The Connection Process Steps

1. Decide together who is going first; who will be the receiver and who will be the journeyer. The receiver is going to be the one who opens up for the journeyer to spiritually enter them. The journeyer is going to spiritually venture into the receiver.


2. Choose a place with no distractions and sit down in front of one another cross-legged and across from each other. Take off all your jewelry; especially crystals, protective stones and leather. You want to be as open as possible with the other person, with no barriers between you. Feel free to decide whether to loosely connect your hands or arms with each other in a comfortable and relaxed way or to do this process without touching one another.


3. Close your eyes and begin to imagine or sense or feel yourself opening up to the other person. If you are a spiritually minded person, imagine each one of your chakras expanding to welcome them in. Once you have held this state of openness as your intention for a while, imagine or sense or feel yourself breathing in the other person’s energy through your mouth, but also through your body (if you are working with chakras, feel yourself breathing them in through each one of your chakras). Do this with the intention that you are drawing their energy deliberately into your core.


When you do this, begin to imagine, sense or feel your separate sense of self dissolving. In true connection, the ego (identity) ceases to exist. For some people, this and the steps to come will be a frightening experience. Because the ego often thinks that connection means that it will die. Know that it takes bravery. You can continue with your fear, not in spite of it.


4. Look at each other directly in the eyes, deep into the pupil of the eye. It is OK if you choose to focus on one specific eye or you can relax your gaze to look at both. The journeyer enters the receiver through the pupil of the eye as if sinking into a black hole. If you are the journeyer, imagine that you are taking yourself through their eye into their inner world. If this does not work well, alternatively, you can soften your gaze to their heart area and do the same thing. Remembering that the journey will begin to come to you in your mind’s eye as impressions in your mind and in your emotions empathically and in your body somatically.


5. The receiver focuses on inviting the journeyer in, breathing the journeyer in and imagining or sensing or feeling themselves opening up to take them in. The receiver simply focuses on allowing, surrender and on the feeling of the journeyer’s presence entering them.


6. The journeyer focuses on using their consciousness to penetrate deeper and deeper into the person, like a being that is exploring a foreign planet. Curiosity and non-judgment are crucial. The journeyer may choose (depending on what they feel the receiver needs) to either let themselves match the frequency of whatever landscape they find themselves in or to project love and gratitude into whatever landscape they find themselves in. As they move deeper and deeper, they may stop to explore and interact with any of the walls or landscapes that they encounter.


To let yourself match the frequency of someone’s landscapes is the highest form of compassion and understanding. For example, if you reach a landscape within a person of doom, let yourself fully feel that doom and become that doom so as to understand it completely as opposed to projecting love into that doom. This takes much more bravery and much more willingness to connect, but it can be incredibly healing. If you don’t feel brave enough to do it, or if you feel the receiver needs love and positive focus more, simply project love and appreciation as you move deeper and deeper into connection and interact with this person’s internal world.


If you (the journeyer) are struggling with your own fears, remind yourself that it is an option to let go of your own self interest for the time being and focus entirely on performing the journey in the interest of what the other person needs and meeting those needs. When this is the case, your ego sees you as the helper, which boosts your self-esteem and so the ego supports the mission instead of resists it.


7. The journeyer mirrors to the receiver what they are experiencing by narrating their experience and conveying any messages mentally, emotionally, energetically or verbally that they feel intuitively called to share at any point in the journey. This feedback will be inspired by the interactions and experiences they have in each landscape and with each wall. Remember, any messages that you feel intuitively called to give the receiver can be spoken in the mind or they can be spoken out loud. For example, if you run into a wall within a person that you feel is there because it does not want to let something in that it may lose, you can say out loud to the receiver “I am never going to leave you”. Simply know that one of the most healing things for a receiver is to be included in on what you, the journeyer are seeing and feeling and experiencing inside their internal world.


8. During this process, many of your walls or blockages (both the receiver’s and the journeyers) will come up. These walls are belief patterns and emotional patterns that have resulted from life trauma experienced by the receiver and yourself. Most people fear one more than the other when it comes to being journeyed into vs. journeying into someone. These walls can be visual or mental or even just walls that you feel between you and the experience. You will both run into them. This is especially true because most people are multi layered, so as you enter into them you will experience layer after layer after layer. As you sink into deeper and deeper and deeper layers within them, some light, some dark, some positive feeling, some negative feeling, you will find that in front of some of these layers, are energetic and emotional walls.


When you encounter a wall within you or within the other person, your aim is to learn from it and to meet its needs so that it will willingly open for you. The thing that breaks down walls the very best is awareness. You need to know why the wall (which is a subconscious thing) is there. What is it trying to prevent? Why has it chosen this feeling or appearance? Let your intuition speak to you and hand you insights about each wall that you encounter. Subconscious walls cannot withstand consciousness. They usually begin the dissolve once we are conscious of them and their purpose.


You can then reassure the wall that it is OK to open or dissolve and express your intentions for journeying deeper. Then imagine, sense or feel it opening or dissolving in the way it needs to be opened or dissolved. It is a good idea if you are the journeyer to ask permission to go beyond the wall. Beware that some people will experience their walls being broken either by themselves or by the journeyer as a trauma, and so these walls should not be broken unless the wall directly asks for that. Instead, it should be loved into non-existence.


Some walls do not feel like walls at all, but more like anything that is preventing your progression deeper or forward into a person. If a wall absolutely does not want to come down, we need to honor that fact and allow it to be there instead of force our way in.


9. As you move through the landscapes within a person, the best way to go deeper and deeper is to melt through them as the journeyer and for you to let the other melt through them if you’re the receiver. You melt and allow melting by completely being willing to experience whatever sensations, feelings or sights you see.


For example, if you experience numbness, surrender to the experience of numbness and settle into the numbness without resisting it at all. If fear comes up, be present with the fear, like you are keeping it company and are open to feeling it completely, even letting it consume you. If you have an experience like encountering a monster, let yourself fully engage with the monster as opposed to running from it. Your question to yourself should be “How can I allow this experience I’m having or engage with it instead of merely observing it even more?” Keep breathing as you welcome the experience. If you feel resistance, you simply breathe while you remain completely unconditionally present with the feelings of resistance that you are feeling.


In the absence of resistance to the experience, which is staying with the experience no matter what for as long as it takes, it is as if your soul has nothing to come up against and so it melts through one layer to the next to the next to the next. A person who is afraid of feeling their own feelings will have a very hard time feeling other people’s feelings. Do not be alarmed if you experience severe visual distortions and feeling states during this exercise. It may at times feel like you are hallucinating. This is all normal so remember to allow it completely.


10. As the journeyer, you want to see and feel the receiver completely. You want to know them completely. As the receiver, you want to be seen, to be felt and understood completely. As fears come up, let them be there, let them occupy the space between you, as if you are both cradling each other’s fears between you, taking care of the fragile trust between you.


11. Be present with the journey until you feel that you have both reached a spot where you intuitively feel a sense of completion for the particular session. There is no magic time line and there is no time limit when it comes to The Connection Process. Often, this happens when we have gone all the way through the person’s layers back to their Source essence. Make sure that you do not stop or retreat until you have reached and explored the positive feeling layers that exist beneath the negative feeling layers. For example, say you are in a layer of anger or hatred, remain fully and completely with that layer within the person, stay with it as you sink down into the layer of innocence that is underneath it and spend time there, in that positive feeling layer before you bring the journeying to a close. Many people carry barriers and beliefs that people cannot truly connect with them or will abandon them because of their darker layers, and so withdrawing from these layers will energetically re-traumatize the person.


Note: If you choose to, when you have completed your journey with someone, you may decide to switch roles and the journeyer becomes the receiver and the process is repeated. When you are done, you discuss what you each experienced. You begin to process what has occurred together. That being said, some journeys are far too intense for the journeyer or the receiver or both to immediately switch roles and do any more Connection Process. When this is the case, we have to let the experience sink in before trying to do another session.