
Abel, Lionel 235
Abendzeitung 292
Abraham ben Eliezer Halevi 50
Adams, Henry 237, 238, 239
Addison, Joseph 19
Adler, Victor 178–9, 180
African Americans 211–34, 254, 255
and antisemitism 211–12
and the Bible 220–2
and the “black-Jewish alliance,” 211–13
and economic life 213–14
Afrikaners 16
Ahlwardt, Hermann 191
Ajax Amsterdam 25
Alexander II (pope) 32, 33, 37
Alexander III (pope) 33
Algeria 16
Allix, Pierre 108
Almog, Shmuel 299–300
Alon, Yigal 266
Alsace 116
American Jewish Committee (AJC) 330
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) 329–30
American Messianic Fellowship 276
Anatewka restaurant (Lodz) 314–15, 317, 324, 331–3
Anderson, Amanda 161
Anderson, Marion 229
Antisemitism 1, 2, 3, 4, 45, 64–6, 118, 125, 130, 131–2, 139–40, 166–7, 171–89, 191, 201, 205, 238, 251, 293–4, 305
among African Americans 211–12
in Hungary 144–5
in late imperial Germany 170–3
in Poland 323–4
in pre–World War II American literature 237–9
in West Germany 310–13
Apollonius 57
Apostolic Constitutions 100
Arabs 266, 280
Christian Zionist attitudes to 268, 273
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlichrechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (ARD) 294, 302, 305
Arendt, Hannah 235, 241
Eichmann in Jerusalem 235
Ariel café (Krakow) 329
Aristotle 8, 62
Armenians 181–2
Armstrong, Louis 219
Armstrong, Samuel 213
Arnold, Matthew 156, 161, 162
Culture and Anarchy 156
Assembly of Notables (France) 113
Association of Jewish Studies (AJS) 192
Atlanta Cotton Exposition 217
Atlanta Independent 218–19
Augustine 10, 11, 55
Auschwitz 205, 309, 315
Austeria bookstore (Krakow) 329
Austria 179
Bacon, Francis 64
New Atlantis 64
Badinter, Robert 111
Bajza, József 128
Balfour Declaration 20, 264, 265
Banin, Ramy 319, 320
Baptists 102
Barnard College 223
Baron, Salo W. 4, 29–30
Barrios, Miguel Levi de 88
Bartolucci, Jiulio 51
Bauman, Zygmunt 5, 132, 135, 206–7
Baumgarten, Michael 194
Bauschmidt, Elisabeth 307–8
Bax, Ernest Belfort 181–3
Bayezid II (Sultan) 7
Bayle, Pierre 13
Bebel, August 186, 202
Begin, Menahem 257, 277
Bell, Daniel 235, 236
Bellow, Saul 236, 241
Seize the Day 241
Ben-Gurion, David 275
Berlin 192, 198, 202
Berlinerblau, Jacques 190, 196, 200
Bernard of Clairvaux 33–5, 37
Bernhardt, Sarah 150
Bernstein, Eduard 176–84, 185–6, 202, 203
“Das Schlagwort und der Antisemitismus,” 176–8, 181
defense of philosemitism 182–4
and pansemitism 181–3
Berr, Berr-Isaac 127
Berr-Bing, Isaiah 115
Berryman, John 237, 243
“from The Black Book,” 251–2
His Toy, His Dream, His Rest 252
Homage to Mistress Bradstreet 244
“The Imaginary Jew,” 250
77 Dream Songs 244, 252
Bialystok 138, 139
Bible 33, 34, 35, 51, 53, 59, 61, 68, 71
African Americans and 220–2
biblical chronology 57–8
Christian Zionists and 257–85
Jews’ relation to 220–1
King James Bible 70
New Testament 30–1, 35, 45, 153, 154, 221–2
Old Testament 87, 102, 152–3, 211, 213, 220, 221–2, 228, 258
See also (Moses)
and pagan wisdom 61–3
Biblia Polyglotta 98
Bin-Gorion (Berdichevsky), Micha Joseph 199
Mi-mekor Israel 199
Birnbaum, Pierre 111
Bishoffsheim and Goldschmidt (firm) 155
Bishop, Elizabeth 235, 236, 246, 254
Bismark, Otto von 192
Black Codes 213
Blackstone, William 262–3, 264–5
Bloch, Ernst 205–6
“The So-Called Jewish Question,” 205
Bloem, Walter 201
Boas, Franz 223, 227
Bodin, Jean 54–5, 63
Colloquium of the Seven about the Sublime 54
Method of the Easy Comprehension of History 55
Six Books of the Republic 55
Boehme, Jacob 11
Bologna 69
Bondavid 48
Boulad-Ayoub, Josiane 114
Brandeis, Louis 265
Brendlah, Madame 155
Tales of a Jewess 155
Brenner, Michael 197, 200
“God Protect Us from Our Friends,” 197
Brightman, Thomas 104
Britain 12, 16, 17, 20, 56–60, 78–85, 93–110, 261–3
British Israelites 17
Brothers, Richard 12, 17
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas 223
Buber, Martin 195, 197
Buber, Paula 195, 197
Buchalter, Louis “Lepke,” 244
Bund 202, 235
Bund neues Vaterland 198
Bush, George H. W. 269–70, 271
Bush, George W. 270
Buxdorf, Johannes 51, 80, 98
and Bibliotheca Rabbinica 51
Buxdorf, Johannes, Jr. 51, 80, 98
Cahan, Abraham 179–80
Cahill, Thomas 25
Campanella, Tommaso 63
Cittÿ del sole 63–4
Carpzov, Johann 107
Carter, Jimmy 269
Chabad Hasidism 317, 319, 322
Chagall, Marc 328
Charles I (king of England) 77
Cheyette, Brian 5
Child, Josiah 19
Chinese 56, 58
Christian Hebraism See Hebraism
Arian 94
Catholic 29–55, 194–5, 314–30
Evangelical 151–2, 207–8, 257
and Kabbalah 11, 51–3, 208
and missionary aims 11–13, 17, 116–17, 120, 125–6, 152–5, 276, 278–9
and Protestantism 16, 59, 151–2, 199–200, 258, 274–5
The Christian Lady’s Friend 153
Chrysostom, John 10
Cioran, E. M. 135
Clapham Sect 19
Clark, Christopher 205
Clarke, Samuel 94
Clement of Alexandria 55
Clinton, Bill (U.S. president) 270
Cogley, Richard 103, 104
Cohen, Jeremy 11, 31, 109
Cohen, Marc 8
Cohen, Richard I. 317
Jewish Icons: Art and Society in Modern Europe 317
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste 19
Collier, Thomas 84
Commentary (magazine) 241
Communism (Eastern Bloc) 320
Conduitt, Catherine 103
Confessional poetry 243–4
Constitutio pro Judeis 36
Crémieux Decree (1870) 15
Crete 9
Cromwell, Oliver 82, 85
Crusades 33, 35, 37, 46
and Christian protection of Jews 47
and Hebrew Chronicles of 46–7
Cruse, Harold 219
Cunaeus, Petrus 69, 73–6, 78, 81, 86, 88
de republica Hebraeorum 69, 73
Dahlmann, Gustaf 194
Dahomey (Benin) 226
Davis, Benjamin 218–19
Dayan, Moshe 266, 279
Deak, Istvan 191
Dearborn Independent (newspaper) 238
de Baux, Arnoud 48
De Le Roi, Johann 194
Delitzsch, Franz 194, 198, 200, 201
Deutsche Bank 198
Deutsche Demokratische Partei (DDP) 206
Deutscher, Isaac 18
Deutsche Wacht 172
Deutschnationale Handlungsgehilfen–Verband (DHV) 173, 187–8
Deutschsoziale Reformpartei 172
Dickens, Charles 149
Dinter, Artur 198
Diodorus Siculus 9
Disraeli, Benjamin 20, 165
Dissent (magazine) 235, 241
Dohm, Christian Wilhelm von 115
Döllinger, Ignaz 194–5
Dolphin, Lambert 281
Dome of the Rock 281
Donin, Nicholas 38
Dordrecht, Synod of 73
Douglas, Kirk 317
Dreiser, Theodore 237
Du Bois, W. E. B. 214, 218
Duna, Freddy 297
Dunant, Jean Henry 263–4
Dutch Republic See United Provinces
The Economist (magazine) 156
Edel, Gottfried 296
Edelstein, Alan 128, 191–2
Eden Hotel (Krakow) 316, 330
Egypt 9, 56, 58, 59, 63, 224–6, 269
Einstein, Albert 198, 200
Eisenmenger, Johann Andreas 201
El Aksa Mosque 281
Eliot, George 19, 24, 168
Daniel Deronda 20, 21, 156, 160, 162, 163–6
Eliot, T. S. 236, 237, 239, 243, 254
After Strange Gods 239
“Gerontion,” 239
Emancipation of Jews 30, 135
Endelman, Todd 149–50
Engels, Friedrich 178
England 69, 77–88
Civil War in 77, 259
Jewish readmission to 85, 259
literary representations of Jews in 150–69
Protestant attitudes in 151
The Enlightenment 64, 131, 161
Eötvös, József 131, 135, 136, 140–1, 141
A Falu Jegyzõje 140–1
epd/Kirche und Fernsehen (magazine) 296
Ephraim, Michelle 151
Erasmus 64–5, 100
Escott, T. H. S. 155
Ethiopia 9
Eucharist 101
Eusebius 55, 56, 224
Evangel 265
Falwell, Jerry 257, 277
Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) 289–313
See also (Germany)
Felden, Emil 198, 203
Feldman, Louis 8, 200
Ferdinand V (king of Spain) 7
Festival of Jewish Culture (Krakow) 323, 326, 330
Ficino, Marsilio 52
Fiddler on the Roof (film) 331
Fiedler, Leslie 236
A Fight about Palestine (television documentary) 302
Filmer, Robert 63
Finch, Daniel 108
Finland 269
Fischer, Edmund 186
Fischer, Lars 192, 203
Fisher, Simon 201
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 237
Ford, Henry 238
Fortnightly Review (magazine) 155
Fortschrittspartei (Germany) 173
Förster, Friedrich Wilhelm 199–200
Fortune, T. Thomas 218
Forward (newspaper) 207–8, 321
Foucault, Michel 206
France 16, 36–46, 52–6, 111–27, 191
Franck, James 201
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 205
Franklin, Ruth 315–16, 321, 323
Frederick II (Holy Roman Emperor) 37
French Revolution 12, 111, 112, 114, 121, 268
Freytag, Gustav 193
Soll und Haben 193
Freud, Sigmund 9, 255
Moses and Monotheism (1939) 9, 224
Fried, Hermann 193
Friedrich, Wilhelm 199–200
Friends of Israel 276
Froehlich’s pastry shop (Budapest) 314–15
Frye, Bruce 206
Funk-Korrespondenz (magazine) 307
Gaffarel, Jacques 60
Gager, John 9
Gale, Theophilius 60
Gam Gam Restaurant (Venice) 319
Garvey, Marcus 219, 221
Gasqueti, Guillelmus 48
Gay, Peter 66
Geldern, Simon von 115
Gender 114–15, 118, 119–20
and evangelical Christianity 152–3
Gerlach, Hellmut von 197, 200
From Right to Left 200, 201
Germany 15
late imperial 170–89
liberalism in 184, 192–5, 204
Protestant attitudes in 199–200
religious conflict in 194
Weimer 190
Gilman, Sandor 149, 150, 151, 191
The Jew’s Body 150
Gladstone, William Ewart 20, 165
Glaser, Eliane 68
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 128
The Goldbergs (radio show) 25
Goldfoot, Stanley 281
Goldhagen, Daniel J. 1, 192
Goldish, Matt 106
Goldsmid, Albert 21
Gong (magazine) 296
Goodman, Paul 236
Gordon, George (Lord) 12
Gorky, Maxim 18, 24
Goudar, Ange 19
Greece 56
Greenberg, Clement 236
Grégoire, abbé Henri 111–27
Histoire des sectes 125
Mémoires 113, 126
Motion en faveur des juifs 114, 119, 121
Gregory I (pope) 33
Gregory IX (pope) 38
Grimm, Jacob 302
Grimm, Wilhelm 302
Gross, Jan T. 315
Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz 315
Grotius, Hugo 63, 72, 75, 76, 77, 78
De jure belli ac pacis 76–7
De republia emandanda 72
De veritate religionis Christianae 77
Gubar, Susan 249
Guttman, Nathaniel 300
Haas, Jacob de 265
Habad See Chabad
Habermas, Jurgen 298
Haganah 266
Haiti 223, 225
Hajkova, Michaela 322
Halakhah (Jewish Law) See Philosemitism, and Halakhah
Hamburger Echo (magazine) 173
Hampton Institute 213
Handlungsgehülfen-Blatt (journal) 173
Harlem Renaissance 222
Harrington, James 63, 64, 70, 81–3
Oceana 63, 64, 81–2
Hartmann, Robert 306
Hasenclever, Wilhelm 185
“Der Wahrheit die Ehre,” 185
Hasidism 125, 314–18
See also (Chabad)
Hayes, Roland 229
Hebraism 15, 17, 45–6, 49–66, 68–89
Hebrew University 266
Hecataeus of Abdera 8
Hegelianism 165–6
Heid, Ludger 185
Heighway, Osborn W. Trenery 154
Helcher, William 263
Heller, Joseph 236
Helmon, Francis Mercury van 11
Helms, Jesse 270
Hemingway, Ernest 237, 238
The Sun Also Rises 238–9
Herm, Gerhard 297
Hermans, Klaus 299
Hermes Trismegistus 56
Hermon-Belot, Rita 114, 126
Herod I (king of Judea) 227
Herzl, Theodor 21, 193, 195, 263, 264
Heschel, Susannah 194
Hess, Moses 166
Hill, Christopher 70
Hillel (student organization) 328
Hitler, Adolf 202, 240, 251, 291, 295
Hobbes, Thomas 63
Hofstadter, Richard 242
Anti-intellectualism in American Life 242
Hohenzollern dynasty 202
Holborn, Hajo 203
Holocaust 29, 191, 205, 207, 235, 236, 242, 248, 249, 251, 267, 320
and France 191
postwar consciousness of 290, 305–13
and tourism in Eastern Europe 315, 321, 326
Holocaust (television mini-series) 301, 305
Holy Land Fellowship of Christians and Jews 272
Holy Land Institute 271
Holzamer, Karl 299
Hook, Sidney 236
Horvitz, Jacob 199
Howe, Irving 235, 236, 249
Hungary 16, 42
antisemitism in 144–5
and Habsburg politics 137
Jewish emancipation in 135
Ottoman occupation of 136
Revolution of 1848 in 134
Hurst, Fannie 227
Hurston, Zora Neale 212, 213–28, 233
on Jewish history 226–8
Moses, Man of the Mountain 222, 224–7
Seraph on the Swanee 226
Hyde, Thomas 60
Innocent IV (pope) 37, 38
Inquisition 107, 164–5
See also (Spain)
International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ) 271–3, 277, 278
International Socialist Congress (Brussels, 1891) 179
Iran 207
Ireland 82
Islam 7, 8, 26
Christian Europe’s rivalry with 39–40
Israel, Jonathan 67
Israel (State of) 4, 17, 195, 207, 208, 267–85, 290
Evangelical Christian support of 267
German criticism of 302–3
and government view of Christian Zionists 275–9
mainline Protestant criticism of 274–5
Middle Eastern churches’ criticism of 274
and Six Day War (1967) 267, 268, 271, 279, 297
television in 299–300
and War of Independence 268
and Yom Kippur War (1973) 297
Israelitische Wochenschrift (magazine) 205–6
Italy 51, 63, 70
Jamaica 223
James, Henry 237
James, William 247
Jarrell, Randall 251
The Jeckes (television documentary) 300–2
Jefferson, Thomas 86–7
Notes on Virginia 87
Jesuits 58
Jesus 35, 97, 101, 102, 108, 109, 118–19, 125, 204, 232, 258, 260, 261, 264, 273, 278, 279, 324
Jewish Chronicle 318
Jewish Community Center (JCC) of Krakow 335
Jewish Herald 154
Jewish Historical Society of England 20
Jewish Life 232
and commerce 18–19, 38–44, 48, 67–8, 83, 84, 119, 126, 135–6, 155–9, 162, 168, 182, 215–16, 218
in the Crusades 33, 35, 37, 46–7
and emancipation in Europe 30, 135
and expulsion from Spain 138
images of in literature 13, 128–45, 150–69, 220–8, 235–56
images of on television 289–313
and nobles 130, 138–9, 140, 141, 143–5
and occupational “productivization,” 215, 217, 227
and postwar Eastern Europe 327–35
readmission to England of 69, 77–8
as a source of pagan wisdom 7–10, 61, 200, 225
views of the Bible 220–1
Jews Along the Rhine (television documentary) 299
Jews for Jesus 276
Jews in Germany Today (television documentary) 292, 293–4
The Jews of Prague (television documentary) 294–5
Johnson, James Weldon 218
John the Baptist 232
Jókai, Mór 128–45
Bar Noémi 143
“Hogyan lettem én filoszemitÿva?” 131
A Kõszivu ember fiai 141
Nincen ördög 141, 142–3
Red Starosta 138
Szomoru Napok 139
A Zsidó Fiu 134, 136, 143, 144
Jonson, Ben 50
Josephus 53, 56, 93, 94, 98, 106, 108, 224
Contra Apionen (Against Apion) 53, 225
Journal encyclopédique 126
Joyce, James 255
Judah Halevi 51
Kuzari 51
Kabbalah Denudata 11
Kafka, Franz 321
Kalergi, Heinrich Coudenhove 200
The Essence of Antisemitism 200
Kalonymous of Mainz 47
Karaites 125
Karnofsky family 219
Karp, Jonathan 86
Kashruth (Jewish dietary laws) 102, 103
Katz, David 102
Katz, Jacob 198
Kautsky, Karl 178, 179, 186, 202, 203
Kazin, Alfred 235, 236, 240
Kazinczy, Ferenc 128
Kemelman, Harry 307
Keim, Anton 299
Keller, Malgosia 327
Kenyon Revue 250
Kerouac, Jack 255
Kielce Society of Artists 325
King David restaurant (Kiev) 328
King’s Business (magazine) 265
Klezmer Hois restaurant (Krakow) 328–9
Kofron, Kurt 295, 296
The Jews of Prague 295
Kollek, Teddy 271
Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (newspaper) 292
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD) 202
Kornberg, Jacques 195
Kossuth, Lajos 128, 131, 135
Kristallnacht 291
Kroneberg, Eckhart 296
Lamont, William 70
Lamparter, Eduard 194
Lamprecht, Karl 203
Langmuir, Gavin 109
Lassale, Ferdinand 202
Lassner, Phyllis 5
Latin America 215, 269
Lazarus, Moritz 198, 201
Lazarus, Nahida (Ruth) Remy 197, 198–9, 201–2
Das jüdische Weib 198–9
Ich süchte Dich 199
Leavis, F. R. 160
Lehrer, Erica 324, 326
“Repopulating Jewish Poland – in Wood,” 324
Left Behind (fiction series) 282
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 106
Lenin, Vladimir Ilych 18
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim 13, 24
The Jews 13
Nathan the Wise 13
Lessing, Theodor 191
Leuß, Hans 186
Levenson, Alan T. 186
Between Philosemitism and Antisemitism 190
Levi, Raphael (of Hanover) 106
Leviah, Méïr 111
Levi Isaac of Berditchev 231
Levine, Lawrence 221
Black Culture and Black Consciousness 221
Liebknecht, Wilhelm 186
Liga für Menschenrechte 198
Lindner, Eric 193
Lindsey, Hal 279
The Late Great Planet Earth 279
Linehan, Katherine Bailey 166
Lloyd George, David 20
Locke, John 63
Loew, Judah 295
Louis IX (king of France) 38
Lowell, Robert 235, 243–7, 252, 255
Life Studies 243, 244
Lord Weary’s Castle 244
“Memories of West Street and Lepke,” 244–5, 252
“91 Revere Street,” 247
“To Delmore Schwartz,” 245–7
Löwe-Porter, Helen 201
Lübecker Nachrichten (newspaper) 297
Luftmensch 251–2
Luther, Martin 109
Luxemburg, Rosa 172, 203
Luzzatto, Simone 19, 68, 86, 216
Discourse on the Jews of Venice 216
Lycurgus 8
Machiavelli, Nicolo 54, 62–3, 70, 71, 74, 224
Discourses 225
Il principe 62–3
Madonna 208
Magyars 128, 130–1, 133
Christian ecumenicalism of 134, 144
and Jews 130, 140–1, 143–5
Mailer, Norman 236
Maimonides 51, 75, 88, 99, 101
Mishneh Torah 75
Mainz, France 37, 46, 47
Makkabi restaurant (Kiev) 328
Malamud, Bernard 236, 241
The Assistant 241
Malcolm X 219
Manetti, Giannozzo 51
Mann, Katya Pringsheim 201
Mann, Thomas 197, 199, 201
Joseph and His Brothers 199
Manuel, Frank 57
Maori 16
Marcus, Moses 107
Maria Theresa (Holy Roman Empress) 295
Morom (Jewish youth group) 334
Marr, Wilhelm 191
Marrus, Michael 191
The Jews of Vichy France 191
Marseilles, France 48
Martini, Raymundus 56
Pugio fidei 56
Marx, Karl 202
“On the Jewish Question,” 227–8
Massing, Paul 203
Matar, Nabil 103, 104
Mather, Increase 104
Mede, Joseph 108
Mehring, Franz 176–8, 179, 180, 184–5, 186, 202, 203
Meiring, Kirstin 198
Menasseh Ben Israel 19, 99, 108
Mercantilism See Philosemitism, economic
Mercure de France (magazine) 126
Messianic Judaism 277–8
Messianism 221, 259–61, 268
Metz essay contest 112, 115, 116
Meyer, Zerline 202
Miller, Arthur 236
Milton, John 15, 63
Minos 8
Mirandola, Pico della 51, 52
Mishna 280
Momigliano, Arnaldo 9, 81
Moneylending 41, 48, 116, 119, 126, 135, 182, 215
Montesquieu, Charles Secondat, Baron de 19, 64
Moody Monthly 265
Moral Majority 277
More, Henry 60
More, Thomas 63, 74
Utopia 63, 74
Moses 8, 9, 55, 57, 61, 100, 105, 153, 221, 222–7
as Egyptian 224
in folklore 226
and Mosaic law 54–5, 74–5, 100–1
and political constitutions 62–4, 70, 81, 84, 86, 225
Ms. Magazine 222
Munich Putsch 291
Murray, Daniel 218
Mussorgsky, Modest 231, 233
Myers, Mordecai 247
Nabokov, Vladimir 24
Nahariya: A German City in Israel (television documentary) 297–9
Napoleon 113
Napoleonic Wars 268
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 211
Nationalism 16, 165–6, 219
National Urban League (NUL) 211
Natural law 78, 102
Nazis 190, 198, 201, 222, 235, 267, 289, 293, 297, 299, 303, 311, 312, 313, 323, 324
NDR Hamburg (television station) 302
Nekuda (magazine) 278
Nelson, Eric 88
The Netherlands 25, 269
Neue Zeit (magazine) 176, 178
New Republic (magazine) 315
Newton, Isaac 56–60, 93, 94, 99, 100, 104, 106
The Chronology of the Ancient Kingdoms Amended 56
The Original of Monarchies 58
New Yorker (magazine) 241
“New York Intellectuals,” 235–6, 241
Nieto, David 106
Nietzsche, Friedrich 7, 14–16, 24
Niewyk, Donald 195, 203
Nipperdey, Thomas 194
Religion im Umbruch 194
Nobles See Jews, and nobles
North, Michael 254
The Dialect of Modernism 254
Oberman, Heiko 65–6
Old-New Synagogue (Prague) 322
Once Upon a Time: A Trip to Old Jewish Centers (television documentary) 306–7
Ornat, Malgosia 328–9, 334
Ornat, Wojtek 328–9, 334
Ornstein, Jonathan 335
The Orphans of Lissau (novel) 153
Oslo Peace Accords 283
Ottoman Empire 20, 181, 261
Our Hope (magazine) 265
Oz-Sulzberger, Fania 88
Palestine 20, 215, 260, 262, 265–7, 284, 297–8
Paley, Grace 236
Pan-German League 193
Park, Robert E. 217
Partisan Revue (magazine) 241, 245
Pascal, Blaise 55–6
Pensées 55
Passover 131
Paul 10, 11, 34, 100, 104, 232
ambiguous views on Judaism 31–2
Epistle to the Romans 31, 34, 35
Paxton, Robert 191
The Jews of Vichy France 191
Pease, Steven L. 25
Persia 8
Pesti Hírlap (magazine) 131
Petöfi, Sÿndor 134
Petrus Columbi 48
Philadelphia 229, 265
Philo of Alexandria 56
Der Philosemit (magazine) 190, 192, 196, 208
and African Americans 211–34
and allosemitism 5, 128, 143, 205–6
and American literature 220–8, 235–56
and “anti-antisemitism,” 171–2, 175–6, 188, 189
and anti-philosemitism 179, 180, 188–9
and antisemitism 1, 2, 3, 4, 45, 64–6, 118, 125, 130, 131–2, 139–40, 166–7, 171–89, 201, 205, 293–4, 305
in Austria 179
in Britain 12, 151
and Catholicism 194–5
and Christian eschatology 104–5, 152, 279–85
and Christianity 7, 10–12
and conservatism 25
“contact hypothesis” of 197–8, 201–2
economic 18–19, 38–44, 48, 67–8, 83, 84, 136, 137–9
and Enlightenment perfectibility 117, 121
and Evangelicals 151–2, 207–8, 257
in Finland 269
and friendship 47–8, 129
and gender 16, 118, 119, 137, 149–69, 152
in German television 290–313
in Germany 170–208
in Greco-Roman Antiquity 7, 8–10, 200
and Halakhah (Jewish Law) 53–5, 79, 100–2, 151–2, 162
and Hebraism See Hebraism
and the Holocaust 205
institutional framework for 201
and Kabbalah 11, 51–3, 208
in Latin America 268
in medieval Europe 36–48
and missionary aims 11–13, 17, 116–17, 120, 125–6, 152–5, 276, 278–9
and mores 114
and nationalism 16, 17, 68–9, 72, 165–6, 173, 219, 221
in the Netherlands 25, 269
in the New Testament 35
and Noah/Noahides and Noahide laws 53, 75, 77, 78–9
origins of term 1, 2, 170, 173–4
and political constitutions 62–4, 70, 81, 84, 86, 225
and Protestant self-definition 151–2
and replacement theology of Middle Eastern churches 274
scholarship on 3–6
and socialism 18, 171–84, 187–8
in Spain 17–18
and sports 25
and stereotypes 129
and struggle against Islam 40
and Western philosophy 14–15, 54, 62–4, 68, 80–5, 224, 225–6, 228
and Zionism 2, 4, 19–20, 103–7, 110, 257–85, 297
Pierce, Charles 247
Piterberg, Gabriel 21
Plath, Sylvia 237, 243, 247–50, 251, 253
Ariel 244
The Bell Jar 248
The Colossus and Other Poems 244
“Daddy,” 249
“Lady Lazarus,” 248–50
Plato 52, 53, 62
Plymouth Brethren 266
Pocock, J. G. A. 64, 70, 81, 83, 86
The Machiavellian Moment 81
Podhoretz, Norman 236
Making It 236–7
Poland 42, 138–9, 208, 323
Popkin, Richard 13
Popular Front 230
Portman, Natalie 317
Portugal 107
Postel, Guillaume 52–3
De Originibus 53
Potsdam 192
Pound, Ezra 236, 237, 243, 254
Poznanski, I. K. 332
Prague Jewish Museum 322–3, 334
Prell, Riv-Ellen 150
Prideaux, Humphrey 60
Prynne, William 85
Short Demurrer to the Jews 85
Pulszky, Ferenc 128
Puritans 59, 104
Pushkin, Alexander 233
Pythagoras 52, 57
Quidde, Ludwig 197, 198
Rahden, Till von 198
Rahv, Philip 255
Rappoport, Solomon 191–2
Reagan, Ronald (U.S. president) 269, 270, 271
Reconstruction era 213, 221
Red Cross 263
Regensberg, Germany 47
Rembrandt (van Rijn) 76
Reuchlin, Johannes 51–2, 53, 64–5
De verbo mirifico 52
De arte cabalistica 52
Rév-Komÿrom 130
Revue des études juives (journal) 113
Rickert, Heinrich 206
Riesman, David 236
Ritual murder accusations against Jews 37, 45, 194, 197
Robertson, Pat 282
Robeson, Benjamin 232
Robeson, Paul 212, 213, 228–33
“The Chasidic Chant of Rabbi Levi Isaac,” 231
Robeson, William 230
Rohan, Dennis Michael 280
Rose, Paul Lawrence 192
Rosenbaum, Ron 207
Rosenberg, Ethel 248
Rosenberg, Harold 236
Rosenblatt, Jason 79–80
Rosenberg, Julius 248
Rosenroth, Christian Knorr von 11
Rosenwald, Julius 213, 215
Roth, Philip 236, 241
Goodbye, Columbus 241
Rothschilds 143
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 54, 64, 118
Rubenstein, Hilary 112, 127, 166, 192
Rubenstein, William 112, 127, 166, 192
Rudiger (Huozmann, bishop of Speyer) 19, 41, 46
Ruehl, Lothar 302
Russia See Soviet Union
Russian Revolution 202
Sabbath 103
Sachar-Masoch, Leopold 16
Sächsische Arbeiter-Zeitung 172
The Saint (television show) 294
Sal, Jack 325
Samaritans 125
Sänger, Fritz 205
“Philosemitism – Useless and Dangerous,” 205
Sarmento, Jacob de Castro 106
Sartre, Jean-Paul 251
Anti-Semite and Jew 251
Saturday Evening Post (magazine) 241
Say, Jean-Baptiste 19
Schama, Simon 72
Schay, Rudolf 203, 206
Juden in der Deutschen Politik 203
Schiff, Jacob 213, 215
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von 128, 302
Schmidkunz, Hans 185–6
Friede der Judenfrage! 185–6
Schmoller, Gustav 203
Schoenberger, Adam 334
Scholem, Gershom 206
Scholz, Wilhelm von 201
Schwartz, Delmore 236, 245, 252, 255, 256
“Sonnet: The Ghosts of James and Pierce in Harvard Yard,” 247
“The Vocation of the Poet in the Modern World,” 245–6, 253
Schwarzschild, Henry 106
Schwarzschild, Steven 106
Scopes Trial 266
Scriblerians 96
Selden, John 15, 63, 75, 77–81, 83, 86, 88
History of Tithes 79
De jure naturali et gentium juxta disciplinam Ebraeorum 78
and Noahide laws 78–9
Table-Talk 79
Semmel, Bernard 165
700 Club (television show) 282
Sexton, Anne 243, 251
Sexuality 114–15, 120, 136
Sforno, Ovadiah 51
Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th earl of) 19, 262, 264
Shakespeare, William 259
Shankman, Arnold 218
Shapiro, Edward 240
Shapiro, Karl 236
Shapiro, Meyer 236
Shatzmiller, Joseph 47
Sholem Aleichem (Shalom Rabinovitsh) 233
Siemer, Heinrich Johann 198, 203
Sigonio, Carlo 69
Respublica Hebraeorum 69
Singer, Paul 180
Sioux restaurants 332
Siraly café (Budpest) 333–4
American chattel 211, 213–15, 220
in the Bible 211, 221
Jews and 220–1
Slavs 217
Slezkine, Yuri 25
Smith, Chuck 281
Snodgrass, W. D. 243
Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) 171, 173, 176–84, 187–8, 202–3
Sombart, Warner 201
The Jews and Modern Capitalism 201
Sontag, Susan 236
Southcott, Joanna 12
Soviet Union 229, 230, 232–3, 269
Spain 7, 17–18, 32, 33, 72
See also (Inquisition)
Jewish exiles from 138
and filosefardismo 18
Reconquista in 40
Sparta 8, 81
Spencer, John 9
Speyer, France 41, 46
Spinoza, Benedict 224, 225–6, 228
Theologico-Political Treatise 225
Spire, André 111
Spirituals 222
See also (Slavery)
Spritzer, Dinah 322
Stacey, Robert 44
Stein, Gertrude 254
Steinlauf, Michael 330
Bondage to the Dead 330
Stern, Frank 4, 205
Im Anfang war Auschwitz 205
Stern, Menachem 200
Stoeker, Adolf 191, 198
Stoker, Bram 149
Dracula 149
Stolyarova, Lena 328
Strabo 8–9, 225
Strack, Hermann 194, 197–8, 200
Straus, Nathan 265
Stuttgarter Zeitung 292–3, 304
Suchy, Barbara 193
Süddeutsche Zeitung 307–8
Suttner, Bertha von 193, 197
“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,” 231
Sydney, Algernon 63
Széchenyi, Istvÿn 135
Szemere, Bertalan 128, 135, 136
Sziget Music Festival 317
Tacitus 9
Taft, Robert 223
Tal, Uriel 194
Talmud 78, 88, 99, 101–2, 118, 121, 220, 221, 280
church attacks on 38–9, 154
Enlightenment criticism of 122, 125
Taube Foundation 330
Temple Mount 279–82, 284
Temple Mount Faithful 282
Temple Mount Foundation 281
Temporary Grandchildren (television documentary) 308–10
Ten Lost Tribes 17
Tertullian 56
Theophrastus 8
Theresienstadt concentration camp 295
Thirty Years War 67
Toland, John 9, 60, 86, 87–8
Origines Judicae 225
Toso, Gianni 320
Tottenham Hotspur football club 25
Tracy, Robert 158
Treitschke, Heinrich von 173
Trilling, Lionel 236, 241
The Opposing Self 241
Trollope, Anthony 149, 160, 168
The Way We Live Now 156–9
Trubowitz, Lara 5
Tsimmes restaurant (Kiev) 327–8
Tuck, Richard 73, 77
Turkey 8
Tuwim café (Lodz) 327
Unitarianism 108
United Hebrew Trades 179
United Nations 261
United Provinces 68, 69, 72–6, 259
Dutch Revolt 72–3
United States
Christian Zionism in 257–85
literature in 220–8, 235–56
political thought of 86–7
University of Virginia 239
Usury See Moneylending
Vajda, Béla 128
Valley, Eli 321
Vÿly, Ferenc 132–3
van der Hoeven, Jan Willem 271, 273–4
Van Vechten, Carl 227
Varro, Marcus 8
Veblen, Thorstein 239–40
“The Intellectual Pre-eminence of Jews in Modern Europe,” 239–40
Venice 81, 216
Verein zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus 193
Vico, Giambattista 60–1
La scienza nuova 60
Vienna 193, 249
Vilkos, Yulianna 327, 328
Vogue (magazine) 241
Volkov, Shulamit 203
Vörösmarty, Mihÿly 128
Vreté, Mayir 103
Wagner, Richard 193
“Das Judentum in der Musik,” 193
Walker, Alice 222–3
“In Search of Zora Neale Hurston,” 222
Warburg, Paul 213
Warburton, William 60
War of 1812 247
Washington, Booker T. 212, 213–20, 221, 233
on Jews as exemplars 215–16, 218
on vocational education 214, 217, 220
Washington, DC 252
Wasserman, Oscar 198
WDR Cologne (television station) 302
Wegener, Paul 295
Weir, Todd 204
Weizmann, Chaim 21
Die Welt (magazine) 195
Weltbühne 203–4
Westfall, Richard 103
Whiston, William 93–110
expulsion from Cambridge 95
The Horeb Covenant Revived 102–3
“On the Restoration of the Jews,” 108
Primitive Christianity Reviv’d 102
religious views 95
Whitehall Conference 96
William of Normandy (King William I of England) 40
Williams, William Carlos 254
Wilson, Woodrow 265
Windhorst, Ludwig 195
Wingate, Orde 266
Wise, Steven 265
Wisse, Ruth 207
Wolf, Eike 304
Wolf, Johann Christolph 51
A Word from Jerusalem (radio program) 272
Wordsworth, William 253
“Intimations of Immortality,” 253 (website) 318
Yahia, Gedalia ibn 53
Yiddish: The German Language of the Jews (television documentary) 296–7
Young, Douglas 271
Young Jews In the Federal Republic (television documentary) 303–5
Yovel, Yermiyahu 25
Zentralverband der Handlungsgehilfen 173, 187–8
Ziegler, Gudrun 307
Zionism 2, 4, 7, 19, 87–8, 193, 195–6, 204
Christian 19–20, 103–7, 110, 257–85
and German culture 297
Zionist Congress (Basel, 1897)
Zohar, Stanislaw 329–30
Zoroastrians 8, 59
Zweig, Stefan 190
Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF) 291, 292, 294–5, 296, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 305, 308, 310