Connecting with Body, Emotion and Mind

You can think of a person as being a composite of three basic things: body, mind and emotion. Essence or what many people call spirit is beyond all of these levels because it in fact feeds into, creates and makes up the three levels of a person. We need connection at each of these levels. We need physical connection, mental connection, emotional connection and connection with our essence. When we feel lonely, often it is because we get no connection on one or more of these levels. For example, a person who is obese may feel they get no connection at a physical level. They may perceive that no one wants to connect with them physically, so there is a loneliness and a starvation at that level of being. A genius may feel like they get no connection at a mental level. The landscapes and walls that make up their mental level might be so beyond what is normal or even conceivable to most people that in order to ‘attune’ to it, people must confront their own fears and the limits of their own mind and a very few people are willing to do that. This creates a loneliness and a starvation for company at a mental level. A soldier may feel like they get no emotional connection. In their line of work, feelings and emotion might be seen as unacceptable and insignificant. People may pat each other on the back and even share ideas, but no one connects to them with the emotional level of their being. This creates a loneliness and a starvation at an emotional level.

One of the most powerful variations of The Connection Process that we can do with intention, is to do The Connection Process specifically on one of these three levels. To do this, we simply set the intention and attune to the specific aspect of the person that we want to journey into and allow the journey to follow that intention. For example, we may decide we want to connect to someone’s body. We can decide to do this process on the whole of their physical body as an entity, or we could decide to do it on one specific part of them, like their heart or blood or skin or liver. We may feel at some point during the process that what they need is physical touch of some kind. We can ask them if they are open to receiving physical touch at this time in conjunction with taking our consciousness into their body. If they say yes, we can give them that touch that they are starving for. If they say no, we can simply progress with our consciousness alone, allowing our consciousness to be the thing that is touching their body.

Another example is that we can decide to connect with someone’s essence. Experiencing someone’s essence is a bit like experiencing a specific current within the ocean. On a felt based level, it will feel powerful and unique, however it is much closer to the frequency of Source itself and so it will feel omnipotent and eternal. A person’s essence is the part of them that transcends who they are in this single life. It goes beyond their human identity in this life, beyond life and death. It contains multiple lifetimes and contains the big picture of their current life as well as why this singular life was chosen in the first place. This is what we are feeling when we say that we feel someone’s soul.

Like anything, the more you practice this process, the easier it becomes. You will eventually get to the point where you do not need to sit down across from someone and extend a conscious effort in order to see their inner world unless you want to. Instead, their inner world will begin to come to you like an offering from the depths of their soul to yours. The minute you meet someone, you will see images and feel sensations and hear things that are part of their inner world. You will be able to journey into this world without them consciously knowing that you are even doing it. Do not worry however because it is not a violation. Those who do not wish to be discovered will make it known to you. It will be as easy to sense and see that lack of permission about them, as it is to see any other part of a person’s personal truth. But people who do not wish to be discovered are the extreme rarity on this planet. Most people are desperate to be known and connected to, they just have no idea how to get other people to know them or to connect with them. But now … You do.