
12-Step and Other Anonymous Groups

It seems that a month does not pass by without another 12-step or Anonymous Group starting up somewhere around the country. Once you have attended one Anonymous meeting, you will become part of a network of literally millions of people who are seeking their own recoveries, and who will be able to tell you about other Anonymous groups in your area.

These groups are free self-help groups. Most of them follow programs based on the original 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. You are not required to speak during these groups unless you choose to do so, other than to give your first name. We have had many people who have attended these groups for as long as three to six months before they were comfortable talking. Being there is participation in the group. If you are afraid to go to your first meeting alone, as so many of us were, you can contact the group by telephone and someone will gladly accompany you.

To find a group in your area, the first thing to do is look in the white pages of your telephone directory. For example, most cities in the United States have a listing for Alcoholics Anonymous Intergroup or Information Services. If you call that number, someone will answer questions you have about meeting times and locations, where you can get more immediate help, etc.

The same is true for Al-Anon, Overeaters Anonymous and several others. For some of the newer groups, you may have to contact your local Mental Health Center or a clinic that specializes in family systems, addictions, codependency or adult children. Hospitals are usually good resources, too, because many of them now have chemical dependency treatment programs.