
chapter art

I’ve traveled around the world to teach classes about energy healing and intuition. What’s the number one request made by students? They want to become more clairvoyant, a term that means “clear seeing.”

Clairvoyance is one of many mystical gifts—and what an astounding gift it is! Through clairvoyance, we perceive visions. They might be colorful, wild, scary, or black and white, but these images are uniquely able to provide insight, spiritual revelation, advice, and glimpses into the past, present, and future. These visions can be seen on your inner mind screen or even with your eyes.

Many people think that clairvoyance is relegated to seers, psychics, or gypsies, but it’s actually innate to us all. As I’ll relay in this book, everything is made of energy. Becoming more clairvoyant is simply a matter of learning how to better manage the particular energy that creates the kaleidoscope of images, sights, and visions that you can use to steer your life. As with any activity, being clairvoyant takes practice—and education. You’ll get both in this book, which is the second in the Cyndi Dale’s Essential Energy Library series.

How clairvoyant are you right now? Maybe your ability is comparable to a tight flower bud: it’s there but has yet to fully bloom. Perhaps your clairvoyance gift has already blossomed into a mature rose. Whatever the case, there is room to grow. In other words, this book has something for everyone, no matter your current level of development in the clairvoyant field. If you are already comfortable with energetic matters, you’ll feel right at home. My energy-based explanation of clairvoyance, as well as the included practices, can easily and quickly become extensions of your established expertise.

If you are a beginner, learning the concepts and techniques might sometimes seem comparable to acquiring a new language. I encourage you to stay with it. Your growth potential is enormous, as are the benefits available to you on this path. What if you are an experienced practitioner? What’s exciting is that I share one-of-a-kind processes that can be compared to panning for gold nuggets in a stream. You’ll glean fresh perspectives and practical tips with information that is unique to my practice.

For everyone, spending real time activating and honing your clairvoyance will gain you more precise images, deeper understandings, and spot-on interpretations. Even better, you’ll expand your clairvoyant repertoire, becoming adept at clairvoyant styles you might not even know exist—yes, there are six different clairvoyant styles or applications, and each accomplishes different goals. Some people are naturally talented in one style, some in several. For many individuals, accessing these various gifts is simply a matter of learning about and using them. In fact, a clairvoyant vision can appear through any of the means listed on the following page.

As extensive as this list is, it doesn’t even begin to relay everything that clairvoyance can accomplish. For instance, this gift of psychic visualization can connect you with the deceased or a child yet to be born. It can serve as a spaceship to travel in between lifetimes. It can be applied to healing and manifesting, decision-making and problem-solving, and even something as mundane as figuring out what to feed your dog. It can assist you with separating your energies from others and help you attract more love into your life. As well, this versatile gift can provide images and insights that are literal or symbolic, related to the past, present, or future, or belong to you or someone else. Your clairvoyance not only enables you to see into—and through—all things physical, psychological, and spiritual, but to perceive the truth of yourself.

Ways Clairvoyant Visions
Can Appear

  • a vivid nighttime dream or daydream
  • a spiritual revelation, shown in shades of black, white, and gray against a clear background or an etching depicting a person, object, or site
  • feelings and other sensations that can be turned into psychic images
  • colorful pictures or “movies” that spring onto your inner mind screen
  • imaginative images such as emojis and cartoons
  • signs and omens that appear in the environment
  • words that write themselves on your inner mind screen
  • a vision of something that has occurred or might happen
  • orbs or spherical balls of energy catching the eye
  • ghostly visitors seen with the eyes
  • meaningful images intuitively drawn on paper
  • landscapes and characters viewed while “traveling” outside of the body

I’m thrilled that you’re reading this book, for it’s ultimately a journey that can better every area of your life. I know. I’ve been enjoying this odyssey my entire life—and I love it. I employ my clairvoyance in everything I do, professionally and personally.

Professionally, I’m an intuitive practitioner and energy healer. As such, I have used my clairvoyant gift in every one of the 65,000 sessions I’ve conducted. Typically, every client session kicks off with a vision, which I usually perceive on my inner mind screen. Frequently I perceive an array of colors, which describe a client’s personality and gifts, and then the psychic pictures start rolling in. I might envision a client’s past life or peer into a possible future. I might envision the factors underlying an illness, get a warning about an addictive tendency, or figure out what is fun to them. I never know what I’m going to visualize, but it’s always interesting.

Other times, my clairvoyance operates through my eyesight. I’ve perceived angelic forms behind clients and also looming shadows. I’ve seen clients’ colorful auras and shining chakras. No matter what appears, I’ve learned to trust my clairvoyance and use the techniques showcased in this book to provide helpful interpretations.

My clairvoyance enhances my personal life, not only my work, as I frequently receive visions in my everyday life. One time, an image of my dog Honey popped onto my mind screen while I was running errands on an early Saturday morning. In the psychic vision, Honey was pawing at my son’s door. As soon as I saw the picture, I knew that Honey was tattling: my son had overslept his alarm. I hurried home and found out that was the case. It was a good thing that Honey had reached out, as my son had to take his ACT test. As this example shows, our clairvoyance can be a vital informant for our routine lives. After all, we are on this planet in order to fully experience the extraordinary in the ordinary—and vice versa.

How can you best awaken and develop your own clairvoyant gifts? Step into my parlor—or the “classroom” that is this book—and find out.

In Chapter One you’ll learn the basics about clairvoyance. I’ll first take you on a historical tour, revealing how clairvoyance has been used across time. Then I’ll give you several examples of the six major types of clairvoyance. This sampling will suggest ways that you can apply clairvoyance in your own life.

Next, you’ll be shown how clairvoyance actually works. Clairvoyance is an energetic endeavor. There are two major types of energy, subtle (psychic) and physical (sensory), and you’ll learn more about them in this section. Both types of energy contribute to clairvoyance, which employs your physical body but also two different subtle structures called the chakra system and the auric field. One particular subtle center, the sixth chakra—also called ajna in Hindu and the third eye in colloquial language—has been linked to clairvoyance for thousands of years. As you’ll discover, however, every chakra and auric field can be engaged to enhance your clairvoyant abilities. This fact will greatly magnify your clairvoyant powers.

In Chapter Two I’ll reveal several tools of the trade. You’ll immediately put these techniques to work to activate and employ your clairvoyant energy.

Thus prepared, you’re ready to fully engage the six forms of clairvoyance, and Chapter Three through Chapter Eight are about doing exactly that. Within each chapter I present specific concepts and techniques for evolving one of the six clairvoyant aptitudes. You will learn how to cultivate a colorful vision, open to spiritual revelation, transform empathic sensations into pictures, access words and sounds through visual means, read and manage the future, and perform healing and manifesting.

Along the way I’ll be helping you develop a set of questions you can use to cultivate, assess, and benefit from your clairvoyant visuals. In fact, the final list, shared in Appendix A, will be comprised of the questions given at the end of chapters 2 through 8. By the time you are finished with this book, you will have learned about and implemented a broad range of clairvoyant styles and know how to work with each.

Ready to dive into the pool of spirit-knowledge that is yours? Then let’s begin.
