Chapter Two

chapter art

Tools of the Trade

Preparing for Takeoff

It’s far easier to become an expert at a subject if you have the right tools, complete with instructions. The purpose of this chapter is to equip you with the basic concepts and techniques required to become a master clairvoyant.

Many people keep the best for last; not me. Right off, I’m going to teach you the most important technique that you need to know. Called Spirit-to-Spirit, this process will assist you through every clairvoyant endeavor. After I relay this practice, I’ll put you to work by walking you through Spirit-to-Spirit in an exercise designed to awaken your sixth chakra, the home of the most colorful psychic visions.

Next, I’ll discuss the all-important matter of subtle energetic boundaries. The more parameters you establish, the safer you are. The more secure you feel, the more expansive your clairvoyant gifts can afford to be. After our boundary conversation, I will acquaint you with the second most vital clairvoyant practice, which I call Healing Streams of Grace. You’ll combine Spirit-to-Spirit and Healing Streams of Grace to cleanse and create boundaries. Both techniques, Spirit-to-Spirit and Healing Streams of Grace, are more fully described in Subtle Energy Techniques, the first book in this series.

Now for the nitty-gritty: How can you figure out what clairvoyant images mean? You “qualify a vision,” or assess the factors involved in the vision. Most commonly, you have to contextualize the vision and figure out what each component means. Steps include figuring out if the vision is being received voluntarily or involuntarily (sought out or simply given) or descriptive or prescriptive (providing raw data or guidance).

With this knowledge in mind, you can hammer out additional factors, such as deciding if the vision is literal or metaphorical, determine the vision’s source, and assessing point of view. In addition, you might distinguish which of three basic time periods are involved and more. After explaining these concepts, I’ll provide a set of handy questions that will help you decipher a clairvoyant perception and search for additional insights. But first, let me introduce you to the number-one technique involved in clairvoyant interactions.

Technique One


Spirit-to-Spirit is a three-part process that accomplishes several goals in relation to clairvoyance. It calls forth only the highest visions and interpretations, it allows you to interact with only the best parts of others, and it surrenders the entirety of a clairvoyant process to the only completely trustworthy source or guide: the Spirit. “The Spirit” is the term I use to describe the Holiest of Holies, which you might call Christ, God, Allah, Kwan Yin, the Goddess, the Holy Spirit, the Universe, the Divine, or even the Goodness in Humanity. After the Spirit takes over your clairvoyant process, it might turn the reins over to divinely approved spiritual guides or even to your own memory banks. The point is that it’s always best to operate from the top down rather than from the bottom up.

Spirit-to-Spirit can be used when meditating, praying, or asking for a vision. You can also use it to gain knowledge of a vision you have received previously. It can be applied to any of the six clairvoyant styles, and, no matter what, it invites only the most positive outcome for any clairvoyant process.

The method is simple and involves these three steps:

Step One: Affirm Your Personal Spirit. Your spirit is your essential self, the eternal part of you that has existed since time began. Your spirit is loving and prudent and is only going to let you receive, create, or send clairvoyant perceptions that will be safe and healthy for you on every level, including physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Sometimes our less wholesome aspects might indulge in less than savory or unhealthy visions, but that’s not the case with our spirit, which will only interact intelligently.

To conduct this step, it’s helpful to create an image or symbol you can use when performing Spirit-to-Spirit. You might envision yourself as an angel, star, light, flame, bird, or flower. Select a picture that assures you only your highest and wisest self is acting clairvoyantly.

Step Two: Affirm Others’ Spirits. This step guarantees that you’re only going to mingle with the most conscious part of others, whether they are people, animals, otherworldly beings, or any other entity or force. Why is this important to do? There are negative aspects of other people and beings, which often can be intrusive clairvoyantly. Step two of Spirit-to-Spirit makes sure you only communicate with the best part of a person or group you’re interacting with, as well as their invisible connections. As with the previous step, you might want to create a picture, image, or color to hold in mind when acknowledging others’ spirits. For instance, you can envision others as angels or beings wearing white cloaks.

Step Three: Affirm the Spirit. Through this step, you are surrendering all clairvoyant activity to the Spirit. This allows the Spirit to do the following:

To acknowledge the Spirit, you can create a picture that will do the job for you. Many people like to use a visual such as a white flame, a dove, Christ, the Buddha or another iconographic image, or the sun. Select a depiction of the Spirit that suits your religion or beliefs.

The best way to learn Spirit-to-Spirit is to practice it. The following exercise is designed to help you do just that.

Awakening Your Third Eye

Through Spirit-to-Spirit

There’s no better way to become skilled at Spirit-to-Spirit than to use it for a great reason. In the following exercise you’ll be activating your third eye, or sixth chakra, in order to make available (or more available) your classical clairvoyance. Remember, this is the type of sight that involves seeing colors and sometimes shapes and other images.

Because your imagination uses many of the same mechanics as does your psychic visioning, I’m going to put your imagination to use. We’ll be visiting the Wizard of Oz to make this exercise accessible and enjoyable.

Step One: Perform Spirit-to-Spirit. Acknowledge your personal spirit, the spirits of the spiritual beings helping with this process, and the Spirit.

Step Two: Focus on Your Third Eye. Bring your awareness to your third eye, or the sixth chakra, which is located between your eyes. Breathe deeply and ask the Spirit to activate this chakra so it can be used safely and wisely for your clairvoyant processes. Remain focused on your brow until you feel like the Spirit has cleaned and attuned this chakra.

Step Three: Ask for Oz. Request that the Spirit grant you an image of the Emerald City, which is resplendently green and shiny. Spend a few minutes exploring this magical city. Observe the various shades of green and other colors. Search for the City’s dwellers, such as people, animals, and various magical beings. Then ask to psychically perceive the all powerful Oz. What does he look like? Know that as you focus on the Wizard, the Spirit is attuning your sixth chakra.

Step Four: Close. Once you feel complete with the process, take a few deep breaths and ask the Spirit to return you to your everyday life.

Accept whatever you viewed. Next you’ll learn about one of the most important concepts involved in clairvoyance—boundaries.

Subtle Boundaries

A Clairvoyant’s Protection

Subtle energy boundaries are psychic parameters that filter incoming and outgoing information, both subtle and physical. The most important boundaries are your auric fields, which we discussed in the last chapter. Each layer acts like a filter for its related chakra. Because of this, clairvoyant success is dependent on having proper energetic boundaries—not only in relationship with your sixth chakra, but with any of the chakras you are going to interconnect with while pursuing or interpreting a clairvoyant vision.

What happens if your boundaries are too thin? You could become easily overwhelmed by visions or other mystical information. You can easily take in inapplicable or even harmful data. As a case in point, I once worked with a man named Jason who was devastated by his clairvoyant gift. He yearned to totally shut it down. From a young age he had received premonitions of horrifying situations in his nightly dreams. Most visions came true, and he hadn’t been able to prevent any of them. As you might suspect, he struggled with insomnia.

During our time together, I helped Jason switch off the negative futuring and open to only positive and uplifting dreams. We used Spirit-to-Spirit and the technique featured next, Healing Streams of Grace, to accomplish this goal. It worked. His insomnia disappeared.

Yet another client was consistently awash with others’ feelings, as well as images that illuminated the causes of their emotions. She was constantly on edge and felt guilty for “psychically spying,” even though she wasn’t trying to peer into others’ lives. We used the Establishing Energetic Boundaries exercise, which you’ll be shown in this chapter. This process enabled her to separate herself from others. As a result, her clairvoyance began to inspire her with visions that helped herself rather than intruded on others.

What happens if your boundaries are too thick or impenetrable? You might not get any clairvoyant images. One of my friends was frustrated because no matter what he did, he never received a vision. After conducting the Establishing Energetic Boundaries exercise on page 55, he started to dream in color. After a while, he then began receiving visions when meditating. The clairvoyant images increased in frequency over time. His boundaries needed to loosen up, whereas Jason’s needed to shift.

Adjoining Spirit-to-Spirit with Healing Streams of Grace enables healthy boundaries and clairvoyant empowerment, as you’ll soon see.

Technique Two

Healing Streams of Grace

Healing Streams of Grace is a cornerstone process for interacting clairvoyantly. The foundation of this process is the recognition that the Spirit emanates endless waves of grace. I define grace as love that empowers positive change.

The easiest way to understand the healing streams of grace—which I’ll also refer to as “the streams,” “healing streams,” or “streams of grace”—is as beams of light shining from the sun. The sun is the Spirit, and the arms of light, or healing streams of grace, are extensions of the Spirit’s love. These streams are constantly available in whatever form is required. If there is a need, the stream is delivered and will remain attached as long as it is beneficial.

How and why might you call upon the healing streams? Imagine that you wake in terror because you dreamed that a friend is going to be stricken ill. What would you do? My suggestion would be to immediately conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. Once connected with the Spirit, ask that it send healing streams to your friend. The required streams will be brought to your friend and remain as long as needed. You can also ask for streams to help you return to sleep.

Healing streams can remove blocks to receiving visions, transform different chakric energies into a picture, erase a negative vision, write words under an image, or serve as your response to a vision. You’ll be shown these and the dozens of important applications of the healing streams in chapters 3 through 8.

Want to use the healing streams for an important purpose? The following exercise will help you experiment with Spirit-to-Spirit and Healing Streams of Grace while establishing much-needed energetic boundaries.

Establishing Energetic Boundaries

This exercise will give you a quick way to cleanse and create subtle energy boundaries so that your auric field can act like a proper energetic filter. After walking through the steps enabling this protective measure, you’ll practice your sixth chakra visualization.

Step One: Perform Spirit-to-Spirit. Affirm your personal spirit, others’ spirits, and the Spirit.

Step Two: Make Your Request. Ask the Spirit to send streams of grace through your auric field to cleanse and clean it. Know that these streams will remain connected to the individual fields that require additional purification or bolstering. Visualize beams of light flowing through your energy field and feel the resulting effects.

Now ask the Spirit to heal your field and show you what it’s doing while performing this task. Through your sixth chakra, psychically perceive the colors or shapes of the streams that are filling in any energetic holes or leaks. Watch as the streams knit together any gaping areas, even out blotchy areas, and execute any other needed maneuvers.

Step Three: Close. As soon as your surrounding boundaries appear strong and you feel safe, ask to perceive the color or colors that represent your personal spirit. In Chapter Three you’ll learn about the meaning of these colors. Right now, trust your sense of the colors that reflect you.

Watch as these signature colors emanate from your center like a beautiful fog that spreads throughout every corner of your being. These clouds of colors fill your auric field, assuring that you’ll only attract energies that support your signature self. Under pressure, you can always visualize these colors dispersing throughout your being, supporting wholeness and well-being.

Take a few deep breaths and return to your everyday state.

Now that you’ve experienced the ease with which you can purify and establish your boundaries—and also vitalize your true self—you are ready to learn about a few more vital clairvoyant matters.

An Eye for Discernment

What’s Involved in Clairvoyance?

One of the most fun (and challenging) truths about clairvoyance is that it is a multi-layered process. There are literally dozens of factors involved in receiving, interpreting, or sending a visual. A single vision, whether it’s first recognized as a psychic vision, a feeling, a dream, or an environmental sign, is like a poem. You can analyze it for surface value alone. Then again, you can plummet its depths, unlocking complexities as you excavate.

How do you accomplish a multifaceted analysis? The following example is based on an image I received when shopping.

I was aimlessly roaming around a grocery store when I inadvertently wondered what might happen that evening. I hadn’t performed Spirit-to-Spirit; I was simply musing. A picture popped into my mind of a happy little puppy wagging its tail.

Oh no, I thought. Was I about to inherit a stray dog? Or was the picture about my current huge companions? Although they are ninety pounds, each of my two dogs still acts like a puppy. In fact, Lucky, the yellow lab, will plop himself atop people as if he still weighs ten pounds. Then again, the picture could mean almost anything, maybe even represent a psychological issue. Perhaps I needed more play?

As this example reveals, a picture can take you in many different directions. Most of the time you have to dig to get to the meaning of an image. This is what I call “qualifying a vision.” Quite literally, you must examine the qualifiers, or factors, that compose a vision.

When you receive an image of any sort—psychically or environmentally—there are a number of factors you want to assess. As I describe each qualifier, think about how you might better develop your own “eye for discernment” in regard to clairvoyance. Along the way, I’ll keep returning to the puppy picture to explain the factors I’m describing. (And don’t worry. After using this example to make my points, I’ll tell you what the image really meant. You just have to wait until the end of the section.)

Voluntary or Involuntary Visions

Voluntary visions are those that you actively seek; involuntary ones come unbidden. The picture I received in the grocery store was involuntary, as I hadn’t been requesting it. The most common processes used to cultivate a vision include meditation, prayer, interactions with another person or spiritual guides, and even drawing. Most of this book is devoted to showing you how to actively formulate or obtain a vision. However, you’ll be shown how to analyze involuntary visions as well, although basically this is done in the same way as a vision received voluntarily.

Prescriptive or Descriptive Visions

Prescriptive visions reveal what must be done to make a correct decision. These visions might also suggest what could occur if we do “X” rather than “Y.” Because of the futuristic twist to these images, we’ll more thoroughly examine how to work with them in Chapter Seven. We’ll also nominally cover this topic in Chapter Four, in which we discuss prophetic visions, which are frequently prescriptive.

Descriptive images share information about attitudes, values, potentials, history, and facts. They provide data and insight. For instance, imagine that you are talking to a friend who is smiling but you sense that something isn’t right. Perhaps you walk through Spirit-to-Spirit and get a psychic image of her crying. You can adjust your attitude accordingly.

Sometimes you can’t tell if an image is prescriptive or descriptive. Was the picture of the puppy prescriptive? If so, I might have been getting a warning. Perhaps my son was going to bring home a new furry guest. Or was the image descriptive? In this case, the vision might have been indicating something needed by my current companions. The fun part of clairvoyance is that you always get to ask questions and obtain more visions to figure out matters like these.

Visions or Fantasies

When the puppy picture rolled into my mind’s eye, the first query I should have made, after conducting Spirit-to-Spirit, was this: “Is this a fantasy or a real vision?” We can absorb fantasies from others—people, natural beings, or spirits—or make them up ourselves. There is no substance to a fantasy; therefore, we don’t want to pay attention to them. Visions, however, aren’t concocted. They are messages, and as such they are worth analyzing. The tell-tale difference between the two is that we can change or distort fantasies with our imagination, but we can’t alter an actual clairvoyant image. We can obtain additional visions, but we can’t reform a true vision.

Back to the grocery store. If I were on top of my clairvoyance, I might have tried to turn the pictured puppy into something else, maybe a horse or a dragon. If I could have modified the puppy, the image was probably a fantasy, my own or someone else’s. But if the puppy image remained the same, then it would qualify as a true vision worth deciphering.

Literal or Figurative

An image might be literal, metaphorical, or a mix of both. Perhaps the puppy image was literal. In this case, it might have represented one of my true-life dogs or an incoming visitor. The picture could have been metaphorical, however. As such, it could have depicted an aspect of myself or of one of my dogs. Then again, the picture might have been both literal and metaphorical. Maybe it was showing a “literal Lucky” at an earlier age and metaphorically inferring that his inner nature hasn’t changed.

It’s critical to distinguish between realistic and metaphorical images, especially in relation to characters in an image. As an example, I was conducting a session for a client and saw a psychic picture of my father walking around. My father is deceased; however, my father literally could have showed up as a guide to give insight to my client. However, the image of my father also could have been a metaphor, stirring the client into thinking about their own father. When practicing your clairvoyance in this book, you’ll be encouraged to ask your own spirit, the guides, or the Spirit if an image is literal or metaphoric. The answer might come via additional images or through other means, such as a verbal or empathic response, as well as by using other techniques. These processes will be taught to you in this book.


Sourcing is a verb that refers to identifying the source of a vision. It’s vital to know if a vision comes from a trustworthy rather than an untrustworthy source. Basically, you want to pay attention to those which are divinely inspired and ignore the ones that aren’t divinely approved. For instance, the puppy image might have been sent by the Spirit—or maybe by a negative entity that wanted to scare me into thinking I have three more years of raising a new puppy. Then again, I could have picked up on someone else’s psychic radio frequency; perhaps a little first grader in the store was fantasizing about getting a puppy.

There are near-infinite numbers of sources. In a nutshell, the two fundamental source categories are the following:

Worldly or Otherworldly: Worldly sources include living people, animals, plants, or other natural beings, and also aspects of yourself or others, such as an inner child or part of the soul. Otherworldly sources include the deceased, spiritual guides, masters, ghosts, angels, or interfering or negative entities or energies, which I often call “dark forces” or “interference.” The basic difference is that worldly sources are alive, and otherworldly sources aren’t clothed in flesh and blood.

Spirit-Approved or Not: Essentially, you only want to interface with sources of images and interpretative insights that are approved by the Spirit. The reason I use the Spirit-to-Spirit technique is to place the Spirit in charge of gathering the guidance allowed to create, interpret, or deliver an image. Know that it’s never too late to conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. Perhaps you have a confusing dream one night. In the morning you can conduct Spirit-to-Spirit to request an interpretive vision.

Time Periods

An image can reflect any number of time periods. In fact, images sent in a sequence could each reflect a different time period. Because the time period noted will steer your analysis, you’ll want to get clear about this matter.

There are three basic time periods that an image can portray. These are as follows:

Back Sight: Also called hindsight, back sight visions are historical. They can show a situation that actually occurred in this life, a past life, or in between lives, but they may also indicate what could have happened if the storyline had played out differently.

Current Sight: What is happening in the present? As upfront as this question might be, there are many types of current-day realities. A picture could connote your own or anyone else’s present-day life as well as images from a parallel reality. Parallel realities are worlds that are co-created alongside this one. As an example, I once dreamed about a life I was living in a different plane of existence, although I was Cyndi on Earth. In the parallel life I was killed. As I clairvoyantly watched that parallel self shift into my this-life self, I could feel that “other Cyndi’s” feelings and also gain her life’s wisdom.

Future Sight: Clairvoyance frequently offers images of the future. The complication involves figuring out if the provided image is a destiny point (a certainty that will happen no matter what), a probability (something that will most likely occur), a possibility (an event that might happen), or a warning (something that either will, should, could, or shouldn’t happen). All these future-sight options and more are addressed in Chapter Seven.

Additional Types of Sight

In addition to the types of sights listed above, there are additional ones; several can apply to any time period. They are as follows:

Insight: Clairvoyant pictures don’t always relate to a time period. Sometime they contain advice or wisdom that is universally applicable.

Half Sight: Some images are partial, meaning that they only reveal a small facet of a message. For instance, I once received a half-sight image of a man a client would meet. All I could see were his shoes—they were hunting boots. My client was a corporate executive; the people in her life only wore dress shoes. When she met a man wearing hunting boots at a café, she was thrilled. Because of the half-sight image, she dated him. Now they are married. It wasn’t important to see a full-sight picture, which I describe next. She only needed a clue to select her right mate.

Full Sight: Pictures that reveal an overarching message are called full-sight visions. What’s the difference between half-sight and full-sight pictures? Imagine that you ask for an image to show you what city to live in. You picture a city on a map in your mind’s eye. This image is a full-sight image. Perhaps you next want to know which suburb—or block—would be best to search for a house. A half-sight image will serve as a telescope to zoom in on the answer.

One of the reasons that it’s important to know about all the different types of sights is that you can take charge of the process. Imagine that you are trying to figure out the cause of a problem and you are shown your six-year-old self. However, you don’t know the specific event. You can use Spirit-to-Spirit and request more data. There are any number of responses you might receive. A part of the first picture might become clearer, showing you the context of a positive or negative event. As well, your “telescopic vision” could zoom in on a clarifying aspect of the image or you could be shown a second image.

Okay, so what did the puppy image that I received in the grocery store end up meaning? I actually figured it out within a few minutes of seeing it. When standing near the cantaloupe stand, I ran through the possibilities I’ve covered in this chapter to date. I already knew I was working with an involuntary image, so I used Spirit-to-Spirit to figure out if the vision was literal or figurative. Basically, I tried to change the image of the puppy, but it held true. I was dealing with a real-life puppy.

Then I requested to know if the picture was prescriptive or descriptive. I saw words under the image (you’ll learn how to access this tool in Chapter Six). Based on what I read, I knew the vision related to the future.

The question still remained: Should I even pay attention to this picture? One way to respond to that query is to assess the source. In my head—no, I wouldn’t be caught muttering to myself in a grocery store—I posed this question. I have a special way to verify that the source is the Spirit, using a tip I provided you earlier in this chapter. To me, the Spirit looks like a glowing golden light in the frame of an image. This light appeared next to the puppy. Okay, the puppy image came from the Spirit, or was at least Spirit-approved.

Finally, I used the technique “Expand the Image” on page 229 to obtain further information. The edges of the puppy picture seemed to expand. As the borders extended, I could see the puppy outside of the grocery store, near the exit. The exit and entrance are on different sides of the store. After purchasing my groceries, I walked outside. There was a stand with a woman and a puppy. The woman was fundraising for a dog shelter. I gave money, as that seemed to be what I was being divinely inspired to do.

Why did the Spirit even bother to provide a precursor image, since the fundraising stand and the puppy were already positioned outside of the store? Well, if anyone understands us, it’s God. I’m constantly in a rush. Upon finishing my shopping, I probably would have run right by the fundraiser to accomplish my next task. The puppy image forced me to slow down and do the right thing.

There is yet another consideration to be aware of when qualifying or analyzing a vision. It’s called point of view, and I’m covering this topic next. You’ll actually get to practice the art of perceiving and changing points of view before the next chapter, just to get this activity under your belt.

Point of View

The Roving Eye

One of the most important considerations in clairvoyance involves distinguishing between points of view. Once you’ve figured out how to qualify a point of view, you can then change the point of view to obtain more precise or desirable information.

In a nutshell, point of view is the lens through which you observe a situation. Remember English class, when you were told to analyze literature via point of view? Well, that lesson is going to haunt you. The only difference between an author’s point of view and a clairvoyant point of view is that you are the storyteller—or at least the story viewer interpreting the tale.

When perceiving a vision, your “eyes,” whether inner or external, will see in one of four ways: first person, second person, third-person limited, or third-person omniscient. When experiencing a first-person vision, you are in a situation and watching it through your own eyes. As such, you are the main interpreter of what is occurring. The benefit of first person is that you can figure out what the “you” in the vision thinks or feels. For instance, imagine that you are replaying an event that scared you when you were four years old. In a first-person vision you’ll re-experience the situation as that four-year-old. In this way you can validate that self’s experience and better address it when you return to your adult state.

When envisioning through the second-person point of view, your “physical” self is in a vision, but your “eyes” are outside of the vision, watching yourself. You’re the observer of yourself, although you can also see what others are doing. For instance, let’s say that you are trying to figure out if you want to travel with a new friend or not. You might psychically project into the future and observe how you will react to them when on vacation. You can use this analysis to make a smart decision. Basically, in a second-person vision you become an objective observer and can learn about yourself at a distance.

There are two third-person points of view. Third-person limited involves viewing all components of a psychic vision from a detached space, as if watching television. This point of view helps you perceive how everything and everyone fits together—including the self in a vision, if you are in it—from a surface perspective, like cogs and wheels. On the other hand, third-person omniscient is the God point of view. No matter who or what is featured in the vision, including yourself, you can dip into the minds, feelings, and souls of all involved. Third-person omniscient is an ideal point of view for gathering insights and understandings.

The table below will help you better comprehend the difference between the various points of view:

First Person

You are in the vision and watching everything and everyone through your own eyes.

Second Person

You are watching yourself while outside of yourself and are focused only on yourself, though others might be present.


You are on the outside looking at what’s occurring in the vision. You may or may not be in the vision.

Third-Person Omniscient

You are on the outside looking in, but you can see into and relate with everything and everyone. Omniscient allows you to fully comprehend the motives, feelings, beliefs, and needs of everyone and everything in a vision, including yourself, if you’re in the vision.

Changing Visual Points of View

In the following exercise, you will center in your sixth chakra while experiencing hindsight, the art of perceiving the past. In order to gain additional information about that historical moment, you’ll also switch points of view.

Prepare: Find a serene place in which to conduct this exercise.

Step One: Perform Spirit-to-Spirit. Affirm your essential spirit, others’ spirits, and the Spirit. Know that the Spirit will continually cleanse and sustain your subtle boundaries throughout this exercise, delivering streams of grace throughout all aspects of your being.

Step Two: Center in Your Sixth Chakra. Ask the Spirit to hold you within your sixth chakra. Now request that the Spirit assist you with activating and enabling your third-eye psychic activity while managing the ensuing process.

Step Three: Select a Situation. Choose a situation from the past that you’d like to better understand. Select one that involves at least one other person besides yourself.

Step Four: Relate Through First-Person Point of View. Review the situation as if living it again. You will re-experience it through the body you had at that time, seeing the event through your long-ago eyes. Sense and feel how you are reacting to this event.

Step Five: Relate Through Second-Person Point of View. Now exit your long-ago self and pretend to be a mouse in the corner. Watch how the “you” in the situation is acting and interacting. What do your observations tell you about yourself and the long-term effects the situation has had on you?

Step Six: Relate Through Third-Person Limited. Expand your viewfinder so you can assess the entire situation as if you’re watching television. You aren’t particularly aligned with any of the characters, even the self from the past. What does this surface review reveal about the situation—and yourself?

Step Seven: Relate Through Third-Person Omniscient. It’s time to “play God.” You can view every character or part of the scene at will and also dive inside of all people, beings, or even objects in the situation. How does being omniscient help you comprehend the situation and how it has affected you?

Step Eight: Close. Spend a few minutes reflecting on what you’ve learned. What perspectives did you gather from each point of view? What is your main takeaway? Is there any forgiveness work you need to do? If so, ask the Spirit to send streams of grace to all concerned parties. Then take a few deep breaths and return to your everyday awareness.

As you can see, my examples reveal several techniques for taking charge of your clairvoyant process. Succinctly, you can do the following, asking for your own spirits, others’ spirits, or the Spirit to assist:

You’ll learn even more about how to accomplish these tasks throughout this book. The reason that I’ve emphasized the last suggestion, however, is that I’ve discovered that one of the most important factors for receiving and comprehending visions is to know what questions to ask myself, the guides, or the Spirit. That’s why I next offer a beginner’s list of the types of questions I employ when I’m interacting clairvoyantly.

Questions for Assessing a Vision

The following questions sum up the points made in this chapter to provide you a “cheat sheet” of questions pertinent to obtaining or analyzing a clairvoyant image. In parentheses I’ve labeled the qualifier that the question relates to. You’ll gather more questions as we move through this book. For instance, you’ll add futuristic questions in Chapter Seven. I’ll summarize all the points made so you have a complete list of questions in the Appendix A.

You’ll be learning how to understand or interpret these questions using the techniques featured in Chapter Three through Chapter Eight, though there are several ways that you’ll receive answers to prompting queries. As I’ve already suggested, changes might appear on the original image. You might receive a second image. Two of your best interpretive tools, however, are your common sense and memories. If your initial impression implies a certain meaning, go for it. If a depiction has held a specific meaning to you across time, it still will, even in a clairvoyant image. And you’ll need to trust your gut. If you ask a question such as, “Is this image literal or metaphorical?” (which is included in the following list), you might simply “know” the answer. As you play with these questions (starting on page 77) and those added to the collection throughout the book, you’ll also develop your own interpretive style.

I especially like the last question on page 78. In fact, most of the questions I ask in my head for a client are sent to me by the Spirit or spiritual guides. After all, receiving a helpful answer is often dependent on asking the correct leading question.

Having covered the most significant factors related to psychic visioning, you are now ready to plunge into the most active form of clairvoyance: classical clairvoyance. And that’s what you’ll do in the next chapter.

“Cheat Sheet” Questions


There are two main techniques you can use when receiving, interpreting, or sending a psychic vision: Spirit-to-Spirit and Healing Streams of Grace. These processes will assist you in qualifying a vision, or assessing the components to arrive at the correct interpretation. They can also help you establish subtle-energy boundaries (the protection needed to operate safely while being clairvoyant) and become actively involved in a visual process.

As per the qualifiers, after figuring out if you received a voluntary or involuntary vision, you can then assess for several other factors. These include identifying if a vision is prescriptive, descriptive, or both; fantasy or true; and literal or figurative. You can also evaluate for the source, time period, and type of a vision, such as insight, half sight, or full sight. Another important factor is checking for point of view. The upside of understanding the various points of view is that you can interpret a vision knowing what view you are using but also alter the viewpoint, thus gaining an additional perspective.

One of the tricks in clairvoyant analysis is to know what questions to ask to prompt further visioning, which is why you’ve been presented with a cheat sheet at the end of this chapter. We’ll add to this list as we go.
