AARC. See Afro-American Realty Company
ABC Employment Agency, 184
Abyssinian Baptist Church, 232
Adath Jeshurun. See Congregation Adath Jeshurun
ADL. See Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith
AFL. See American Federation of Labor
African Americans: Black Jews, 174–76; education and, 214–15; entertainment business and, 189–205; inter-racial relations and, 2, 3, 12–13, 166–71, 213, 246; Jewish population in African American Harlem, 183–84; labor and, 184–92, 206, 209, 220–21; migration and, 171, 208–9; with music business and exploitation, 203–5; population, 171–72, 209, 213, 229–30; racism and, 167–70, 172, 173, 184–90, 210–11, 216–19; real estate market and, 167–69; “slave markets” and, 185, 186
Afro-American Realty Company (AARC), 167–68
Agudath Jeshurun. See Congregation Agudath Jeshurun
Aguilar Free Library, 108
Aleichem, Sholem, 3
Ali, Muhammad (Clay, Cassius), 211
all-rightniks: Cohen, David A., as, 49–53; housing and, 70; with real estate market, 47–49. See also upper class
Altchek brothers, 184
Alteration Painters’ Union, 89
Amalgamated Painters and Decorators of New York, 59
Amalgamated Painters’ Union, 89
Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners No. 5, 59
Amelia Relief Society, 41
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 90–91, 185, 191
American Hebrew (newspaper), 21, 110, 168
Americanization, 78, 102, 108, 110, 120
American Jewish Chronicle (newspaper), 99
American Jewish Committee, 97, 99
American Nazi Party, 211
Amsterdam News (newspaper), 187, 188, 190, 192, 200, 213
Anapol, Joseph, 76
Anderson, Garland, 200
Ansche Chesed. See Congregation Ansche Chesed
Anshe Lubtz, 51–52
Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL), 188–89
Anti-High Rent Socialist League of Harlem, 88
anti-Semitism, 184, 187, 194, 211, 245; commerce and, 71, 189; migration and, 11, 169; upper class and, 37–38
anti-sweatshop legislation, 60
apartment buildings: large-scale, 36, 58–59, 69; Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments, 172–73
Appearances (Anderson), 200
Arbeter Ring School (Workmen’s Circle), 74, 169, 180; meat strike and, 82; rent strike and, 88; role of, 76–82, 89
art, 216–18
Austern, Louis, 177
bakers, 84–86
“Ballin’ the Jack” sheet music, 182
Bandy, Robert, 210
Baroff, Abraham, 76
Basie, Count, 209
Beame, Abraham, 220
La Belle Paree, 198
Belmont, August, 28
Benderly, Samson, 132–33
Berlin, Irving, 197
Beth Hamidrash Ha-Godol of Harlem, 103–4
Beth Israel Hospital, 109
Beth Knesset of Harlem, 103
Black Jews, 174–76
Black Power movement, 215
Blitzstein, Sarah, 82–83
Blue Monday Blues (Gershwin, G.), 202
Blumstein’s (department store), 186
B’nai Israel Salanter Anshe Sameth, 131
B’nai Jeshurun, 19
booms. See construction; real estate market
Borgenicht, Shoshana (wife), 7–8, 9, 11, 12
Borgenicht, Yoel, 7–8, 9, 11, 12
Brecher, Leo, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193
Bressler, Noah Zeev (Rabbi), 104
Brice, Fanny, 182, 193, 197–98
Brody, Alexander, 104
Bronx German Socialist Party, 89
Brooks, Shelton, 197
Brotherhood of Painters, AFL, 90–91
Bundists, 79–80
Burnett literacy test bill (1915), 97
butchers, 82–84
Cahan, Abraham, 48–49, 52, 70, 102
Caldwell, Alonzo B. (Colonel), 24, 33
Callanan, David, 59
Carter, Benny, 193
Carvalho, David N., 37
CCNY. See City College of New York
Central Conference of American Rabbis, 40
Central Jewish Institute (CJI), 150–51
Chabad of Harlem (Lubavitch), 8–11
Chalmers, John F., 59
Charity Organization Society, 162
cheder (school house), 9, 52, 116, 118, 121
Chesterfield Club, 110
Chevrah Ansche Chesed, 42
choral music, 142
Christ Apostolic Church of U.S.A., 5
Christianity, 37, 107, 154, 176; conversions, 113–14
Christian Science, 151
cigar-making industry, 54, 62–63
Citizen’s League for Fair Play, 186
City College of New York (CCNY), 9
CJI. See Central Jewish Institute
Clay, Cassius. See Ali, Muhammad
clothing business. See garment industry
clubs, 37–38, 110; after-hour clubs, 3, 196, 204; workers, 76–77
Cohen, David A., 63, 107, 119, 127; as all-rightnik, 49–53; Kehal Adath Jeshurun and, 50–53; with Uptown Talmud Torah Association, 120
Cohen, Elias A., 50, 107, 112–13, 119, 123, 124, 129
Cohen, Sidney, 193
Columbia University, 7, 223, 229
Columbus Theatre, 36
Commandment Keepers Congregation of the Living God, 174–76
commerce: anti-Semitism and, 71, 189; cigar-making industry, 54, 62–63; commercial center, 16–17; migration and, 53–54, 55, 67, 165, 171, 189, 212, 227–32; peddlers and, 17–18, 63; Rochdale cooperative system and, 83. See also garment industry; labor
Committee of Management, 37
community builders: with education, 20; entrepreneurs as, 18–21, 49–50; philanthropists, 113, 121
Congregation Adath Jeshurun, 179
Congregation Agudath Jeshurun, 179
Congregation Ansche Chesed, 138, 142, 178
Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, 19
Congregation Hand-in-Hand, 37, 38; evolution of, 23–24; founding of, 18–19; with Jewish “retrieval” effort, 245; Panic of 1873 and, 28, 41; split within, 23, 40; as Temple Israel of Harlem, 23–24, 25; YMHA criticized by, 22
Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun: role of, 121, 122, 125, 141, 145, 151; upper class and, 150, 155
Congregation Mikveh Israel, 142–44
Congregation Ohab Zedek, 3–4, 130; criticism of, 138–39; growth of, 140–42, 178; location, 2, 6
Congregation Ramath Orath, 242
Congregation Shaare Zedek, 42–44, 178
Congregation Shearith Israel, 34, 39
Congregation Shomre Emunah, 140–41
Congregation Tents of Israel, 23
Congregation Zichron Ephraim, 140
construction, 49; booms, 29, 57–58, 69, 162–63, 213; bridges, 66; real estate market and, 16, 55, 57–58, 60; residential, 29, 30, 31; stoppages, 28, 61, 160; subway system, 69, 164; unions, 89
consumers: cooperative systems and, 83–84; women and consumer activism, 82–83
Cook, Will Marion, 198
Coombs, Orde, 223
cooperative consumerism, 83
cooperative system, Rochdale, 83–84
costs: housing, 65, 69, 71, 86–89, 161–62, 170, 171, 173, 234; of meat, 82–83
Cotton Club, 204
Council of Jewish Women, 110
Court of Common Pleas, 37
Cowen, Lillie (wife), 110
Cowen, Philip, 110–11
Croker, Richard, 34
Cross Bronx Expressway, 213
dancing academies, pimps at, 136
Daughters of the American Revolution, 35
Davis, Ossie, 232
Dayton, Charles, 34
Deborah Relief Society, 41
De Forest, Robert, 64
Depew, Chauncey, 34
depressions. See Great Depression; Panic of 1873
Distillator, Samuel (Rev.), 44
Division Street Park, 61
Dolgenas, Jacob (Rabbi), 142–43, 145
Domestic Workers Union, 185
DOROT, 239
Drachman, Bernard (Rabbi), 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147
Dream Center, 241
drugs, 222
Dunbar National Bank, 172
economy: Great Depression, 157, 163, 164, 172, 183, 221; housing costs, 65, 69, 71, 86–89, 161–62, 170, 171, 173, 234; meat costs, 82–83; migration and, 163–65, 173–74; Panic of 1873, 27–28, 30, 41; parks, funding for, 61
education, 11, 113; African Americans and, 214–15; Arbeter Ring School, 74, 76–82, 88, 89, 169, 180; community builders with, 20; Educational Alliance, 108–9, 123; ethnic diversity and, 12; Harlem Children’s Educational Circle, 78–79; Jewish National Radical Schools, 81; Judaism and, 20–21, 115–30, 132–33, 144; literacy, 97, 208; New York City Board of Education, 178–79, 214; Operation Hope, 234; for rabbis, 52, 119; Socialist Sunday School, 78; strikes, 214–15; Teachers Union, 188, 215; UFT, 214, 215–16; women and, 20, 129; Yiddish-language schools, 79–80, 81
Educational Alliance, 109, 113
Egan, Mary, 24
Eldridge Street Project, 179
Eldridge Street Synagogue. See Kehal Adath Jeshurun
elections. See politics
elevated railways, 25, 27, 54; fares, 29; residential construction near, 29, 30, 31; routes, 28–29; tenements and, 55, 173
employment. See labor; workers
entertainment business: gangsters and, 204; music business, 2, 3, 191, 193–94, 196–97, 198, 201–5; theaters, 2, 189–203
entrepreneurs: as community builders, 18–21, 49–50; influence of, 24, 63; peddlers and commerce, 17–18, 63; real estate market and, 63, 69, 70–71, 167–68; Stone, Israel, as, 15–18, 24
ethnic diversity, education and, 12
Etting, Asser, 35
Executive Committee of the American Jewish Congress Organizing Committee, 97
exploitation, music business and, 203–5
fares, elevated railways, 29
Farrakhan, Louis, 236
Federal Writers’ Project, 157, 174
Federation of American Zionists, 97
Federation of East Side Workers, 61–62
Feinerman, Rachel, 241
Filo Center, 179
Fischel, Harry, 114, 122, 126, 144; influence of, 155; UTT and, 127–30
Forward (newspaper), 48, 52, 70–71, 77, 91, 168–69; on blackface, 199; elections, 99–100; housing costs in, 86; with labor strike, 90; meat strike in, 82–83; with rent strike, 88, 89
Frank, Henry, 101
Frei Arbeter Stimme (newspaper), 77
Fremont, John Charles, 19
funding, for parks, 61
Funny Girl (film), 197
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 231
Galewski, Bernard, 42–43
Gansbourg, Goldie (wife), 9
Gansbourg, Shaya (Rabbi), 8, 9, 10, 236
garment industry: anti-sweatshop legislation, 60; clothing business, 16–17; unions, 96; workers, 53–54, 63
Gates of Prayer. See Ladies Benevolent Society
Gedzelman, David (Rabbi), 239–41, 242
gender: bias, 20; inequality, 135, 137–38, 143
General Jewish Labor Alliance of Russia, Poland, and Lithuania, 79
gentrification, 10, 228, 230–31; criticism of, 233–34; real estate market and, 7–8, 234–35
German immigrants, 33, 36, 63–64, 89, 107, 170
Gershwin, George, 3, 198–99, 201–3
Gershwin, Ira (brother), 201
G.I. Bill of Rights, 211
Gilligan, Thomas, 210
Gilroy, Thomas, 34
Glass, Henry, 130
Golde and Cohen Realtors, 49
Goldfogle, Henry M., 93–94, 95
Gold Restaurant, 222
Goldstein, Herbert S. (Rabbi), 4, 127, 133; CJI and, 150–51; influence, 8–9; Institutional Synagogue and, 148–49, 151–54, 178; on Judaism, 145–46; with revival movement, 151–55; YMHA and, 147, 149–50
Golub (Rabbi), 4–5
Gordon, Waxy, 181
Gordon, Yehudah Leib, 117
Gottheil, Gustav (Rabbi), 38–39
Grace, Charles Manual “Sweet Daddy,” 237
Grace Episcopal Church, 19
Grand Army of the Republic, 37
Grant, Ulysses S., 34
Great Depression, 157, 163, 164, 172, 183, 221
Greenbaum, Samuel, 127
Greenfield, Samuel (Rabbi), 71–72
Grey, Edgar M., 192
Group Charmigal, 88
Gurock, Jeffrey S., 1, 7, 12, 243
Gurock family, 180–81
Hamid, Sufi Abdul, 187, 211, 236
Hammerstein, Oscar I, 26, 36, 193
Hampton, Lionel, 193–94
Hand-in-Hand. See Congregation Hand-in-Hand
Hapgood, Hutchins, 117
Harari, Freddy, 236–38
Harlem, 1, 12, 58, 88, 112, 113, 218; connotations, 33, 243; Jewish institutional migration from (1917–1930), 156; map (circa 1870), 14. See also African Americans; Chabad of Harlem; Jewish Harlem
Harlem Bakers Union, 84
Harlem Baptist Temple Church, 2, 3, 6–7
Harlem Children’s Educational Circle, 78–79
Harlem Club, 37–38
Harlem Cooperative, 84
Harlem Educational Institute, 119–20
Harlem Federation, 50, 109, 111–12, 113, 123, 132
Harlem Hebrew Language Academy Charter School, 11–12, 226, 239
Harlem Hebrew League, 146
Harlem Housewives League, 186
Harlem Labor Union, 187
Harlem Local Reporter (newspaper), 44, 56
Harlem Lodge of the B’nai B’rith, 41, 42
Harlem Merchants’ Association, 187
“Harlem on My Mind: Cultural Capital of Black America, 1900–1968,” 216, 217
Harlem Physical Therapy Center, 7
Harlem Savings Bank, 19
Harlem Young Men’s Hebrew Association (1879), 21–22, 41–42
Harlem Young Men’s Hebrew Association (1915), 146–47, 149–50, 154
Harlem Young Men’s Hebrew Orthodox League, 144–45, 151–52
Harris, Louis, 222
Harris, Maurice H. (Rabbi), 38–39, 40, 41, 110–11, 178
Harrison, Francis Burton, 95
Ha-Techiya (periodical), 117
Hausman, Gustav, 142
Hays, Daniel P., 35, 37, 38, 39, 111
Hays, David, 35
Hays, Esther, 35
Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, 28
Hebrew Benevolent Fuel Association, 28
Hebrew Benevolent Society of Los Angeles, 19
Hebrew Educational Alliance, 113
Hebrew Educational Union, 110–11
Hebrew Free Loan Association, 109
Hebrew Free School, 116
Hebrew Free School Association, 108
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, 109
Hebrew Orphan Asylum, 127
Hebrew Relief Society, 28
“Hebrew School Society.” See Shangarai Limud Sunday School Society
Hebrew Standard (newspaper), 119, 138
Hebrew Tabernacle, 176–78
Hebrew Union College, 39
“Hell’s Kitchen,” 33
Hendrick, Burton J., 47–48, 64
heroin, 222
Hershfield, Isidor, 126
Hildesheimer, Azriel (Rabbi), 139
Hillquit, Morris: elections and, 93–101; influence, 101
Hitler, Adolf, 187
homes, 29, 209; homelessness, 28, 60, 62, 65–66, 67; parlor, 46
Homler Young Men’s Society, 180
Horne, Lena, 209
Horowitz, Irving Louis, 183, 184
horse-drawn railways, 29
housing: all-rightniks and, 70; costs, 65, 69, 71, 86–89, 161–62, 170, 171, 173, 234; crisis, 66, 160–63, 171–73, 221–22; legislation, 165; racism and, 170–71, 172, 173. See also apartment buildings; brownstones; homes; “railroad flats”; slums; tenements
Hovevei Ivirth, 121
Hoving, Thomas P. F., 216, 218–19
Howells, William Dean, 30
Hudson Realty Company, 168
Hungarian immigrants, 45
Hurwitz, Schmarya Leib (Rabbi), 131–32
immigrants: all-rightniks, 47–49; German, 33, 36, 63–64, 89, 107, 170; influx of, 32, 44, 45, 66, 107–9, 160–61; Italian, 32, 88–89, 100–101, 113; legislation, 174; with migration, reasons for, 8, 15, 17, 72–73; Polish, 45, 59, 75. See also migration
Incidents of Travels and Adventures in the Far West (Carvalho, Solomon), 19
Institutional Synagogue, 4, 133, 155, 178–79; beginnings, 148–49, 151–53; criticism of, 153–54
International Painters’ and Paperhangers’ Union, 89–90
inter-racial relations. See race
Irish Americans, 32, 33, 59, 75; construction unions and, 89; elections and, 93; with inter-racial relations, 91, 113, 167, 169; Tammany Hall, 34, 37, 61, 92, 93–94, 95; workers’ brotherhoods, 60, 62
Isaacs, Myer S., 40
Ish-Kishor, Ephraim, 120–21, 132
Italian immigrants, 32; with inter-racial relations, 113; politics and, 100–101; with rent strike, 88–89
Jacobs, Henry S. (Rev.), 19
The Jazz Singer (film), 2–3, 198, 199, 200
Jehudia, 121
Jerome H. Remick and Co., 201–2
Jessel, George, 192–93
Jewish Center, 155
Jewish Centres Association, 112–13
Jewish Daily News (Yiddishes Tageblatt), 44, 119, 168–69
Jewish Defense League, 218
Jewish Defense League of Harlem, 112, 113
Jewish Harlem: boundaries, 5, 6, 7; in context, 1–13, 70–72, 243–46; main thoroughfare, 2, 6; population of Jews in, 1, 62, 71, 158–60, 161, 165–66, 171, 207–8, 220
Jewish Messenger (newspaper), 22
The Jewish Morning Journal (newspaper), 129–30
Jewish National Radical Schools, 81
Jewish Press (newspaper), 211
Jewish Sabbath Association, 153
Jewish Socialist Federation, 81
Jewish Teachers’ College Fund, 125
Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), 211
Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 4, 123, 125–26, 140, 145
Jewish Welfare Board, 166
Jews in Gotham (Gurock), 7
Joe Wood’s Coconut Grove, 193
Jordan, Joe, 198
JTA. See Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Judaism: apathy and, 16, 18, 20–21, 22, 102, 114, 146; Black Jews and, 174–76; Christianity and, 113–14; education and, 20–21, 115–30, 132–33, 144; gender inequality and, 135, 137–38, 143; growth of, 18–19, 23, 137; Jewish “retrieval” effort, 132, 138, 144, 244–45; “monster rallies” and, 3–4; Orthodox Judaism, 23, 102, 145–46; with reform, 144–45; Reform Judaism, 22; revival movement, 151–55; yeshiva and, 102–4. See also synagogues
Kahane, Meir (Rabbi), 211, 218
Kaplan, Elias, 54
Kaplan, Mordecai M. (Rabbi), 4, 122, 125, 141, 149; CJI and, 150–51; Jewish Center and, 155
Kaplan, Sidney, 193
Karlin, William, 101
Kehal Adath Jeshurun (Eldridge Street Synagogue), 49, 50–53, 103, 137–38, 179
Kehilath Jeshurun. See Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
Kenyatta, Charles, 219
King, Martin Luther, 215
King, Woodie, Jr., 227
KKK, 211
Klein, Philip Hillel, 139–40, 141, 142, 147
Kleindeutschland neighborhood, 15, 42, 138
Koch, H.C.F., 186–87
Koch’s Department Store, 186
Kohler, Kaufmann (Rabbi), 40, 116
Kohn, Jacob (Rabbi), 142
kosher food, 10, 68, 82, 102, 151, 174, 175
Kramer, Simon (Rabbi), 186
Kret, Jacob (Rabbi), 6
Krylov, Ivan, 117
Labbatt, Joseph (brother), 19
Labbatt, Samuel, 19
labor: butchers, 82–85; health protection legislation and, 60; with migration and commerce, 53–54; racism and, 184–90, 206, 236–38; “slave markets,” 185, 186; strikes, 90, 186–88, 190–92; theaters, labor practices, 189–92; unemployment, 28, 209, 220–21; unions, 59–62, 79, 80–81, 84–85, 86, 89–91, 96, 110–11, 185, 187, 188, 191, 214, 215–16; workers’ brotherhoods for Irish Americans, 60, 62; workers in garment industry, 53–54, 63
Ladies Anti-Beef Trust Committee, 82–83
Ladies Benevolent Society (Gates of Prayer), 28
Ladies’ Garment Workers Union, 96
Lafayette Theatre, 189, 190–92
La Guardia, Fiorello, 101, 193
landsmanshaft synagogue, 114–15, 137, 138, 141, 147, 157, 176
laws. See legislation
Lazarus, Emma, 107
legislation: anti-sweatshop, 60; G.I. Bill of Rights, 211; health protection, 60; housing, 165; immigration, 174; literacy test, 97; minimum wage, 185; Prohibition, 192; Small Parks Act, 61; tenements, 65
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 117
Levinthal, Israel (Rabbi), 155
Levy, Aaron, 42–43
Levy, Harry K., 169–70
Lewisohn, Adolph, 127
Limited Dividend Housing Companies law (1926), 165
Lissman, Edward (Rev.), 177–78
Lodzer lodge, 88
London, Meyer, 95
“Loving Joe” (Cook and Jordan), 198
Lowe, Marcus, 196
lower class: homelessness, 28, 60, 62, 65–66, 67; housing costs for, 65, 161–62; Talmud Torahs and, 115–18; in tenements, 29–31, 60, 68
Lower East Side, 1, 3, 66, 217
Lubavitch. See Chabad of Harlem
Lubtz, 51
Lucas, Albert, 112–13
La Luz restaurant, 184
Magnes, Judah (Rabbi), 130
Malacowsky, Hillel, 117–18, 119, 123, 132
Manhattan Bridge, 66
Margolies, Moses Zevulun “The Ramaz” (Rabbi), 121–23, 124, 125, 141
Marks, Charles, 161–62
Marshall, Louis, 97, 99, 107, 114, 123, 124; Teachers Institute and, 125–26; UTT and, 130
Marxism, 78
Masjid Malcolm Shabazz Mosque, 232
Masliansky, Zvi Hirsch (Rabbi), 109, 111
Matthew, Wentworth Arthur (Rabbi), 174, 175
Maxwell, Marilyn Spitz, 212
McClure’s (magazine), 47
McKay, Claude, 187
meat strike, 82–83
Medem, Vladimir, 80
Mein Kampf (Hitler), 187
Meisels, Shaaye (Samuel), 139
melamed (teacher), 115–16, 117, 118, 121, 132, 147
Mendes, Henry P. (Rabbi), 121
“mercantile movement,” 60
Mesivta Torah Vodaath of Williamsburg, 104
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 216, 217
Metropolitan Opera House, 36
Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA), 223–24
Micheaux, Oscar, 190
Michel, Christopher (son), 228
Michel, Harriet, 227–28
migration: African Americans and, 171, 208–9; anti-Semitism and, 11, 169; commerce and, 53–54, 55, 67, 165, 171, 189, 212, 227–32; economy and, 163–65, 173–74; group identification and, 1; immigrants and, 8, 15, 17, 32, 44, 45, 47–49, 59, 66, 72–73, 75, 88–89, 100–101, 107–9, 113, 160–61, 174; Jewish institutional migration from Harlem (1917–1930), 156; “mercantile movement,” 60; synagogues, relocation of, 177–80; working class and, 31, 67
Mikveh Israel. See Congregation Mikveh Israel
minimum wage legislation, 185
Il Momento (newspaper), 88
“monster rallies,” 3–4
Morais, Henry S. (Rabbi), 142–43, 146
Morning Journal (newspaper), 99
Morningside Heights, 223–24
Morningside Park, 10
Motion Pictures Operators Union, 191
Mount Morris Theatre, 3–4, 153
Mount Neboh Cemetery, 3
MTA. See Metropolitan Transit Authority
Mulberry Bend Park, 61
music business: Apollo Theater and, 193–94; blackface and, 196–97, 198; exploitation and, 203–5; Gershwin, George, and, 201–3; inter-racial relations and, 2, 3; Musicians’ Union, 191
National Jewish Workers Alliance, 80–81
Neal, Larry, 227
Negro Labor Committee, 187
Neighborhood Protective Association, 172
New York Age (newspaper), 168, 170, 187
New York Central Railroad System, 34
New York City Board of Education, 178–79, 214
New York City Tenement House Department, 65, 160–61
New Yorker Staats Zeitung (newspaper), 35
New York Evening Post (newspaper), 17
New York Industrial Cooperative Society, 84
New York Kehillah’s Bureau of Jewish Education, 123, 128–30, 132, 144
Nicholas Brothers, 200
9/11, 238
Norfolk Street Synagogue, 22, 103
Northern Pacific Railroad, 27
Norton, Ed, 227
Norton, Eleanor Holmes, 227
Ochs, Iphigene, 35
Ohab Zedek. See Congregation Ohab Zedek
Old Broadway Synagogue, 5–6
Olmstead, Frederick Law, 30, 223
125th Street Vendors Association, 237
Operation Hope, 234
Orthodox Jews, 8–9, 23, 50, 102, 105, 145–46
Osofsky, Gilbert, 221
Ottendorfer, Oswald, 35–36
Palestine, 97
parks, 10, 25, 33, 35, 47, 48; funding for, 61; role of, 60–62
Parnes, Francine, 5
Paul Laurence Dunbar Apartments, 172–73
peddlers, commerce and, 17–18, 63
Peixotto, Benjamin Franklin, 26, 34, 37
performers, wages for, 196
philanthropists. See community builders
pimps, 136
plumbing, 31
Podell, Max, 126
police brutality, 188, 210, 218
politics: elections, 92–101; political parties, 37
population: African Americans, 171–72, 209, 213, 229–30; density, 67–68; disturbances, 60, 62, 65–66; growth, 63–64; Jews in African American Harlem, 183–84; Jews in Jewish Harlem, 1, 62, 71, 158–60, 161, 165–66, 171, 207–8, 220; whites, 229, 235
Porgy and Bess (Gershwin, G.), 203
“Portal to America: The Lower East Side, 1870–1925,” 217
Powell, James, 210
Powell, Morris, 237
Press Committee, 37
private carriage service, 29
Progressive Painters Club, 77
Prohibition, 192
Protective Association of Harlem Property Owners, 58
Puerto Ricans, 174, 184, 207, 208
Rabbi Israel Salanter Talmud Torah, 131–32, 179
race: anti-Semitism, 11, 37–38, 71, 169, 184, 187, 189, 194, 211, 245; blackface and, 195–200, 202; ethnic diversity and education, 12; inter-racial relations, 2, 3, 12–13, 91, 113, 166–71, 184–92, 213, 216–19, 246; racism, 167–70, 172, 173, 184–90, 195–200, 202, 206, 208, 210–11, 216–19, 236–38; riots, 162, 167, 169, 188, 205, 210–11, 214, 218, 237, 238
Radensky, Paul, 5
“railroad flats,” 30
Ramath Orath. See Congregation Ramath Orath
rapid transit: creation of, 27–28; elevated railways, 25, 27, 28–29, 30, 31, 54, 55, 173; improvements, 1, 158; subway system, 55, 56–57, 69, 159, 164, 223–24
real estate market, 36; African Americans and, 167–69; all-rightniks with, 47–49; booms, 1, 164; construction and, 16, 55, 57–58, 60; entrepreneurs and, 63, 69, 70–71, 167–68; gentrification and, 7–8, 234–35; housing costs, 65; subway system and, 56–57; taxes, 162, 165, 221
Real Estate Record and Builders Guide, 30
“Red Summer” (1919), 162
Reform Judaism, 22
Reicherson, Moses (Rabbi), 117, 119
relocation. See migration
rent strike, 87–89
residential construction, 29, 30, 31
Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin, G.), 203
Rhythm Kings, 193
Richman, Julia, 135
Riis, Jacob, 61
riots. See race
The Rise of David Levinsky (Cahan), 48–49
Riverside Synagogue, 178
Robert Owen Club, 77
Roberts, Luckey, 202
Robinson, Jackie, 194
Rochdale cooperative system, 83–84
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 172
Rogoff, Hillel “Harry,” 92, 100
Romanian immigrants, 45
Rosenblatt, Bernard, 97–99
Rosenblatt, Yossele, 2–3, 141, 142
Rosenbloom, Jerome (Rabbi), 186
Rothstein, Arnold, 204
routes, elevated railways, 28–29
Rubinstein, Aaron, 201
Runyon, Damon, 185
Ruppert, Jacob, Jr., 95
Russian-American Hebrew Association, 109, 110
Russian Revolution of 1905, 80
Rutsky, David, 37
Sabath, Adolph, 97
“Sadie Salome” (Berlin), 197
St. Cecilia’s Parish, 179
St. Stephens A.M.E. Church, 240, 241
Samuelsson, Marcus, 239
Schenck, Nicholas, 196
Schickler, Isaac, 22
Schiff, Jacob, 113, 114, 121, 123; Goldstein and, 151; UTT and, 124–26, 127
Schiffman, Frank, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194
Schleifer, Steven, 224–25
Schoener, Allon, 216–17
school house (cheder), 9, 52, 116, 118, 121
S.E.I. Club of the University Settlement, 110
Seligman, Joseph, 28
Sephardic Jews, 72, 176, 179, 184
sex: rape, 200; sex trade, 3, 136, 185, 198; strip joints, 193
Shaare Zedek. See Congregation Shaare Zedek
Shaffer, Richard, 229
Shangarai Limud Sunday School Society (“Hebrew School Society”), 20
Shange, Sikhulu, 237
Shanker, Albert, 215
Sharon Baptist Church, 179
Shomre Emunah. See Congregation Shomre Emunah
Shuffle Along, 202
Siegel, Isaac, 107, 139, 147, 151; elections and, 95, 96–101; on Goldstein, 152
Sinbad, 199
Singer, Baruch, 9
Sisterhood of Personal Service, 41
Sixteen Gorgeous Hot Steppers, 193
“slave markets,” 184–86
slums, 1, 30, 60, 64, 66. See also tenements
Small Parks Act, 61
Smith, Neil, 229
Smith, Roland James, Jr., 237
social class. See lower class; middle class; upper class; working class
Socialist Party Naturalization Committee, 96
Socialist Sunday School, 78
Socialist Territorialists, 88
“Some of These Days” (Brooks), 197
Sossnitz, Joseph Leib (Rabbi), 116
Spingarn, Joel E., 170
Spitz, Florence (wife), 212
Spitz, Herbert, 212
steamboat, 17
Steinhardt Foundation for Jewish Life, 239
Sterman, Moses (Rabbi), 103, 104
Stone, Celia (daughter), 15, 17, 25
Stone, Emma (wife), 15–16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 47
Stone, Israel, 25, 37, 38, 47, 157–58; as community builder, 18, 19, 20; as entrepreneur, 15–18, 24
Stone, Jennetta (mother), 15
Stone, Solomon (father), 15–16
Streisand, Barbra, 197
strikes: bakery, 84; education, 214–15; labor, 90, 186–88, 190–92; meat, 82–83; rent, 87–89; wages and, 90, 191
strip joints, 193
Strong, William, 61–62
subway system, 55, 159, 223–24; construction of, 69, 164; real estate and, 56–57
Suggs, Willie Kathryn, 234–35
Sullivan, Tim “Big Tim,” 93
Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 35
Sulzberger, Cyrus, 26, 35, 37, 39
Sulzberger, Rachel Hays, 39
Sulzberger, Rachel Peixotto, 35
Sunday, Billy, 154
Sussman, Morris, 193
“Swanee” (Gershwin, G., and Caesar), 3, 198–99, 201, 202
synagogues: Anshe Lubtz, 51; Beth Hamidrash Ha-Godol of Harlem, 103–4; Beth Knesset of Harlem, 103; B’nai Israel Salanter Anshe Sameth, 131; Commandment Keepers Congregation of the Living God, 174–76; Congregation Adath Jeshurun, 179; Congregation Agudath Jeshurun, 179; Congregation Ansche Chesed, 138, 142, 178; Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, 19; Congregation Hand-in-Hand, 18–19, 22, 23–24, 25, 28, 37, 38, 40, 41, 245; Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, 121, 122, 125, 141, 145, 150–51, 155; Congregation Mikveh Israel, 142–44; Congregation Nachlath Zvi, 44, 53, 111; Congregation Ohab Zedek, 2, 3–4, 6, 130, 138–42, 178; Congregation Ramath Orath, 242; Congregation Shaare Zedek, 42–44, 178; Congregation Shearith Israel, 34, 39; Congregation Shomre Emunah, 140–41; Congregation Tents of Israel, 23; Congregation Tikvath Israel (1890s), 110; Congregation Tikvath Israel (1970s), 4–5; Congregation Zichron Ephraim, 140; Eldridge Street Synagogue, 49, 50–53, 103, 137–38, 179; Hebrew Tabernacle, 176–78; Institutional Synagogue, 4, 133, 148–49, 151–54, 155, 178–79; Jewish Center, 155; Jewish institutional migration from Harlem (1917–1930), 156; Kehal Adath Jeshurun, 49, 50–53, 103, 137–38, 179; landsmanshaft synagogue, 114–15, 137, 138, 141, 147, 157, 176; Norfolk Street Synagogue, 22; Old Broadway Synagogue, 5–6; participatory worship in, 142–43; performance phenomenon and, 137, 139, 141–42; relocation of, 177–80; Riverside Synagogue, 178; “Synagogue Center” project, 4; Temple Emanu-El, 116, 126; Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood, 41; Temple Emanu-El Theological Seminary, 38; Temple Israel of Harlem, 23–24, 25, 40–41, 178; Temple Mount Zion, 42, 71, 146; UTT, 44–45, 52, 53, 106, 116–31, 143, 144, 179; “Young People’s Synagogues” movement, 137–38, 142–55; YWHA as, 149, 152
Talmud Torah Association, 119–22, 124
Talmud Torah system, 115–18, 133. See also Uptown Talmud Torah
Tammany Hall, 34, 37, 61, 92, 93–94, 95
Tass, Tina, 82–83
taxes, real estate, 162, 165, 221
teacher (melamed), 115–16, 117, 118, 121, 132, 147
Teachers Institute, 125–26
tenements: displacement of, 60, 62, 65–66, 67; elevated railways and, 55, 173; housing crisis with, 66, 160–63; legislation, 65; lower class in, 29–31, 60, 68; New York City Tenement House Department, 65, 160–61; rent strike in, 87–89; working class in, 29–30, 59
Tents of Israel. See Congregation Tents of Israel
theaters, 2; Apollo Theater, 189, 192–94; blackface, 195–200, 202; Brice and, 193, 197–98; Gershwin, George, and, 198–99, 201–3; Jolson and, 198–201; labor practices, 189–92; Tucker and, 196–97, 199; “variety revues,” 193
Thurman, Wallace, 189–90
Tikvath Israel (1890s), 110
Tikvath Israel (1970s), 4–5
Tisdale, Daniel Bretton, 10
transportation: horse-drawn railways, 29; omnibus, 17, 29; private carriage service, 29; rapid transit, 1, 25, 27–29, 30, 31, 54, 55, 56–57, 69, 158, 159, 164, 173, 223–24; steamboat, 17
Turner, Judith, 239–41
26th Assembly District Socialist Party, 88
UFT. See United Federation of Teachers
UJA-Federation of New York, 242
Union Prayer Book, 40
unions. See labor
United Federation of Teachers (UFT), 214, 215–16
United Hebrew Charities, 28, 41, 110
United Hebrew Charities Burial Society, 28
United Hebrew Trades, 89
Universal Construction Company, 49
upper class, 33, 35–36, 150, 155; all-rightniks, 47–53, 70; anti-Semitism and, 37–38; in brownstones, 34
Uptown Talmud Torah (UTT), 44–45, 52, 53, 106, 179; beginnings, 117–19; growth of, 120–30, 144; role of, 116–17, 131; Young Folks League and, 143
Uptown Talmud Torah Association, 120–21
UTT. See Uptown Talmud Torah
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 34
Van Der Zee, James, 217
Van Ellison, Candice, 217–18, 219
“variety revues,” 193
Vaux, Calvert, 223
Veiler, Lawrence, 64
violence, 66, 75; inter-racial relations and, 167, 168–69; police brutality, 188, 210, 218; race riots, 169, 188, 210–11, 237, 238
wages: inequality, 184, 190–92; minimum wage, 185; for performers, 196; strikes and, 90, 191
walking tours, 6
Waller, Fats, 204
Warburg, Felix, 113
Ward, Aida, 193
Warfel, Esther, 83
Washington, Booker T., 183
Waters, Ethel, 200
Wegderwitz (butcher), 82–83
Weinstein, Morris, 186–87
Weiss, Harry (Rabbi), 155
Weiss, Steven I., 241–42
When Harlem Was Jewish, 1870–1930 (Gurock), 1, 7, 12, 243
Wilkins, Roger, 223
Wilson, Woodrow, 97
WMCA (radio station), 193
WNEW (radio station), 193
women: consumer activism and, 82–83; Council of Jewish Women, 110; education and, 20, 129; gender inequality and, 135, 137–38, 143; Harlem Housewives League, 186; labor and, 184–85; Ladies’ Garment Workers Union, 96; racism and, 184–85; sex trade, 136, 185; of Temple Israel, 41; with voting, 93; YWHA, 134, 136–37, 149, 152
workers: Bundists and, 79–80; clubs, 76–77; garment industry, 53–54, 63; unions, 61–62, 80–81, 96, 185; workers’ brotherhoods for Irish Americans, 60, 62. See also labor
working class, 29–30, 31, 59, 67
Workmen’s Circle. See Arbeter Ring School
World War I, 160
Yeshiva Chaim Berlin of Brownsville, 104
Yeshiva D’Harlem. See Yeshiva Rabbi Elijah Gaon M’Vilna
Yeshiva Etz Chaim, 102
Yeshiva Rabbi Elijah Gaon M’Vilna (Yeshiva D’Harlem), 103, 104
Yeshiva Rabbi Isaac Elchanan, 52, 102, 122
Yeshiva Rabbi Israel Salanter, 179
Yeshiva Toras Hayim, 103–4
Yiddishes Tageblatt (Jewish Daily News), 44, 119, 168–69
Yiddish-language schools, 79–80, 81
Yorkville Ladies Benevolent Society, 28
Young Folks League, 143
Young Judaea, 121
Young Men’s Hebrew Association (YMHA), 135, 136, 146–47, 154
“Young People’s Synagogues” movement. See synagogues
Young Women’s Hebrew Association (YWHA), 134, 136–37, 149, 152
Zabinskie, Celina (wife), 18, 19
Zabinskie, George (brother), 20
Zhitlowsky, Chaim, 80
Zichron Ephraim. See Congregation Zichron Ephraim
Zinsler, Leopold (Rabbi), 43
Zion Commonwealth Inc., 97
Zucker, Adolf, 196
Zukunft Press Association, 77