Notes have not been indexed.
Abruzzi, 217
Abulensis, 88
Acosta, Cristobal, Tractado de las drogas y medicinas de las Indias Orientales, 85
Action Française, 201
Adanson, Michel, 136
Adorno, Theodor, 185; Dialectic of the Enlightenment, 105–6; Minima moralia, 208
Africa: Augustine, 29; cult of martyrs’ relics, 3; Orosius, 29; St. Stephen relics at Uzalis, 28, 29–30
alcoholic beverages, 86–87, 89
Alexandrine age, grammarians, 222
Alonso de Madrigal/Alonso Tostado, 88
Altai Mountains, Central Asia, 95
Altdorfer, Albrecht, The Battle between Alexander and Darius at the River Issus, 205–7, 206fig
Altercatio Ecclesiae contra Synagogam, pseudo-Augustinian treatise, 27
Americas: witchcraft, 223. See also New World; United States
Amman, Johann, 91
Ammianus, 137–38
Amsterdam, Spinoza on, 97–98
Amyot, Jacques, 47
Anacharsis, 115–25
anarchism, 161
animals, Voltaire and, 109–12, 113
Ankersmit, F. R., 211–12
Annales, 1, 198, 200, 201, 203
anthropology, 65; Anacharsis as forerunner, 125; British social, 220; historical, 201; Montaigne as founder, 49; trial records, 55–56, 203; witchcraft, 218
Antioch, Maccabees relics, 31
antiquarianism, 13, 81; Athenian Letters, 122–23; Barthélemy, 5, 118–25; Bellièvre, 51; birth of modern historiography, 67; Gibbon, 125; historiography devalued by, 23; Lancelot du Lac and, 74–75; Mascardi and, 22–23; Momigliano’s “Ancient History and the Antiquarians,” 12–13; Montaigne, 49–52; pedantry, 49; political history and, 16; Robortello, 13, 15–16; traveling, 94
anti-Semitism: Bebel definition, 163; Catholic and socialist, 161; Drumont, 161; France, 5, 161, 162, 165–69; La libre parole, 161, 162; Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 5–6, 151, 159–64. See also Nazism/National Socialists
Antoni, Carlo, 173; Dallo storicismo alla sociologia, 170
Arch of Constantine, 23–24
archeology, 95; Herculaneum, 116; paleo-Christian basilica, 27, 28
Ariès, Philippe, 201
Aristotle, 15, 18–19, 73; Orlando Furioso, 45, 46; Poetics, 6, 15, 74, 75; Rhetoric, 8, 16; Trapolino and, 17; unity, 131
Arnaldo da Brescia, 68–69
Arnaud du Tilh (“Pansette”), 56–57, 58, 71
ars historica, 14
Asclepiades, 76–77
Asellio, Sempronius, 16
Atabalipa, king of Peru, 47, 48fig
Atatürk, Kemal, 104
Atget, Eugène, 185
Athenian Letters, 122–24
Auerbach, Erich, 220; Mimesis, 10, 60, 65–66, 96–114, 137–39, 141; “Philologie und Weltliteratur,” 105; on Stendhal, 4, 96, 138, 140, 141–42, 143, 144–45; on Voltaire, 96–114
Augustine, St., 28, 29–30, 137; Altercatio Ecclesiae contra Synagogam as pseudo-Augustinian treatise, 27; City of God, 30; De mirabilis auditis, 45; De vera religione, 30
Austen, Jane, 71
authenticity: Athenian Letters, 122; Bishop Severus’s letter, 26–28; falseness and, 5–6. See also truth
Avitus, Braga, 29
Bagnaia, Montaigne and, 42
Balearic Islands, Consentius, 28
Balzac, Honoré de, 96, 137, 138, 140, 143; Comédic humaine, 62–63, 64; Lys dans la valliée, 64
bangue/marijuana/cannabis, 85, 87, 90, 93, 95
barbarians: Anacharsis, 124–25; Lancelot du Lac, 73; Monardes on, 85–86; Montaigne and, 52; Xerxes, 124
Barbaro, Marco/Barbaro chronicle, 134
Baronius, Caesar, 20–21; Annales Ecclesiastici, 20, 21–22, 27; Historia ecclesiastica controversa, 20
Barthélemy, Jean-Jacques, 116–17, 119; La Chanteloupée, ou la guerre des puces contre Mme L.[ouise] D.[duchesse] d.[e] Ch. [oiseul], 119; Voyage du jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, 5, 115, 117–18
Barthes, Roland, 172–73
Baudelaire, Charles, 140
Baxandall, Michael, 189–90
Bazzoni, Giambattista, Falco della Rupe, o la guerra di Rupo, 63
Bebel, August, 163
Bellièvre, Claude, 51
Bellomo, Agapito, 40
benandanti, 221, 225; Friulian, 127, 203, 221, 222–25; shamans and, 224–25
Benjamin, Walter: Auerbach and, 104, 105; Brechtian maxim, 7; Kracauer and, 184, 186, 191–92; optical unconsciousness, 184; photography essay, 184; reading historical testimonies against the grain, 4; suicide, 184, 191
Benzoni, Girolamo, La historia del mondo nuovo, 83–84, 86, 88, 89
Bertuccio, Israël, 126–37
Besenval, Pierre Victor, Spleen, 141
Biard, Pierre, 89
Bible: continuity between Old and New Testaments, 30, 31; Diodorus’s history and, 80; synthetic concision, 10; world ranking of best sellers, 159
biography, of historian, 219
Birch, Thomas, 123
Black Death, 165
blacks, Voltaire on, 102–4, 108
Blandina, Christian martyr, 32
Bloch, Marc, 69, 200; Feudal Society, 207; Métier d’historien, 1, 3, 4; Rois thaumaturges, 5, 224
Blumenkranz, Bernhard, 27–28
Boboli Gardens in Florence, 40
Boccioni, Umberto, paintings, 177, 213
Boiardo, Matteo Maria, 101
Bordeaux, Parlement, 35
boredom, Stendhal and, 140, 141, 143, 145
Bounan, Michel, 159, 163–64; Logique du terrorisme, 163
Boyle, Robert, 122
Brach, Pierre de, 35
Braga, 29
Brand, Adam, 91
Braudel, Fernand, 195–96, 198–201, 212; introduction to Traité de sociologie, 195; The Mediterranean, 126, 195
Brecht, Bertolt: “bad new things,” 2, 7; Verfremdung-Effekt, 101
British Academy, 128
British functionalist anthropology, 32
British Library, 133
Brooks, Jerome E., Tobacco, 87
Brown, Peter, The Cult of the Saints, 25–27, 32–33
Bruno, Giordano, 117
Brussels, Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Joly), 162
Buontalenti, Bernardo, 40
Burckhardt, Jacob, 117; Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, 117
Buridan’s donkey, 226
Byron, Lord, 129–32 Cain, 131–32; Marino Faliero, 129–34
Byzantine emperors: Constantine, 167; Manuel Paleologus, 23
Caesarism, 154
Caillois, Roger, 93, 191; Pontius Pilate, 7–8
Calandra, Filippo, 130
Calendario, Filippo, 135
Calvino, Italo, 197, 212; Il barone rampante, 197; “Memories of a Battle,” 210–11
cannabis/bangue/marijuana, 85, 87, 90, 93, 95
cannibals: Jews, 111; Nacolabsou, 47, 48fig; Storia notturna, 217. See also “On Cannibals” (Montaigne)
Caprarola, Montaigne and, 42
Capuana, Luigi, 216–17
Carbonari, Byron and, 130
Carnot, Sadi, 161
Carr, E. H., What Is History?, 177
Cassiano dal Pozzo, Museo cartaceo, 22
Cassiodorus, 166
Catherine of Russia, 121
Cato Street conspiracy, Byron and, 130
caves, Asians living in, 38
Ceárd, Jean, 38
censorship: Fascist, 173; Marino Faliero, 132
Cerutti, Simona, 193; La Ville et les métiers, 213
Cesariano, Cesare, 38
Chantraine, Pierre, 9
Chapelain, Jean: De la lecture des vieux romans, 72–76, 78, 80, 81, 82; La Pucelle ou la France delivrée, 82
Charles V, 49
Chartier, Roger, 203
Chastel, André, 38
Chaunu, Pierre, “Un nouveau champ pour l’histoire sérielle: Le quantitatif au troisième niveau,” 199–200
Choiseul, duchess of, 119, 120–21
Choiseul, duke of (Etienne-François de Stainville), 116, 119, 123
Chrétien de Troyes, 75
Christianity: Christian-Jewish conflict, 5, 25–33, 80–81, 161, 165–69; classical doctrine of the separation of literary styles and its transgression by, 60; first universal history written from perspective of, 28–29; miracles, 30; Rome, 23; Savonarola, 14; Swift on, 100; tension between religion and rhetoric, 21; Voltaire and, 99, 111. See also Bible; Protestants
Chrysoloras, Manuel, 23–24
Churchill, Winston, 158
Cicero, 9, 21, 38; and annals, 14, 16, 17, 19; comedy and tragedy, 58–59; De oratore 2, 14
citations: Anacharsis, 118; Annales Ecclesiastici, 21–22; and description, 7–24
civilization, 52; freedom from constraints of, 35, 36
class struggle: witchcraft, 219, 220. See also peasant society
Cobb, Richard, “Zaharoff lecture,” 197–98
Codex Mendoza, Aztec, 49
cold war, 105
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 81–82
collecting, 46–47
Collingwood, R. G., The Idea of History, 170
comedy, tragedy and, 58–59
Como, Giovio villa, 49
Compagnon, Antoine, 42
“composite portraits,” 136
conjecture, in historical narration, 67–68, 69–71
Conrart, Valentin, 81
Consentius, Balearic Islands, 28
Constantine: age of, 49; Arch of, 23–24; emperor, 167
Constantinople, 23
constitutions, Joly and, 156
contiguity, 219
Contini, Gianfranco, 220, 221–22
Coras, Jean de, 54; Arrest memorable, 54, 56–60; Planchon intonations, 55, 70; tragedy, 58–60
Corpus Christi College, 123
Correggio, Parma cathedral ceiling, 117
Cortés, Hernán, 49
cosmographers, 47
Council of Carthage, 30
Council of Diospolis, 29
Council of Ten, 135
Coventry, Henry, 123
Cracco Ruggini, Lellia, 28
Cragius, Nicholas, 118
critical detachment, 80–81
The Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 185
Croce, Benedetto, 26, 105, 170–75, 177, 226; Aesthetics, 172; “Antistoricismo,” 171–72; Contributo alla critica di me stesso, 170; History: Its Theory and Practice, 209; “Immaginazione, aneddotica e storiografica,” 68; Logica come scienza del concetto puro, 171; Serra correspondence, 177, 209; “Storia, cronaca e false storie,” 177; “La storia ridotta sotto il concetto generale dell’arte,” 170, 171; Teoria e storia della storiografia, 171–72, 175, 177
cultural transmission, 225–26
d’Alembert, Jean Le Rond, 109
Danton, Georges Jacques, 139, 144
Davis, Natalie Zemon, The Return of Martin Guerre, 2, 54–60, 70, 211
Debord, Guy, 163
de Certeau, Michel, 65, 173; L’écriture de l’histoire, 169, 176–77
deconstructionism, 7
Defoe, Daniel, The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, 61, 62
Delavigne, Casimir, Marino Faliero, 128–29, 132
Del Litto, Victor, 142
de Maistre, Joseph, 156–57; Considérations sur la France, 156, 157; Essai sur le principe générateur des constitutions politiques et des autres institutions humaines, 157
De Martino, Ernesto, Il mondo magico, 226
Demetrius, On Style, 10
Demetrius of Phalerum, 10
De Michelis, C.G., Il manoscritto inesistente, 160–61
democracy, 158–59
de’ Monaci, Lorenzo, Chronicon de rebus Venetis, 133, 134
description, and citation, 7–24
detachment, critical, 80–81
Detienne, Marcel, 72
de Tracy, Destutt, 139, 145; Logique, 149
Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Joly), 6, 151–64
Dialogues of the Dead, 152, 153, 162
Díaz y Díaz, M. C., 28
Dickens, Charles, 187
Diodorus Siculus, History, 79–80
disjunction, principle of, 186
Divjak, J., 28
Dolly, 114
Domus Aurea, frescoes, 36
Douglas, Mary, Purity and Danger, 26
Dreyfus affaire, 162
Drumont, Edouard, 161–62; La France juive, 161; Le testament d’un antisémite, 161
du Barry, Madame, 119
Duby, Georges, 55; Sunday of Bouvines, 211
du Châtelet, Madame, 107
du Creux, François, 89
du Deffand, Madame (Marie Anne de Vichy-Chamrond), 118–19, 120–21
Duris of Samos,10
Dyson, Freeman, 114
École Pratique des Hautes Études, 201
Einaudi publishing house, Turin, 193, 197, 208
Eisenstein, Sergei, 187
ekphrasis-autopsia-parousia, 23–24
Eliot, T. S., 187
Emmius, Ubbo, 118
enargeia, 8–12; citations, 21–22; ekpbrasisautopsia-parousia and, 23–24; evidence vs., 22–23; paintings, 10–11, 18
Enciclopedia italiana, 216
England: Stendhal and, 143; Voltaire and, 96–102. See also British; London
Enlightenment: Auerbach on, 105; Brecht’s Verfremdung-Effekt, 101; Horkheimer and Adorno’s Dialectic of the Enlightenment, 105–6; Kant on, 98; Stendhal and, 148; Voltaire and, 106, 113
Estienne, Henri: Apologia pro Herodoto, 78; and Sextus Empiricus’s Outlines of Pyrrhonism, 14, 76
estrangement, literary: Stendhal, 141; Voltaire, 99, 100, 101, 109–10
ethnocentrism, 201–3
ethnography: emergence of, 52; historical, 125, 202, 204
ethnohistory, 94
Euclidean veil, 9–10
“euphoria of ignorance,” 216
Euphranor, paintings, 11
Europeans: colonial conquests, 87; ecstatic cults, 225; first European woman to produce a historical work, 123; New World intoxicating and stupefying substances discovered by, 83–95; shamanistic beliefs and practices diffused from Asia to, 225–26; War of the Roses, 121; witchcraft, 218, 223. See also England; France; Nazism/National Socialists
Eusebius, History, 88
evidence, 70; vs. enargeia, 22–23
evil, Voltaire and, 106–7, 112
Evodius, bishop of Uzalis, 29–30
fables: The Fable of the Bees, 104, 110–11; fairy tales, 216–17, 218; and history, 73, 78, 80, 82, 214; Martin Guerre case and, 58; poetry and, 77–78. See also invention
Falier, Marin, 129–35. See also Marino Faliero
false, 7; nonauthentic/pretense that advertises itself as true, 5–6; true and false history, 76–79. See also fictional narration
“family resemblances,” 136
Fascism: Croce essay vs., 171–72, 174; Gentile, 173, 174, 175; Gramsci on, 127; University of Turin loyalty oath, 217; White and, 175, 176. See also Nazism/National Socialists
Fauchet, Claude, 81; Origine des dignitez et magistrats de la France, 75; Recueil de l’origine de la langue et poésie françoise, ryme et romans, 75
Faurisson, Robert, 175, 176; Les assassins de la memoire, 169
Febvre, Lucien, 200
Fellini, Federico, 70
Fenelon, Aventures de Telemaque, 117, 118
fiction: and history, 18, 21, 115–25, 128, 131–36, 169–70; and reality, 136, 138, 187; religious, 79, 81; and truth, 18, 21, 139–40. See also fictional narration; invention
fictional narration: and historical narrations, 2, 4, 5, 8, 65, 67, 72–82, 115–25, 128. See also fiction; novels
Fielding, Henry, 65, 71; The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, 61–62
Fieschi, Gianluigi, 22
Figaro, 161–62
film, 181–86, 191. See also photography
filters, cultural, 86–89
Finley, Moses, 72
Finno-Ugric sphere, 225
Fiore, Domenico, 145
Flaccus, Verrius, 16
Flaubert, Gustave: L’éducation sentimentale, 187–91; Kracauer and, 187–91, 192; Madame Bovary, 115, 187, 188; Salammbô, 187–88
Fontanabuona, 212
Fontenelle, Bernard Bovier de, 155; Nouveaux dialogues des morts, 153
Foucault, Michel, 172
fountains, 40
France: architecture, 42; Carnot assassination, 161; Dreyfus affaire, 162; French language, 73; French Revolution, 131; Jews persecuted, 5, 161, 162, 165–69; July Revolution (1830), 140, 142, 143, 145; Napoleon, 141, 145, 151–62, 198; Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 161; Restoration, 140, 142, 143, 145; Serlio, 41–42; Third Republic, 189. See also Paris
Franciscans, 47
Francis I, 41
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 182
Frankfurt School, Kracauer and, 180
Frazer, J. G., 224
“free direct discourse,” 143–44, 146–47, 150
freedom from constraints of civilization, 35, 36
French language, Lancelot du Lac and, 73
Freud, Sigmund, 219
Friulians: benandanti, 127, 203, 221, 222–25; Protestant Reformation, 203
Froissart, Jean, 76
Frugoni, Arsenio, Arnaldo da Brescia nelle fonti del secolo XII, 1, 68–69, 210
Furet, François, 203, 204; “Histoire et ethnologie,” 199–202
Fustel de Coulanges, Numa Denis, 191
Gaillard, Gabriel Henri, Histoire de la rivalité de la France et de l’Angleterre, 121
Galiani, Ferdinando, Dialogue sur le commerce des bleds, 152
Gamaliel II, patriarch of Jerusalem, 31
Garcia da Orta, 85
Geertz, Clifford, Deep Play, 126
Gellius, Aulus, Noctes Atticae, 16, 42–43
genre, 152–53
Gentile, Giovanni, 171–76; (“La filosofia della praxis”), 173; Il superamento del tempo nella storia, 171; Teoria generale dello spirito come atto puro, 171–72
Georgi, Johann Gottlieb, 91
Gervasius, relics, 30
Gettysburg, battle of, 194
Giard, Luce, 169
Giazza, Stefano (“Gisello”), 134
Gibbon, Edward, 13, 62, 67, 70; History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 67–68, 125
Ginori, Carlo, 121
Ginzburg, Carlo: I benandanti: The Night Battles, 127, 203, 222–25, 227; The Cheese and the Worms, 203, 204–5; “Spie,” 2; Storia notturna, 203, 217, 220, 222–27
Ginzburg, Leone (father), 217–18, 226
Ginzburg, Natalia (mother), 218; Inverno in Abruzzo, 217; “personal doctrine of natural law,” 226
Giovanni da Udine, 43
Giovio, Paolo: Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium, 47–49, 50fig; Elogia virorum litteris illustrium, 47–49; Museo Gioviano, 47–49
Gmelin, Johann Georg, 91
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Elective Affinities, 136, 146–47
Gombrich, E.H., 10; Art and Illusion, 65–66
Gondi, Paul de, 82
Gonzalez y Gonzalez, Luis, 196, 198–99, 212; “El arte de la microhistoria,” 195; Invitacion a la microhistoria, 195; Nueva invitacion a la microhistoria, 195; Pueblo en vilo: Microhistoria de San Jose de Gracia, 194–95, 196; “Teoria de la microhistoria,” 195
grammarians, 14; Alexandrine age, 222; Flaccus, 16; Gellius, 42; on true and false history, 76–77, 80. See also philology
Gramsci, Antonio, 127; Prison Notebooks, 173, 220
Granet, Marcel, 215
Graves, Philip, 159–60
Greece: Athenian Letters and, 122; Barthélemy and, 117–18, 121–22; historians, 10, 12, 22, 23; humanists, 18; Olympic games, 124; skeptics, 13
Grévy, Jules, 151
Griaule, Marcel, 100
Griffet, Henri, Traite des differentes sortes de preuves qui servent à éitablir la verité de l’histoire, 168
Griffith, D.W., 187
Gronovius, Johann Frederik, 118
Guerre, Martin, 71; Arnaud du Tilh impersonating, 56–57; Davis’s The Return of Martin Guerre, 2, 54–60, 70, 211; wife Bertrande, 56–57, 59, 71
Guiccioli, Teresa, 130
guild, historians, 1
Guillaume de Loris, 81
Gurvitch, Georges, Traité de sociologie, 195
Hakluyt, Richard, 49
hapax, 202
hashish, 94
Heberden, William, 122–23
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 105, 187; idealism, 173; Phenomenology, 198
Heidegger, Martin, 176; templum-tempus, 214
Hellenistic age, 10
Herculaneum, archeology, 116
Herodotus, 12, 23–24, 66, 124, 199; on Scythians, 65, 88, 93, 94, 124; veracity of, 78, 79
Hervet, Gentian, 76
Hessel, Franz, 184
Hesychius, 119
Hippocrates, 122–23
histoire philosophique, 13, 125
historical anthropology, 201
“historical laboratory,” 55, 70
historical materialism, 173
historical narration, 57–58, 60–69, 204–5; conjecture in, 67–68, 69–71; description–vividness–truth, 12; fictional narrations and, 2, 4, 5, 8, 65, 67, 72–82, 115–25, 128; historical research and, 170; and reality, 69–70, 137–38, 177–78; research in disjunction with, 26; rhythms of, 61–62; subjectivity, 1, 3; testimonies, 3–4
historical perspective, idea of, 80–81
historicism, 226; Auerbach and, 138, 143; Benjamin and, 192; Gentile and, 171–72, 174; history and, 181–83; Kracauer critique, 182–84, 192
historiography: Annales, 1, 198, 200, 201, 203; and anthropology, 56; antiquarianism and devaluation of, 23; “antiuniversalism,” 128; ars historica, 14; Artis historicae penus on the historical method, 13, 14; biography of historian and, 219–20; birth of modern, 67; criterion of two witnesses, 168; critique of language of, 67; ekphrasis, 11–12, 24; film and, 183; functional-structural approach, 199; Gibbon as founder of modern, 125; histoire philosophique combined with, 125; “historiographical agnosticism,” 69; history creating, 171, 173; “history of historiography without historiography,” 26; history not a presupposition of, 171; innovators vs. traditionalists, 126–27; Marxist, 128; modernization of, 126; new type, 10; passions and interests, 121; “philological-combinatory method,” 67–69; political history and antiquarianism, 16; “‘positive’ historical inquiry” vs. “proper history,” 175; postmodern, 211–12; primary vs. secondary sources, 12; proof, 168; “realistic,” 65–66; reality and ideology, 66; “reality” and “possibility,” 57; scientific character of, 65; subjective component, 3; witchcraft, 218. See also historical narration; history
history: annals and, 16–18, 19–21; as conspiracy, 163; creating historiography, 171, 173; cult of saints, 30; ecclesiastical, 22–23; ethnographic, 125, 202, 204; and ethnology, 199–200; false, 76–79; and fiction, 18, 21, 115–25, 128, 131–36, 169–70; historicism and, 181–83; “history of historiography without historiography,” 26; law and, 168; local, 194–95, 199, 212; of manners, 76; memory and, 179; metaphysical theory of, 171; of microhistory (term), 193–97; and morphology, 226–27; nouvelle histoire, 200–201; novels and, 61–71, 137, 138, 145, 188–89; and philosophy, 13, 78, 125, 171; philosophy of, 67, 189, 191; and photography, 181–86, 190–91; and poetry, 13, 14–15, 17–18, 77–78, 82, 137; rhetoric and, 10, 12, 14–16, 18, 20–21, 24; Sanguinetti’s “archhistory,” 214; serial, 200, 202, 203; social, 126; structure or, 226; true, 76–79, 213. See also historiography; microhistory
Hobsbawm, Eric, 219–20; Interesting Times, 126–27; “Manifeste pour l’histoire,” 128; “Per la storia delle classi subaltern,” 220; Primitive Rebels, 219–20
Holocaust: Auschwitz, 169, 178; revisionist interpretation, 167, 169, 175–76
Homer: Barthelemy poem and, 119; fictions, 80; historical elements in, 72, 73; Iliad, 10, 11, 74; in media res, 15; Lycurgus compared with, 156; truthfulness, 8–9
Horkheimer, Max, Dialectic of the Enlightenment, 105–6
Huguenots, 47
Hungary, ecstatic cults, 225
Hyde, Edward, History of the Rebellion, 61
identity, 219
ignorance, “euphoria of,” 216
impassibility, Flaubert, 189
Indians, smoking, 84–86, 88–89, 90, 92–93
inquisitorial trials, 2, 202–3, 220–25; Chiara Signorini, 220; Menichino della Nota, 221, 222–23
intarsia, 45
internationalism, 105
Internet, 163
interpretations, traces and, 4
intoxicating and stupefying substances, 83–94
invention, 7; Athenian Letters, 123–24; dangerous, 131–32; Dialogues of the Dead, 152–53; film, 187; fire, 38; “historian does not invent, but explains,” 13, 14; historical mythology, 127; history and novel, 63–64, 70–71; Lancelot du Lac, 73–76; Marino Faliero, 132; Martin Guerre case, 57; microhistory and, 207, 214; narrative, 102, 117; and reality, 157, 209–10; saints lives, 3; by Thucydides, 14. See also fables; fiction
Isarello, Bertuccio, 134–36
Isbrants Ides, E., 91
Isidore of Seville, Etymologiae, 16
Istanbul: Auerbach, 97, 104, 105, 141; Times of London, 159–60
Italian Cinquecento, 117
Italian Communist Party, 220
Italian philosophical neo-idealism, 172–73
Italian Quattrocento painters, 189–90
Italian Renaissance, 117
Jakobson, Roman, 220
James, Henry, 71
Jamnitzer, Werner, 40–41
Jean de Meun, 81
Jedin, Hubert, 207
Jerome, St., 21
Jerusalem: bishop of, 30; patriarch of, 31; praefectura honoraria title, 31; relics from tombs near, 29, 30, 31
Jews: Auerbach, 104; Black Death and, 165; Christian-Jewish conflict, 5, 25–33, 80–81, 161, 165–69; in Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Joly), 163; exterminated, 5, 165–69, 175–76, 178; Ginzburgs, 217, 219; Holocaust, 167, 169, 175–76, 178; Jotapata, 166, 167, 168; Kracauer and, 185; La Baume, 165, 168; lepers and, 165–66; mass suicides, 166–68; patriarch of Jerusalem, 31; persecuted, 5, 161, 162, 165–69; Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 5–6, 159–64; revisionist interpretation, 167, 169, 175–76; surviving witness, 5, 165; Vitry-Le-François, 166, 167, 168; Voltaire and, 111, 112; witchcraft and, 219. See also anti-Semitism
John Chrysostom, St., 31
John II, bishop of Jerusalem, 30
Jolles, André, 5
Joly, Maurice: Le barreau de Paris: Études politiques et littéraires, 156–57; Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu, 6, 151–64
Josephus, Flavius, The Jewish War, 166–67, 168
Jouin, Ernest, 160 Joyce, James, 61
justice, Voltaire and, 107
Justinian Code, 167
Kaempfer, Engelbert Amoenitatum Exoticarum politico-physico-medicarum fasciculi V, 93
Kafka, Franz, 182
Kant, Immanuel, 98, 186; The Critique of Pure Reason, 185
Kantorowicz, Ernst, 194
Keller, Gottfried, 97
knowing, as recognizing, 222–23
Koch, Gertrud, 180–81
Kojève, Alexandre, 198
Kracauer, Siegfried, 4, 180–92; close-up, 186, 191, 192, 207; death, 207; exile, 181, 185; From Caligari to Hitler, 207; History: The Last Things before the Last, 180–86, 189, 191, 207–8; “law of levels,” 207; Marseilles, 184, 191; microhistory and macrohistory, 189, 191, 192, 207–8, 213; Die Ornament der Masse, 182; Theory of Film, 181, 183, 185, 207
Kris, Ernst, 40–41
Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 180, 207; Iter Italicum, 133, 181
La Baume, Jews massacred, 165, 168
Lablache, Louis, 142
La Calprenède (Gauthier de Costes), Cléopatra, 120–21
Lafitau, Joseph-François, Moeurs des sauvages ameriquains, comparies aux moeurs des premiers temps, 90, 91, 93
Lambardo, Jacobello, 134
La Mothe Le Vayer, François de, 12; Cinq dialogues faits à l’imitation des anciens, 81; Du peu de certitude qu’il ya dans l’histoire, 77; Jugement sur les anciens et principaux historiens grecs et latins, dont il nous reste quelques ouvrages, 77–80
Lancelot du Lac, 72–76, 80, 81
language: French, 73; of historiography, 67
Lapland: ecstatic cults, 225; magicians, 92
La Rochefoucauld, 109
Lascaris, Janus, 18
Latour, Bruno, 215
law, 154; criterion of two witnesses, 167–68; genre, 152–53; and history, 168; justice, 107; “law of levels,” 207; Maccabees and, 32; nature, 35, 36, 52, 112, 154, 226; symmetry, 43
Lazzarini, Vittorio, 134–35
Lecouvreur, Adrienne, 98
Lefebvre, Georges, La grande peur de 1789, 5
Le Fèvre, Chantereau, 75
Le Goff, Jacques, “Histoire et ethnologie,” 199–200, 201, 202
Leo X, century of, 116, 117, 123
lepers, 165–66
Le Roy Ladurie, Emmanuel, 86, 200; Montaillou, 200, 211
Léry, Jean de, 47
Le Sueur, Guillaume, Admiranda historia, 56, 58, 59
Leuilliot, Paul, 195
Levi, Carlo, Christ Stopped at Eboli, 217–18
Levi, Giovanni, 193, 197, 211, 213; L’eredità immateriale, 213
Levi, Primo, 165, 179; The Periodic Table, 197; suicide, 197
Levin, Tom, 186
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 199, 203, 220, 224, 225–26
La liberté, 161
libertine, learned, 79
Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph, 136
Ligurian valley, 212
Lisbon earthquake (1755), Voltaire and, 106–7, 109
literary narratives: Furet and, 204. See also fictional narration; poetry
Livy, 12, 16, 80; De cades, 17–18; Lancelot du Lac and, 74
local history, 194–95, 199, 212
London: Stock Exchange, 96–98, 100, 101, 105, 109, 110, 113; Times Literary Supplement, 127; Times of, 159–60
Louis XIV, 81
Louis XV, 119
loyalty oath: University of California, 194; University of Turin, 217
Lucan, 77
Lucian of Samosata, 16, 119, 124; Dialogues of the Dead, 152, 153
Lycurgus, 156
Lyotard, Jean-François, 178
Mabillon, Jean, 73
Maccabees, 31–32
Machiavelli, Niccolå: in Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Joly), 152–58, 160, 164; Discorsi sopra la prima Deca di Tito Livio, 98; Discorsi sulla prima deca di Tito Livio, 156, 157; Prince, 158
macrohistory, and microhistory, 128, 186, 189, 191, 198, 207, 212–14
Madame Bovary (Flaubert), 115, 187
Magritte, Rene, 8
Mandeville, Bernard: De brutorum operationibus, 110–11; The Fable of the Bees, 104, 110–11
Manuel Paleologus, Byzantine emperor, 23
Manuzio, Aldo, 17
Manzoni, Alessandro, 69; I promessi sposi, 63, 64, 71; Lettre å M. Chauvet, 70–71; On the Historical Novel, 63–64, 67–68
Marana, Gian Paolo: l’Espion turc, 101; L’esploratore turco, 124
Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, 99
marijuana/bangue/cannabis, 85, 87, 90, 93, 95
Marino Faliero: Byron, 129–34; Delavigne, 128–29, 132
Martin, Jean, 38
Martineau, Henri, 142
martyrium: Maccabees and, 32. See also relics
Marvell, Andrew, 104
Marville, Charles, 185
Marx, Karl: La filosofia di Marx, 173; Theses on Feuerbach, 173
Marxism: historiography, 128; Italian Communist Party, 220; materialism, 173
Mascardi, Agostino, Dell’arte historica, 22–23
materialism, praxis and, 173
matria history, 195
Maurras, Charles, 201
Mazarin, Cardinal, 77–78
McCarthy era, 194
Medici, Catherine de’, 162–63
Medici villa, Pratolino, 40
Meiners, Christoph: Grundriß der Geschichte aller Religionen, 91–92; “On the Mysteries of the Ancients, and in Particular on the Eleusian Secrets,” 92
melancholy, 143, 185, 192, 197
Mélanges, 199
Mela, Pomponius, De orbis situ, 88, 89, 90, 93 memory, 210–11; historicism and, 182; history and, 179
Ménage, Gilles, 72–74, 75–76, 81
Messerschmidt, Daniel Gottlieb, 91
messianicism, Kracauer and, 191
Métraux, Alfred, 47
Meuli, Karl, Scythica, 94–95
Meursius, Johannes, 118
Michelangelo: Prigioni, 40; St. Peter dome, 117
Michelet, Jules, 117, 138; History of France, 188–89, 190
Mickiewicz, Adam, 94
microhistory, 193–214; and close-up, 207; histoire événementielle, 195; histoire universelle, 196; history of term, 193–97; Italian, 193, 196–97, 198–99, 201, 212–13, 214; macrohistory and, 128, 186, 189, 191, 198, 207, 212–14; and microanalysis, 197; monographic research, 207; vs. petite histoire, 195, 198, 199
Microstorie series, 193, 208, 211
Middle Ages: discovery of, 73, 81; Jews persecuted, 166–67; legality of two witnesses, 167–68
Migne, Jacques Paul, Patrologia Latina, 27, 28
Milan, relics of martyrs, 30
Minorca: Bishop Severus’s letter, 5, 26–28, 29, 32; Christian-Jewish conflict, 5, 25–33; “clean” and “unclean” power, 26; Orosius, 29; paleo-Christian basilica, 27, 28; St. Stephen relics arriving, 25, 26, 29, 32; Theodore (defensor civitatis), 25, 27
Mirabeau-Martel, countess of (Sibylle Gabrielle Marie Antoinette), 162
miracles: Augustine and, 30. See also St. Stephen relics
Mocenigo, Alvise, 19–20
Modena, Archivio di Stato, 220
modernization theories, 199, 201
Momigliano, Arnaldo, 2, 7, 66, 67; “Ancient History and the Antiquarians,” 12–13; “history of historiography without historiography,” 26
Monardes, Nicolas, Primera y secunda y tercera partes de la historia medicinal, 84–85, 87, 92–93
Le Monde Diplomatique, 128
Monluc, Jean de, 58
Monstrelet, Enguerrand de, 76
Montaigne, Michel de, 34–52; antiquarian, 49–52; common human condition, 60; “Des boyteux,” 54; Essais, 34–45; Journal de voyage en Italie, 38, 40, 41, 42, 49; Mannerism, 4–5, 45–46; “On the Custom of Dressing,” 35; Que sais-je, 149; Vatican Library visit, 49–51. See also “On Cannibals” (Montaigne)
Montesquieu: in Dialogue aux Enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu (Joly), 152–58; Esprit des lois, 153; Lettres, 124
Montfaucon, Bernard de, 73
Mülder-Bach, Inka, 180–81
Müller, Johann Bernhard, 91
Muratori, Ludovico Antonio, Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, 132–33
Muslim kings, Tunis and Granada, 166
Nacolabsou, king of the Promontory of Cannibals, 47, 48fig
nakedness: Montaigne and, 35; Salomon and, 36
Napoleon I (Bonaparte, N.), emperor, 141, 144–45, 162, 198, 205
Napoleon III (Louis Napoleon Bonaparte), emperor, 151–58, 160–62
narodniki, 217
narration, 57–58, 60–61; “free direct discourse,” 143–44, 150; literary, 204; thread, 1. See also fictional narration; historical narration
nationalism: dictatorships, 105; Turkish, 104
nature, law of, 35, 36, 52, 112, 154, 226
Nazism/National Socialists: Auerbach and, 97, 104, 105; and Ginzburgs, 217; Holocaust, 167, 169, 175–76, 178; and Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 160; revisionist interpretation, 167, 169, 175–76; Voltaire and, 97, 104
Necker, Jacques, Sur la legislation et le commerce des grains, 120
Needham, Rodney, 136
New German Critique, 180
New Monthly Magazine, 129
Newton, Isaac, 122
New World, 45; Apologia pro Herodoto and, 78; intoxicating and stupefying substances, 83–90; Montaigne and, 47, 52; Museo Gioviano, 49. See also Indians
New York Stock Exchange, 113
Niebuhr, Barthold Georg, 94
Nietz sche, Friedrich, 177, 195
Nilotic mosaic, Palestrina, 116
nouvelle histoire, 200–201
novels: birth of, 60; and history, 61–71, 137, 138, 145, 188–89; and reality, 138, 187;
truth in, 139–40
I novissimi anthology, 214
“On Cannibals” (Montaigne), 4–5, 34–35, 38–40, 43–45, 46; barbarians and, 52; Brazilian songs, 49; nakedness, 35; otherness, 49, 52–53
On the Sublime, 9
Oratory of San Filippo Neri, 20, 21
Origen, 31
Orosius, Paulus, Historiarum Adversus Paganos libri VII, 28–29
Ossetians, 65
Ostiacks, 91
“otherness,” 49, 52–53, 66, 84
Ovid: La métamorphose d’Ovide figurée, 36, 37fig; Metamorphoses, 36, 58, 158
Oviedo, Gonzalo Fernández de, Historia general y natural de las Indias, 88–89, 90
paintings: Altdorfer, 205–7, 206fig; battle of Mantinea, 11; Boccioni, 177, 213; enargeia, 10–11, 18; Euphranor, 11; “grotesques,” 36–38, 43; Italian Quattrocento, 189–90; Magritte, 8; narrative comparable to, 45
Palazzo del Te, Mantua, 41, 41fig, 43
Palchonius, bishop of Braga, 29
paleography, 51
Palestrina, Nilotic mosaic, 116
Palissy, Bernard, 40–41; Architecture et Ordonnance de la grotte rustique de Monseigneur le duc de Montmorency connestable de France, 42
Palladio, Andrea, 18
Pandects, 13
Paris: anti-Fascist émigrés, 217; Bibliotheque Nationale, 167; Marino Faliero performed in, 129; rebellion (May ’68), 163; traces formulated for the first time, 4
Parlement: Bordeaux, 35; Toulouse, 56, 80
Pascal, Blaise, 149
Pasquier, Etienne, Recherches de la France, 74–75
Paul de Brebeuf, 86–87
peasant society, 217–18, 220, 223–24
Pelagius, 29
Peter the Great, 91
petite histoire, 195, 198, 199
Petrarch, 117
Peucer, Caspar, 92
Philarchus, 10
philology: art of “slow reading,” 220; conflict between anomaly and analogy, 222; Romance, 220, 221–22. See also grammarians philosophes, 99, 103, 125
philosophy: and history, 13, 78, 125, 171; of history, 67, 189, 191
Philostratus the Younger, Images, II photography, 181–91. See also film
Pickett, Edward, 194
Pico, Gian Francesco, Examen vanitatis doctrinae gentium, 14
Piedmontese weavers, 212
Piero della Francesca, 212
Pike, K.L., 26
Plato, 45, 222; Statesman, 10; Timaeus, 80
Plautus, Amphitrion, 58
Plutarch, 153; De gloria athenensium, 11; Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, 47
poetry: history and, 13, 14–15, 17–18, 77–78, 82, 137; Montaigne and, 38
political history, and antiquarianism, 16
political philosophy, passions contrasted with interests, 121
politics: democracy, 158–59; Ginzburgs, 217; McCarthy era, 194; social movements (‘60s), 127. See also Fascism; Marxism
Poliziano, Angelo, Miscellanea, 51
Polybius: Histories, 78–79; Universal History, 8–9 324
“polythetic” series, 136
Pomponazzi, Pietro “Peretto,” 18–19, 20; “booklet,” 17–18, 20
Pope, Alexander: “All is well,” 107; Essay on Man, 109
Porphyry, De abstinentia, 110
Portuguese travelers, 38
positivism: “critical,” 171; Croce vs., 170; Frugoni and, 210; Gentile vs., 174; Serra vs., 178, 210; skepticism, 3; thoughtless, 7
possibility: and reality, 57; and truth, 69–70
postmodernism: Calvino, 211; historiography, 211–12; history and fiction, 128; Hobsbawm on, 127; skepticism, 2–3, 212
Potocki, Count Jan: Histoire primitive des peuples de la Russie, 93–94; Manuscrit trouve a Saragosse, 93
praxis: Marxist, 173; philosophy of, 173
progress, notion of, 192
Protasius, relics, 30
Protestants: Annales Ecclesiastici vs., 20; Reformation, 203
Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 5–6, 151, 159–64
Proust, Marcel, 70, 187, 204; The Guermantes Way, 183–84; Kracauer and, 4, 183–85;
Recherche, 139
psychology, 226–27
Pulci, Luigi, 101
Pyrrhonism, 13, 14; historic, 76, 77
Pyrrhus, shield of, 11
Quakers, Voltaire on, 99
Queneau, Raymond: Exercices de style, 204; Les fleurs bleues, 196, 197, 207, 214; Une histoire modele, 198; Petite cosmogonie portative, 197; “Zaharofflecture” dedicated to, 197–98
Quintilian, 12; Institutio Oratoria, 9, 12
racism: Voltaire and, 103, 106. See also anti-Semitism; blacks
Raggio, Osvaldo, Faide e parentele, 212
Ramella, Franco, Terra e telai, 212
Ranke, Otto, 169
Raphael, Vatican Stanze, 117
Raslovlev, Mikhail, 160
realism, 65–66; atmospheric, 138; Auerbach and, 96, 138; Croce, 171, 172; Flaubert, 188
reality, 7; Auerbach and, 137–38; “effect of reality,” 8; extermination of Jews and, 165, 169, 175–76; and fiction, 136, 138, 187; and historical narration, 69–70, 137–38, 177–78; and ideology, 66; invention and, 157, 209–10; and “possibility,” 57; right-wing, 174; social, 137; Spirit creating, 173, 174–75. See also truth
The Red and the Black (Stendhal), 4, 128–29, 132, 139–48
relativism, 211–12; “positivist historical inquiry” and, 178; White, 174, 176
relics: Gamaliel, 29, 30; martyrs’ relics, 30; Nicodemus, 29, 30; seven Maccabees and their mother, 31; tombs near Jerusalem, 29, 30, 31. See also St. Stephen relics
religion: Augustine’s De vera religione, 30; civic, 98; comparative, 91–92; fictions, 79, 81; Gentile and, 174; intoxicating and stupefying substances and, 90; rhetoric and, 21; Tupinamba, 47; Voltaire and, 98–100, 112; Wars of Religion, 146, 152. See also Christianity
revisionist interpretation, Holocaust, 167, 169, 175–76
revolutions, White vs., 174
Revue des Deux Mondes, 187
rhetoric: enargeia, 9, 18; history and, 10, 12, 14–16, 18, 20–21, 24; religion and, 21
Rhetorica ad Herennium, 9
Robertson, William, History of America, 120, 121
Robortello, Francesco, 20, 76; commentary on Aristotle’s Poetics, 15; De historica facultate disputatio, 13–16; De nominibus Romanorum, 15
Rollin, Henri, L’Apocalypse de notre temps, 161–62, 163
Roman de la Rose, 75
Romano, Giulio, 41, 41fig, 42, 43
Romanticism: philologists, 220, 221–22; Stendhal and, 148
Rome: Barthélemy, 116, 118–19, 123; Chrysoloras, 23; historians, 12; Mascardi’s Dell’arte historica, 22; relics of the arches of Constantine and Septimius, 22; senators, 99; Speroni’s Dialogo della Istoria, 17
Romieu, Auguste, 154; Le spectre rouge de 1852, 154
Rostovzeff, Michael I., 69
Rostow, W.W., ’99
Russia: Catherine of, 121; empire, 92; explorers from, 91; folklore, 65; formalists, 83–84; October revolution, 159; populism, 217; Protocols of the Elders of Zion, 5–6, 151, 159–64; Siberian shamans, 91–92, 94
Sade, Marquis de, Francais, encore un effort si vous voulez etre republicains, 112
Saint-Denis, convent, 166, 167
Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, 139
St. Peter dome, 117
saints: cult of martyrs’ relics, 30; history of cult of, 30; stereotype, 32. See also Ambrose; Augustine; Jerome; John Chrysostom; Philip Neri; Stephen
Saint-Simon, 4; Memoires, 3, 183–84
St. Stephen relics, 25–31; De revelatione corporis sancti Stephani, 29, 30; Liber de miraculis sancti Stephani protomartyris, 28, 29
Salius brothers, 81
Salomon, Bernard “le petit Salomon,” 36, 37fig
Salter, Samuel, 123
Salvagnoli, Vincenzo, 141
Sanguinetti’s “archhistory,” 214
San Jose de Gracia, 194–95
Sanudo, Marin, Vite dei dogi, 132–33
Sarasin, Jean-François, 72–73, 75
Satyre Menippee, 152
Saulnier, V.-L., 115
Savonarola, Christianity of, 14
Saxer, Victor, 30
Saxo Grammaticus, 76
Scaliger, Julius Caesar, 22
Scarpa, Domenico, 213, 214; Le poesie e prose scelte, 214
Schatzmiller, Joseph, 165
Scheffer, John, 92
Schilling, Georg, 187
Schmitt, Carl, 158
science: microhistory and, 214; scientific character of historiography, 65
Scythians: Anacharsis, 117, 118, 124–25; du Creux and, 89; Herodotus on, 65, 88, 93, 94, 124; Maximus of Tyre on, 90, 93; Meuli on, 94; Potocki on, 94; shamanistic beliefs and practices diffused from Asia to Europe, 225–26; Voltaire on, 120
Seneca, 38
Serlio, Sebastiano: Fontainebleau buildings, 42; Libro di architettura, 41; Libro estraordinario, 41–42, 43, 44fig
Serra, Renato, 177–78; “Partenza di un gruppo di soldati per la Libia,” 177, 209–10
Severus of Minorca, Bishop, letter, 5, 26–28, 29, 32
Sextus Empiricus, 15, 16, 76, 77; Adversus mathematicos, 13–14, 76–77; grammarians, 76–77, 80; Outlines of Pyrrhonism, 14, 76
Shakespeare, William, 149; Macbeth, 131
shamans, 83, 90–95, 215, 224–25
Shaw, M.R. B., 144
shields of Achilles, Iliad, 11
Sigonio, Carlo, 16
Silius Italicus, 77
Simmel, Georg, 208
Simon, Marcel, 30–31
Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L., 117
Simonides, 11
Situationists, 163
skepticism, 7, 13, 14, 176–78; ancient, 76; antipositivist, 3–4; euphoric, 211; Greek, 13; positivist, 3; postmodern, 2–3, 212; unsustainable position, 5; White and, 176, 211
Sklovskij, Viktor, 83–84, 99, 101
slave trade, Voltaire and, 103, 108–9
Smith, Morton, 220
social customs, Voltaire on, 99
Socialists, Serra essay vs., 177
social movements (‘60s), 127
Società journal, 220
Solinus, Polyhistor, 88, 89, 90, 93
Spanish travelers, 38
Speroni, Sperone, 21; Dialogo della Istoria, 17, 18, 19–20; Dialogo delle lingue, 18–19; Dialogo secondo Virgilio, 17
Spinoza, Baruch, Tractatus theologico-politicus, 97–98
Spirit, reality created by, 173, 174–75
Spitzer, Leo, 220
Spon, Jacob, 118
Starobinski, Jean, 146
Stendhal, 137–50, 205; L’Antologia review, 140–41; Armance, 146; Auerbach on, 4, 96, 138, 140, 141–42, 143, 144–45; The Charter house of Parma, 147; on description, 148; energy, 136; eroticism, 146; “free direct discourse,” 143–44, 146–47, 150; logic, 147–48; Lucien Leuwen, 147; on Marino Faliero, 129–30; Marseilles, 142; Mina de Vanghe1, 148; Paris, 142; pseudonyms, 146; punctuation, 144; The Red and the Black, 4, 128–29, 132, 139–48; sister Pauline, 149; Souvenirs d’egotisme, 149–50; Trieste, 142; Vie d’Henry Brulard, 148; voyeurism, 146
Stephen, St., 30, 32. See also St. Stephen relics
Sterne, Laurence, 61
Stewart, George R., 193–94, 198–99; American Place-Names, 194; Man, an Autobiography, 193–94; Names on the Land, 194; Not So Rich as You Think, 193; Pickett’s Charge: A Microhistory of the Final Charge at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863, 194, 208; The Year of the Oath, 194
Stieglitz, Alfred, 186
Strabo, 8
Strasburger, Hermann, 10, 11–12
structure, history or, 226
subjectivism: Gentile, 175; White, 172, 174
subjectivity, of historical narration, 1, 3
survivor, witness (unus testis), 5, 165, 168, 179
Swift, Jonathan, 100–101, 102; Gulliver’s Travels, 100–101; The Lady’s Dressing Room, 148; A Tale of a Tub, 100–101; “A Voyage into England, by a Person of Quality in Terra Australis incognita, Translated from the Original,” 100
Tacitus, 137–38
Taillandier, Saint-René, Ka; “Le realisme epique dans le roman,” 187–90; “Le roman mysanthropique,” 187; Scot Erigene et la philosophie scholastique, 187
Talbot, Catherine, 123
Taoism, 195
Tartars, 94
Tasso, Torquato, 117; Aminta, 35–36; Gerusalemme Liberata, 45, 46; Sant’Anna hospital in Ferrara, 36
technology, microhistory and, 214
templum-tempus, 213–14
terrorism, 163–64
Theocritus, 119
Theodore, defensor civitatis of Minorca, 25, 27
Thevet, André, 47; Codex Mendoza, 49; Les singularitez de la France antarctique, 47; Les vrais pourtraits et vies des hommes illustres, 46–47, 48fig, 49
Thomas, Keith, 218
Thracians, smoke intoxication, 88, 89, 90, 93
Thrax, Dionysius, 14
thread of narration, 1
Thucydides, 12, 14–16, 74, 79; battle of Mantinea, 11
Times Literary Supplement, 127
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 154, 163
tolerance: Voltaire and, 106, 111, 112–13; White and, 174, 176
Tolomei, Claudio, 40–41
Tolstoy, Leo, 211; War and Peace, 177, 204–5, 207, 208–9
Tom Jones (Fielding), 61–62
Torelli, Lelio, 13
Toynbee, Arnold, 207
traces, 1, 3–4; first formulation, 4; opaque zones, 4
tradition, identified with artificiality, 35
tragedy: and comedy, 58–59; Marino Faliero, 130–31; The Return of Martin Guerre, 58–60
Traité des fiefs et de leur origine, 75
Trapolino (Trapolin), Pietro, 17–18
Tret’ jakov, Sergej, 101
Trevisan, Nicolò, 135
trial records, 55–56, 203. See also inquisitorial trials
truth, 7, 18–19; “antiuniversalism” and, 128; enargeia, 8–9, 11; fiction and, 18, 21, 139–40; Holocaust, 176; and possibility, 69–70; Stendhal on, 139; true history, 76–79, 213. See also authenticity; reality
Tupinamba religion, 47
Turin: Einaudi publishing house, 193, 197, 208; University of, 217
Turkey: Auerbach, 104. See also Istanbul
Turks, Voltaire and, 112–13
Tuscan order, “rustic style” and, 41
“two-tier model,” 33
Ulysses, myths about death of, 77
United States: Civil War, 194; democracy, 158; gloominess, 143; White, 169; witchcraft, 223; World Trade Center attack (11 September 2001), 113, 164
University of California, loyalty oath, 194
University of Pisa, 1, 13, 216
University of Rome, “La Sapienza,” 20
University of Turin, 217
unus testis (only surviving witness), 5, 165, 168, 179
utopianism, Kracauer and, 192
Uzalis: Evodius, bishop of, 29–30; St. Stephen relics, 28, 29–30
Val di Mosso, 212
van Esbroeck, Michael, 30
Vanini, Giulio Cesare, De admirandis Naturae arcanis, 80
Varro, Imagines or Hebdomades, 49
Vasari, Giorgio, 40
Vatican: Library, 49–51; loggias, 43; Raphael’s Stanze, 117; St. Peter dome, 117
Venice, State Archives, 134, 221, 222
Venturi, Franco, 212; Il populismo russo, 217
Vettori, Pier, 13
Vico, Giambattista, 105, 172; alleged founding father of Italian philosophical neoidealism, 172; Scienza Nuova, 97; verum ipsum factum, 173
Vidal-Naquet, Pierre, 175, 176–77; “Flavius Josephus and Masada,” 167; “A Paper Eichmann,” 167, 169
Villa Barbaro, Maser, 18, 19fig
Villalta, Gian Mario, 214
Villeneuve-Lebrun castle, near Puy-de-Dôme, 36
Virgil: Aeneid, 17, 49; Vatican Library, 49, 51fig; Vergilius Romanus, 51, 51fig
Vitruvius, De architectura, 38, 39fig, 41, 42
Vitry-Le-François, Jews, 166, 167, 168
Vives, José, 27
Voltaire: Catherine of Russia praised by, 121; Défense du mondain ou l’apologie du luxe, 103, 108; Dialogue du chapon et de la poularde, 109, 110, 111; Essai sur les moeurs, 102–3, 108, 116, 123; Galimatias dramatique, 110; histoire philosophique, 13; Il faut prendre un parti ou le principe d’action, 111–13; “I will fight in order to defend my opponent’s freedom to speak,” 176; Lettres philosophiques, 4, 96–114; London exile (1726–1728), 99; Le Marseillois et le lion, 110; Micromégas, 102; Le mondain, 103–4, 108; Notebooks, 99–100; Philosophie de l’histoire, 102, 103; Poème sur le désastre de Lisbonne, 106–7, 108, 109; Les Scythes, 120; and Swift, 100–101, 102; Traité de métaphysique, 101–2, 107–8; Treatise on Tolerance, 106; “Wise men mislead me, and God alone is correct,” 107
Walpole, Horace, 123
Warburg, Aby, 207
Warburg Vorträge, 186
War of the Roses, 121
Weber, Max, 191
White, Hayden, 65–66, 169–76, 211; The Burden of History, 174; The Content of the Form, 172–73; Metahistory, 169–70; “The Politics of Historical Interpretation,” 175; Tropics of Discourse, 172, 173; “tropological” approach, 172
William of Nangis, continuator of, 166, 167, 168
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 116
witchcraft, 215–27; class struggle, 219, 220; difficulty of researching, 218–19; inquisitorial trials, 2, 202–3, 220–25; witches’ Sabbath, 92, 164, 222–27
witness, survivor (unus testis), 5, 165, 168, 179
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 136; Philosophische Untersuchungen, 136
women: first European woman to produce a historical work, 123; Voltaire and, 113
Woolf, Virginia, 204; To the Light house, 139
World Trade Center attack (11 September 2001), 113, 164
World War II, 189, 217. See also Holocaust; Nazism/National Socialists
Wray, Daniel, 123
Wunderkammer, 46
Xerxes, 124
yin history, 195
Yorke, Charles, 122
Yorke, Philip, 122
Zanzotto, Andrea, 213; “Alcune prospettive sulla poesia oggi,” 214; L’approdo Letterario 35, 214; La beltà, 213; Retorica su: lo sbandamento, il principio “resistenza”, 213
Zasie, 198
Zerbi, Pietro, 69