By late January 1778, the Pennsylvania campaign of the American Revolution had reached an awkward impasse. At Valley Forge, what one historian describes as “a sense of inaction, restlessness, and drift” continued to fester among the men, particularly the officer corps. Washington continued to field a succession of plaintive petitions from idle subordinates of all ranks, the bane of any active military force with no immediate antagonist. The commander in chief prided himself on being the “common guardian” of each soldier’s interests no matter how trivial the complaint, and personally dealt with these eruptions as best he could. Yet even his powerful personality found the restiveness difficult to quell.
Several New England generals who felt their honor besmirched by the failed invasion of Canada two years earlier now found the time to demand that Washington open public hearings on their conduct in order to clear their names. At the other end of the spectrum, a clique of artillery officers delivered a searing letter to the Potts House protesting the promotion of a French captain within their ranks.I A substantial contingent of troops from upstate New York, officers and enlisted men alike, asked to be transferred back to Albany, an appeal the commander in chief summarily denied without comment. His reaction was softer when a group from Virginia’s 13th Regiment, having been promised service closer to home upon their enlistment, applied to be relocated to Fort Pitt. Washington, perhaps feeling more sympathy for his fellow Old Dominion regulars, went out of his way to visit their officers’ quarters and patiently outline his reasons for retaining them at Valley Forge. When this kind of reasoning proved ineffective, he relied on courts-martial. Washington’s daily General Orders reveal that military trials nearly tripled that winter, for offenses ranging from desertion, conduct unbecoming a gentleman, drunkenness on duty, theft, disobeying orders, dueling, and even the playing of cards and dice, “shameful vices” that Washington abhorred.
Although daily lashings became a regular occurrence on the camp’s parade grounds—usually in accordance with the biblical “forty stripes save one”—divisional and regimental commanders charged with maintaining discipline also devised innovative punishments to break the monotony. Some offenders found guilty of minor crimes were sentenced to level to the ground the stumps of trees felled to build huts. More egregious transgressors were dismissed from the service in an elaborate ceremony that involved turning the offending soldier’s coat inside out, tying his hands behind his back, and literally drumming him out of camp. While a rotation of generals and sometimes colonels presided over the daily courts-martial, Washington insisted on reviewing sentences of death for crimes including murder and trading with the enemy. In the latter case it was not unusual for the commander in chief to concur with the verdict before, at the last minute, commuting a hanging to lashes and banishment. Such was his universally respected integrity that even the most insurrectionist troops came to consider him a fair and balanced arbiter.
As with foot soldiers from the beginning of time, the fractious Continentals at Valley Forge felt it their God-given right to grouse about how their superiors were botching the war. It was not unusual for platoons and even companies to descend on an officer’s tent or hut and demand to know why they were not taking the offensive. The oft-voiced sentiments invariably involved preferring to die on a battlefield as opposed to wasting away in a disease-riddled hellhole. The clamor for some kind of military action intensified when word began to spread through the cantonment that Gen. Gates had persuaded Congress to mount a northern military expedition. His plan called for no less than the occupation of Canada, with the Marquis de Lafayette at the head of the conquering army.
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The scheme must have struck Gates as a potential threefold triumph. First, a successful midwinter campaign would establish a political precedent for the Board of War’s involvement in future military directives. This in turn would lead to a personal triumph, as a successful Canadian “irruption,” as he phrased it, would scratch the congressional itch to take the offensive somewhere, anywhere, against the British. That this would polish his own strategic bona fides, particularly when placed in relief to his rival’s inactivity at Valley Forge, would not go unnoticed. Finally, in a sort of coup de grâce, his sly appointment of Lafayette to lead the invasion would shunt offstage one of Washington’s key personal and political allies. Gates had convinced Congress that the Catholic Frenchman was the perfect vehicle to inspire his many coreligionists in the would-be fourteenth state to rise in rebellion. Naturally, such a Canadian embrace of the American cause was also certain to catch the attention of the court at Versailles, still livid at having had to cede New France to the hated British. Gates knew that if he was to eventually ascend to the post of commander in chief, good relations with the French were imperative.
When the mail packet arrived at the Potts House from York on January 24, it contained the congressional ratification of Gates’s invasion plan as well as orders for Lafayette to depart immediately for Albany, where the invasion force was to be gathered. To twist the knife, the marquis was informed that his second in command on the expedition would be none other than Gen. Thomas Conway. It was a wily maneuver. Enduring the harrowing misery of Valley Forge had only strengthened the bond that Lafayette and Washington had formed during the fall campaign. Their mutual affinity was evident to anyone who watched Washington’s famous hauteur fall away when the two interacted. Washington had even taken to gently chiding Lafayette for his failure to bring his family to America, teasingly inquiring if the reason for his wife Adrienne’s absence might be the Frenchman’s fear that she might throw him over for a certain older gentleman who happened to command an entire army.
Gates’s letter to Washington, written on “War Office” stationery, incorporated the customary courtesies due a commander in chief, including an overture to Washington to suggest any tactical components of the invasion strategy. “Should your Excellency think any Steps are wanting or any Directions omitted which may be necessary upon this important Enterprize,” Gates wrote, “the Board will be happy on this, as well as every other occasion, to receive your Opinion and Advice.” In other words—please do give us your thoughts about my operation. In his Judas kiss, Gates had refrained from informing Washington about the route of the offensive or the number of troops involved, although he hinted that new recruits from New England would make up the bulk of the invading army.
Yet again, John Laurens was among the first to see through the ploy. Four days after Gates’s letter arrived at Valley Forge, he penned a short note to his father. In it he derided the very idea of attempting to occupy Canada while the British fleet still controlled the eastern seaboard. He also argued that to rely on volunteer New England militiamen to swell the invasion ranks was mad. Even if a few towns or enemy fortifications across the border were to initially fall, he wrote, there were not enough Continental troops to hold them. He then turned to the subject of Conway, doubtless seeing the appointment through Washington’s eyes. “It is feared that the ambition and the intriguing spirit of Conway will be subversive of the public good,” he told his father. “While he will proceed securely behind the shield of his commanding officer, taking to himself the merit of everything praiseworthy and attributing every misfortune to [Lafayette].”
Like Laurens, the visiting delegates at Valley Forge considered the Canadian campaign the height of recklessness. They voiced their vehement objections in a letter to their colleagues in York, specifically citing the twin debacles of America’s first attempt on Quebec as well as Gen. Burgoyne’s failed expedition “across the inhospitable wilderness” of northern New York in comparatively milder weather. Washington, on the other hand, took no public stance other than to approve the board’s request to dispatch north a regiment of largely Canadian troops from the rolls at Valley Forge. It was a prudent measure, removing from camp not only nearly 500 mouths to feed, but an equal number of potential headaches. He was sorry to see Lafayette depart, but the invasion was not scheduled to kick off for several weeks, which he knew bought him enough time to adjudge exactly where Gates’s new adventure might lead, both militarily and politically.
Meanwhile, in contrast to the tumult at the Continental Army’s winter cantonment, some 20 miles to the southeast events were playing out in a much more serendipitous manner.
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With Gen. Howe having convinced himself that he would make quick work of Washington’s common ruck come spring, a sense of aristocratic complacency had settled over the British army’s winter billet. As a precaution, Howe had ordered a score or so of houses on Philadelphia’s periphery burned lest they provide cover for Continental sharpshooters. And he occasionally sent small companies of dragoons galloping through the city’s near suburbs as a pro forma measure to protect Loyalist civilians on their way to and from the marketplace. But only when it became apparent that American control of the sweeping area east of the Schuylkill had greatly deteriorated did Howe direct larger parties of Redcoats and Hessians into Bucks County to harass the few remaining Whigs.
At first these were probing affairs. Doors were smashed, windows were broken, and John Bull and Herr Fritz would be back at the Man Full of Trouble tavern in time for a supper of cornmeal stew and spotted dick, or bratwurst and sauerkraut. But as mass desertions continued to plague the already paltry force of Pennsylvania militiamen under Gen. Lacey’s command, the British raids became more blatant. Mounted units of Redcoats—guided along back roads by local Tories whom Washington and his staff sneeringly dubbed “royal refugees”—succeeded not only in kidnapping several Whig lawyers and politicians but also in capturing a large herd of cattle being driven from Massachusetts to Valley Forge. The enemy also seized a crucial mill responsible for turning tons of cloth into uniforms destined for the Continentals’ winter camp.
It was as if Gen. Howe was toying with his antagonist. Though ice floes on the Delaware had begun to hamper the movements of his brother’s supply ships, the massive forage foray into Derby over the Christmas week had sufficiently stocked his storehouses for the moment. And what few provisions his troops might have otherwise lacked were furnished by the uptick of merchandise flowing into the city from Montgomery County and Bucks County. This allowed him to avoid the risk of hit-and-run guerrilla ambushes farther afield on the west side of the Schuylkill, where, unlike the ragged Pennsylvania militia, Dan Morgan and “Light Horse Harry” Lee had proved estimable enemies.
With a serious effort to move on the Continentals’ winter encampment itself out of the question, Howe and his senior officers settled into a lazy routine of enjoying the warmth, comfort, and urbane charms of the American capital city. As Dr. Franklin had predicted, Howe had not so much captured Philadelphia as Philadelphia had captured him.
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Unlike his more austere older brother Adm. Lord Howe, the married Sir William was an avowed voluptuary. As he had in Boston and New York City, he enjoyed several mistresses from among Philadelphia’s Loyalist upper crust, as noted in Francis Hopkinson’s facetious composition. And it was said that his fervor for a bottle of port was superseded only by his well-known taste for other men’s wives.
Moreover, Howe encouraged his officers to emulate his licentiousness. Those who could not afford the affections of high-end courtiers discovered a plethora of complacent servant girls in need of “protection” after their Whig employers had abandoned the city. And if by hard chance an unfortunate officer found himself momentarily shut out of the carnal revelry, all he needed to do was place an ad in a Tory newspaper soliciting a “housekeeper who can occasionally put her hand to anything” in exchange for “extravagant wages . . . and no character required.” Howe’s deputies—with or without “housekeepers”—enjoyed regular Thursday evening balls held at private homes and assembly halls, and Philadelphia’s famous City Tavern—where Washington’s officers once dreamed of dancing victory minuets—was turned into a private club. It was not unusual for its backroom faro bank to see the equivalent of today’s $50,000 change hands in a night.
Similarly, the occasional escort patrols, raids on Whig strongholds, and routine garrison duties could not long occupy the 15,000 troops billeted in the city. Following their superiors’ example, the rank and file were no less prone to a wide variety of leisure-time indulgences. If war was hell for a civilian population forced to quarter foreign soldiers prone to drunkenness, brawling, and petty thievery, it was a boon to the owners of the city’s less sophisticated taprooms, gambling dens, and bawdy houses. Junior officers, trapped in the no-man’s-land between the pageantry of bals masqués and the grime of venereal hotbeds serving watered-down ale, occupied themselves arranging elaborate dinner parties, organizing horse races and cricket matches, and staging amateur theatrics. These last, with the performers dubbing themselves “Howe’s Players,” were held each Monday night from January through May and included a variety of pantomimes, ballad operas, and dramatic productions such as Hamlet and Julius Caesar. Their venue of choice was South Street’s cupola-topped Southwark Theater, America’s first permanent playhouse.
Chief among the bon vivants capturing the hearts of Philadelphia’s distaff society was the boyish and debonair John André. André, 27, was the wealthy son of a Parisian mother and a Swiss merchant based in London, and in his seven years of service to the Crown he had proved himself on the battlefields of the New World from Quebec—where he was captured and spent 13 months as a prisoner of war before being exchanged—to the cold steel charge at Paoli. A prolific writer fluent in French, German, and Italian, Andre was one of Howe’s favorite secretaries. Further, André’s artistic bent and dazzling eloquence made him equally at home in the salons of Philadelphia and in musty campaign tents. André had acted in several dramatic productions while stationed in New York, although in Philadelphia his experience with “Howe’s Players” was apparently limited to scandalizing local Quakers with the racy dramas he suggested and painting the elaborate backdrops at the Southwark.II But it was as a sketch artist that he excelled, and he was rarely seen without his sketchbook and pencils protruding from his rucksack. The patrician ladies of the city vied to sit for him, among them the charming and alluring Margaret “Peggy” Shippen.
Peggy Shippen was the daughter of a prominent Philadelphia shipping magnate who was managing to survive the British occupation by proclaiming his “neutralist” leanings despite the fact that his brother was a Continental officer. Peggy had been tutored in the usual music, needlework, and drawing that were commonplace for upper-class girls of the era. But in contrast to most of her female peers, she was also an avid student of finance and politics. Her father indulged the indelicate curiosity of the youngest Shippen child and “family darling” by discussing the subjects in depth with her.
In keeping with their political interests and station, the Shippens hosted numerous social gatherings, and Capt. André, as stoically sensual as a Cézanne, was a frequent guest. It was said that André’s eyes possessed a hypnotic quality, and though it is unclear whether he and Peggy were lovers, she was certainly drawn to what one biographer described as the captain’s air of “subdued melancholy.” The two were seen together enough to invite the usual gossip, particularly as Peggy was known to venture without a chaperone to the house that André had seized from Benjamin Franklin, and to pose there for his sketches.III
General Howe no doubt viewed his protégé’s affaire du coeur with one of Philadelphia’s leading ladies through a lens of pride and envy. But despite the profusion of amusements at his fingertips, Howe was concerned. Shortly after occupying Philadelphia he had written to George Germain officially requesting relief from “this very painful service wherein I have not the good fortune to enjoy the necessary confidence and support of my superiors.” This was in reference to a string of criticisms that had begun with his abandonment of Boston and had reached fever pitch following the defeats at Trenton and Princeton. The latest, and most stinging, were the savage accusations that seeped from the halls of Parliament into London newspapers asking if he had sacrificed “Gentleman Johnny” Burgoyne and Burgoyne’s army in his zeal to take the American capital. Howe had promised Whitehall that the capture of Philadelphia would tap a wellspring of Loyalist sentiment whose torrent, in the form of a newly established Provincial Corps, would submerge the Continental Army. Instead, not only did the fall of the city lack the political and psychological impact of the capture of a European capital, but its occupation had seemingly inflamed the rebels while swelling Howe’s ranks by no more than a few hundred Tory volunteers.
Germain may have been imbued with a bleak worldview concerning his fellow man, but he was nothing if not calculating. For weeks he had contrived to force the resignation of both Howe brothers. Not only was he apoplectic over their failure to have put down the rebellion by now, he also sensed that King George and his military brain trust were moving in a softer direction against the insurgent Americans. The spark for this strategic realignment had been the Crown’s dismay over the defeat at Saratoga. England’s war planners suspected that the American victory there would hasten France’s entry into the conflict, thus turning a colonial rebellion into a world war. In an effort to forestall this outcome, or at least reduce the number of fronts on which Britain would have to fight, Parliament was currently assembling a peace commission to cross the Atlantic to negotiate a treaty whose favorable terms toward the colonies mirrored the envoy Wentworth’s proposal to Franklin and Deane. As the two American diplomats had discovered during their dinner with Wentworth in Paris, the most surprising overture was England’s renunciation of the right to direct taxation. In essence, the king was proffering to the colonials an informal independence from London in all but name. Even if the rebels rejected this generous olive branch, the British were prepared to detach troops from the United States in order to confront France in Europe, Canada, and the French Caribbean.
In either case, to Germain the Howe brothers represented all that had gone wrong since the war’s onset, and both needed to be ushered offstage before the introduction of England’s new priorities. Now that Sir William’s request for retirement had landed in his lap—the Admiralty had initially refused to accept a similar tender from Lord Howe—he viewed it as an opportunity. Although Germain was a favorite of George III, as secretary of state for the Americas he had not been immune to the defamatory whispers when the conflict dragged into its third year. He understood that the king’s patience was not inexhaustible, and Gen. Howe’s request to be relieved was an ideal way to shift blame for the British setbacks, particularly at Saratoga, from himself to the commander in the field. He immediately began laying plans to replace Howe with Gen. Clinton.
Germain’s plan came to fruition in early February, when the king ordered his prime minister Lord Frederick North, first lord of the treasury and George III’s principal adviser, to sack either Germain or Gen. Howe. Lord North chose the latter. As an unexpected bonus, the prime minister also acceded to an appeal from Adm. Richard Howe’s wife that he be allowed to return home and retire. The well-connected Lady Howe had read the writing on the walls of Whitehall, and wanted her husband’s departure from the campaign to at least appear voluntary.
What Germain did not know, however, was that the rather morbid and extremely sensitive Gen. Clinton, wintering over in New York City with barely 6,000 troops under his command, was also beginning to view his position as career-crushing. “I renewed my solicitation for leave to return home,” Clinton wrote in his memoirs. “As I plainly saw that my continuance in America was not likely to contribute to the service of my country or the advancement of my own honor. But the Commander in Chief being of the opinion that my services could not be dispensed with for the present . . . I was obliged to submit to the mortification of enduring my situation somewhat longer.”
What attitude either British commander might have taken had he been aware of the state of treaty negotiations an ocean away in Paris, no one can say. The same holds true for Washington, who as recently as December 29 had published one of America’s earliest State of the Union addresses, warning his fellow patriots that, for all intents and purposes, the revolution was now America’s alone to win or lose. “We may rest assured that Britain will strain every nerve to send from home and abroad, as early as possible, all the Troops it shall be in her Power to raise or procure,” he wrote in his Circular to the States. “Her views and schemes for subjugating the States and bringing ’em under her despotic rule will be unceasing and unremitted. Nor should we in my opinion, turn our expectations to, or have the least dependance on the intervention of a Foreign War. Our wishes on this Head have been disappointed hitherto, and I do not know that we have a right to promise ourselves from any intelligence that has been received, bearing the marks of authority that there is any certain prospect of one.
“Be that as it may,” the Circular concluded, “our reliance should be wholly on our own strength and exertions.”
Given the vagaries of ocean travel in the eighteenth century, when a transatlantic crossing of five weeks was considered expeditious, it would be some time before any of the opposing generals discovered that the owner of the Philadelphia home which Capt. André had commandeered was at the moment concluding a pact that could well change the entire course of the war.
I. That the artillery officers agreed on anything was quite remarkable, as historians generally concur that the feuding among the Continental Army’s squabblesome and brooding Artillery Division—a self-designated elite who occupied their own isolated “park” within the winter cantonment—encapsulated the willfulness, rancor, and fractious contentions of the greater whole at Valley Forge.
II. André’s last stage backdrop remained in place at the Southwark Theater until 1821, when it was destroyed in the fire that burned the playhouse to the ground.
III. André would later steal Franklin’s electrical equipment, musical instruments, and books, and a portrait painted in 1759 by Benjamin Wilson. The portrait was not returned to American hands until 1906, and now hangs on the second floor of the White House.