Palliative medicine and symptom control

Miriam J Johnson, Gail E Eva, Sara Booth

Introduction and General Aspects

Palliative care is the active total care of patients who have advanced, progressive, life-shortening disease. It should be based on needs and not diagnosis, and is required in non-malignant diseases as well as in cancer (Box 3.1).

The goal of palliative care is to achieve the best possible quality of life for patients and their carers by:

When should palliative care needs be assessed problems rather than prognosis?

Early assessment of needs, with SPC referral if required, is crucial to achieving the best outcome for rehabilitation and for maintaining or improving quality of life for both patient and carer. Palliative care is most effective when it is included as part of routine care as soon as possible after diagnosis, alongside disease-specific therapy, such as radio/chemotherapy for cancer or cardiac medication for heart failure. Early referral links palliative care with quality-of-life improvements; positive associations increase the likelihood that patients and families continue to use palliative care services when they need them over the course of the illness. In cancer, there is good evidence that integrating palliative care and anti-tumour treatment soon after diagnosis reduces long-term distress and increases survival in selected cases.

If palliative care is seen only as relevant to the end-of-life phase, patients who have non-malignant disease are denied expert help for complex symptoms. Timely management of physical and psychosocial issues earlier in the course of disease prevents intractable problems later (Box 3.2).

Symptom Control

Good palliative care integrates the control of symptoms with appropriate non-pharmacological approaches, such as anxiety management and rehabilitation (see p. 36).


Pain (see also pp. 818–820) is a feared symptom in cancer. At least two-thirds of people with cancer suffer significant pain. Pain has a number of causes, and not all pains respond equally well to opioid analgesics (Fig. 3.1). The pain is related to the tumour either directly (e.g. pressure on a nerve) or indirectly (e.g. due to weight loss or pressure ulcers). It may result from a co-morbidity such as arthritis. Emotional and spiritual distress may be expressed as physical pain (termed ‘opioid irrelevant pain’) or will exacerbate physical pain.

The term ‘total pain’ encompasses a variety of influences that contribute to pain:

A visual analogue scale for pain can be used (Fig. 3.2).

The WHO analgesic ladder

Most cancer pain can be managed with oral or commonly used transdermal preparations. The World Health Organization (WHO) cancer pain relief ladder guides the choice of analgesic according to pain severity (Fig. 3.3, Box 3.3).

Figure 3.3 WHO analgesic ladder for cancer and other chronic pain. Step 2 can be omitted, going to morphine immediately. Adjuvant drugs are listed in Box 3.3. *Opioids include all drugs with an action similar to that of morphine, i.e. binding to endogenous opioid receptors. Continue non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)/paracetamol regularly when opioid started.

If regular use of optimum dosing (e.g. paracetamol 1 g × 4 daily for step 1) does not control the pain, then an analgesic from the next step of the ladder is prescribed. As pain has different physical aetiologies, an adjuvant analgesic may be needed in addition: for example, the tricyclic antidepressant amitriptyline for neuropathic pain (see Box 3.3).

Strong opioid drugs
Dose titration and route

Morphine is the drug of choice and, in most circumstances, should be given regularly by mouth. The dose should be tailored to the individual's needs by allowing ‘as required’ doses; morphine does not have a ‘ceiling’ effect. If a patient has needed further doses in addition to the regular daily dose, then the amount in the additional doses can be added to the following day's regular dose until the daily requirement becomes stable: a process called ‘titration’. When the stable daily dose requirement has been established, the morphine can be changed to a sustained-release preparation. For example:

The starting dose of morphine is usually 5–10 mg every 4 hours, depending on patient size, renal function and whether a weak opioid is already being given.

If there is significant renal dysfunction, morphine should be used in low doses and should not be given in continuous dose regimens (e.g. by subcutaneous infusions) because of the risk of metabolite accumulation (it is renally excreted). In renal impairment, an alternative opioid (e.g. fentanyl) can be given transdermally (e.g. 72-hour self-adhesive patches) or by subcutaneous infusion.

N.B. A word of caution about opioid transdermal patches: serum levels do not change quickly with transdermal patches, and they are also cumbersome to titrate in patients with escalating or unstable pain. They should be kept at a stable dose, and a more dose-responsive preparation used to gain pain control.

If a patient is unable to take oral medication due to weakness, swallowing difficulties, or nausea and vomiting, the opioid should be given parenterally. For cancer patients who are likely to need continuous analgesia, continuous subcutaneous infusion is the preferred route.

Both doctors and patients may have erroneous beliefs, such as the fear of addiction, which mean that adequate doses of opioids are not prescribed or taken. However, iatrogenic addiction is very rare, with the risk being <0.01%; the adverse effects and morbidity from uncontrolled pain are much higher.

Adjuvant analgesics

The most commonly used adjuvant analgesics are described in Box 3.3. Other treatments, such as radio/chemotherapy, anaesthetic or neurosurgical interventions, acupuncture and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), may be useful in selected patients.

Regular review is necessary to achieve optimal pain control, including regular assessment to distinguish pain severity from pain distress.

Further reading

Quigley C. Opioids in people with cancer-related pain. Clin Evid (Online) 2008; http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2907984/.

SIGN. Control of Pain in Adults with Cancer. Publication No. 106. Edinburgh: SIGN; 2008; http://www.sign.ac.uk/pdf/SIGN106.pdf.

Gastrointestinal symptoms

Anorexia, weight loss, malaise and weakness

These result from the cancer-cachexia syndrome of advanced disease and carry a poor prognosis. Although attention to nutrition is necessary, the syndrome is mediated through chronic stimulation of the acute phase response, and tumour-secreted substances (e.g. lipid mobilizing factor and proteolysis-inducing factor). Thus, calorie–protein support alone gives limited benefit; parenteral feeding has been shown to make no difference to patient survival or quality of life.

Management is supportive unless the patient is fit enough for and responds to anti-tumour drugs. Specific therapies such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), fish oil, cyclo-oxygenase (COX) inhibition with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and antioxidant treatments are used.

Advice from a dietician is helpful. Some patients benefit from a trial of a food supplement that contains EPA and antioxidants. Megestrol may help appetite but weight gain is usually caused by fluid or fat. The drug is also thrombogenic and is of little benefit and should therefore not be used.

Corticosteroids were recommended as appetite stimulants and are still commonly used. However, the weight gained is usually caused by fluid, and muscle catabolism is accelerated leading to a proximal myopathy. Any benefit in appetite stimulation tends to be short-lived. Thus, corticosteroids should be limited to short-term use only.

Bowel obstruction

Metoclopramide is helpful but to be avoided in complete bowel obstruction, where an antispasmodic such as hyoscine butylbromide is preferred. A dose of 60–120 mg/24 hours s.c. is usually recommended, but much higher doses (300–480 mg) may be needed as parenteral hyoscine butylbromide can be rapidly inactivated in humans.

Octreotide (a somatostatin analogue) is commonly used in bowel obstruction to try to reduce gut secretions and the volume of vomitus, but a recent randomized controlled trial failed to show any benefit over placebo. Ranitidine may have a role in reducing gastric secretions.

Physical measures, such as a defunctioning colostomy or a venting gastrostomy, may be helpful. Occasionally, a lower bowel obstruction is resolved with insertion of a stent, or transrectal resection of tumour in selected individuals. Steroids shorten the length of episodes of obstruction, if resolution is possible.

In advanced disease, patients should be encouraged to drink and take small amounts of soft diet as they wish. With good mouth care, the sensation of thirst is often avoidable, thus sometimes preventing the need for parenteral fluids unless otherwise indicated.

Respiratory symptoms


Breathlessness remains one of the most distressing and common symptoms in palliative care, causing the patient serious discomfort. It is highly distressing for carers to witness. Full assessment and active treatment of all reversible conditions, such as drainage of pleural effusions, or optimization of treatment of heart failure or chronic pulmonary disease is mandatory. In advanced cancer, breathlessness is often multifactorial in origin and many of the contributory factors are irreversible (e.g. cachexia), so a ‘complex intervention’ combining a number of different treatment strategies has the greatest impact. Aspects of breathlessness management are summarized in Box 3.4. Intractable severe breathlessness in a patient who is dying may require sedation in order to provide comfort but more invasive interventions are usually avoided. Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) has been shown to alleviate distressing dyspnoea and is also associated with a reduced opioid requirement; this may be helpful in selected patients.

Measures to alleviate breathlessness

Non-pharmacological approaches, such as using a hand-held fan, pacing or prioritizing activities to maximize activity within limitations, breathing training and anxiety management, are helpful, along with a tailored exercise programme (Box 3.5). There is no evidence to suggest that oxygen therapy reduces the sensation of breathlessness in advanced disease more than just cool airflow. A hand-held fan should be used before oxygen, unless the latter is indicated by significant hypoxaemia or disease management. Opioids, used orally or parenterally, can palliate breathlessness. If panic/anxiety is significant, a quick-acting benzodiazepine such as lorazepam (used sublingually for rapid absorption) is useful.

image Box 3.5

Key non-pharmacological interventions for breathlessness

InterventionPutative mechanism of actionMost useful
Hand-held fanCools area served by second and third branches of trigeminal nerveFor reducing length of episodes of SOB on exertion or at rest
Reduces temperature of air flowing over nasal receptors, altering signal to brainstem respiratory complex and so changing respiratory patternFor giving patient and carer confidence by having an intervention they can use
ExerciseStops spiral of disability developingIn patients who are still quite mobile
Changes muscle structure: less lactic acid producedIn patients who have not developed onset of SOB, lessening/deferring symptoms by reducing deconditioning
Anxiety reduction, e.g. CBT (needs skilled clinician to administer) or simple relaxation therapyWorks on central perception of breathlessness, reducing impactIn people with higher levels of anxiety at baseline (i.e. when first seen)
Interrupts panic–anxiety cycleIn patients willing to persevere with learning a new skill
Carer supportReduces carer anxiety and distress, which are part of ‘total’ anxiety–panic cycleWhere carer is isolated, under extra pressures (e.g. looking after elderly parent, going through divorce)
Breathing retrainingImproves mechanical effectiveness of respiratory systemFor chronic advanced respiratory disease and in those with anxiety-related breathlessness
Pacing (finding a balance between activity and rest, and prioritizing daily activities)Avoids over-exertion, which can lead to exhaustion, inactivity and subsequent deconditioningIn patients who are able and willing to modify daily routines
Neuromuscular electrical stimulationIncreases muscle bulk, simulating effect of exercise

In patients who:

live alone

are unable to attend a rehabilitation group

have a short prognosis

have co-morbidities that prevent exercise

CBT, cognitive behavioural therapy; SOB, shortness of breath (breathlessness).


Other physical symptoms

People with cancer may develop other physical symptoms caused by the tumour directly (e.g. hemiplegia due to brain secondaries) or indirectly (e.g. bleeding or venous thromboembolism due to disturbances in coagulation). Symptoms may also result from treatment, such as lymphoedema following treatment for breast or vulval cancer, or heart failure secondary to anthracycline or trastuzumab therapy. The principles of holistic assessment, reversal of reversible factors and appropriate involvement of the multiprofessional team should be applied.


The pain and disabling swelling associated with lymphoedema can be alleviated through complete decongestive therapy (CDT), a treatment that employs a massage-like technique and comprises manual lymphatic drainage, compression bandaging and gentle exercise. Diuretics should not be used. Referral to a specialist lymphoedema therapist or nurse is useful.


Fatigue is a significant and debilitating problem for palliative patients. It has physical, cognitive and affective components; unlike normal tiredness, it is not relieved by usual sleep or rest. An assessment for reversible contributory factors, such as anaemia, hypokalaemia or over-sedation due to poorly optimized medication, should be undertaken. Management strategies are:

Loss of function, disability and rehabilitation

Some of the most pressing concerns include increasing physical frailty, loss of independence, and perceived burden on others. Evidence suggests that functional problems are not routinely assessed, and not as well managed as pain and other symptoms. Rehabilitation can:

A referral to physiotherapy or occupational therapy is helpful for patients whose ability to carry out daily activities is compromised by illness or its treatment. However, it must be remembered that effective rehabilitation is a team effort and is not solely the domain of nursing and allied health professionals. Doctors also have a major role to play in attending to functional problems and fatigue; they should not see these as inevitable, unavoidable and insoluble.

There is a need to take into account changing performance status as well as changes in goals and priorities. It can be helpful to identify short-term, achievable goals and focus on these. Most patients wish to remain at home for as long as possible and to die at home, given adequate support. Patients' community rehabilitation needs should not be neglected.

Extending Palliative Care to People with Non-Malignant Disease

The principles of palliative care can be applied throughout medical practice so that all patients, irrespective of care setting (home, hospital or hospice), receive appropriate care from the staff looking after them and have access to SPC services for complex issues. Some principles are outlined in Box 3.6. Patients who have chronic non-malignant disease, such as organ failures (heart, lung and kidney), degenerative neurological disease and human immuno­deficiency virus (HIV) infection:

There may be a less clear end-stage of disease but the principles of symptom control are the same: holistic assessment, reversal of reversible factors and multiprofessional support.

Patients who have non-malignant disease may have very close relationships with their usual team, and an integrated approach is essential to allow optimization of disease-directed medication as well as palliation. People with non-malignant disease may live for years with a difficult illness and so their palliative care needs to differ in some respects from that of cancer patients (Box 3.7). However, symptom management is largely transferable, with some exceptions and extra complexities as outlined below.

Throughout the course of the illness, careful open discussion of possible future options is essential. Early discussion of difficult choices is as helpful for patients who have non-malignant disease as it is for those with cancer, and these discussions are ideally held when the patient is relatively well and outside an acute episode. Discussions delayed until the crisis of acute admission may lead to acceptance of an invasive treatment that is later regretted by the patient.

Chronic respiratory disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

COPD is the most common chronic respiratory disease. Patients may live increasingly restricted lives for years, rather than the months or weeks that are common once someone with cancer becomes breathless. Patients usually reach late middle age or old age before becoming very disabled, and an elderly spouse often has to carry significant physical burdens.

Because of the risk of dependency, falls and memory problems, non-pharmacological approaches to anxiety are more appropriate than benzodiazepines (see Box 3.5 ). Short-acting benzodiazepines should be reserved for severe panic episodes.

Palliative care breathlessness services can be very helpful for those unable to comply with pulmonary rehabilitation. Emergency admissions to hospital for non-medical reasons are often due to anxiety and the support offered by community palliative care services working with respiratory teams can help prevent these.

Ventilatory support (see pp. 1163–1167)

For many patients who have respiratory failure, non-invasive ventilation (NIV) has superseded the use of intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) on intensive therapy units. However, there are patients who are likely to need IPPV during admission for an acute exacerbation. For some of this group, life has become burdensome, rendering the net benefit for this procedure less or negligible. These patients should be put in contact with hospice services when they are relatively stable (not during acute exacerbations), anticipating an alternative place of admission in the event of subsequent deteriorating health.

Opioid titration in non-malignant respiratory disease

In non-malignant respiratory disease, opioid titration may need to follow a different pattern from that used in malignant disease, in which many patients are already on opioids for pain control before they develop breathlessness. Some clinicians recommend a cautious approach for these chronically breathless patients who have non-malignant disease, but the evidence indicates that those with adequate renal function may safely be started on 5–10 mg modified release morphine, given appropriate monitoring. Constipation can be a problem (see p. 34) but recently naloxegol (a pegylated derivative of the µ-opioid receptor antagonist naloxone) has been shown to be helpful without reducing the analgesic effect of opioids.

Further reading

Boland J, Martin J, Wells AU et al. Palliative care for people with non-malignant lung disease: summary of current evidence and future direction. Palliat Med 2013; 27:811–816.

http://www.medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/ASCO/46070 Stopping statins in terminal illness.

Renal disease

All care for patients who have end-stage chronic kidney disease (CKD) is directed towards maintenance or improvement of renal function. Prescribing is complicated, particularly if patients are receiving dialysis. Care must be taken not to cause renal damage inadvertently with potentially renotoxic medication, and close liaison with the renal team is mandatory.

In patients who have CKD, co-morbidities such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or osteoporosis may cause greater problems than the renal disease. Those with a fluctuant course of symptoms, such as the 25–33% who have coexisting cardiac disease, bear disproportionately greater physical and psychological burdens.

Patients who are on dialysis

Patients attend three times per week (and receive social support from this). Thus additional attendance at a hospice day therapy service may be too tiring. If further support from SPC services is needed, then outpatient clinics, community support (for patient and/or carer) or even admission may be more suitable.

Withdrawal of dialysis

Withdrawal of dialysis is necessary if the effort of attendance becomes too great when there is little improvement in quality of life and the impact of other co-morbidities becomes intrusive.

If there is no residual renal function, survival after withdrawal of dialysis is likely to be a few days at most. In contrast, patients who have some residual function (usually those who have had dialysis for only a few weeks or months) may live for months or even a year after withdrawal. Patients and carers need to understand these differences in order to make informed choices.

Neurological disease

People who suffer from chronic degenerative neurological diseases have a considerable burden of palliative care needs, including:

Ideally, discussions regarding the patient's wishes should take place in advance, if the patient is able to do this, so that these can be supported.

Palliative Care of the Frail Elderly

People worldwide are living longer as diseases, both communicable and non-communicable, are better managed. However, the palliative care needs of older patients often go unrecognized and are therefore under-treated. The physiological effects of ageing itself are compounded by co-morbidity, polypharmacy and unhealthy lifestyles. These factors lead to a higher mortality than expected, a heavy symptom burden and shortened life expectancy, compared to those who remain in good health at the same advanced age. Recognition of and attention to the care of these patients can improve outcomes by encouraging carers to produce individual care plans for the elderly frail.

Frailty is an emerging syndrome in the elderly. It has many definitions but can be thought of as a state of extreme vulnerability with ‘a progressive physiological decline in multiple organ systems’. This leads to a marked loss of function, loss of physiological reserve and an increased vulnerability to disease and death. There are a number of physiological changes that are associated with normal ageing (Box 3.8), as well as the cumulative impact of chosen or imposed ‘unhealthy’ ways of life and chronic pre-existing diseases. The proportion of detrimental changes that can be prevented or ameliorated by different behaviour earlier in life, or by supporting people to maintain healthy habits into older age, is debatable. Box 3.9 shows the ‘five ways to well­being’, which, if practised with other public health teaching on moderate alcohol intake, maintenance of a healthy weight and rejection of smoking, would help to preserve health and activity as life advances.

image Box 3.8

Normal physiological changes with ageing that show great inter-individual variation

Physiological changeResultPossible changes in behaviour and outcomesComments
Reduction in activity of immune systemGreater susceptibility to infectionGreater incidence of and rapid, severe deterioration with relatively minor infections, e.g. urinary tract infection

Sudden confusion/deterioration in elderly person commonly caused by infection

Vaccination (e.g. against influenza) of importance in prevention

Changes in HPA axis functionAltered circadian rhythm

Need for less sleep, with early wakening

Neural cell impairment and compensatory gliosis at many levels of HPA axis

Particularly evident in hypothalamus/hippocampus and limbic system, leading to reduced memory
Possible cognitive declineDifficulty managing complex medication regimens, understanding illness and consequencesForgetfulness, difficulty in working out complex problems

Some authorities suggest that cognitive decline largely results from modern lifestyle and illnesses rather than being an inevitable part of ageing

Admission to hospital can uncover/exacerbate cognitive impairment

Reduction in balance and coordinationFalls more common, which can lead to catastrophic global deterioration, e.g. need for sheltered care or complications of immobility leading to deathFear of going out, particularly in winter or after dark, which in turn can exacerbate social isolation, poor nutrition, lack of sunlight and deconditioningCan be detected on physical examination in modalities of vibration sense, balance in central nervous system
Reduction in body's ability to maintain homeostasis, e.g. stable body temperatureHigher incidence of hypothermia in winter and heat stroke in summerIncreased mortality in this group during periods of extreme heat or coldPrevention by urging behavioural change (e.g. use of heating) or staying indoors in heat or cold
Reduction in muscle massReduced ability to be mobile (which may become entrenched into spiral of disability)Can exacerbate isolation and loneliness through fear of going out in case unable to complete activityWhat proportion of muscle loss can be prevented by greater exercise is uncertain but it is clear that exercise is beneficial
Deterioration in five sensesDifficulty taking part in or achieving some activities of daily living and participating fully in social lifeLoss of confidence, reduction in social life

Macular degeneration, and other changes in sight related to associated morbidity (e.g. diabetes)

Age-related hearing loss multifactorial (mostly related to changes in middle ear)

Reduced metabolic rateProlonged half-life of drugsMay lead to effective overdosage, or increase in adverse effects of some drugsE.g. prolonged half-life of sedatives can lead to falls and confusion
HPA axis, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis.


image Box 3.9

Five ways to wellbeing (New Economics Foundation)

Adapted from http://www.neweconomics.org/projects/entry/five-ways-to-well-being.

Frailty, however, implies vulnerability to a loss of function in many areas. There are a number of scoring indices for frailty. The Fried Frailty Score assesses:

A score of 3 or more defines frailty, although slow walking, low physical activity and weight loss, as well as cognitive impairment, were independently associated with disability and a poorer prognosis.

Assessment of the frail elderly person presenting in a medical setting

The frail elderly person may present acutely to medical services in a number of different ways. It is essential for there to be an individual focus on improving and/or maintaining the current quality of life. As there is a high mortality in this group, all care of the frail elderly person can be considered ‘palliative’. A central tenet of palliative care is to assess the presence and severity of symptoms and to elicit the patient's priorities for future management. This will identify frail adults. Thus acute hospital admissions provide an opportunity to begin discussions with patients and their families about their preferences for future care. Treatment should be offered on the basis of individual need and potential for benefit for that individual, rather than chronological age. The aims of assessment and management are to:

Context of the consultation

Care with regard to the setting and conduct of the consultation is necessary to enable individuals to tell their story and make their wishes clear. Assessment may need to be phased to obtain all the necessary information and should involve the multidisciplinary team, as medical and social care needs can often not be differentiated; one is only possible when the other is implemented effectively.

The following are questions to ask:

A full assessment of mental capacity is necessary. In those who are unable to provide their own full history, details should be sought from other sources of information such as:

Ensure that you know whom to contact for advice if you have any doubts about the individual's ability to make informed decisions for themselves. Always take advice from a senior clinician if you have doubts.

Management of the frail elderly person

Following the comprehensive assessment, an early priority is to reverse what is reversible; rehabilitation should be provided, again tailored to the individual's potential for improvement or adaptation.

Treat symptoms. Investigation and treatment of known medical problems should be appropriate for the individual (Box 3.10). Investigation and management of any new disease will follow the general principles as for other age groups but remembering that the frail elderly will have a high mortality in the year after admission.

image Box 3.10

Care of the frail elderly person: an example

Mrs Jones is found to have a urinary tract infection, which responds well to oral antibiotics. An assessment demonstrates that her hearing aid needs changing and that her sight might be improved by anti-vascular epithelial growth factor injections for her macular degeneration. She no longer requires metformin and her statin is stopped, as it is no longer providing her with benefit. Rehabilitation with more mobility aids is enabling her to transfer from bed to chair and so get up during the day. She is found to have an abdominal mass but declines investigation of it beyond the CT scan. However, she does report that the mass is painful and she is referred to the hospital palliative care team. Her pain is easily controlled on a small regular dose of oral opioid and a community palliative care nurse specialist follows her up with primary care in her nursing home, where she dies 3 months later, without further admission.

Discuss the future sensitively. Discussions about wishes for future care are complex with anyone who has life-threatening disease. They may not see themselves that way and assumptions should not be made about what frail elderly individuals want or how they view their health status. They may not feel that they are particularly ill or even that they have a poor prognosis, despite having reached a great age. General medical management needs to be integrated with symptom control. The SPC team should be contacted for advice or involved with management when there are difficulties with this or with complex discussions with the individual or their family.

Review the drug chart. One feature of frailty is that patients are often taking large numbers of drugs, some of which may be causing disabling adverse effects without any immediate benefit for that individual's quality of life. Reviewing every drug with the patient may be very helpful in lessening symptom burden and may help reduce confusion and sedation.

In summary, palliative care should be available to everyone on the basis of need. It is frequently not offered to the frail elderly and symptoms are known to be both under-detected and under-treated in this group. Ensure this does not happen when you are caring for a frail elderly person. Contact the palliative care team for advice, even if referral for transfer of care is not necessary.

Care of the Dying

Most people express a wish to die in their own homes, provided their symptoms are controlled and their carers are supported. However, patients die in any setting and so all healthcare professionals should be proficient in end-of-life care.

Reports of inadequate hospital care have led to the development of integrated pathways of care for the dying. Pathways act as prompts of care, including psychological, social, spiritual and carer concerns in those who are diagnosed as dying. The latter is a decision reached by a multiprofessional team through careful assessment of the patient and exclusion of reversible causes of deterioration.

Care of the dying tools

The Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP; Box 3.11 ) has come in for a great deal of criticism. It is a four-stage end-of-life tool designed to transfer the standard of hospice care of the dying into the hospital (see Box 3.10 ). Now adapted for any setting, it was the most commonly used pathway for care of the dying in the UK and is still in use in several other countries.

The LCP has provision for departures from the ‘prompts of care’ – for example, discontinuation of intravenous antibiotics or parenteral fluids – if a clinical need can be demonstrated. The patient is reviewed regularly (at least daily). Occasionally, the patient improves whilst on the pathway and can be returned to usual care if this is deemed more appropriate by the clinical team. For those who do not improve, the LCP prompts advanced prescription of medication to ease the symptoms most likely to arise in the dying phase (pain, breathlessness, nausea, agitation and excess respiratory secretions) to allow timely action.

Engagement with family and carers is vital, and it should not be assumed that they will recognize or understand the signs of imminent death. The LCP has supportive information leaflets that carers should find useful.

UK national hospital audits have assessed and monitored the level of care documented against the standards set in the LCP. However, following some well-publicized errors of implementation of the tool in the UK in 2013–2014, and in the face of a lack of randomized controlled trial evidence to support its use, the LCP was withdrawn and replaced by individual care plans outlined by the Leadership Alliance for the Care of Dying People. Since then, a cluster randomized trial of the LCP in cancer patients has reported no significant difference in overall quality of care, but did show improvements in coordination of care, treatment with dignity, family self-efficacy, and respect and information and decision-making.

Significant websites