Chapter Five

chapter art

Empathic Visioning

From Empathy to Vision

Much of our mystical knowledge is received empathically. Empathy is commonly defined as the ability to relate to someone or something else, but it’s actually a bit more complicated than that. Certainly, empathy involves sensing what’s occurring with others, but it also includes relating to parts of ourselves—body, mind, and soul—through our own bodily sensations.

We discussed one particular type of empathy in the last chapter: spiritual empathy. Through spiritual empathy, we receive values-based revelation. There are four additional types of empathy, each of which is housed in one of the seven in-body chakras. In this chapter we will specifically address these empathic styles, which are physical, feeling, mental, and relational.

Kinesthetic awareness makes us human and can call forth the best of our humanity, including compassion and care. But when we’re trying to figure out the source and meaning of empathic impression, it’s easy to feel lost—which is why it’s so great to turn empathic sensations into pictures.

Is that pain in your toe caused by too-tight shoes? Or is your toe “sharing” a message, say, that you need to step forward and take more chances?

How about a churning gut? Are your intestines sour because you’ve done something distasteful or because they’ve absorbed someone else’s emotions?

Most people are highly empathic but struggle with defining the meaning of a sensation, whether it is primarily physical, emotional, mental, or relational. That’s where clairvoyance comes in. By transforming an empathic knowing into a psychic vision, you can better understand and analyze the sensation. You can figure out if a feeling belongs to you or someone else. You can decide if it’s important to pay attention to a “knowing” or to let it go. You can mine for more data. Stated plainly, you can manage your empathic sensitivities rather than be governed by them.

In this chapter I’ll first explore two basic sources of empathic sensations, which are external or internal. I’ll then describe the four main types of empathic knowledge, providing examples of each and exploring their chakric and auric field relationships. Finally, I’ll share a number of exercises that will introduce clairvoyance into your empathic endeavors. The first exercise will help you separate your own sensations from those of others. The second can be used to transform internal empathic knowledge into a psychic vision, so you can work with it. I’ll also show you how to use drawing to explore empathic knowledge. To be empathic is a good thing, but how much better it is to actually understand what we’re sensing!

Empathic Knowledge

The Two Main Sources

“My main problem is that I can’t tell if I’m feeling my own feelings or someone else’s,” the young woman complained.

I know what that’s like; so do many people. Not only can it be challenging to differentiate between our own and others’ feelings, but we can also absorb others’ physical pains, illnesses, motivations, mental chatter, belief systems, relational knowledge, and healing needs. For example, I once worked with a man who was experiencing aches and pains at night but never during the day. The throbbing sensations moved around his body, creating tender areas that hurt all night long. Sometimes he would cry as well, but he never knew what he was processing. He’d had an easy childhood and was therefore emotionally balanced. As well, he had no obvious illness. So what could be the cause of the strange sensations?

I conducted Spirit-to-Spirit and asked for an image to explain the man’s pain. I envisioned a woman sleeping next to him. I assumed that this woman was his wife. He did too.

I asked if his wife experienced physical pain at night, and the client said that she didn’t. I knew that this wasn’t a fait accompli, however. Empathically, sensations can pass from one person or being to another. In these cases, the originator is often freed from their sensations. So I requested another picture from the Spirit. This time I saw a car accident.

The client stated that his wife had been in an accident during their first year of marriage. Though the event was violent, his wife had never seemed too physically or emotionally impacted by it. Upon prompting, the husband admitted that his pain and anguish had started after her accident. Most likely, my client had absorbed his wife’s pain as a subconscious way to care for her.

We absorb others’ energies in the same way that we take in any psychic or subtle energy, as explained in Chapter One. We can’t process energies that aren’t our own. Once stuck, the internalized energy can cause disease, psychological trauma, confusion, healing challenges, and spiritual maladies, among other problems.

I explained how energetic absorption works to my client. It made sense to him. We then used a version of the Visually Releasing the Empathic Energies of Others exercise (presented later in this chapter) to help him picture the pain and release it. Subsequently, his nighttime aching stopped. Gradually, his wife started to physically and emotionally process the accident. Because the exercise employs healing streams of grace to return energy to its owner, the pain was easily and safely reintegrated in the wife. The truth is that we do someone a favor by sending their energy back to them. We all have something to learn from everything.

The example just provided demonstrates what occurs when an empathic sensation is made up of another’s internalized energy. Empathic impressions can also originate inside ourselves. In this case, they involve the communication from a physical, emotional, mental, or relational aspect of ourselves to the rest of us.

For instance, I had a client come to see me because she awoke every morning with a sore shoulder. She’d been to one doctor after another, including a chiropractor, all of whom tried different remedies. Nothing made a difference.

When this client came to see me, I had her take a few minutes and concentrate on the shoulder. She imagined that it was morning, and immediately her shoulder started to ache. I then used a version of the exercise found in this chapter, Transforming an Empathic Sensation into a Psychic Vision, to help her convert the soreness into a psychic image.

She envisioned her grandfather, who had died when she was ten. She’d been particularly close to her grandfather, who had been a mystic. He had used symbols to perform healing work. One morning before he died her grandfather had whispered, “I’m going to leave you my legacy” and clutched her shoulder.

After sharing this information, my client blanched. “Do you think I’ve been feeling—his legacy?”

I suggested that my client was feeling her grandfather’s “charge” every morning. Maybe the pain would clear up if she started intuitively bringing through her grandfather’s knowledge? I had my client awaken every morning and ask for pictures relaying her grandfather’s mystical legacy. I also asked her to sketch the images and write about them. She followed my advice.

When she returned in a month, she had filled out several notepads with drawings of symbols as well as information. Her shoulder had completely stopped hurting. Having delivered the message, her shoulder didn’t need to “speak” anymore. My client decided to write a book of her grandfather’s esoteric knowledge.

So far, I’ve made two important points. The first is that the body can psychically take on energy from others and experience the information as empathic sensations. The sources of this energy can be other individuals but also any living being, including animals, plants, celestial forms, otherworldly beings, and objects. The second vital point is that empathic sensations can be communiqués from ourselves to ourselves. A gurgling stomach might mean nothing more than that we’re hungry—then again, it might be explaining something important to us.

In order to apply clairvoyance in the empathic arena, it’s beneficial to differentiate between the four main ways of being kinesthetic. Let’s take a look at these four empathy styles.

The Four Forms of Empathy

How We Know What We Know

What do all those bodily sensations mean? We all get them—a medley of physical, feeling, mental, and relational perceptions. These empathic sensations occur constantly and show that we are receiving communications from outside and inside of ourselves. You only need to analyze them, however, when they are especially strong, recurrent, problematic, or wondrous.

Every one of the four main empathic styles is managed by a distinct chakra and its corresponding auric field, is vulnerable to absorbing energy from others, and serves as a vessel for empathic messages for and from the self. As I more thoroughly describe these four styles, pay attention to which you might experience the most frequently. You can refer back to the information about the chakras in Chapter One for additional chakra and auric field–based information.

Physical Empathy
(First Chakra and Auric Field)

The first chakra and auric field manage safety and security issues and all aspects of your physical and material existence. The related intuitive faculties are equally physical in nature. Through physical empathy, you can sense messages from the external world and from your physical self. These experiences are packaged as physical sensations, aches and pains, illness, waves of heat and cold, and bodily areas of pleasure. You might also receive psychic impressions sensed as touch, smell, taste, and other sensory stimulation. As well, physical empathy includes relating to the environment and objects. You might know what is happening inside of animals, plants, the earth, and the stars, and also pick up on energy emanating from an object. You may sense the physical states experienced by an aspect of yourself or another person or being, such as an inner child.

Feeling Empathy
(Second Chakra and Auric Field)

The chakra and auric field governing feeling empathy monitors our own and others’ feelings, as well as creative efforts and expressions. When engaged in this type of empathy, you can pick up others’ feelings and also relate to your own. Sources of feelings aren’t restricted to other people or the self; they can also include sub-aspects of the self and others, otherworldly beings, and beings of nature.

Mental Empathy
(Third Chakra and Auric Field)

Want a thought or mental awareness, anyone? Mental empathy is resourced in the subtle structures devoted to beliefs, thoughts, mentality, and personal power. Because of this, mental empaths can relate to others’ thoughts, motivations, deep-seated fears, prejudice, and goals. “Others” include people and their sub-aspects but also beings of nature and otherworldly characters. Empathic messages can also reference your own thoughts or motivations and truest desires and beliefs. These self-based messages can often be used to create a structure for success and increase self-esteem and self-confidence.

Relational Empathy
(Fourth Chakra and Auric Field)

There are two main empathic abilities demonstrated by relational empaths, the gift housed in the fourth chakra and field. In a nutshell, relational empaths can sense their own and others’ relational and healing needs and love- based desires. Sources for this information include people but also esoteric and natural forces and beings. Relational empaths are often inspired to serve as healers or to make a difference in the lives of others.

Do you relate to any—or all—of these descriptions? Then you’ll appreciate being able to perform two major activities. The first is to distinguish between your own and others’ empathic sensations, and the other is to figure out how to interpret empathic messages. Exercises aimed at accomplishing these and similar goals finish out the rest of this chapter.

Figuring Out the Ownership
of an Empathic Sensation

How do you know if that sensation belongs to you or not? In some cases, empathic energy is made up of your own and another’s energy, and you need to know this too.

This exercise will help you determine the nature of an empathic sense. If indicated, you can follow up by conducting one or both of the next exercises, Visually Releasing the Empathic Energies of Others and Transforming an Empathic Sensation into a Psychic Vision. To conduct this process, follow these very simple steps.

Prepare: It’s easiest to undergo this exercise in a private and quiet space. In a pinch, you can do it anywhere. To perform this exercise on the fly, in public, or during a conversation, ask for healing streams of grace to create subtle boundaries. In this way, you’ll be secure while interacting in a tough or compelling situation.

Step One: Conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. Acknowledge your own spirit, the spirits of those present (seen and unseen), and the Spirit. Ask that the Spirit take charge of this entire process.

Step Two: Focus. Concentrate on the physical, emotional, mental, or relational sensation you are experiencing. Breathe into the bodily area or the related chakra. You can use the tips in the next section to select a focal point.

Step Three: Request an Image. This is the most important part of the exercise. Draw a box in your mind and picture a vertical line going down the middle. Now select a color to represent another’s empathic energies and a different color to exemplify your own empathic energies.

Ask the Spirit to perform two tasks. The first is to fill in the left side of the box with the color indicating another’s energies. The second is to fill in the right side of the box with the color signifying your own energies. Left and right are determined by your own viewpoint. The sides of the box may or may not fill in completely—or at all.

For amounts of any other proportion, work with one or each of the two exercises already recommended to gain empathic knowledge. You can also use the exercise Drawing Empathically on page 181 to work with either side of the box.

Step Four: Close. Thank the Spirit and all helpers for assisting you with this process.

Additional Tips

Selecting a Focus for
an Empathic Sensation

How do you know what to focus on when conducting an exercise involving empathic sensations? Following are a few tips that might help:

Isolate the Pain, Pleasure, or Numb Area: You’ll want to bring your consciousness to the bodily area that reverberates with a physical sensation. Sometimes, however, a bodily area is numb or lacking feeling and you’ll want to focus on this site. You can always deliberate on the first chakra location in the coccyx, genitalia, or hip area if you can’t pinpoint a particular physical site.

Feel the Feeling: If you are aware of an emotional distress in a bodily or chakra area, bring your attention there. Trust your body to guide you. If you’re in doubt about the exact location of a feeling, attend to the second chakra.

Know What You Know: We might think that we should focus on our head if we’re flooded with mental chatter or unnerving ideas, but I encourage you to interact with your third chakra instead. Located in the solar plexus and mid back, this site disseminates our own and others’ mental gossip, fears, and anxieties.

Be Who You Are: Issues related to relationships or healing always involve the heart. Center on the heart area if an empathic energy involves love at any level.

Use a Focus Stone: If you can’t figure out what part of the body or system to relate to, hold a stone and picture the body’s empathic energy pouring into it. I recommend using a clear or pink quartz stone, as both are pure energetic containers and won’t taint what they receive. Now assume that the stone will reveal relevant and psychic clairvoyant messages to you. You can also ask that healing streams flow from the stone into you or anyone else.

Visually Releasing the
Empathic Energies of Others

The easiest way to release an empathic sensation that isn’t your own is to first request a psychic picture, classical or prophetic, to explain why the energy is stuck in you. The second step is to employ healing streams. Via the streams, the Spirit will heal your issues, fill in holes left by the returned energy, and gently reintegrate another’s energy back to them.

Sometimes you’ll be able to decipher the origin of the empathic energy and sometimes not. This exercise will work either way.

Prepare: Find a quiet place for this practice. If you need to perform it in public or quickly, ask for healing streams to support your energetic boundaries.

Step One: Conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. Affirm your spirit, all other spirits, and the Spirit. If you’ve already conducted the Figuring Out the Ownership of an Empathic Sensation exercise shared earlier, picture the Spirit lifting the other’s energy out of the left side of the psychic box. If you haven’t conducted that exercise but know that the empathic sensation isn’t your own, ask the Spirit to encapsulate the other’s energy.

Step Two: Ask for an Image. Request that the Spirit form the other’s energy into a psychic image that you can relate to. The picture might be classical or prophetic. Now ask that Spirit reveal insight or provide additional images, responding to questions like these:

Step Three: Let Go of the Other’s Energy. When ready, give permission for the Spirit to return the other’s energy to them. Request that any resulting holes inside your body, chakras, or fields be restored with healing streams.

If attachments are involved, you’ll notice that the healing streams disintegrate the attachments, dissipating the cords, curses, or energy markers while sending grace to you and all involved parties. If you are using classical visioning, you might notice coloration changes. If your image is prophetic in nature, the vision will gradually turn light and white.

Remain in this process until you feel clear.

Step Four: Close. Take a few moments and thank everything and everyone for aiding you. Then return to your normal life when ready.

Transforming an Empathic Sensation
into a Psychic Vision

What if an empathic sensation is a message from yourself to yourself? By transforming the sensation into a psychic vision, you can get the message and respond to it.

Prepare: Find a quiet place and relax. Take a few deep breaths and focus on the empathic sensation calling attention to itself.

Step One: Conduct Spirit-to-Spirit. Acknowledge your own spirit, the spirits of all involved, and the Spirit.

Step Two: Focus on the Sensation. With the Spirit’s help, surrender to the sensation. Appreciate it. It contains a brilliant and vital message.

Step Three: Create an Image. Ask the Spirit to move the energy of the sensation into either your sixth or seventh chakra, thus changing the empathic energy into a classical or prophetic clairvoyant energy, respectively. As an image emerges, ask the Spirit to explain the empathic message. Use the techniques you’ve been taught in this book to better comprehend the meaning.

If it’s a classical picture, analyze for color, shape, location, time periods, source, points of view, and more. If you are observing a prophetic vision, examine the shades of black, white, and gray, and any other factor that seems important. Ask for additional explanatory images, change points of view, and even shift from classical to prophetic visuals or vice versa.

Step Four: Transform the Sensation. Ask the Spirit how to best respond to the message shared from the empathic sensation. Visions will appear to direct you. Once you’re clear about your personal responsibility, ask the Spirit to send streams of grace into the bodily and chakric regions that have been holding the empathic energy. Request that any unpleasant sensations be converted into neutral or positive energy. Know that these streams will remain connected as long as they are needed.

Step Five: Close. With appreciation for the assistance, breathe deeply and return to your everyday life.

Additional Tips

Receiving an Empathic Message
from Spirits

Sometimes an empathic impression contains a message sent by spiritual guidance, otherworldly beings, or the Spirit. For instance, I once tuned in to a client and smelled roses. I shared this with him, and he began to cry. An image of his recently deceased sister popped in his mind; her favorite flower had been roses. She used the scent to reach through the veils to communicate with him.

What if the source of an empathic impression is spiritual? After performing Spirit-to-Spirit, you can analyze this matter with the following questions:

Ask that your guidance provide any additional images needed and end this process when you feel done.

Additional Tip

Offering Insight to the Owner
of the Empathic Sensation

What if you are interacting with another person and are picking up on messages meant for—or emanating from—them? This occurs all the time to me, as I allow my body to relate to what’s occurring within a client.

Quite simply, I employ the same processes already shared in this chapter. I conduct Spirit-to-Spirit, request a bolstering of my energetic boundaries, and then ask the Spirit to transform the other’s energy into a psychic image that I can work with. I interact with the resulting image, whether it’s classical or prophetic. I ask questions inside of my head, figure out sourcing, alter viewpoints, and share the perceptions I receive with the other person. I also ask the other person if the images mean anything to them.

Once we’ve jointly arrived at an interpretation, I ask for healing streams from the Spirit. These clear the empathically received energies I’ve picked up, and they also provide solace and assistant to the client. Then I thank all the spirits involved for this amazing interaction.

Drawing Empathically

Releasing or Transforming
Empathic Sensations

This exercise teaches you how to draw your way into empathic understandings and changes.

Prepare: To conduct this exercise, gather paper and crayons, colored pencils, or even just a pencil.

Step One: Find a quiet place and perform Spirit-to-Spirit. Then focus on the bodily area in which you are sensing a physical, emotional, mental, or relational empathetic energy.

Step Two: Draw a line down the middle of the paper. Concentrate on the left side of the paper. It represents the energy of others. Follow your intuition and illustrate images, pictures, and the like that symbolize others’ energies. You might or might not have anything to sketch. After all, the empathic sensation might only contain your own energy.

If the left side of your paper fills up, take another piece of paper and keep sketching. Label the papers so you can keep track of them.

Step Three: Ask the Spirit to help you portray representations of personally empathic energies on the right side of the paper. Get it all out! If needed, use additional papers, labeling them. See what appears when you ask for clarification of the empathic message. You can skip this step if all the energy belongs to someone or something else.

Step Four: Grab a new sheet of paper. If another’s energy was involved in the empathic sensation, use the entire piece of paper to reflect the Spirit’s sharing of healing streams of grace. Then take a few moments and send personal blessings from your own spirit to the energy’s owner, even as they are released from you.

If the empathic energies are your own, compose an image revealing what you’ll feel, look, or be like once this energy has been completely transformed. Now sketch into the image the healing streams required to create the desired state. Add any other pictures needed, using additional sheets of paper, to enable transformation. When you are done, sense how different you feel.

Now that you’ve gained an understanding of the effect of empathy on your clairvoyance, it’s time to add another amazing trick of the trade that connects your verbal capabilities to your visual aptitude.

Additional Questions

Adding to Your Queue

What types of questions will assist you in using visioning to better understand empathic sensations? The following questions can be added to those at the end of chapters 2, 3, and 4:

  • Are the empathic sensations I’m feeling someone else’s?
  • Are the empathic sensations I’m feeling messages from spiritual sources?
  • Are the empathic sensations I’m experiencing from myself to myself?
  • Are there emotions, feelings, or understandings that can be turned into pictures to help me out?
    • Are they physical in nature?
    • Are they feelings-based in nature?
    • Are they mental in nature?
    • Are they relational in nature?
    • Are they a mix of the four empathic styles?


Empathy is the means of relating to the outside world, although empathic sensations felt in the body can also provide messages from ourselves to ourselves, as well as from spiritual guides and the Spirit.

There are four main types of empathic sensations, each of which relates to a different chakra and related auric field. These are physical sensations (connected to the first chakra and auric field), emotional sensations (associated with the second chakra and auric field), mental sensations (anchored in the third chakra and auric field), and relational sensations (lodged in the fourth chakra and auric field).

In this chapter you learned that an empathic sensation can either contain energy that doesn’t belong to you or energy that makes up a message (from yourself or spirits) that you need. You were shown several psychic visioning exercises useful for determining the nature of the empathic sensation and for returning or transforming it.
