TIP #23:
I’ll tell you a story. Not long ago, The Essay Expert worked with a client (I’ll call him Jim) on his Executive résumé. We gave Jim a nice looking format, and he had success in obtaining interviews. Jim’s wife (I’ll call her Mary) saw Jim’s résumé and liked the format. She liked it so much, in fact, that she decided to “steal” it and reformat her own résumé, using her husband’s résumé as a model. The year before, Mary had applied for a job at a university. She was not asked for an interview. Mary submitted her newly formatted résumé for the same position she had applied for the year before. Guess what.
Yep, you guessed right. She got an interview. Was it her new format that did the trick? It’s certainly a possibility. Remember, it’s not just computer scanners that read résumés. Humans read them, too. You convey a certain attitude and impression to your human readers with your résumé format. Take the time necessary to create a format that you like and that will make the right impression on the humans who read it. Giving your format the attention it deserves can make all the difference.
There are many samples of winning résumé formats from The Essay Expert.22 If you are applying to jobs online through companies that use ATS (Applicant Tracking System) programs, format matters a lot! I have included formatting tips for ATS software in Section 6 (Technology and Social Media), Tip #42.
Microsoft Word has many choices of résumé templates. I encourage you to LOOK at them. Do not use the templates unless one of the following is true:
1. You want your résumé to look like everyone else’s who is using a Microsoft Word template (I hope you do not fall into this category!).
2. You are VERY skilled with MS Word and can take the template and change it so it doesn’t look like the template.
Option 2 is tricky. The templates in Word are often filled with complex code, tables, columns, etc. For example:
One of my clients had used a template from The second page had someone else’s name on it, and the lines forming the border did not intersect properly. Why risk these deadly snafus?
As you have probably gathered, I highly encourage you not to use templates. Instead, create your own résumé format. You will avoid the risk of an employer’s recognizing the template. You will also be able to edit your résumé yourself, which will allow you to tailor it for each job application.
You can find sample résumé formats on various sites such as Most often, these formats are professional but not unique. If you do use a résumé template, you MUST understand the formatting tools used on the résumé so you can easily edit it yourself. User beware!
For more sample résumé formats, look at the “After” résumé examples on The Essay Expert’s website.23 Find one that meets your experience level and the image you want to portray, and feel free to create something similar.
TIP #25:
(Unless You’re Trying to Fill Up Space—or You Have a Creative Idea)
A common résumé format is the column format. In the left-hand column are the words “Education,” “Experience,” “Skills,” etc., and the dates of employment. In the right-hand column are the names of your employers, your job titles, and your résumé bullets. I recommend against this format unless you have a truly inspired and creative idea of how to use the left-hand column that does not waste space and it is well executed.
Here’s an example of a column format (from Word templates) that I would NOT recommend:
Why do I recommend NO columns? For one thing, format-wise, columns and tables are very difficult to work with on a résumé. You might find that when you delete one thing, you accidentally end up deleting an entire section; or you may find that you are trapped by the format with no way to do what you want to do. It’s a recipe for résumé anxiety.
Second, columns take up more space than their alternatives. If you don’t have a lot of information to put on your résumé, you might want to use columns. But if you have significant amounts of information to share, this format will just waste space. Use columns cautiously!
IMPORTANT: Applicant Tracking Systems (the software that reads your electronically filed résumé) often skip over information in columns or tables—so you must have an alternate version for submission to online systems to avoid this risk (see Tip #43 for more about ATS).
In conclusion, choose a crisp, clear format that you like, with formatting techniques you understand. If you’re struggling with the format (for instance, if things keep changing or disappearing when you attempt to make changes in the text), use a simpler format, find a friend who can teach you word processing skills, or hire a professional!
The Essay Expert can help you create a businesslike format that really pops and displays your accomplishments in the best light. Contact us at Résumé or see our Executive Résumé and Cover Letter Writing services.24
It’s important to create a résumé that looks professional and is appropriate for your industry. If you think you’re getting too fancy, you probably are.
Résumé writing experts universally warn job seekers not to use curly (serif) fonts for their names on résumés. Use the KISS principle (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Choose a font that is crisp and clear, like Calibri, Arial, or Corbel. For serif fonts, choose Garamond or Georgia. The once-ubiquitous workhorse, Times New Roman, is losing popularity as newer fonts come into common use. Do NOT write your name like this or anything like it on the top of the résumé:
You might succeed with using two different fonts in your résumé, such as Garamond for your name and section headings and Calibri for the rest of the résumé; however, I recommend never using more than two fonts in one résumé.
Regarding font size, different fonts show up differently. My recommendation is to print out your résumé and do the “squint” test. If you are squinting or your eyes are straining to read the text, make it bigger. As a general rule, your font size should be between 10 and 12 point. It can be bigger for your name and any other headers you want to stand out.
Be very careful about including any graphics on your résumé. It might be appropriate to use light shading, simple borders, and possibly maroon, dark-blue, or dark-green lines across the page. A tasteful logo or a graph or chart might also work well depending on your industry. Here’s an example of an eye-catching résumé that you can achieve with some relatively simple formatting:
If you have a bit more graphic design talent, you might experiment a bit with simple shapes (diamonds, circles, and arrows), text boxes, and shadowing. For example:
Your résumé formatting must be clean and consistent and must be a match for your industry. If you are a finance, insurance, or legal professional, I recommend very straightforward formatting. Other industries, especially sales, call for more catchy layouts.
When in doubt, keep it simple!
Want more résumé tips? Sign up for The Essay Expert’s blog.25
TIP #27:
A common résumé formatting technique is to insert lines that span the width of the page.
How do you create those great-looking lines? Use the border function. It looks like this:
Click on the border icon, and you’ll get a line that extends from one side of the page to the other and adjusts when you adjust the margins. Or, from the Format menu, go to Borders and Shading, where you can choose the placement and style of both section and page borders.
Using this menu, you can control the style, color, width, and location of your borders.
I won’t give a complete tutorial on borders here. For more detail on how to use the border function, I recommend going to the Microsoft Word help site.26 Play around with it and create something you love! If you choose to insert a line, be careful not to end up with a line that looks like this:
Eek! This line is not straight AND it runs off the page. I know you think this would not happen to you, but I can’t even count the number of times I’ve seen these squiggly lines in a résumé. Although inserting a line as a shape does give you some good options, it can end up backfiring. When in doubt, stick with borders: they are simpler, easier to control, and reliably professional!
TIP #28:
If you’re following my advice and not using up a whole column for your dates of employment, you will be left with the natural question “How should I format my dates?”
The most important rule about placement of your dates is to put them to the right of the company name. The reason for this is that the ATS (Applicant Tracking System) programs look for the date in that location.
My preferred date format is to line up the dates with the Right Margin. The best way to accomplish this is by inserting a Right Tab using the Tab menu (you will find the Tab menu under the Format, then Paragraph menu, in the lower right-hand corner): Click on the “Tabs . . .” button to get to the tab menu.
1. Put in the location where you want the tab stop (probably 6.8, 6.9, or 7.0, depending on your margins);
2. Click “Right” in the options;
3. Save the tab; and
4. Hit the Tab button to move your dates over to the tab you have set.
Note: When you do this, a date might disappear off the page. If that happens, just go to the line where it should be and start hitting the delete button. You probably have some tabs in there that need to be deleted. Eventually the date will reappear! Here’s what the final format might look like:
BEST HR CONSULTING LLC, San Francisco, CA February 2009–present
Managing Director
June 2001–February 2009
Senior Director of Human Resources (March 1997–December 2000)
January 1996–December 2000
Senior Director of Human Resources (March 1997–December 2000)
However you choose to format your dates, be consistent! Consistency makes your résumé easily readable and proves to the reader that you truly are detail-oriented.
TIP #29:
Too many résumés are formatted using the space bar. When you use the space bar to format anything, you end up with a squiggly, inconsistent, and unprofessional format. Don’t do it!!
1. Do NOT use the space bar after your bullets. Use the bullet function—that’s what it’s there for! Do not get it into your head to insert a bullet as a symbol and then put spaces after it. You’ll end up wasting time, and your bullets will wiggle down the page rather than line up straight.
2. Do NOT use the space bar to create columns. You will end up with a big mess and lists of items that are nearly impossible to edit!
3. Do NOT use the space bar to jump five spaces ahead—that’s what the TAB bar is for! I don’t have to explain this one do I? It’s just so much cleaner and simpler to tab out several times than to insert twenty-seven spaces.
4. One exception to my rule: if you want your dates to be flush against the right margin, you can either insert a right tab (see Tip #28) or you can tab out as much as possible and then hit the space bar until your dates are lined up with the right margin.
Be aware, however, that if you change your font style or size, you’ll need to reformat the dates. User’s choice.
TIP #30:
One way to put some pop and distinction into your résumé is with nonstandard bullets. If you click on the arrow next to the bullet function, you will see at the bottom of the list “Define New Bullet.” Here’s where to find the arrow:
You will be taken to the following menu:
From there, have a field day (within reason, of course). You can choose check marks, square boxes, arrows, or any professional-looking bullet from the Bullets and Numbering menu, found under the Format dropdown menu. You can use these bullets for the list of key strengths or core competencies, or for the items in your experience section. For example:
As long as you don’t go overboard and do keep your résumé formatted as your profession demands, you can really spice it up with creative bulleting. Have fun!
TIP #31:
How big or small should your margins be? Some of you have default margins set to 1.0” on top and bottom and 1.25” on left and right. These are huge margins for a résumé. Some of you have 0.5” left and right margins; these are tiny margins for a résumé that make it seem as if you don’t have enough space.
If you really need to fill up space, use 1.0” margins all around. There’s no excuse for 0.5” margins; you would do better to add an extra page or cut out some material. Here’s what The Essay Expert recommends:
1. Top Margin: 0.6”or 0.5” are nice small margins that look good above the header you created after reading Tip #2.
2. Bottom Margin: It’s best if it’s just a little bigger than the top margin. 0.6” tends to work well.
3. Left/Right: These should be the same width. Do not have a skinny left margin and a fat right margin, or vice versa. Do not go below 0.8”, as it starts to look like you’re trying very hard to squeeze things in.
It’s sometimes hard to tell on a computer screen whether your margins are reasonable. ALWAYS print out your résumé before sending it to make sure you haven’t created something that looks great on a computer screen and horrible on paper. If for some reason you can’t print it, AT LEAST look at the Print Preview before sending. You will very likely discover something that needs adjustment!
TIP #32:
A simple border can be a great way to give your résumé a professionally formatted look. You will find this function under the Format menu, dropdown item Borders and Shading. Make sure to click on the Page Border button at the top.
Once you click on the Page Border icon or tab, you will see the following menu:
As you can see, you have many options of how to proceed from here! You can change the color of your border (I recommend black or gray, nothing else), the width of the border, and the style of the border. In most cases, I would recommend only a solid border. Don’t get fancy. Just use the border to add some “pop” and contain the text on the page. Here’s an example of how a border changes the look of a résumé:
Which do you prefer? If you like the border, consider using a border to frame your résumé. I generally prefer no border, but the choice is yours.
Are you in a creative field? The Essay Expert offers graphically designed résumés. One of these27 was nominated for a TORI Award for Best Creative Résumé (TORI = Toast of the Résumé Industry).28 The awards are administered by the national organization Career Directors International.
Contact us at if you want a well-designed résumé with graphics that have pop and pizzazz, without being overdone.
TIP #33:
Can’t get rid of that one line that spills over to the third page of your résumé? Don’t want your résumé to look squashed? There are always choices to make about which content to include, and these issues will be addressed in the next section. For now, here’s one formatting trick that can help fit your résumé into the allotted space and preserve coveted “white space” at the same time.
Take a look at your résumé. You might have a full line of space between sections that you don’t need. Thankfully, there are options that can make just enough difference to get your résumé back onto one page (or two). One way to reduce the height of the space is to put your cursor there and reduce the font size by clicking CTRL+SHIFT+>. The line will magically shrink! Here’s another way to do it that I usually prefer:
1. Delete the unwanted full space between lines.
2. Put your cursor on the line above which you want to insert space.
3. Go to the Paragraph menu, Indents and Spacing submenu.
4. Under Spacing, you’ll see a Before box and an After box. In the appropriate box (in this case it would be “Before”), hit the arrow until it says “6pt.” That will insert space above the line—a narrower space than you had there before. (Alternatively, you can insert 3pt or 12pt of space, but most common will be 6pt.)
You can use this trick not just between sections, but also to create a little space under your headings. For example, here’s what 6pt of space looks like between the title Education and the first entry:
Play around with this feature and you’ll find you have a lot more flexibility with spacing on your résumé. Note: Sometimes, due to a bug in Word, this strategy does not work. Another option is to put a line of space between your lines and then reduce the font of that line. The easiest way to do this is to hit CTRL-SHIFT-< (on PCs). Your line will magically shrink! You might want to go down to 5pt font.
Whichever spacing choices you use, make sure to be consistent! Consistency in formatting is one of the keys to a professional-looking résumé.
Still having trouble getting your résumé onto one page? The Certified Résumé Writers at The Essay Expert can help! Contact us today at 608-467-0067 or Résumé
TIP #34:
You may have heard rumors that recruiters and hiring managers never click live links because of the possibility of viruses. The results of Career Directors International’s survey on global hiring trends tells a different story. Although 17 percent of respondents never click on links, 62 percent reported that they sometimes or always click on hyperlinks when provided. Places you might link to:
• Your LinkedIn profile
• Your website
• A video you created
• A website with examples of your work
• A document you wrote
• A site mentioning your name as an award recipient
Regarding format, the survey found that Word (.doc or .docx) is the preferred format for receiving résumés by far, although 23 percent preferred PDFs. It is acceptable to send your résumé in two formats if sending via e-mail; if submitting online, choose Word.