Part I Adult Children
1. Introduction
2. Two Stories
3. Who Are We? What Are Our Symptoms?
4. Some Hooks: Addictions in Particular
Interlude 5. The Bear
Part II Family Roots
6. Family Systems: Structure, Function, Roles, Boundaries
7. The Traps Get Set
8. When Families Get Off Course
Interlude 9. The Goose
Part III What Happens to Me?
10. The Denial
11. The Feelings
12. The Secrets
13. What Happens to Our Identity
14. Intimacy and Beyond
Interlude 15. The Rabbit
Part IV Beneath the Iceberg
16. A General Model of Adult Children and Co-dependency
Part V Recovering: What Do I Do Now?
17. Uncovering and Admitting
18. Working a Program
19. A Word about Healing and Spirituality
Postlude 20. Kiss Your Monster on the Nose