to target your approach to the senior officer of the department or area in which you wish to work.
Your goals are to find out who that person is, who her gatekeeper is, and how to get the attention of both of them for five or 10 minutes. This in itself may require a couple of coffee meetings with other people in your network, or perhaps with people in the company itself—people you don’t even know but who you could call out of the blue to get pointed in the right direction. Think of the principle of the cheetah described in Chapter 1. Waiting and preparing in order to hunt carefully is a better use of your time than starting immediately and wandering aimlessly.

Case Study: The Dental Firm

Recently I delivered a speech at an annual meeting of a Swiss-based dental technology firm. As I was describing this very point, the concept of hunting down your own job, the senior vice president of the U.S. division of this company stood up and asked if he could interject. Naturally, I said “sure.” He proceeded to ask the assembled group whether they were familiar with the company’s vice president of research and development. Yes, everyone knew him. I held my breath. “Well,” he said, “that’s how he got his VP job. He called me one day out of the blue and pitched me on some ideas and told me about some trends that he foresaw in the market which intrigued me. I wanted to hear more, so I invited him in. That’s how he got his job.”
This concept represents the art of leveraging the hidden job market. It does not refer to jobs being surreptitiously passed on to cronies in some secret way. This job market is hidden in the same way that a landscape is hidden when you drive past it in a car. You might be traveling faster, sure, but details are lost through speed and height; all you see is blur. When you take the same route by bike, you travel slower, but you see not only trees but the types of trees. You sense subtle changes in climate and terrain, and all things become clearer, including the shortcuts. It’s ground-level work that helps the connections get made. It’s somewhere between a science and an art: remarkably effective, yet maddeningly unquantifiable. It’s slow, yet it’s fast.


Slow needs to happen even during transition.
• Building a gazebo refers to the act of undertaking a physical activity in which body and mind are focused on a plan of action that is unrelated to life and its current problems; it’s a form of blue-skying.
• Gazebo-building/blue-skying allows for indirect thought, which helps identify alternative methods to describe and market yourself.
• Exercise delivers similar benefits to those of gazebo building and should be considered an essential component of transition as it is in all phases of life.
• An unemployed professional can expect to be out of work one month for every $10,000 she earns or expects to earn annually. This piece of bad news can actually help set a pace and a style of job hunting with better pay-off.
• Lethargy and depression can be warded off simply by taking the time to plan the events required for the work of looking for work. There’s too much to do to get depressed.
• The business of looking for work: People in transition who make 100 cold calls or send 100 résumés to 100 addresses may satisfy themselves that they’ve put in a good day’s job hunting, but in fact they’ve done nothing. They’re like people in sales who randomly make cold calls and think the more the better. A more enjoyable and effective approach is to do lunch with people from your network.
• The “hidden job market” refers to the concept of pitching your own job to senior officers rather than waiting for a want ad.


Identify Your Gazebo

• What types of activities do you like to do that encourage creative blue-skying?
• Identify these tasks and schedule them as part of your transition strategy.

Identify Your Unique Identifier

• What term or sentence could you use to describe your work in a memorable way?
• Remember, other people who are not in your line of work will find great interest in the things you consider normal or boring.
• Does your line of work appeal to certain demographics, e.g., sports enthusiasts, frequent travelers, parents? What can you do to upsell your interest factor during conversation?
• Practice your unique identifiers until you can deliver them with confidence and credibility.

Strategize Your Optimum Meeting Times

• When do you think the best time to meet with people for formal interviews would be? 10:30 a.m.? 9:00 a.m.? 4:00 p.m.?
• Who could you ask to find out?


• When is your preferred time to exercise? Morning? Afternoon? Schedule this into your daily schedule for at least four days out of five.


• What system will you use to time manage your transition period? Microsoft Outlook? A DayTimer? Your PDA?
• Keep in mind the work of finding work is a job unto itself. It requires planning and slow thought just as any other job would.

Hunt Down Your Next Job

• Where would you like to work next?
• What do you value?
• What does your next job look like?
• What hours and conditions would suit you best?
• What do you wish to achieve in your next job?
• What companies interest you?
• What industries interest you?
• What departments interest you?
• Use the answers from these questions to target your next possible employer.
• Research the company or companies you wish to work for.
• Research the executives and officers.
• Set to work, like a detective, to find out how you can get 15 minutes with these people.
• Remember, company executives are looking for “bright sparks” who can either make the company money or save the company money. Which can you do?
• How can you sell your ideas to them?
Burg, Bob, Endless Referrals, Third Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2005
Fox, Jeffrey, Don’t Send a Résumé: And Other Contrarian Rules to Help Land a Great Job. Hyperion Books, 2001, p. 87