
accordion, 97
Adler, Kurt, 233
Adorno, Gretel, 3
Adorno, Theodor
Aesthetic Theory, 17
American works, 34
centenary proceedings, 1
Faithful Repetiteur, 29
In Search of Wagner, 17
Introduction to the Sociology of Music, 29
Minima Moralia, 2
‘Music and Radio’, 18, 212
Music in Radio, 1718, 22
New York (1938–41), 23
‘On Jazz‘, 36
‘On the Fetish Character in Music‘, 18
‘On the Musical Utilization of Radio‘, 29
Philosophy of New Music, 17, 23, 26
post-war radio work, 35
prolificness, 17
radio lecture series, 7
‘Stravinsky and the Restoration‘, 234
‘Alexander’s Ragtime Band’, 298, 481
Allport, Gordon, 460
American Sociological Review, 36
Anders, Günther, 38
appreciation, see music appreciation archaism, 395
Archer, Gleason, 601, 390
Aristotle, 192
arrangements, 211
Adorno’s concept, 13, 245, 31, 197, 415
art for art’s sake, 59
bourgeois art, 363, 463
community building, 51
Europe, 414
leisure classes, 71
mass production, 190
mechanical reproduction, 1416, 23, 624
non-auratic art, 387
pleasure, 1289
psychological effect, 1934
uniqueness, 8892, 3846
atomizing, 55, 59, 62, 12032, 151, 1559, 170, 196, 209, 220, 313, 319, 360, 3623, 36970, 4312, 449
atonal music, 11, 223
Auber, Stefan, 233
aura of music, 8992, 119, 385, 473
‘Avalon’, 258, 259, 402, 4058, 411, 481
Babbitt, Milton, 36
Babbittry, 166, 20011, 475
baby talk, 2956
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 173, 176, 1778, 188, 201, 211, 213, 227, 266
barbarization, 465
Barber, Samuel, 2089
Barbirolli, John, 117
Barcelata, Lorenzo, 328
Barlachii Volga Singers, 453, 483
Basteler, 480
Baudelaire, Charles, 262, 414
BBC, 35
Beethoven, Ludwig van, 6
5th Symphony, 1567, 161, 186, 199, 2834, 361, 366
7th Symphony, 2823
Appassionata, 230, 231, 301
clichés, 266
colour, 161
Coriolanus, 175
deafness, 125, 427
dope tendency, 356
Fidelio, 185
Fugue for String Quartet, 129
late quartets, 266
melodies, 254
music appreciation, 185, 186, 195, 199202, 206, 220, 22731
popularity, 130
sonatas, 182, 211, 300, 311, 415
symphonies, 1920, 26, 28, 512, 545, 62, 68, 127, 14561, 3523, 3569, 363, 4734
tension, 123, 153
variations, 226
Waldstein Sonata, 148
Bekker, Paul, 502, 54, 1478, 151, 3514, 473
‘The Bells of San Raquel’, 36, 32731, 3358, 481
Benjamin, Walter, 3, 1416, 17, 18, 19, 20, 889, 92, 119, 3845, 387
Berg, Alban, 13, 130, 185, 225, 260, 262, 263
Berlin, Irving, 298
Berlin Radio Station, 78
Berlioz, Hector, 121, 154, 358
Bernfeld, Siegfried, 49, 372
Bizet, Georges, 179, 221
Bluebird, 453
Botticelli, Sandro, 385
Brahms, Johannes, 1612, 196, 201, 233, 367
Breisach, Paul, 234
Bruckner, Anton, 75, 260, 378
Cage, John, 22
Cantril, Hadley, 460
catchword stimulus, 62, 123
CBS, 47
Chaliapin, Fyodor, 453, 484
chamber music, 56, 145, 222, 472, 473
Chaplin, Charlie, 397
Chicago Civic Opera, 5
Chicago School, 456
choice, 957, 141
Chopin, Frederic, 221, 222, 261, 476
City Center for Music and Drama, 6, 28
classicism, 24, 162, 221, 224, 367
classification, 41819, 4515
Cocteau, Jean, 151
commodification, 1358
community building, 501, 63, 151, 354
consonance, 421
consumerism, 194
Coolidge, Elizabeth Sprague, 472
corniness, 3201
crucial groups, 45960
‘Cry Baby Cry’, 296, 482
culinary listening, 12032, 220
democratization, 7
Germany, 1213
musical pseudo-culture, 191215
radio and cultural hunger, 48
Curtis, Alberta, 459, 493n4
Czechoslovakia, 113
Damrosch, Walter, 8, 1314, 25, 31, 1656, 169, 178, 181, 185, 1912, 201, 2038, 211, 4535, 472
De Rose, Peter, 36
Deane, Martha, 71
Debussy, Claude, 127, 262
‘Deep Purple’, 36, 284, 301, 303, 3314, 482
depth of sound, 85
derivation, 349
Dewey, John, 16970
discord, 209, 421, 425
doubles, 82, 83, 381
drama, 155
Dvo ák, Antonín, 319
Earhart, Will, 192
echo-effect, 74, 87, 92, 113, 11718, 34950, 3778, 383
Edison, Thomas, 601, 390
education, see music appreciation
Eisler, Hans, 31, 233
Ellington, Duke, 225, 484
emotional listener, 31213, 31819
emotionalism, 426
empirical research
crucial groups, 45960
life histories, 459
methodology, 4778
music psychology, 41350
personal interviews, 45660
personality approach, 4589
qualitative analysis, 12, 37, 4789
theory, 478
Enlightenment, 461, 463
entertainment, 143, 160, 191, 235, 313, 475, 47980
erudite listener, 312
Eucken, Rudolf, 203
expressionism, 261
family authority, 464
fan mail, 10510, 113, 13940
Farnsworth, Charles, 165, 174, 182
fascism, 466
Fechner, Gustav, 417
Ferenczi, Sándor, 49, 372
fetishism, 1619, 27, 86, 102, 109, 126, 137, 145, 169, 171, 191, 1978, 222, 318, 325, 386, 470, 4734, 476, 480
Fischer, J. K. F., 176
Flaubert, Gustave, 13
Flesch, Hans, 78
Florence, 118
folk songs, 107, 171, 264, 4534, 4745
form, 25760
Forrai, Olga, 233
France, impressionism, 262
Frankfurt Radio Station, 74, 96
Freud, Sigmund, 461, 462
fugues, 176, 178, 1879, 211, 225, 227
fun, 1927, 219
Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 62
fury, 320, 323, 324
Garbo, Greta, 292, 473
gender, 3945
Genoa, 150, 355
George, Stefan, 261
accordion, 97
culture, 1213
hit songs, 476
listening to Hitler, 113
National Socialists, 464
philosophy, 357
radio concentration, 96
Gestalten, 419, 4212
Giacometti, Alberto, 28
glamour, 159, 2945, 313, 359, 364, 368
Gluck, Christoph, 118, 131
Goethe, Johann von, 43, 192
good music, 1345
good musical listener, 311
good reception, 97105
Goodman, Benny, 135, 289, 297, 324, 402, 405, 411, 481
‘Goody, Goody’, 296, 482
Gorer, George, 489n59
Grove, George, 199200
gypsy piano, 97
Hamlet, 156, 361
Handel, George Frederic, 176, 177, 201
Havighurst, Robert, 467, 347
Haydn, Joseph
C major symphony, 2516
melodies, 284
music appreciation, 182, 221, 225
musical intelligence, 427
sonatas, 190
Surprise Symphony, 179, 226
symphonies, 146, 169, 177, 182, 18990
headlines, 645
hear-stripe, 19, 11320, 121
Hegel, Georg, 426
Heidegger, Martin, 13, 82, 381
Heine, Heinrich, 83, 381
hero-worship, 173, 201
Hindemith, Paul, 128, 317
hit songs, 62, 476
accordion, 97
‘The Bells of San Raquel‘, 36, 32731, 3358
‘Deep Purple‘, 36, 3314
evaluation, 3278
lyrics, 3928
material v treatment, 399412
plugging, 1401, 2913, 2978, 305, 321, 433, 4389
publication history, 367
styles, 399412
‘Two in Love’, 36, 3314, 33942
see also popular music
Hitler, Adolf, 113
Hobson, Wilder, 297
‘Home Symphony‘, 11011
Homer, 31
homophony, 1867
Honolulu, 469
Horkheimer, Max, 2, 3
Horváth, Ödön von, 466
Huberman, Bronislaw, 111
humour, 4534
Husserl, Edmund, 350
Hutton, Barbara, 320
‘I Want to Be Happy’, 296, 483
ideal motion, 165, 174
‘I’m Just a Jitterbug’, 324, 482
impressionism, 262
improvisation, 2889, 298, 4001
Institute for Social Research, 3, 30, 36
instrumental characterization, 169
intensity of sound, 14951, 3589
interviews, 45660
Jaensch, E. R., 427
jazz, 36
arrangements, 2978
corniness, 3201
impotence motif, 397
journalism, 297, 320
music appreciation, 221, 222, 225, 226
pseudo-primitivism, 311
quasi-mechanized technique, 145
radio transmission, 122
standardization, 285
styles, 399412
taboos, 434
trends, 455
Jeans, James, 27
jitterbugs, 314, 3236, 403, 432, 443
Johnson, Alvin, 459
Jolson, Al, 258
Jushny, Yuri, 453
Kant, Immanuel, 43
Karapetoff, Vladimir, 471
keyhole listening, 57
Khuner, Felix, 233
Kidoodlers, 117
Kolisch, Rudolf, 233
Kolisch Quartet, 232, 233
Kostelanetz, André, 404, 432
Kraus, Karl, 234
Krenek, Ernst, 22, 38, 63, 64, 96, 112, 234, 349
Kresh, Paul, 242
Kurth, Ernst, 84, 86, 319, 382, 418, 41820, 41920, 422, 4467
La Guardia, Fiorello, 67
Landwehr, Rose, 234
Laughton, Charles, 387
Lavater, Johann Kaspar, 43
Lazarsfeld, Paul
advertising industry and, 11
benevolent administrative research, 134
Princeton Radio Research Project, 2, 10
promotion of culture on radio, 15
qualitative research, 12
relations with Adorno, 3, 14, 18, 22, 27, 30, 32, 38, 141
theory and empiricism, 451
Leeds, Milton, 36, 329
leisure time, popular music and, 30814
letter-writers, 10510, 113
life histories, 459
likes and dislikes, popular music, 27380, 4406
listener theory
ambivalence, 3203, 435, 443
anti-musical type, 315
emotional type, 31213, 31819
erudite type, 312
fury, 320, 323, 324
good musical listener, 311
indifferent type, 315
jitterbugs, 314, 3236
leisure time, 30814
music as entertainment, 143, 160, 191, 235, 313, 475, 47980
musical sportsmen, 31415
obedient type, 317
popular music, 299326
recognition, 299307
sensuous type, 313
social cement, 31519
spite, 3236
time-killer type, 314
Liszt, Franz, 207
Locke, John, 667
Lombardo, Guy, 132, 142, 289, 403, 404, 405, 432, 481
‘London Bridge is Falling Down’, 170, 229, 296, 483
Lone Ranger, 45, 47
Lorenz, Alfred, 188
loudspeakers, 46, 48, 70, 83
Ludwig, Emil, 472
lyrics of popular music
archaism, 395
composition and, 3923
daddy songs, 397
gender, 3945
impotence, 397, 398
inarticulate social psychology, 3934
manifest and latent content, 3956
motif of the invidious, 3967
pseudo-nursery rhymes, 397
psychoanalysis, 396
sex, 396
societal problems, 398
MacDougald, Duncan, 292
machine age, 317
Maeterlinck, Maurice, 233
Mahler, Gustav, 158, 189, 2078, 233, 260, 264, 266, 362
Maier, Joseph, 144
‘Mandalay’, 281, 483
manipulation, 134
market society, 192
Marshall, John, 11, 12, 489n59
mass production, 71, 94, 1367, 142, 190, 265, 276, 286, 288, 301, 386, 399, 405, 440, 450, 471
mechanical reproduction, 1424, 27, 5865, 81, 8892, 94, 226, 346, 34953, 3846
mechanization, 23, 48, 62, 778, 1034, 122, 145, 155, 194, 261, 294, 309, 360, 378, 463
melody, 139, 174, 1867, 220, 223, 2279, 23650
Mendelssohn, Felix, 228
Metropolitan Opera, 6, 190, 469, 471
microphones, 48, 116, 3723
Mischakoff, Mischa, 476
modern music, 138, 220
monopolism, 71, 94, 956, 104, 136, 308, 349, 388, 38990, 437, 467, 470, 478
Monteverdi, Claudio, 118
motion pictures, 889, 114, 11516, 318, 473
Mozart, Wolfgang
deviations, 265
dynamic contrasts, 56, 177
G minor symphony, 157, 361
glamour and, 294
homophony, 186
Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, 185
music appreciation, 182, 226, 227, 228
symphonies, 146, 182
Münchhausen, Karl, 4445
Adorno’s concept, 1314
appreciation, see music appreciation
atomizing, see atomizing
autonomy, 316
characteristics, 11819, 4678
classification, 41819, 4515
commodification, 1358
community building, 501, 63, 1478, 151
culinary qualities, 12032, 220
entertainment, 143, 160, 191, 235, 313, 475, 47980
good music, 1345
great music, 367
irrational power, 119
mass production, see mass production
political neutrality, 4678
popular and classical, 56, 124, 226, 2804
radio, see radio music
reification, 62, 76, 80, 83, 172, 1978, 369, 3789, 391
sensuality, 12532
seriousness, 119
social trends, 62
unmusical music and spatialization, 1724
music appreciation
authoritarianism, 191, 205, 222
Babbittry, 20011
correct listening, 218, 220
cult of personalities, 2003, 222
fun, 1927, 219
‘Home Symphony‘, 111
modern music, 220
‘Music Is My Hobby‘, 110, 11112, 46972
NBC, see NBC Music Appreciation Hour
outside-inside process, 16773
pedagogical requirements, 1678
radio, 8, 11, 14
radio failure, 165
respect for works, 197
responses, 222
superficiality, 415
themes, 1701, 218, 2234, 2289
value judgements, 212, 219
‘Music Guild‘, 4724
‘Music Is My Hobby,’ 110, 11112, 46972
music psychology
basic principles, 41628
classification, 41819
deviations, 417, 424, 425, 428
experimentation, 41350
measurability, 41628
musical intelligence, 4258
musical sense, 4228
personal interviews, 45660
popular music, 42936
rationality, 41415
tone v music psychology, 41920
musica ficta, 118
musical form, 25760
musical intelligence, 4258
musical sportsmen, 31415
Muzak, 345
‘My Reverie’, 398, 439, 483
Nazis, 464
‘Home Symphony‘, 11011
‘Music Guild’, 4724
‘Music Is My Hobby‘, 110, 11112, 46972
NBC Symphony, 27
NBC Music Appreciation Hour, 165215, 472, 474
arrangements, 211
authoritarianism, 191, 222
Babbittry, 20011
background explanations, 18991
belief in career and success, 20610
contents, 165
coyness, 184
cult of personalities, 2009
explanations and examples, 17883
hero-worship, 173, 201
misstatements, 1839
musical analysis, 16773
musical pseudo-culture, 191215
outside-inside process, 16773
overview, 8
pedagogical procedure, 1748
pleasure and fun, 191, 1927
publication history, 29, 31, 34
recognition, 197200
systemic failure, 165, 166
tests, 21115
neo-classicism, 24
neurosis, 465
neutralization of sound, 1223
New York, 23, 6, 28
Newman, Ernest, 207, 208
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 151, 352
‘Night and Day’, 303, 305, 334, 483
nightingales, 74, 3778
Novik, Morris, 67, 34
nursery rhymes, 1701, 229, 281, 287, 296, 397, 433
objectivity, 669, 924, 3745
obsolete modern, 320
Odets, Clifford, 1, 27
Oedipus complex, 464
Ohio School on the Air, 457
‘L’oiseau bleu’, 453, 483
opera, 6, 1302, 207, 221
oral tradition, 475
originality, 16, 1819, 21, 24, 578, 613, 71, 81, 8992, 94, 1445, 3467, 3846
ownership culture, 166, 207, 209, 362, 388, 429, 442
Paderewski, Ignacy, 4267
Paganini, Niccolo, 476
painting, 23, 28, 89, 90, 196
Parsons, Jeffrey, 471
Pastor, Tony, 335
‘Penny Serenade’, 259, 328, 439, 483
concept, 43
cult of personalities, 2009, 222, 4701
layers, 319
personality approach, 4589
plugging, 2978
Pfitzner, Hans, 225
phenomenal objectivity, 669, 924, 3745
Philco, 99
philistinism, 113, 194, 210, 292
phonographs, 75, 769, 90, 103, 114, 349, 3789
photography, 23, 53, 363
physiognomics, see radio physiognomics
piano, 1845, 222
player-piano, 100
plugging, 1401, 2913, 2978, 305, 321, 433, 4389
Poe, Edgar Allan, 83, 381, 414
polyphony, 1867
pop songs, see hit songs; popular music
popular music
ambivalence, 3203, 435, 443
baby talk, 2956
classical and popular music, 56, 124, 226, 2804
fury, 320, 323, 324
general character, 392
glamour, 2945
idiom, 330
improvisation, 2889, 298, 4001
journalism, 297
leisure time and, 30814
likes and dislikes, 27380, 4406
listener theory, 299326
lyrics, 3928
musical form, 25760
plugging, 1401, 2913, 2978, 305, 321, 433, 4389
presentation, 2918, 399406
pseudo-individualization, 2734, 28790
psychology, 42936
publication history, 29, 367, 273
recognition, 299307
social cement, 31517
spite, 3236
standardization, 276, 2812, 2847, 291, 322, 360, 432, 437
styles, 399412, 4301
swing over sweet, 40711
see also hit songs
Porter, Cole, 334, 393
positivism, 423
potpourri, 156, 229, 256, 3601
Preston, W. G., 489n59
Princeton Radio Research Project, 2, 3, 7, 1016, 20, 22, 26, 30, 31, 45660, 47780
Proust, Marcel, 64
pseudo-activity, 480
pseudo-culture, 191215
pseudo-democratization, 71
pseudo-individuality, 2734, 28790, 388
pseudo-primitivism, 311
psychoanalysis, 49, 112, 321, 326, 396, 435, 445, 479
experimentation in music
psychology, 41350
lyrics of popular music, 3947
methodology, 4778
new type of human being, 4618
Puccini, Giacomo, 124
qualitative research, 12, 37, 4789
quotation listening, 1568, 3613
authority, 3767
closeness, 47, 76, 93, 34750, 373
illusion of immediacy, 7480, 37780
illusion of privacy, 702, 388
music, see radio music
origins, 45
pedagogy, 8, 11, 14
physiognomics, see radio physiognomics
promotional bias, 166
sociology, 1012
statistics, 910
technology, 26, 27, 116
time and, 7480, 37780
ubiquity, 8092, 118, 38091
ubiquity-standardization, 92113, 38891
radio amateurs, 480
Radio Generation, 316, 347, 4656
radio music
aesthetics, 249
artificiality, 346
broadcasting records, 769
cultural hunger, 48
destruction of aura of music, 8992, 119, 385, 473
entertainment, 143, 160, 191, 475, 47980
exact listening, 269
ideological effect, 138
infantile features, 479
live music and, 34591
modern music, 138
popular music, see popular music
retrogressive listening, 139
social critique, 24, 13343
standardization, 92113, 362, 3734, 38890
symphonies, see radio symphonies
symphony model, 5065, 3701
radio physiognomics, 43132
atomistic listening, 62, 12032, 1559
categories, 74132
concept, 43
hear-stripe, 11320, 121
how of radio, 436
image-character, 11320, 121
methodological inferences, 6574
publication history, 18, 22, 34, 37
radio voice, 4650, 32591
symphony model, 5065, 3701
time difference, 7480, 37780
ubiquity, 8092, 118, 38091
ubiquity-standardization, 92113, 38891
radio symphonies
appearance, 538, 634
atomistic listening, 12032, 1559, 170, 3603, 36970
Beethoven, 14561
characteristics of symphonies, 1469
colour, 1601, 3589, 366
experiment in theory, 14462
‘Home Symphony‘, 11011
methodological inferences of radio, 6574
model of radio music, 5065, 3701
potpourri, 156, 229, 256, 3601
problem, 1446
publication history, 29, 37
quotation listening, 1568, 170, 3613
retrogressive listening, 139
romantization, 15860
sound intensity, 14951, 3589
threat to structure, 1514
trivialization, 1547, 159, 35962, 363
radio voice
artificiality, 121
chamber voice, 56
character of reproduction, 5865
entertainment, 143, 160, 191, 475, 47980
illusion of closeness, 373
image-character, 11320
live v radio music, 34591
meaning, 4650
methodological inferences, 6574
publication history, 18, 31, 34, 37
social consequences, 5865
symphonies, see radio symphonies
see also radio physiognomics
Ravel, Maurice, 127, 233
reception, good reception, 97105
actual identification, 3023
music appreciation, 197200
popular music, 299307
psychological transfer, 3057
self-reflection, 304
subsumption, 3034
vague remembrance, 302
reification, 62, 76, 80, 83, 172, 1978, 369, 3789, 391
relativism, 66
retrogressive listening, 139
Rhapsody in Blue, 161, 366, 484
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 129
Rimbaud, Arthur, 24
Rockefeller Foundation, 2, 1112, 31, 38
Rogers, Ginger, 318
romanticism, 59, 118, 119, 124, 1312, 154, 221, 233, 261, 353
romantization, 15860
rondos, 1801, 221, 225, 226, 259
Rorty, James, 457
Rose, Vincent, 258
Rosenberg, Alfred, 497n11
Rossini, Gioacchino, 130, 132
rubato, 4034
‘Russian Lullaby’, 225, 4058, 484
‘St. Louis Blues’, 298, 400, 484
Schoenberg, Arnold, 23, 25, 35, 151, 186, 2313, 260, 261, 356
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 467
Schreiber, Flora, 242
Schreker, Franz, 127, 185, 313
Schubert, Franz
B minor symphony, 157, 177, 223
C major symphony, 177, 2514, 26670
music appreciation, 177, 221, 224, 228
Serenade, 453
songs, 189, 225
Unfinished Symphony, 23542, 24350
Schuller, Gunther, 9, 24
Schumann, Robert, 132, 177, 225, 228, 261
Scriabin, Alexander, 127, 313
Seashore, Carl, 195, 319, 348, 41629, 4378, 445, 446, 4478
Second Viennese School, 13
selection, 957
self-expression, 469
sensuous listener, 313
Shaw, Artie, 204, 324
Sibelius, Jean, 208, 222, 474
Simmel, Georg, 203
Simpson, George, 32, 35, 36, 144, 280
sincerity, 209
Skinner, Dixon, 145
social cement, 31517
social critique, radio music, 24, 13343
social psychology, popular music and, 3934
Sohn-Rethel, Alfred, 373
sonatas, 1812, 211, 225, 227, 230
songs, 224, 225
sound colour, 1601, 3589
sound intensity, 14951, 3589
sound stripe, 114
Spaeth, Sigmund, 199, 291
spite, 3236
choice, 957, 141
commodification, 1358
countertendencies, 95113
culture, 368
examples, 11012
fan mail and, 10510
freezing of standards, 2867
good reception, 97105
plugging, 1401, 2913
popular music, 276, 2812, 2847, 291, 322, 360, 432, 437
pseudo-individualism, 142, 374, 388
radio music, 92113, 362, 3734, 38890
radio ubiquity, 92113, 38891
switching off, 11213
terminology, 924
totalitarianism, 11213
Stanton, Frank, 11, 14
statistical procedures, 456
stereo, 20
Stern, Günther, 814, 8691, 90, 3806
Steuermann, Eduard, 232, 233, 264
Stokowski, Leopold, 5, 3456, 348, 38990
Strauss, Richard, 154, 185, 233, 266, 358
Stravinsky, Igor, 13, 234, 25, 317
Stuttgart Radio Station, 96
plugging, 2978
popular music, 399406, 412, 4301
subjectivity, see objectivity
‘Sunrise Serenade’, 284, 484
surrealism, 320
swing, 289, 290, 2978, 313, 314, 321, 397, 399406, 4304, 454
switching off, 11213
‘Sylvia’, 281, 484
Beethoven, 1920, 28, 512, 545, 62, 68, 127, 14561, 3523, 3569, 363, 4734
Bekker’s theory, 502, 1478, 3514, 473
characteristics, 1469
community building, 501, 63, 1478, 151, 354
music appreciation, 196
radio, see radio symphonies
sound colour, 1601, 3589
structure, 1514
taboos, 601, 220, 434, 467, 475
Taylor, Deems, 12530, 195
Tchaikovsky, Piotr, 124, 160, 199, 221, 228, 319, 3645
technique mindedness, 16970
technology, 26, 27, 1034, 116
telegraphy, 60, 390
telephone, 74, 345, 379
themes, 1702, 218, 2234, 2289, 2545, 26670
Tiedemann, Rolf, 30, 40
‘Tiger Rag’, 225, 298, 400, 410, 484
time, radio and phonographs, 7480, 37780
time-killing, 314
‘A Tisket, A Tasket’, 296, 367, 481
torture, 466
Toscanini, Arturo, 111, 138, 2045
totalitarianism, 11213
tragedy, 192
‘Trees’, 281, 485
trivialization, 1547, 159, 35962, 363
‘Two in Love’, 36, 3314, 33942, 485
ubiquity, 8092, 118, 38091
ubiquity-standardization, 92113, 38891
unemployment, 464
uniqueness of art, 8892, 3846
United States
accordion, 97
customer-hegemony, 275
popular aesthetics, 194
radio diversity, 96
Valentino, Rudolph, 292, 320
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem, 4712
Vaudrin, Philip, 302, 33, 35
Veblen, Thorstein, 61, 71, 16970, 388, 395
Verdi, Giuseppe, 179, 1901, 221
Verlaine, Paul, 262
Viennese School, 186, 233, 283, 284
violin, 125, 137, 154, 3589, 475, 476
virtuoso, 130
Vlissi, Jascha, 233
Volga songs, 453, 483, 484
Wagner, Richard
colour, 358, 419, 425
definition of music, 122
homophony, 186
In Search of Wagner, 17
inventor of modern orchestra, 1212
love affairs, 125
Die Meistersinger, 856, 188, 382, 453
motifs, 329
music appreciation, 177, 1834, 2067, 221
musical dope, 356
Parsifal, 291
piano, 476
radio transmission, 154
Ride of the Valkyries, 1723
Ring, 185
sensuality, 124
Tannhäuser, 173
Tristan, 119, 121, 1834
wish-fantasies, 352
Weber, Carl von, 177, 230
Weber, Ernst, 417
Webern, Anton, 2602, 262, 4245
Welles, Orson, 47, 373
Wells, H. G., 47
Whiteman, Paul, 161, 366
Wilhelm Tell, 361
Williams, Susie, 170, 198, 200
Willson, Meredith, 36, 339
Wise, Fred, 36, 329
wish-fulfillment, 318
Wolpe, Stefan, 2634
WOR, 47 Z
WQXR, 5, 207
Würzburg School, 456
weig, Stephan, 472
Yurchenko, Henrietta, 242
Zemlinsky, Alexander, 233
Zweig, Stephan, 472